Their time on the island had been lovely. Mia was glad she had accepted Beau offer. She had never been to the Caribbean before. Despite moving to Paris several years ago for her job, she still hadn't traveled most of Europe. All she really knew of a few place in France and the east coast of the United States.
Her and Beau did a fair time of keeping up their lie. All while not having to kiss. Though, Mia wasn't that happy about that. She did want just one little smooch before saying goodbye to the handsome man forever.
Despite his corny flirtations, which she discovered he used more as jokes than as real pickup lines, and lying to family to get a woman off his back he didn't like, Beau was a pretty decent guy. He was smart and talented. During a private trip to a waterfall, he had shown Mia how to take amazing pictures by using the light and angles. Apparently, he owned a studio back home and by the other pictures he had shown her, Mia knew his business was doing well.
He was also adventurous and funny. There was never a time that Mia found herself bored with him. It had become quite a game between them for her to call him names of blue characters and him to google away in search of those she spoke of. Beau even began to make up his own nicknames for her in French. And though Mia spoke the language quite well, she didn't know all the slang so she ended up googling just as much as he did. Only the names he called her weren't funny at all, but sweet and even a little erotic.
It was seriously taking her all to fight the attraction between them, but she was slowly losing. She began to think so what if her ex was a jerk. So what if she only had broken up with him the day she met Beau. Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad if she gave in to his suggestions. Even if they were only jokes. It wouldn't be all that bad.
Though Mia opened up more with him, she still refused to kiss him because she knew when she did real feelings might possibly emerge and she definitely didn't wish to be stuck in a one-sided love. Now that, would suck.
As she was relaxing on the beach during their last day, Victoria came up to her. After hearing that Mia and Beau were getting married, the other woman had kept a lower profile. Though, that hadn't stopped her from making snide comments here and there. Mia quickly became aware just why Beau still like the woman.
"Mia, I brought you a pina colada," Victoria held out one of the glasses in her hand towards Mia which cause Mia to give the woman a suspicious glance.
"Why? You don't like me."
"Well, when you marry Beau, we're going to become something like sisters so might as well get along."
Sounded reasonable. Though, Mia couldn't understand why Victoria would suddenly want to be nice to her after all this time. Then again, Mia wasn't one to be mean for any reason, so she was about to accept the drink when someone else took it from Victoria's hand.
They both glanced up to find Beau standing over them, staring down at Victoria hard. "She can't drink this."
"Why not?" Victoria asked the question Mia was thinking.
"Because she can't."
Mia frowned, wondering why Beau was acting so weird.
"I don't get why you have a—"
"She’s pregnant."
Mia blinked up at Beau shocked.
"What!" Victoria looked between the two of them. “Then why were you two at a bar last week?”
“She likes the burgers there.” Beau shrugged.
Victoria gave them both a nasty look before standing and marching away.
"Why would you say that?" Mia asked once she was out of earshot.
"I don't know. It was the first thing that came to mind. I thought I saw her do something to the drink, but I knew if I called her out on it she would complain and whine endlessly..."
"So you told her I was pregnant! So much for keeping the lies simply." Mia shook her head. "You do realizes Icky Vicky is going to tell everyone."
Beau sat beside Mia, setting the drink down on the small table between the two lounge chairs. "Well, we could always make it the truth." He gave her a wink making Mia want to hit him, but she held it in. After all, it would look weird for her to be hitting the man who was now not only her fiancé, but not the father of her child.
"You are ridiculous, Sonic."
"Aha! I know that is a blue hedgehog from a video game."
Mia stared at him, a little surprised. "Someone has been doing their homework."
He nodded and smiled. "So I get a reward." Closing his eyes, he leaned closer to Mia.
This time, Mia didn't resist bopping him on the lips with her fingers. "After you figure out a way to fix this new mess." She stood, walking towards their private hut only to hear him call out.
"Then I'll be looking forward to that big kiss when I get into our room tonight."
Yeah, right. Mia really wanted to know just how he would handle this situation.