Chapter 26

Felicia stood in front of the long mirror and smirked. For the first time in a long while, she actually enjoyed the sight before her. Felicia still wasn’t used to having her shoulders and the tops of her breasts so prominently displayed, but had to admit that the black, strapless, silhouette Valentino gown with cascading side panels screamed sexy, understated elegance. The black Christian Louboutin shoes, diamond choker and matching earrings and bracelet were the perfect complement.

“, you look gorgeous. I love that half-up, half-down hairstyle thing you did, too,” Ms. Ellen complimented her from the threshold of Felicia’s bedroom.

“Thank you,” she said to Ms. Ellen’s reflection.

“Griffin won’t know what to do with himself when he sees you.” She offered a teasing smile.

“That’s the idea,” she whispered, turning to face Ms. Ellen. Felicia couldn’t help but shiver at the thought that Griffin just might have a few ideas. Especially since that intimate exchange a few days ago had ended so abruptly.

“Tonight’s pretty important to Griffin, his family and that fancy foundation of theirs, but you remember something, young lady,” Ms. Ellen said, pointing her index finger at Felicia.

“What’s that?”

“You and that baby sleeping down the hall are pretty important to him, too.”

Felicia beamed. “I know.”

“Well, you better go.” She swatted playfully after her. “He’s downstairs waiting for you.”

“Don’t hesitate to call if you need us.” Felicia scooped her clutch from off the bed.

“I won’t need to, nor will I call,” she said with a reassuring pat on her shoulder. “Just go enjoy each other. I have everything covered here. As always.”

Felicia gave Ms. Ellen a hug and walked out of the room. She stopped at the top of the stairs and stared down at the Greek god–like figure wearing a perfectly cut Italian tuxedo. Griffin was facing the door, putting something in his pocket, and only turned at the sound of Felicia’s stiletto-covered feet hitting the first marble step.

* * *

Griffin felt as though his heart had actually stopped for a moment. “My God, you’re magnificent,” he said, his mouth slightly open.

Felicia descended the steps slowly, keeping her eyes on Griffin and her hand on the rail. When she hit the final ones, Griffin reached for her hand and helped her the rest of the way down. “Thank you. You look pretty terrific yourself.”

“Thanks,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips for a kiss. “Ready?” Griffin offered his arm.

“As I’m ever going to be.” Felicia wrapped her arm around his. “After the prep necessary to look like this, I hope I can stay awake,” she replied, offering up a small smile.

Griffin stopped and turned to face her. “I’m incredibly proud of you. To figure out that all the Legionnaires’ cases came from the same bacterial source generated in the pharmaceutical lab that was trying to get a key ingredient for a specific cocktail of meds expedited was brilliant.”

“I got to work with a wonderful group of people at the CDC, and my CIA team is always on point. They’re very good at their jobs. They followed the money and I followed the science. Finding the white-collar bad guys was easy. Chasing down the local bad guys is a little more challenging.”

“I’m sure they’ll gather them all up. Enough of that. Let’s go enjoy our evening. I promise it will be a night we both remember.” Griffin intended to give Felicia a sweet and gentle kiss, only his desire for her got the best of him for a moment. He took her mouth as if this was the last chance he’d ever have to kiss her so he needed to make the most of it. When Griffin finally let Felicia up for air, he whispered, “That should hold me until later.”

Griffin stared at Felicia, enjoying the rise and fall of her breast. “I can’t wait,” Felicia whispered.

After a relatively short limo ride, Griffin was escorting a smiling Felicia into the grand ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The space was immaculately decorated in a winter wonderland theme. From the white-and-silver wall coverings, the whitewashed wooden dance floor and the gorgeous crystal chandeliers, to each table set with a silver-and-white mini Christmas tree centerpiece with Hershey’s candy kisses dropping from its leaves.

“Oh, my...”

“Yes, Mother tends to go all out for this every year.”

“Everything is elegantly placed, right down to the white-and-silver place settings and crystal glasses.”

“That’s Mother,” he confirmed. “Everything must be perfect.”

“She certainly doesn’t think I’m perfect,” she teased. “Not for you, anyway.”

Griffin gave Felicia’s hand a gentle squeeze. “You’d be surprised. Anyway, I think you’re perfect for me and that’s all that matters.”

“If you say so,” she replied.

Griffin could see he still had some convincing to do and he intended to do just that. Well, as soon as they’d spent an appropriate amount of time at the event.

“Darling, there you are,” Lin called out as she approached. The black-and-white, tea-length gown she wore shimmered with every move.

Griffin kissed her on both cheeks. “Mother.”

“Mrs. Kaile, you look beautiful, and these decorations are gorgeous,” Felicia said by way of compliments.

“Thank you. We do have a particular image we want to uphold,” she said, glancing around the room as though trying to take everything in from a newcomer’s point of view. “You look quite lovely yourself.” Lin gifted her with a big smile.

“Thank you,” she finally said.

Lin turned her back to Felicia. “Griffin, both the mayor and the lieutenant governor are here and asking for you.”

“I see them,” he replied, spotting the area where the two men were holding court with his father and several of the hospital board members, who were probably hitting them up for additional donations. “Shall we?” He reached for Felicia’s hand.

“No, you go ahead,” she urged. “I’ve had my political fill for the day.”

“I’m sure you have.” Griffin gave Felicia a quick kiss on the cheek. “Mother, I hope you caught the news conference regarding the wonderful work Felicia and her team did solving the country’s recent medical mystery.”

Lin acknowledged her son with a slow-building wide smile before turning to face Felicia. “I most certainly did. I have no doubt about what a capable doctor and medical investigator you are,” she said, offering Felicia quick nod of her head.

Griffin kissed Felicia on the cheek again before saying, “I’ll be right back.”

* * *

Felicia nodded and accepted a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. She wasn’t sure she’d heard Lin correctly when she’d complimented her on her work at first until she noticed that her smile had actually reached her eyes and she’d offered her a respectful nod.

“I really do commend your work ethic,” Lin repeated, accepting a small plate of hors d’oeuvres that was being passed around.

“But not much else, right?” Felicia replied, looking at the obstinate woman over the rim of her champagne glass, swaying to the up-tempo song the band was playing.

Lin tilted her head slightly. “You don’t think that I believe you’re good enough for my son.” She bit into a shrimp-and-cheese combination. Felicia remained silent, hoping that would be enough of an answer for her. “Well, you’re right. He’s my son, and I don’t think anyone is.”

“Except Jia.”

Lin scoffed. “Jia knew what she wanted and was prepared to do whatever she felt was necessary to get it.”

“Like give up her life.” The words flew out of Felicia’s mouth before she could stop them.

Lin smirked. “Oh, my dear, Jia doesn’t have a life, other than the desire to be someone’s wife and mother. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just not the only thing.”

Felicia frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Lin sighed, as though having to explain her words to a child. “As Alyia grows, you’ll feel the same way. No one will be good enough, no matter how wrong you may be.”

Felicia’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

Lin waved and smiled at everyone that passed, and for some reason they all seemed to know better than to interrupt. “My son’s feelings for you make him weak. Just as my and my husband’s feelings for each other make us weak.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Felicia murmured, staring down into her glass.

“Not at all, when it’s reciprocated. You see, my dear, my husband and I fought wars to be together and I believe my son would go to war with, and for, you, if that’s what it took to have you. Actually, both you and Alyia.”


Lin brought her half-curled index finger to her lips. “What I’m not sure about is...are you willing to fight just as hard for him?” She let that settle a moment before adding, “Anything less would be unacceptable for it should be for you. Being a wife and a mother doesn’t have to be the only thing. While in my opinion it should be the main one, it just can’t be the last thing.”

Felicia brought her glass to her lips, slowly sipping the bubbly concoction while absorbing the woman’s words, weighing them against the choices she would soon have to make in her own life.

“I see my determined son headed your way, so if you’ll excuse me,” Lin said before sweeping away, leaving a hint of jasmine scent behind along with much for Felicia to ponder.

Griffin approached, removed the glass from Felicia’s hand and placed it on the nearby table. He led her out onto the dance floor filled with Atlanta’s movers and shakers as he maneuvered his way to the center, where he pulled Felicia into his arms. “They’re playing our song,” he whispered in her ear.

Felicia leaned her head back, looked into Griffin’s eyes and asked, “We have a song?”

“We do now.” His hand snaked around Felicia’s waist as her hands climbed his chest, coming to rest around his neck. Soon their bodies moved slowly to the band’s rendition of The O’Jays’ “Forever Mine.”

Griffin’s growing response to their movements made its presence known. Felicia’s body was reacting in an all-too-familiar manner that he easily provoked. When the music came to an end, Griffin looked into Felicia’s eyes, resting his right hand on the side of her face. “Let’s get out of here, baby,” he said, his voice husky.

She was too aroused to respond with anything more than a nod.

Griffin intertwined their hands and walked off the dance floor, but before they could make their escape, their path was blocked by a determined-looking Dr. Trent Green.

Trent held out his hand toward Felicia. “May I have this next dance?”

Felicia could feel Griffin stiffen at her side; she squeezed his hand, but kept her eyes on Trent. “We were actually about to leave. Maybe next time.”

“Of course,” Trent said, dropping his hand.

“Good evening, Dr. Green,” Griffin said with a small smirk before heading in the direction of the exit.

Felicia glanced around the room as they made their escape, spotting Lin Kaile, who raised her glass and offered her a small nod. Felicia accepted the encouraging gesture with a smile.

Griffin led Felicia through the lobby and out to the waiting limousine. “Thanks for not going all caveman on me,” Felicia said, smiling up at Griffin as they stood next to the car.

“It wasn’t easy. The idea of you in any man’s arms other than mine is hard to handle.”

Felicia cupped Griffin’s face in her hands. “You don’t have that to worry about.”

Griffin covered Felicia’s hand with his, brought it to his lips and kissed her palm. “I know, baby. Tonight you’re all mine.”

Felicia shivered at the thought. Betty Wright’s “Tonight Is the Night” popped into her head. Unlike the woman in the song, Felicia wasn’t nervous and all her tremors were related to her desire for Griffin. While she had no idea what lay ahead for her, she couldn’t wait to find out.