Readers’ Guide

  1. Just as Sadie titles her own life story, what would be the title if you could name this season of your life? What lessons and experiences would it include?
  2. As a writer, a meaningful aspect of this book has been trying new things and exploring that experience with readers. Recently, I’ve had an amazing time learning how to rock climb which inspired the action side of Sadie’s story. What is something that you’ve never tried but have always wanted to?
  3. Similar to Sadie, I’ve been walking the road of singleness for most of my thirties. I’ve been through heartache and hope in each season, and it’s through these experiences that God teaches me something new. What is an aspect of your life that is hard to wrestle with at times—but that you believe is growing you all the same?
  4. As Sadie learns how to step outside of her comfort zone, a whole new world of experiences awaits. When is the last time you had to step out of your comfort zone? How did that experience bolster you?