

"Peking Assassin"


For some readers an historical novel or a novel that is fiction based upon fact is very desirable. I prefer the general idea rather than the specific. In other words, some authors put so much detail, such as, street names, landmarks, and other descriptions that are all well and good, but a feeling of a place and time is more comfortable to others.

In my novel, "Peking Assassin" we have at the forefront a clan of people that traces their lineage back 1.7 million years before present. That evidence comes from Younmou Man in Yunnan Province China.

Peking Man dates back 700,000 years from evidence near present day Beijing. Both discoveries show that each had rudimentary tools and the ability to make fire.

I took the liberty of moving Peking Man to Chengdu, Sichuan Province for the site of present day Peking Man. Surely it's possible that a branch of Peking Man could have made their way north and another off-shoot to the east very likely.

Be that as it may, I used imagination to develop a Chinese Master with exceptional powers. In my mind, this story is in no way shape or form, science fiction. The mind, enclosed in our skulls, has unlimited potential both mentally and physically. Physical feats of unusual strength have been recorded under adverse conditions.

Mentally we only need to channel our thoughts. Meditation was practiced in China since recorded or unrecorded time. Some might argue that a mixture of certain herbs influenced a state of perceived enlightenment.

Nevertheless, I don't think I've over reached the bounds of mental reality by demonstrating the prowess of my Chinese Masters.

I hope you enjoy this little novella.


Robert C. Waggoner


The Peking Assassin


A Brad Pratt Novella
