Ani (Istaza Ani): Youthmistress of the Zeerani prides. Though she has no children of her own, she loves her young charges fiercely.

Daru: A young Zeerani orphan, apprenticed to Hafsa Azeina. Born a weakling, Daru is keenly aware of the thin line that separates life from death.

Hafsa Azeina: Former queen consort of Atualon, mother of Sulema an Wyvernus ne Atu, and foremost dreamshifter of the Zeeranim.

Hannei: Expatriate Ja’Akari, Hannei Two-Blades is known in Min Yaarif as the esteemed pit fighting slave Kishah.

Ismai: A Zeerani youth who once wished to break tradition and become Ja’Akari, now held in unofficial thrall to the Mah’zula leader Ishtaset. Ismai is the last surviving son of Nurati, First Mother among the Zeeranim, of the line of Zula Din.

Jian: A Daechen prince and Sen-Baradam of Sindan.

Kal ne Mur: Lich King of Eid Kalmut, and a former Dragon King of Atualon.

Leviathus: Son of Ka Atu, the Dragon King, brother to Sulema Ja’Akari, Leviathus was born surdus, deaf to the magic of Atualon and thus unable to inherit his father’s throne.

Maika: Kentakuyan a’o Maika i Kaka’ahuana li’i, last of the Kentakuyan, traditional rulers of Quarabala, Yaela’s niece, and newly confirmed queen in Saodan.

Sulema Ja’Akari: Ja’Akari warrior, daughter of Zeerani dream-shifter Hafsa Azeina and Ka Atu, the Dragon King of Atualon. Considered by some to be the rightful Dragon Queen of Atualon, by others nothing more than the daughter of a usurper.