Chapter 5

Mia stared in awe at the large cruise ship in front of her. It had to be the biggest thing she ever seen in her life. And she was going to be riding it for two days to the island that Beau's family owned. Her jaw threatened to drop when she saw the room her and Beau would be sharing.   

"Are you sure this is a boat?" She asked as she took in the luxury of it all.   

King size bed. Walk-in closet. A large chest and dresser. A small sitting area in front of a plasma screen TV. The bathroom even had a jet powered tub. She would definitely be taking a soak in that.   

"Now do you regret coming?" He sat on the bed, stretching as she explored more of the room.  

Mia stuck her head out of the closet and shook her head. "Not at all. Though," she walked over to the bed, standing directly in front of him, "are we supposed to be sleeping together as well?"  

Beau grinned and pulled her down onto the bed next to him before she could react. "Of course. You are my petite amie, after all."  

"Let go of me, Squirtle."   

"Squirtle? What is a Squirtle?" Beau asked, but his arm didn't loosen from her body.  

"Something you'll become if you don't release me in this instant." Mia nearly growl at the man.  

Didn't he understand she was trying to fight her attraction him. Though, she didn't think he really cared. After all, he did try to kiss her at the airport mere hours ago.  

Okay, he didn't try to kiss her, but he did suggest it. She nearly accepted his proposal, then she remembered exactly where they were and why they shouldn't be kissing.   

"Are you considering my suggestion from earlier?"  

And he just had to be a mind reader too!  


Once more, Mia tried to get up only to be pulled back down by Beau. He smiled down at her sweetly as he said, "It will be weird if we did not kiss in front of my family. Us French are very much affectionate people."  

"Well then, when we kiss it shall be in front of your family and only then." Saying it out loud made Mia feel even more embarrassed. Not that she found a big problem with PDA. She just never planned it out meticulous. If it happened, it happened.  

Despite Beau holding her down on the bed though, Mia didn't feel uncomfortable. She should since she barely knew the guy, but she didn't. That just spoke volumes of how serious it could get if she didn't make sure to keep boundaries between them.  

Pinning her down with one arm, Beau pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to typing furiously at the screen.   

"What are you doing?" She asked, deciding not to fight any more for the moment.  

"Now you're calling me a blue turtle. I believe I should be offended by this." He said with a chuckle, clearly not offended. In fact, he seemed very amused.  

Mia grinned. "You should be, Wonder Pet."  

He blinked at her before typing away at his phone again causing Mia to giggle. While he was distracting, she pushed him away and began to unpack her bag.    

"None of these guys are blue."  

Mia shrugged. Honestly she couldn't think of another blue character at the moment, but more would pop up soon.   

"We should head down to the deck. Everyone is getting together for lunch."  

"Should I change?" She asked, looking through her bag. There was a few nice dresses she had packed.  

"Nope. You look beautiful already."  

As her flesh heated, Mia cursed the guy for being so smooth. She shot him a look over her shoulder. "You're a player, aren't you?"  

His grin could only be described as devilish. "I'm just an innocent man who is untried in the world of women. Would you be my teacher?"  

Mia scoffed, shaking her head. "How do you know I'll make a good teacher? I could be just as untried as you."   

Just before she opened the door to exit their suite, he placed a hand on it, leaning down to her ear to murmur, "Shall we learn together?"  

Mia laughed and pushed him back so she could pull open the door before giving him a sweet smile. "You, Papa Smurf, are some serious trouble."  

"I know that one!" He shouted as she walked away from him.  

He caught up with her after shutting the door behind them. Down on the main deck was a restaurant that was already bubbling with people. One table was large than all the others, being a combination of many of the little tables. Sitting there, she recognized a few of Beau's family member she met at the airport.   

Beau led her to the table, pulling out the chair beside his mother for her before sitting in the chair next to her, which happened to be next to Victoria, the woman they were putting on this whole show for.    

After sitting at the table for a while, interacting with his family, Beau said, "I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick. Be right back babe." He brushed his lips against her cheek before leaving.  

While he was gone, the waiter came to take everyone's orders. Beau still hadn't returned once the waiter came to take her order.   

"You should order for Beau, as well." Victoria said from across the way. "After all, you are his girlfriend."  

By the woman's smile, Mia knew she was trying to mess Mia up. It was clear she still didn't buy Beau's story. Well, Mia was about to make her eat it. "And my boyfriend," she stress the word, "will be having the three cheese penne, but please replace the shrimp with chicken. He's allergic to shellfish." She shot a look at Victoria, pleased to find the woman scowling.  

"Of course, madam." The waiter closed the book and walked away.  

"Just because you know about his allergy doesn't mean a thing." Victoria stated simplistically.  

"True, because knowing something like that doesn't mean your worthy of the man." Mia sipped her drink casually. She hadn't meant to be mean, but it was very clear the disdain Victoria felt for her and Mia wasn't going to let herself be put down.  

That hit a nerve. Mia could tell without even looking at the woman. She could literally feel the woman's seething gaze piercing her skin. "You've been dating for a year and yet the relationship hasn't progressed. I wouldn't be surprised if Beau was seeing other women too just so he didn't become bored with you."  

Mia looked around the table, surprised no one else heard that. "Are you saying that because you believe that is something he would do to you if you ever got together?"  

Victoria gasped drew the attention of those sitting closest to them. "Don't think you're all high and mighty because you’re the current whore he's bedding."  

"Whore?" Mia felt more than appalled. It's that emotion that she blame for the next words to leave her mouth. "Well, don't be too upset because this whore is marrying that man in a month."