Chapter Forty-Four
The rest of the day is a waking nightmare, though I doubt anyone could have dreamed up such an exulted level of hideousness.
Ramirez and Brad seem to be competing with each other to see who can crush my self-confidence first. I’d already pegged Ramirez as a grade A bastard, but with Brad it’s different. It feels as though he’s punishing me for something that has yet to be revealed. Cassie, of course, is in heaven about the whole thing. She can’t stop smirking at me.
It’s taking some serious restraint on my part not to bite back. I’d love to tell them exactly which part of the River Thames they can all take a running jump into. But it’s eyes on the prize, and I’ll take whatever shit they throw at me for that.
This is my one shot at seeing Jake. Yes, he’ll probably cast me off all over again but I’m twisted like that. Rejection has shaped my whole life. Maybe I need to have him slam that door in my face and drag the bolt across, just as my father did sixteen years ago.
“You’re useless! What the hell did Brad hire you for?” screams Ramirez when I bring him an Americano from the wrong coffee chain. Slumped next to him by the camera monitor, Brad makes no move to intervene. He just glares at me as if I’m somehow sabotaging his whole production again.
Banished from set, I seek refuge in the catering bus with a stale ham and cheese sandwich. I push it around the plate a few times but I don’t take a bite. My fears about Brad are multiplying. My pain over Jake is too. I’m so lost in my black hole of despair that I don’t notice two crewmembers entering the bus until they start chatting away in front of me.
“Brad’s giving his new assistant a rough ride,” says one, taking a noisy slurp of her coke.
“Not surprising,” laughs her friend. “The man’s idea of an employee reward scheme is a punch in the face. There’s a black heart lurking below those dreamy blues. He treats his women just as badly. Did you know he used to date Cassie?”
“They deserve each other. They’re both idiots.”
“Cassie’s not evil though, just stupid. Brad fired six people yesterday, and three today.”
I push my uneaten sandwich to the side.
“I wish Jake Dalton was producing this movie,” declares the first girl suddenly, sounding wistful. “I worked for him last year. He’s a misery guts, but he’s such a pro. He’s hot as fuck, too.”
“He’s done with producing. He’s taken over Global Studios. Such a shame. He could teach Brad a few things. This shoot’s a disaster. Cassie and Ramirez are impossible. They’re costing production a fortune.”
“Expect fireworks for the rest of the day,” confides her friend. “Some Global VIPs have flown in to give Brad a bollocking.”
“Do you know their names?” My voice carries loudly across the near-empty bus.
Both girls turn to look at me in horror.
“Shit, sorry.” The one clutching the can of coke winces with embarrassment. “We had no idea you were in here.”
I force a smile and they return it in relief.
“Brad Wilson’s a dick. He’s shouted at all of us,” reassures her friend.
I don’t care. I’m so done with that man. “Is Global shutting us down again?” I ask.
The first girl shakes her head. “I think it’s more about restructuring…” She trails off as Brad barges into the catering van under a cloud as dark as his newly revealed insincerity.
“Charlie, get your ass back on set! Ramirez just requested a second lunch and he’s specifically asked you to organize it.”