
I had no idea when I started this book just how much I would have to learn and how inadequate for the task I was. I would like to thank Owen Smith for holding my hand and never being condescending. Thank you Michelle Pilley, for being such a believer and cheerleader, and everyone at Hay House for their help. Thank you Natasha G. for pulling stuff out of me, and thank you Bill Roache for being so kind and generous.

As for the people around me every day I should like to apologize for being such a needy friend. Thank you Angie Milliken, for helping me with everything that had a plug attached to it, especially my laptop. Without you I would have thrown it out of the window in frustration. Thank you, darling Bernie Greenwood, for not having thrown me out of the window, and for staying by my side, always with good advice.

Patti Nicolella, your help and friendship makes everything possible, and Colin Horowitz, without your love and criticism I would be lost. Thank you Judy Geeson, for your beautiful photographs, and Wendy Murray for your wisdom, and Helen Campanella for being you. I would like to thank Maureen Vincent for her never-ending laconic encouragement, and lastly Jude Penny whose summer holiday was vastly compromised but who never complained. I love you all.