About the Author

Born in Indiana, USA, writer Katharine Eliska Kimbriel also spent time in Michigan, Ohio, and California before settling in Texas. She has a B.F.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University and a deep distrust of formal education. Her obligatory itinerant occupations have included research aide, gold caster, janitor, sales clerk, licensed massage therapist, web designer and maintainer, technical writer, and correspondence school instructor. Once upon a time she was nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New SF/Fantasy Writer. Katharine’s work has long straddled the line: “too literary to be commercial, too commercial to be literary.”

In other words, she is ready to try success.

Published novels include the historical dark fantasies Night Calls and Kindred Rites. They chronicle the adventures of Alfreda Golden-tongue, who is also featured in the short story “Ducks.” On the Science Fiction side of the business, you will find Fire Sanctuary, Fires of Nuala, and Hidden Fires, stand-alone science fiction tales which take place on the same planet.

Katharine is managed by a Burmese cat and a handful of gargoyles. Her occasional hobbies include ballroom dancing, brewing beer, antique roses, beading, Xeriscaping, making Ukrainian Easter eggs, and practicing on her Celtic harp Real Soon Now. She has been a macrobiotic practitioner for several years, but confesses to a weakness for high quality chocolate in infinitesimally small doses.

Go to http://www.katharineeliskakimbriel.com/ for the most recent info; she posts at her live journal —http://alfreda89.livejournal.com/ — which runs downhill to Facebook, MySpace and other points east. With luck, as you read this, she is working on a new novel. Do your part — buy, promote, and ask the universe for more of her books!


Katharine Eliska Kimbriel is a founding member of Book View Cafe, a website that offers up free fiction from established authors in a spectrum of genres including fantasy, science fiction, mystery and romance. Several dozen published authors are cooperating in this project with content changing daily. It’s a great way to sample a wide range of fiction and participate in an exciting new publishing paradigm. Project manager Sarah Zettel, puts it this way: “Book View Cafe will make sure the customer gets the stories they want, when they want, how they want, wherever they want. We are the library in your back pocket.” Check out the site at: http://www.bookviewcafe.com/ and the group blog at http://blog.bookviewcafe.com/