So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. The irr irrd the thing. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. The irr laughed for the other as well. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. So the morning etc. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Go so what. And the turq leapt in the other heart of the man smoking. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. Is a heart on the porch near the mirrored blue below the mouse who exited. For heavensake go. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. Something extra in it the woman. The man ate the heart of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. This chair for heavensake this chair. Let us pray. The moon ate the cradled heart of the morning and the man clapped and the irritant sat. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. For heavensake. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. Not going smoothly no no no. Is go. When are you going to cradle the man? Is something extra in it take a look. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The day the other mirrored the heart of the morning porch. Smoking on the porch the man drank all day then exited. The irritant and the other the irritant. The other mirrored the irr and exited. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. So the sun and the moon are important. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the sun and the fire it gave. The blue laughed at that. From the mouse the woman whispered no. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the blue. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the heart of the artichoke for something extra. This chair in the piano and the blue leapt smoothly across the moon. So the man and the moon so what and? Artichoke wash the day is go. So the woman drank all day as expected. The other and the blue and the turq. The blue and the other leapt and laughed. And here is the irritant. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. Is the sun and the fire it gave. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the heart of the morning before the sun hung and drank all day. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. The water so what the sun pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. The irr irrd the water. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. So the blue and the woman came over and switched roofs. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. The irritant. The heart exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The cradled heart and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. The water laughed and laughed at this. When will everything be soft and warm? The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. When the water feels empty the sun flowerpots up. The man laughed. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. It all went thusly. The woman and the man sat smoking and the morning washed to cough on the porch. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? The turq and the blue something extra. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. And the mouse clapped. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. The sun danced to the porch. The water and the sun ah. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. The sun and the moon twinkled. Not going smoothly. We will say today is the day we drank all day and mirrored the heart of the porch before the coughing morning collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. The other and the turq and the blue drank all day for heavensake. All was amusing. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the morning mist reluctantly exited. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. Soft and warm. And here we have the man who drank all day beneath the water while the sun play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the heart of the morning at the other. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug morning sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. The something extra in the corner remember it. Here is the basement the man drank all day in. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. Not going smoothly so what. Go! The man wore the heart of the irritant and there was little left in it. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they drank all day. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The blue and the mouse and the heart of the artichoke. All of this in the morning. The heart of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who wore the artichoke on his lapel. Go. The mouse laughed. The irr irrd the irritant. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. Cannot forget to remember. And all this while the moon drank all day and exited. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Maybe but go get us not stirred. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the sun and the moon. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the heart of the other. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. The man felt like sighing. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. The fire gave all day and exited. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. Listen. The sun for heavensake and all was amusing. Is go. The irritant really. The blue and the woman read and blew respectively. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. The mirrored blue ate smoothly. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. So the turq and the blue ha ha. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the blue and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. The other leapt in the turq. The moon coughed. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. The woman and the blue in the corner. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the blue and all was amusing. The heart of this is something extra. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. So water moon sun who else? The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the sun and the moon slept beneath the earth. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. Not before the naked sun and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. So all was amusing so let it. Is the sandbagged heart of the ruined horse in the mud. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred morning remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. And this chair went in it. The other and the turq drank all day. So the other and the wet water happened on the morning before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. So is that and that there and the other who drank all day and the morning cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. So the man sat and wept. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. Is the man see him? So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the sun ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. The artichoke and that there drank all day in the morning in the corner away from the tea kettle. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. Cough! No so what. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. And the sandbagged sun and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. Go so what. This chair and something extra. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the morning. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. Go. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and drank all day. Soft and warm from the blue from the irr. Cannot forget the artichoke who drank all day and exited. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the blue and the chair go. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the heart stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. The woman and the blue the blue. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. This chair this chair go. Not going smoothly so far so what. The water the moon and the sun left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. This chair in the piano this chair. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. So the turq and the blue went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the sun another day. The stirred feathers drank all day remember them. The masked morning sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The piano and the chair again. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the morning and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. Something extra? Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. No so what. Oh for heavensake. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? Go. The other wore the heart of the artichoke on his heart and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the sun slept is all. The other thing did the other thing. Soft and warm in the blue and the woman for something extra. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire morning before the sun whispered and drank all day. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the sun and the moon exits and the feathers digest the morning. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. So say the sun and the moon were naked. For heavensake stay beneath the water its heart is something extra. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. All was amusing. Beneath the blue and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored heart of the sun before it drowns in the water and mirrors the heart of the morning before them. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the heart of the morning. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. Maybe the sun and the moon and something extra in it? Something extra in all of this is enough of the sun to melt the heart of the morning. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. So the apple irrd the irritant. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who drank all day and showered in the sun. And the irritant ate and wept. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the blue to the woman. In something of the woman so what. From the earth mouse whispered. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. The morning and the fire it gave? Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. My heart is something extra. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. This is a showboat. So the other gave and slept with the heart of the man smoking on the blanket for now. The basement in the corner stirred. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. Soft and warm in the corner. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked sun and the moon felt stirred. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the morning. Soft and warm in the blue from the woman and the turq. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? So the sun and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The cradled man and the smoking sun sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. Cannot take down the heart nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. Everything at once. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked sun though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the morning. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. They dug new basements and all was amusing. The sun leapt smoking. The irritant and go. So they danced and danced. And the irritant sat near the morning corner and wept. Oh. The woman and the blue stirred and the other irrd the heart of the porch. The turq and the blue laughed and the sun stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. So something naked. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the blue of the chair in the piano and it. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the sun and the moon laughed and laughed. So the mouse and the water in the morning slept all day so what. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the heart of the weeping morning before the cherry wood floor beneath the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. So the man sat and wept. In something of the woman lived an irritant. And this chair went in it. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. So the woman drank all day as expected. The mouse laughed. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. All was amusing. So something naked. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The woman and the blue stirred and the other irrd the heart of the porch. So the other gave and slept with the heart of the man smoking on the blanket for now. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. When are you going to cradle the man? This chair and something extra. The irritant changed positions. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The woman and the blue the blue. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. Not going smoothly so what. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. Is something extra in it take a look. The artichoke and that there drank all day in the morning in the corner away from the tea kettle. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The blue and the mouse and the heart of the artichoke. The something extra in the corner remember it. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. The heart of this is something extra. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. Beneath the blue and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored heart of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the heart of the morning before them. Soft and warm in the corner. The day the other mirrored the heart of the morning porch. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The man ate the heart of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the heart of the morning before the balloon hung and drank all day. The balloon leapt smoking. The blue and the woman read and blew respectively. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the balloon and the moon. For heavensake. The irritant and the other the irritant. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? So the turq and the blue went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the morning. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The other thing did the other thing. Is go. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. The basement in the corner stirred. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the heart of the morning. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the heart stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. This chair this chair go. Everything at once. So the apple irrd the irritant. The other and the turq and the blue drank all day for heavensake. Is the sandbagged heart of the ruined horse in the mud. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. The irritant really. Maybe but go get us not stirred. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? The other leapt in the turq. So water moon balloon who else? The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. Is a heart on the porch near the mirrored blue below the mouse who exited. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. No so what something extra. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept beneath the earth. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. Something extra in it the woman. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The irritant and the other in it. And here we have the man who drank all day beneath the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the heart of the morning at the other. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the morning. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. From the earth mouse whispered. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. The irritant and go. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The man laughed. The blue laughed at that. The mirrored blue ate smoothly. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the morning and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the morning. The other and the blue and the turq. Not going smoothly no no no. The man wore the heart of the irritant and there was little left in it. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the blue and the chair go. And the mouse clapped. This chair in the piano this chair. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. All of this in the morning. And the turq leapt in the other heart of the man smoking. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. Here is the basement the man drank all day in. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. The balloon and the moon twinkled. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. So they danced and danced. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who wore the artichoke on his lapel. In something of the woman so what. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the morning. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. Smoking on the porch the man drank all day then exited. The irr irrd for heavensake. The balloon danced to the porch. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The other and the turq drank all day. So all was amusing so let it. The heart exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. The water laughed and laughed at this. Soft and warm from the blue from the irr. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the heart of the morning. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. Soft and warm in the blue from the woman and the turq. Cannot forget to remember. So the blue and the woman came over and switched roofs. Something extra? So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the blue and all was amusing. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the heart of the other. Not going smoothly. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire morning before the balloon whispered and drank all day. So the man and the moon so what and? Cough! Be soft and warm for heavensake. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The piano and the chair again. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. Go so what. The irr irrd the thing. Soft and warm in the woman from the blue the turq. The man felt like sighing. The turq and the blue laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the blue of the chair in the piano and it. Soft and warm. From the mouse the woman whispered no. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. Go. The blue and the other leapt and laughed. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The artichoke wash the day is go. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. The woman and the man sat smoking and the morning washed to cough on the porch. Oh. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred morning remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. Let us pray. Go. The moon coughed. Oh for heavensake. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug morning sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. The irritant. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. Cannot take down the heart nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and drank all day. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the blue and the woman. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. The cradled heart and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The heart of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. The cradled heart of the morning wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. So the mouse and the water in the morning slept all day so what. And the irritant ate and wept. We will say today is the day we drank all day and mirrored the heart of the porch before the coughing morning collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. The other wore the heart of the artichoke on his heart and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. It all went thusly. No so what. So the morning etc. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. This chair for heavensake this chair. For heavensake stay beneath the water its heart is something extra. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. The irr irrd the water. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. Soft and warm in the blue and the woman for something extra. All was amusing. So the balloon and the moon are important. The irr irrd the irritant. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the morning mist reluctantly exited. The moon ate the cradled heart of the morning and the man clapped and the irritant sat. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The stirred feathers drank all day remember them. The other for heavensake. The irr laughed for the other as well. Go. This is a showboat. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. When will everything be soft and warm? Is it all amusing? The masked morning sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. Not going smoothly so far so what. Go so what. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the morning. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. Cannot forget the artichoke who drank all day and exited. So is that and that there and the other who drank all day and the morning cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. This chair in the piano and the blue leapt smoothly across the moon. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. My heart is something extra. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the blue. Is the heart of it. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. Listen. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. Say for now is true. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. Go! They dug new basements and all was amusing. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? No so what. The woman and the blue in the corner. And all this while the moon drank all day and exited. The turq and the blue something extra. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. Is the man see him? The fire gave all day and exited. And the irritant sat near the morning corner and wept. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. The water and the balloon ah. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they drank all day. Is go. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The other mirrored the irr and exited. For heavensake go. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who drank all day and showered in the balloon. So the turq and the blue ha ha. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept beneath the balloon and the moon whispered go. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. And here is the irritant. The morning and the fire it gave? The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the blue and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the blue to the woman. So the other and the wet water happened on the morning before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the heart of the artichoke for something extra. The man ate the heart of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. Oh for heavensake. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. When will everything be soft and warm? The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. This is a showboat. The blue and the mouse and the heart of the artichoke. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the blue and all was amusing. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. The water and the balloon ah. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. The morning and the fire it gave? Cannot forget to remember. The other for heavensake. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug morning sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. Soft and warm from the blue from the irr. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the heart of the morning. Go. So they danced and danced. This chair this chair go. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the balloon and the moon. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The masked morning sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. Soft and warm in the blue and the woman for something extra. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The piano and the chair again. All was amusing. So something naked. Something extra in it the woman. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. Say for now is true. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. The other leapt in the turq. Is go. The irritant really. When are you going to cradle the man? The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. Is the man see him? So the other gave and slept with the heart of the man smoking on the blanket for now. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the morning. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept beneath the balloon and the moon whispered go. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. Soft and warm. Is go. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The other mirrored the irr and exited. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. The other wore the heart of the artichoke on his heart and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The basement in the corner stirred. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The cradled heart of the morning wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the morning. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. The mirrored blue ate smoothly. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the heart of the morning. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. No so what. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. From the earth mouse whispered. The balloon danced to the porch. So the woman slammed the door as expected. In something of the woman so what. Be soft and warm for heavensake. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. The irritant and go. Everything at once. No so what something extra. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. The woman and the blue stirred and the other irrd the heart of the porch. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. And here we have the man who slammed the door beneath the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the heart of the morning at the other. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the morning mist reluctantly exited. So the apple irrd the irritant. And the irritant ate and wept. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the heart of the morning before the balloon hung and slammed the door. The heart of this is something extra. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the blue and the chair go. The something extra in the corner remember it. This chair in the piano this chair. Not going smoothly so far so what. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. So the man and the moon so what and? The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. And here is the irritant. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept beneath the earth. The fire gave all day and exited. The irritant changed positions. The irr irrd the thing. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the blue. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. Cannot take down the heart nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. Is the heart of it. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. Is the sandbagged heart of the ruined horse in the mud. The blue laughed at that. So the turq and the blue went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. Oh. Is it all amusing? The hung feathers danced in the piano and the morning and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. This chair in the piano and the blue leapt smoothly across the moon. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. Is a heart on the porch near the mirrored blue below the mouse who exited. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. The other and the turq and the blue slammed the door for heavensake. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. So the morning etc. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred morning remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. The turq and the blue laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The mouse laughed. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. The irr irrd the water. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. Not going smoothly. The woman and the blue the blue. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. And the irritant sat near the morning corner and wept. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. The blue and the other leapt and laughed. The balloon and the moon twinkled. So the balloon and the moon are important. So the other and the wet water happened on the morning before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. So the turq and the blue ha ha. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the heart of the porch before the coughing morning collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. The cradled heart and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. The other thing did the other thing. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. So the blue and the woman came over and switched roofs. The turq and the blue something extra. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the morning. Go. All of this in the morning. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. And the turq leapt in the other heart of the man smoking. And the mouse clapped. It all went thusly. This chair and something extra. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. All was amusing. From the mouse the woman whispered no. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the morning cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. Go so what. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. So the mouse and the water in the morning slept all day so what. They dug new basements and all was amusing. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the blue and the woman. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. The man wore the heart of the irritant and there was little left in it. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the morning in the corner away from the tea kettle. Something extra? Artichoke wash the day is go. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the heart of the other. The woman and the man sat smoking and the morning washed to cough on the porch. The man felt like sighing. The irr irrd the irritant. Go! The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. The balloon leapt smoking. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. My heart is something extra. The other and the blue and the turq. Soft and warm in the blue from the woman and the turq. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the heart stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. Not going smoothly so what. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. The moon coughed. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. This chair for heavensake this chair. Cough! For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. Is something extra in it take a look. For heavensake stay beneath the water its heart is something extra. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. The irritant and the other the irritant. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire morning before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. Go so what. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. The water laughed and laughed at this. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. Not going smoothly no no no. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. The irritant and the other in it. The irr laughed for the other as well. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. Maybe but go get us not stirred. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The heart exited and the cherry wood floor remained. Beneath the blue and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored heart of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the heart of the morning before them. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. Listen. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who wore the artichoke on his lapel. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the heart of the weeping morning before the cherry wood floor beneath the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. The other and the turq slammed the door. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the blue of the chair in the piano and it. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. The day the other mirrored the heart of the morning porch. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. The man laughed. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. Soft and warm in the woman from the blue the turq. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the morning. And this chair went in it. For heavensake. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. Let us pray. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. So all was amusing so let it. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. The irr irrd for heavensake. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. So the man sat and wept. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The woman and the blue in the corner. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the heart of the artichoke for something extra. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. The heart of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. The blue and the woman read and blew respectively. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. Go. So water moon balloon who else? Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The irritant. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the morning. The moon ate the cradled heart of the morning and the man clapped and the irritant sat. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the blue to the woman. No so what. Soft and warm in the corner. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. For heavensake go. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the blue and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. Go so what. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the heart stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The other mirrored the irr and exited. So the other gave and slept with the heart of the man smoking on the blanket for now. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. When are you going to cradle the man? They dug new basements and all was amusing. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. The boy and the mouse and the heart of the artichoke. Beneath the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored heart of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the heart of the morning before them. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the heart of the porch before the coughing morning collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. The man felt like sighing. From the earth mouse whispered. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. Say for now is true. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? So water moon balloon who else? The moon coughed. For heavensake. This chair and something extra. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. For heavensake go. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. The water and the balloon ah. Cannot forget to remember. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the morning in the corner away from the tea kettle. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. All of this in the morning. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. The cradled heart and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The woman and the boy in the corner. The heart exited and the cherry wood floor remained. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. The balloon leapt smoking. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. The woman and the boy the boy. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. So the balloon and the moon are important. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. Is the man see him? The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. Go. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the morning. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. For heavensake stay beneath the water its heart is something extra. The man laughed. No so what. So the other and the wet water happened on the morning before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. This chair this chair go. The other for heavensake. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the morning. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The cradled heart of the morning wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. Let us pray. And the mouse clapped. The balloon and the moon twinkled. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. Go so what. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. So the apple irrd the irritant. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. This chair in the piano this chair. And the turq leapt in the other heart of the man smoking. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. So the turq and the boy ha ha. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The mouse laughed. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The irr irrd the thing. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. The other thing did the other thing. So the mouse and the water in the morning slept all day so what. The day the other mirrored the heart of the morning porch. Soft and warm in the corner. The irr irrd the water. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept beneath the balloon and the moon whispered go. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the morning mist reluctantly exited. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. The something extra in the corner remember it. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred morning remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. Not going smoothly no no no. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug morning sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who wore the artichoke on his lapel. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. Is it all amusing? And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. Is the heart of it. Go. Is something extra in it take a look. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the heart of the other. So the man and the moon so what and? Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Listen. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The irr laughed for the other as well. And here we have the man who slammed the door beneath the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the heart of the morning at the other. The woman and the man sat smoking and the morning washed to cough on the porch. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the morning. The irritant really. Be soft and warm for heavensake. The moon ate the cradled heart of the morning and the man clapped and the irritant sat. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire morning before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. Oh. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. The other leapt in the turq. No so what something extra. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. The masked morning sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. Something extra in it the woman. And the irritant ate and wept. Cough! The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. Go! So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. The man wore the heart of the irritant and there was little left in it. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The other and the turq slammed the door. Is go. And here is the irritant. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The other wore the heart of the artichoke on his heart and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. So all was amusing so let it. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The boy laughed at that. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. The fire gave all day and exited. Everything at once. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the heart of the artichoke for something extra. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. All was amusing. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. The irr irrd for heavensake. Maybe but go get us not stirred. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. The irritant and the other the irritant. No so what. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. My heart is something extra. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the morning. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept beneath the earth. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. Is a heart on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. Oh for heavensake. It all went thusly. The morning and the fire it gave? The woman and the boy stirred and the other irrd the heart of the porch. The irritant. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. Is go. In something of the woman so what. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. The irritant changed positions. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. This is a showboat. Not going smoothly so far so what. The basement in the corner stirred. The balloon danced to the porch. Go. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. Is the sandbagged heart of the ruined horse in the mud. The water laughed and laughed at this. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the balloon and the moon. The irr irrd the irritant. And the irritant sat near the morning corner and wept. So the man sat and wept. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The man ate the heart of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. So the woman slammed the door as expected. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the morning and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. This chair for heavensake this chair. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the heart of the morning. Not going smoothly so what. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the heart of the morning before the balloon hung and slammed the door. Cannot take down the heart nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. Something extra? The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. The piano and the chair again. All was amusing. So the morning etc. So they danced and danced. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. The heart of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the morning. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The artichoke wash the day is go. The heart of this is something extra. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. From the mouse the woman whispered no. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the heart of the weeping morning before the cherry wood floor beneath the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. When will everything be soft and warm? The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. Soft and warm. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the morning cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. So something naked. The other and the boy and the turq. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. The irritant and the other in it. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the heart of the morning. And this chair went in it. Not going smoothly. The irritant and go. The turq and the boy something extra. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. The heart of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. The irr irrd the irritant. The moon coughed. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. The woman and the man sat smoking and the morning washed to cough on the porch. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the morning. The other leapt in the turq. Say for now is true. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The morning and the fire it gave? Is the heart of it. For heavensake go. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. When will everything be soft and warm? The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. So the apple irrd the irritant. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. And this chair went in it. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred morning remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. The irr irrd the water. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. For heavensake stay beneath the water its heart is something extra. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the morning in the corner away from the tea kettle. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. So the morning etc. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The water laughed and laughed at this. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The cradled heart of the morning wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. So the turq and the boy ha ha. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. Oh. Cannot take down the heart nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the heart of the artichoke for something extra. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. No so what. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the heart of the morning before the balloon hung and slammed the door. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. The irr laughed for the other as well. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. The balloon leapt smoking. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. From the mouse the woman whispered no. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the morning mist reluctantly exited. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. The water and the balloon ah. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the heart of the morning. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. Go! Go. Oh for heavensake. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the heart stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. No so what something extra. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept beneath the balloon and the moon whispered go. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The masked morning sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. Soft and warm in the corner. No so what. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? The other and the turq slammed the door. Let us pray. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. So the balloon and the moon are important. Go. So all was amusing so let it. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. This chair in the piano this chair. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. The woman and the boy the boy. So the other gave and slept with the heart of the man smoking on the blanket for now. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the heart of the morning. All of this in the morning. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. Something extra in it the woman. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. In something of the woman so what. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug morning sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. The other and the boy and the turq. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the morning. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? Not going smoothly. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. In something of the woman lived an irritant. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. So water moon balloon who else? Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. From the earth mouse whispered. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? The mouse laughed. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. The woman and the boy stirred and the other irrd the heart of the porch. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. Maybe but go get us not stirred. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the heart of the other. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. The other thing did the other thing. This chair for heavensake this chair. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. The moon ate the cradled heart of the morning and the man clapped and the irritant sat. Be soft and warm for heavensake. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. The boy laughed at that. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the balloon and the moon. And here we have the man who slammed the door beneath the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the heart of the morning at the other. Not going smoothly so what. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. All was amusing. The irritant. And the irritant ate and wept. This chair and something extra. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. Not going smoothly so far so what. Is a heart on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. So they danced and danced. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The man walked away from the heart of the irritant and there was little left in it. Is something extra in it take a look. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. Something extra? When are you going to cradle the man? The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. Is go. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the morning and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. Is it all amusing? The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the heart of the porch before the coughing morning collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. So the man and the moon so what and? So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. The balloon danced to the porch. The irritant and go. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. The man felt like sighing. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire morning before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. Cough! The something extra in the corner remember it. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the morning. This is a showboat. And the turq leapt in the other heart of the man smoking. Is the man see him? The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. And the mouse clapped. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. The piano and the chair again. So the other and the wet water happened on the morning before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. It all went thusly. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. The heart exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The artichoke wash the day is go. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. The other walked away from the heart of the artichoke on his heart and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. So something naked. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. Not going smoothly no no no. The irr irrd the thing. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the heart of the weeping morning before the cherry wood floor beneath the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. The irritant and the other in it. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. Go so what. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. The woman and the boy in the corner. The other mirrored the irr and exited. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. So the woman slammed the door as expected. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The irr irrd for heavensake. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. Go. This chair this chair go. The basement in the corner stirred. My heart is something extra. The boy and the mouse and the heart of the artichoke. The turq and the boy something extra. The cradled heart and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. Soft and warm. The balloon and the moon twinkled. The day the other mirrored the heart of the morning porch. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Cannot forget to remember. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. So the man sat and wept. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the morning. The man laughed. The irritant really. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The irritant and the other the irritant. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. So the mouse and the water in the morning slept all day so what. The man ate the heart of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. Is the sandbagged heart of the ruined horse in the mud. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. Listen. And here is the irritant. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the morning cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. Everything at once. Beneath the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored heart of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the heart of the morning before them. They dug new basements and all was amusing. The other for heavensake. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. Is go. All was amusing. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. For heavensake. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept beneath the earth. And the irritant sat near the morning corner and wept. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the morning. The irritant changed positions. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. The fire gave all day and exited. The heart of this is something extra. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. Go so what. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred morning remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. So something naked. Is it all amusing? This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The woman and the boy stirred and the other irrd the shell of the porch. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the morning. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing morning collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. When will everything be soft and warm? The other thing did the other thing. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. The other and the turq slammed the door. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. For heavensake. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. The irr laughed for the other as well. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the morning and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. No so what something extra. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. Oh. The shell of this is something extra. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. The irritant and the other the irritant. From the earth mouse whispered. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. The water and the balloon ah. So the man sat and wept. Cannot forget to remember. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. Go. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. So the turq and the boy ha ha. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. Not going smoothly no no no. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. The something extra in the corner remember it. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. Be soft and warm for heavensake. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The irr irrd the water. This chair in the piano this chair. My shell is something extra. So the other and the wet water happened on the morning before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. The turq and the boy something extra. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. For heavensake go. The irritant really. Let us pray. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. Soft and warm in the corner. This is a showboat. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. The irr irrd for heavensake. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. Go so what. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the morning. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. This chair this chair go. No so what. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. So they danced and danced. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. The woman and the man sat smoking and the morning washed to cough on the porch. Is something extra in it take a look. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. Go. Maybe but go get us not stirred. Is go. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. This chair and something extra. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. And this chair went in it. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. No so what. And the mouse clapped. The balloon leapt smoking. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. In something of the woman so what. The irr irrd the irritant. So the man and the moon so what and? The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug morning sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. And the irritant ate and wept. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. This chair for heavensake this chair. The other for heavensake. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. Everything at once. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. The balloon and the moon twinkled. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. The other mirrored the irr and exited. Go so what. Not going smoothly so what. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. Beneath the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the morning before them. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the morning mist reluctantly exited. And the irritant sat near the morning corner and wept. The mouse laughed. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. The moon ate the cradled shell of the morning and the man clapped and the irritant sat. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept beneath the earth. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The woman and the boy the boy. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. Go! Say for now is true. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. The other and the boy and the turq. So all was amusing so let it. Is the man see him? That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping morning before the cherry wood floor beneath the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. Is go. The boy laughed at that. The day the other mirrored the shell of the morning porch. The morning and the fire it gave? On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the morning. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. The balloon danced to the porch. The masked morning sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept beneath the balloon and the moon whispered go. The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. For heavensake stay beneath the water its shell is something extra. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. The woman and the boy in the corner. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? Soft and warm. Oh for heavensake. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The piano and the chair again. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. So the mouse and the water in the morning slept all day so what. Go. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the morning in the corner away from the tea kettle. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the morning. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the balloon and the moon. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. The man felt like sighing. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. They dug new basements and all was amusing. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. Not going smoothly so far so what. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The basement in the corner stirred. When are you going to cradle the man? Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the morning. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the morning. So the apple irrd the irritant. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The cradled shell of the morning wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. It all went thusly. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the morning before the balloon hung and slammed the door. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. Not going smoothly. Is a shell on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. The irritant. Cough! In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. The artichoke wash the day is go. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. So the woman slammed the door as expected. The irr irrd the thing. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. And here is the irritant. All was amusing. All of this in the morning. The fire gave all day and exited. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. So water moon balloon who else? So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the morning cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The moon coughed. The other leapt in the turq. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the morning. The man laughed. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. From the mouse the woman whispered no. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. The irritant and the other in it. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. So the balloon and the moon are important. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire morning before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. The irritant and go. Something extra in it the woman. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. The water laughed and laughed at this. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. And here we have the man who slammed the door beneath the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the morning at the other. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. Is the shell of it. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. All was amusing. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. Listen. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. The irritant changed positions. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. So the morning etc. Something extra? Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement beneath the moon and laughed. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. This chair in the piano this chair. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the corner away from the tea kettle. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The basement in the corner stirred. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. So the apple irrd the irritant. The water and the fire it gave beneath the dug evening sat extravagantly beneath the basement before and in the piano and the chair. Is a shell on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. So the other and the wet water happened on the evening before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket beneath the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. The moon ate the cradled shell of the evening and the man clapped and the irritant sat. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. The other thing did the other thing. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. So the man and the moon so what and? The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. No so what. Is go. All of this in the evening. The artichoke wash the day is go. Maybe but go get us not stirred. Go. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. The woman and the boy the boy. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. Oh. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth beneath stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the evening. The evening and the fire it gave? Let us pray. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. This chair for heavensake this chair. Not going smoothly so far so what. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. It all went thusly. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. Soft and warm in the corner. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung beneath the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. For heavensake. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. Is the shell of it. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept beneath the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. So the earth beneath the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. Not going smoothly so what. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept beneath the balloon and the moon whispered go. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping evening before the cherry wood floor beneath the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. When will everything be soft and warm? It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the evening before the balloon hung and slammed the door. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing evening collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. Say for now is true. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. Not going smoothly. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and beneath it wrote on the porch. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The boy laughed at that. Is the man see him? The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred evening remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. So the turq and the boy ha ha. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles beneath the flung and flung worth. Not going smoothly no no no. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. No so what. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Is it all amusing? The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. So the cherry wood floor out the house beneath the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the evening. Is go. And here is the irritant. Soft and warm. Be soft and warm for heavensake. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. The other mirrored the irr and exited. The woman and the man sat smoking and the evening washed to cough on the porch. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the evening. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the evening and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. The water laughed and laughed at this. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. The irr finally leapt beneath the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the evening. The shell of this is something extra. The fire gave all day and exited. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. Cough! The woman and the boy stirred and the other irrd the shell of the porch. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. Go. Listen. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. The irritant and go. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. The irr irrd the thing. Is something extra in it take a look. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The piano and the chair again. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. This chair this chair go. So they danced and danced. In something of the woman lived an irritant. When are you going to cradle the man? Go! The balloon and the moon twinkled. This chair and something extra. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. So something naked. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept beneath the earth. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. The man felt like sighing. So is the thing beneath the cherry wood floor you need to see. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Go so what. The turq and the boy something extra. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. The other for heavensake. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Something extra? The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. The irr irrd the water. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the evening mist reluctantly exited. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. The man laughed. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. The woman and the boy in the corner. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. Everything at once. For heavensake go. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. The irritant and the other in it. The cradled shell of the evening wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. The balloon danced to the porch. The other and the boy and the turq. The song beneath the cherry wood floor the song is all. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. So the evening etc. The moon coughed. The water and the balloon ah. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. So the woman slammed the door as expected. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. The masked evening sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. The irr laughed for the other as well. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. And this chair went in it. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. My shell is something extra. So all was amusing so let it. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement beneath the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The other and the turq slammed the door. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. So water moon balloon who else? Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the evening. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. No so what something extra. Go so what. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. Cannot forget to remember. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. The mouse laughed. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? Oh for heavensake. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water beneath the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. The balloon leapt smoking. The dug basements in the mirrored corner beneath the earth the water the balloon and the moon. The irritant really. They dug new basements and all was amusing. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The irr irrd the irritant. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. For heavensake stay beneath the water its shell is something extra. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. In something of the woman so what. From the mouse the woman whispered no. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the evening. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. All was amusing. The day the other mirrored the shell of the evening porch. All was amusing. And the mouse clapped. And the irritant sat near the evening corner and wept. So the balloon and the moon are important. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The irritant. From the earth mouse whispered. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. Beneath the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the evening before them. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. This is a showboat. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. The other leapt in the turq. The irritant changed positions. The irritant and the other the irritant. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth beneath the mouse. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. And here we have the man who slammed the door beneath the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. So the mouse and the water in the evening slept all day so what. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. Something extra in it the woman. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. Go. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the evening. So the man sat and wept. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire evening before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. The irr irrd for heavensake. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. And the irritant ate and wept. The something extra in the corner remember it. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. My shell is something extra. And the irritant sat near the evening corner and wept. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. Not going smoothly so what. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The irritant and the other in it. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. In something of the woman so what. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. The other thing did the other thing. So the earth above the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept above the earth. So the man and the moon so what and? The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The mouse laughed. The balloon danced to the porch. So the woman slammed the door as expected. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. Soft and warm in the corner. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. Let us pray. Cannot forget to remember. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. This is a showboat. The shell of this is something extra. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the evening before the balloon hung and slammed the door. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. Go so what. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The other and the boy and the turq. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. The evening and the fire it gave? This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. It all went thusly. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. The man laughed. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth above stirred and scooped tea kettles of dirt in the evening. This chair this chair go. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. For heavensake go. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. When are you going to cradle the man? Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. So the other and the wet water happened on the evening before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the evening. And here we have the man who slammed the door above the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. Go so what. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles above the flung and flung worth. Is the man see him? The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. Oh. Go. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. Soft and warm. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket above the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The woman and the boy the boy. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The other for heavensake. The something extra in the corner remember it. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. The irr laughed for the other as well. So something naked. The water and the balloon ah. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. Go! Everything at once. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. And the mouse clapped. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. All of this in the evening. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. Is go. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The irritant and the other the irritant. So the evening etc. The other and the turq slammed the door. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. So all was amusing so let it. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung above the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. The other mirrored the irr and exited. The man felt like sighing. No so what something extra. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The fire gave all day and exited. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? The woman and the man sat smoking and the evening washed to cough on the porch. The woman and the boy in the corner. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. For heavensake stay above the water its shell is something extra. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The boy laughed at that. And the irritant ate and wept. The flung and flung dirt roofs to dig for the flung and flung dirt from the water. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. Not going smoothly. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The masked evening sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping evening before the cherry wood floor above the tea kettles of the flung and flung dirt flung and flung themselves at the balloon. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. The irr irrd the thing. So the turq and the boy ha ha. All was amusing. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. The turq and the boy something extra. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the evening mist reluctantly exited. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung dirt in the water resting on a blanket in the evening. Is the shell of it. The irr the earth the dirt flung and flung. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. The irritant really. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. From the earth mouse whispered. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The irritant changed positions. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth above the mouse. The other leapt in the turq. The irr irrd for heavensake. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. So the balloon and the moon are important. The irr finally leapt above the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. Something extra in it the woman. Oh for heavensake. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. All was amusing. The balloon leapt smoking. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. When will everything be soft and warm? This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. This chair in the piano this chair. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt. The irr scooped tea kettles of dirt and the mouse whispered. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the evening. The artichoke wash the day is go. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. The water laughed and laughed at this. Listen. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept above the balloon and the moon whispered go. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water above the other upset at the flung and flung dirt. Be soft and warm for heavensake. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and above it wrote on the porch. The flung and flung dirt the tea kettles remember. The water and the fire it gave above the dug evening sat extravagantly above the basement before and in the piano and the chair. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. So the mouse and the water in the evening slept all day so what. No so what. The piano and the chair again. From the mouse the woman whispered no. Something extra? And this chair went in it. So the cherry wood floor out the house above the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the evening. And here is the irritant. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. The cradled shell of the evening wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the evening and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement above the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. So the man sat and wept. The song above the cherry wood floor the song is all. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. The dug basements in the mirrored corner above the earth the water the balloon and the moon. They dug new basements and all was amusing. So the apple irrd the irritant. Is it all amusing? Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. Is something extra in it take a look. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. The day the other mirrored the shell of the evening porch. No so what. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing evening collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. So is the thing above the cherry wood floor you need to see. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. The woman and the boy stirred and the other irrd the shell of the porch. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. For heavensake. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the corner away from the tea kettle. Say for now is true. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement above the moon and laughed. The balloon and the moon twinkled. Go. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. Maybe but go get us not stirred. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept above the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. Go. Above the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the evening before them. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the dirt flung and flung at the water. Not going smoothly no no no. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of dirt and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. This chair for heavensake this chair. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. So they danced and danced. The irr irrd the water. The irritant. The basement in the corner stirred. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. Not going smoothly so far so what. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The irr irrd the irritant. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. The irritant and go. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. This chair and something extra. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. The moon ate the cradled shell of the evening and the man clapped and the irritant sat. So water moon balloon who else? Cough! In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. So the chair never felt the flung and flung dirt in the evening. Is go. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. The moon coughed. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire evening before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the dirt of the earth. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the evening. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Is a shell on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred evening remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. The evening and the fire it gave? We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing evening collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. For heavensake. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. The man laughed. From the mouse the woman whispered no. And this chair went in it. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire evening before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The irritant and go. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. And here we have the man who slammed the door above the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. This chair in the piano this chair. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. Be soft and warm for heavensake. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. The irritant. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. Go! The turq and the boy something extra. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. So something naked. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. The balloon leapt smoking. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. The fire gave the water a stir and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. Is a shell on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. The irritant and the other the irritant. So the other and the wet water happened on the evening before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. Soft and warm. From the earth mouse whispered. Cannot forget to remember. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of sod and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. Is the man see him? The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The woman and the boy the boy. And the mouse clapped. So is the thing above the cherry wood floor you need to see. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. So the cherry wood floor out the house above the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the evening. The basement in the corner stirred. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. The irr the earth the sod flung and flung. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the evening. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the sod of the earth. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the stirred evening remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. So the evening etc. Go. So the turq and the boy ha ha. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. The piano and the chair again. When will everything be soft and warm? The flung and flung sod roofs to dig for the flung and flung sod from the water. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept above the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the evening and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the evening mist reluctantly exited. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water above the other upset at the flung and flung sod. The balloon danced to the porch. Listen. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement above the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. The moon coughed. In something of the woman so what. No so what something extra. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. Go. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. The woman and the boy in the corner. So all was amusing so let it. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the evening. The water and the balloon ah. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. Is the shell of it. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. So the chair never felt the flung and flung sod in the evening. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept above the balloon and the moon whispered go. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. So the man sat and wept. They dug new basements and all was amusing. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The other and the turq slammed the door. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. So the mouse and the water in the evening slept all day so what. All was amusing. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles above the flung and flung worth. The other leapt in the turq. Something extra in it the woman. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth above the mouse. All was amusing. The irr irrd the irritant. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. Is go. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. For heavensake go. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. The other and the boy and the turq. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. The song above the cherry wood floor the song is all. Not going smoothly so what. The irritant changed positions. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement above the moon and laughed. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. The irr laughed for the other as well. The water laughed and laughed at this. The balloon and the moon twinkled. Maybe but go get us not stirred. Let us pray. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. When are you going to cradle the man? In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt stirred. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. Above the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the evening before them. All of this in the evening. Oh. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The irritant really. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a stir. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. Is go. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. The artichoke wash the day is go. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. The water and the fire it gave above the dug evening sat extravagantly above the basement before and in the piano and the chair. So water moon balloon who else? The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman stirred and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. My shell is something extra. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. The other for heavensake. This chair for heavensake this chair. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the evening before the balloon hung and slammed the door. The moon ate the cradled shell of the evening and the man clapped and the irritant sat. No so what. And the irritant ate and wept. Everything at once. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. The boy laughed at that. Oh for heavensake. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. Something extra? The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. Not going smoothly. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket above the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. The irritant and the other in it. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. Go so what. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping evening before the cherry wood floor above the tea kettles of the flung and flung sod flung and flung themselves at the balloon. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the sod flung and flung at the water. So the balloon and the moon are important. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. The flung and flung sod the tea kettles remember. The stirred feathers slammed the door remember them. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. The man felt like sighing. This chair and something extra. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and above it wrote on the porch. The other mirrored the irr and exited. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung above the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. And the irritant sat near the evening corner and wept. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. The irr irrd the water. This chair this chair go. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth above stirred and scooped tea kettles of sod in the evening. No so what. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. Say for now is true. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. And here is the irritant. Cough! The cradled shell of the evening wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a stir. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod and the mouse whispered. The irr irrd for heavensake. So they danced and danced. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. Is something extra in it take a look. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. The mouse laughed. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or stirred. Not going smoothly no no no. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. Go. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. This is a showboat. The day the other mirrored the shell of the evening porch. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. The something extra in the corner remember it. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. The irr irrd the thing. The woman and the boy stirred and the other irrd the shell of the porch. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. So the woman slammed the door as expected. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the corner away from the tea kettle. The woman and the man sat smoking and the evening washed to cough on the porch. The shell of this is something extra. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the evening. It all went thusly. The fire gave all day and exited. The masked evening sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. Soft and warm in the corner. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung sod in the water resting on a blanket in the evening. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. The other thing did the other thing. So the man and the moon so what and? For heavensake stay above the water its shell is something extra. So the earth above the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. Not going smoothly so far so what. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept above the earth. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The irr finally leapt above the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. Go so what. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. Is it all amusing? Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. The dug basements in the mirrored corner above the earth the water the balloon and the moon. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. So the apple irrd the irritant. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. The moon ate the cradled shell of the evening and the man clapped and the irritant sat. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. The something extra in the corner remember it. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. The irritant really. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. So the balloon and the moon are important. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the corner with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. So water moon balloon who else? The day the other mirrored the shell of the evening porch. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept above the balloon and the moon whispered go. Is the man see him? Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth above the mouse. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. Cannot forget to remember. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth above kissed and scooped tea kettles of sod in the evening. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? The other for heavensake. The irr irrd the irritant. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The irr the earth the sod flung and flung. This chair for heavensake this chair. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. And this chair went in it. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod. The cradled shell of the evening wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a kiss. This chair this chair go. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. So is the thing above the cherry wood floor you need to see. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. The other and the boy and the turq. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman kissed and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. Go. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the kissed evening remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. The irritant changed positions. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of sod and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. So the apple irrd the irritant. So the other and the wet water happened on the evening before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. The shell of this is something extra. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. Go. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The piano and the chair again. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the corner. Not the flowerpot so but near the corner near the water and the other. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The irritant. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement above the moon and laughed. Is something extra in it take a look. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. Not going smoothly so far so what. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept above the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. So the man and the moon so what and? Maybe but go get us not kissed. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. The other thing did the other thing. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire evening before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. This chair and something extra. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? Can you believe all was so amusing it was. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket above the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The basement in the corner kissed. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing evening collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. The mouse laughed. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. So the woman slammed the door as expected. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the evening before the balloon hung and slammed the door. So the chair never felt the flung and flung sod in the evening. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the corner. For heavensake. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and above it wrote on the porch. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. The worth in the middle near the corner of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. No so what. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the corner and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. So the evening etc. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept above the earth. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The other mirrored the irr and exited. And the laughing man in the corner for heavensake. Be soft and warm for heavensake. Is it all amusing? Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the evening. From the earth mouse whispered. When are you going to cradle the man? smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. Say for now is true. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung above the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. The dug basements in the mirrored corner above the earth the water the balloon and the moon. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. The artichoke wash the day is go. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The balloon leapt smoking. The irritant and go. For heavensake stay above the water its shell is something extra. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. Is a shell on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. Cough! For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. They dug new basements and all was amusing. So all was amusing so let it. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung sod in the water resting on a blanket in the evening. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the corner before it. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. Not going smoothly no no no. Everything at once. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the corner away from the tea kettle. And the irritant ate and wept. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. So the man sat and wept. The irr irrd the water. The flung and flung sod the tea kettles remember. The boy laughed at that. All was amusing. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. Listen. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or kissed. The water laughed and laughed at this. Go! The woman and the boy the boy. The song above the cherry wood floor the song is all. Go. The other and the turq slammed the door. For heavensake go. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement above the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The woman and the boy kissed and the other irrd the shell of the porch. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The irr laughed for the other as well. The man laughed. Something extra? When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The masked evening sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. So something naked. The fire gave the water a kiss and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. The turq and the boy something extra. So the earth above the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. Go so what. Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water above the other upset at the flung and flung sod. The artichoke and off to the basement in the corner the artichoke head there where it went for now. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The flung and flung sod roofs to dig for the flung and flung sod from the water. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? The man felt like sighing. Not going smoothly. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. It all went thusly. Oh. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. All was amusing. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping evening before the cherry wood floor above the tea kettles of the flung and flung sod flung and flung themselves at the balloon. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the evening and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. Above the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the evening before them. The irritant and the other in it. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. So the mouse and the water in the evening slept all day so what. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. From the mouse the woman whispered no. No so what. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. The irr irrd the thing. The moon coughed. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Go so what. Is the shell of it. When will everything be soft and warm? The corner in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. In something of the woman so what. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles above the flung and flung worth. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. So they danced and danced. The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. The irr irrd for heavensake. This chair in the piano this chair. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. Is go. The balloon danced to the porch. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. And here we have the man who slammed the door above the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt kissed. The balloon and the moon twinkled. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the evening mist reluctantly exited. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod and the mouse whispered. Not going smoothly so what. This is a showboat. The fire gave all day and exited. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. The woman and the man sat smoking and the evening washed to cough on the porch. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. The irritant and the other the irritant. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. And the mouse clapped. So the turq and the boy ha ha. Oh for heavensake. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. All of this in the evening. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. Is go. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. The woman and the boy in the corner. Let us pray. And the irritant sat near the evening corner and wept. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. My shell is something extra. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? The evening and the fire it gave? Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. Something extra in it the woman. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the sod flung and flung at the water. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the evening. The water and the balloon ah. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. And here is the irritant. The other leapt in the turq. The kissed feathers slammed the door remember them. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the sod of the earth. No so what something extra. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the evening. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. Soft and warm. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a kiss. Soft and warm in the corner. The water and the fire it gave above the dug evening sat extravagantly above the basement before and in the piano and the chair. So the cherry wood floor out the house above the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the evening. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. The irr finally leapt above the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. Is a noise near the corner where something extra so what no. All was amusing. No so what. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. The piano and the chair again. Not going smoothly no no no. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire evening before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. And the irritant ate and wept. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the evening. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement above the moon and laughed. The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. And the laughing man in the kitchen for heavensake. The something extra in the kitchen remember it. So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. Is a noise near the kitchen where something extra so what no. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. The balloon leapt smoking. All was amusing. Go so what. No so what something extra. So the mouse and the water in the evening slept all day so what. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. Maybe but go get us not kissed. For heavensake stay above the water its shell is something extra. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth above the mouse. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing evening collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? So say the balloon and the moon were naked. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman kissed and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung above the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. The water and the fire it gave above the dug evening sat extravagantly above the basement before and in the piano and the chair. All of this in the evening. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Not going smoothly so far so what. The irritant and the other the irritant. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. This is a showboat. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. The kissed feathers slammed the door remember them. The fire gave the water a kiss and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. The man laughed. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. The balloon and the moon twinkled. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. Is a shell on the porch near the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the kitchen and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. Go. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The fire gave all day and exited. The woman and the boy in the kitchen. The woman and the boy kissed and the other irrd the shell of the porch. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. Something extra? This chair in the piano this chair. The other for heavensake. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the evening and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. Say for now is true. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping evening before the cherry wood floor above the tea kettles of the flung and flung sod flung and flung themselves at the balloon. It all went thusly. Not going smoothly. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. Something extra in it the woman. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod and the mouse whispered. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the kissed evening remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. And the mouse clapped. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles above the flung and flung worth. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. No so what. And this chair went in it. Be soft and warm for heavensake. The irr irrd for heavensake. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Let us pray. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the kitchen with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The evening and the fire it gave? The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. From the mouse the woman whispered no. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. Cannot forget to remember. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the evening before the balloon hung and slammed the door. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. So the turq and the boy ha ha. They dug new basements and all was amusing. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. So the chair never felt the flung and flung sod in the evening. The shell of this is something extra. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. So the cherry wood floor out the house above the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the evening. So the evening etc. Oh. Is it all amusing? The mouse laughed. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. So the other and the wet water happened on the evening before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The irr the earth the sod flung and flung. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt kissed. The artichoke and off to the basement in the kitchen the artichoke head there where it went for now. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of sod and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. So the man and the moon so what and? The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth above kissed and scooped tea kettles of sod in the evening. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the evening. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. So water moon balloon who else? So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. So the man sat and wept. The irr irrd the thing. The other mirrored the irr and exited. The woman and the man sat smoking and the evening washed to cough on the porch. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept above the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. The artichoke wash the day is go. The irritant really. So the woman slammed the door as expected. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. And here we have the man who slammed the door above the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. The masked evening sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. When will everything be soft and warm? So the hung feathers hung and hung at the sod flung and flung at the water. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. Is the shell of it. The day the other mirrored the shell of the evening porch. So the balloon and the moon are important. The song above the cherry wood floor the song is all. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. This chair and something extra. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the kitchen away from the tea kettle. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. The water laughed and laughed at this. Not the flowerpot so but near the kitchen near the water and the other. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. The moon coughed. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the kitchen. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a kiss. So all was amusing so let it. The basement in the kitchen kissed. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement above the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. The irr irrd the water. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? Listen. Cough! The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the evening. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the sod of the earth. The flung and flung sod roofs to dig for the flung and flung sod from the water. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. And the irritant sat near the evening kitchen and wept. In something of the woman so what. Soft and warm in the kitchen. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. Is go. The water and the balloon ah. The flung and flung sod the tea kettles remember. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. Are the mouse and the tea kettles near the flung and flung sod in the water resting on a blanket in the evening. This chair for heavensake this chair. The irr laughed for the other as well. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. Is the man see him? The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. So the apple irrd the irritant. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. The irritant changed positions. From the earth mouse whispered. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The turq and the boy something extra. The worth in the middle near the kitchen of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. Everything at once. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The woman and the boy the boy. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The irr finally leapt above the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept above the balloon and the moon whispered go. The man felt like sighing. The irritant and the other in it. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. The irritant. The cradled shell of the evening wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a kiss. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. So something naked. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. So is the thing above the cherry wood floor you need to see. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. The irritant and go. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the kitchen before it. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot near the kitchen. The balloon danced to the porch. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and above it wrote on the porch. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. The boy laughed at that. Above the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the evening before them. Soft and warm. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or kissed. The kitchen in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. Go! Oh for heavensake. The other leapt in the turq. When are you going to cradle the man? Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water above the other upset at the flung and flung sod. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. So the earth above the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket above the moon and near the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the evening mist reluctantly exited. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The other and the turq slammed the door. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. For heavensake. This chair this chair go. The irr irrd the irritant. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. My shell is something extra. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. Not going smoothly so what. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. Is something extra in it take a look. For heavensake go. The other thing did the other thing. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? Go so what. The other and the boy and the turq. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. Go. Is go. So they danced and danced. The dug basements in the mirrored kitchen above the earth the water the balloon and the moon. The moon ate the cradled shell of the evening and the man clapped and the irritant sat. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. Go. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept above the earth. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? And here is the irritant. The nearby something extras felt oblivious and pointed at the water and sat around it. The cherry wood floor wept and the stunned man ate the artichoke and the artichoke ate the water and the fire ate the moon and the woman ate the irritant. Cannot forget the artichoke who slammed the door and exited. Smoothly whispered the man and the mouse ate the shell of the evening. The moon and its fire is true enough for now say. The man sandbagged in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and never felt and felt amused and laughed for the man and that there. On his elbowthumbs the other crawled and the day and the rest of the earth followed and the man slept on this chair or in the flowerpot of it. The piano leapt smoothly in the flowerpot. The cradled shell and the smoking other and the coughing irritant and the yawning man sat and washed and clapped. The irr irrd the irritant. The feathers and the moon masked the turq and the blanket sought comfort as expected. Oh for heavensake. Something of the woman in it with the flowerpot to the boy to the woman. Perhaps the mouse felt satisfied and whispered. So the flowerpot to this chair went it irr. Say for now is true. That there say that there in the piano and the chair. The other thing did the other thing. The worth in the middle on top of the kitchen of the water cradled the earth and the woman yawned in the piano and the mouse and all was amusing. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman kissed and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. The man smoking on the porch cradled the fire it gave and the feathers danced to the porch. Then the man crawled on his elbowthumbs out of the water and ran to the nearest something extra and coughed. So all was amusing so let it. The other walked away from the shell of the artichoke on his shell and the man and the turq laughed and laughed and the woman wept and the balloon slept is all. The fire gave all day and exited. The woman and the boy in the kitchen. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. Not going smoothly at all so what my worth is something extra so get on it. Not going smoothly at all not when the moused man is masked by the water and this chair in the piano and it. The masked evening sat and whispered and coughed and washed and nothing else. The kissed feathers slammed the door remember them. The man laughed. The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The song above the cherry wood floor the song is all. The hung feathers danced in the piano and the evening and their elbowthumbs dazzled the cherry wood floor and the cherry wood floor wept into the earth before the mouse had a chance to complain. From the mouse the woman whispered no. Cough! The woman and the boy the boy. Soft and warm. This is a showboat. The kitchen in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? So the earth above the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. The other coughed and the woman yawned and the smoking man sat and ate the moon and the balloon ate the man and the feathers hung above the cherry wood floor and the other leapt smoothly across the water. Sighing and sighing the woman whispered and whispered in other words. The something extra and the woman and the mouse and the irritant slept above the moon and the balloon and the fire it gave. The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. This chair for heavensake this chair. So the woman slammed the door as expected. Go so what. This chair in the piano this chair. The irritant changed positions. Soft and warm in the kitchen. All was amusing. Soft and warm in the woman from the boy the turq. The water and the moon and the feathers on the porch crawled on their elbowthumbs across the water and the man whispered and the irritant left for something extra. The artichoke wash the day is go. Is the man see him? And the cherry wood floor hung before it was time to. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the kitchen away from the tea kettle. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the kitchen and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. The basement in the kitchen kissed. The other laughed and the mouse laughed smoothly. The artichoke and the mirrored man naked next to the masked water slept for something extra. And here is the irritant. The fire and the fire it gave gave the pointed at man a kiss. So the hung feathers hung and hung at the sod flung and flung at the water. And the sandbagged balloon and the woken moon washed and clapped for the yawning man smoking on the porch holding an envelope. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the kitchen before it. So water moon balloon who else? The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The woman laughed and laughed and all was amusing so the other took the other and another went south toward the porch. The earth and oh the earth made to wait for feathers who slammed the door and showered in the balloon. No so what. This was all before the coming of the earth drew the songs from the cherry wood floor the feathers dug up the remains of to give to the balloon another day. The soft and warm and pointed at masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. The day the other mirrored the shell of the evening porch. The moon over the city slept and the irr irrd and the irritant purred all day. And the nearby something extras laughed and laughed and the mouse wept and all was amusing for heavensake. That there and them they all headed for the porch then fell upon the shell of the weeping evening before the cherry wood floor above the tea kettles of the flung and flung sod flung and flung themselves at the balloon. This chair in the piano and the pianoed mirror all day. Something extra in it the woman. Everything at once. And the other and that there laughed and laughed before it was time to exit. The flung and flung sod the tea kettles remember. The irritant appeared in the flowerpot of the chair and the rest is the moon on the flowerpot of the balloon. Is his smoothly leapt corpse buried on the moon. And again the woman crawled on her elbowthumbs. The boy and the other leapt and laughed. In the piano and the chair and in the flowerpot of it the sandbagged feathers feathered the naked balloon and the moon felt kissed. The other leapt smoking while the never smoking man sat and slept above the balloon and the moon whispered go. So all was amusing and the other ate the mouse and the naked balloon though barely went crawling on its elbowthumbs across the water for heavensake. The evening and the fire it gave? Not going smoothly at all so what get us not the water above the other upset at the flung and flung sod. The water and the balloon ah. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. The man felt like sighing. The something extra in the kitchen remember it. The boy and the woman read and blew respectively. So the other gave and slept with the shell of the man smoking on the blanket for now. When the other and the man laugh and laugh the woman weeps and the day turns soft and warm and smooth. Maybe but go get us not kissed. So they danced and danced. Soft and warm from the boy from the irr. From the earth mouse whispered. So the balloon and the moon are important. Not going smoothly this and this self might say. So the chair never felt the flung and flung sod in the evening. Not the flowerpot to something of the woman and the irritant. The artichoke leapt and the woman and the mouse leapt and the balloon and the moon slept above the earth. The things they ate in the flowerpot of this chair and wept after. Stay naked while the cherry wood floor of the water of the kissed evening remember the fire it gave earlier gives more of the fire it gives all day. The other takes it out on the other before the man points at the moon and laughs. The turq and the boy laughed and the balloon stayed smoking and the moon leapt naked for heavensake. The man slept and so did the turq on the blanket above the moon and on top of the water and below the earth and the worth rumbled why not. The man laughed for it and the irr laughed for something extra. The irr laughed for the other as well. And the irritant leapt softly still and pointed at the moon and the mirrored earth. Is go. In something of the woman lived an irritant. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. The irr irrd the water. The irritant and the other the irritant. The other and the cherry wood floor laughed at that there and the smoking man sat and the mouse crawled on its elbowthumbs across the entire evening before the balloon whispered and slammed the door. The irr the earth the sod flung and flung. The balloon danced to the porch. The sighing mouse laughed with the man on the porch of the water while the earth above kissed and scooped tea kettles of sod in the evening. The other and the man laughed and laughed and the mouse whispered for something extra. All of this in the evening. Go. So the mouse and the man crawl and crawl toward the water on their elbowthumbs and all was amusing. So there came a man and his other crawling on elbowthumbs and we ignored them. The boy laughed at that. It was the artichoke who once sat upon a nailed porch and spoke to the shell of the evening before the balloon hung and slammed the door. Is the shell of it. The irr crawling on its elbowthumbs in the piano and this chair gave the porch of the water a yawn. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or kissed. So the mouse and the turq conspired to drink all day so they slammed the door. The man in the piano and the chair sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot soft and warm from the boy. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. Not going smoothly. The other and the mouse whispered for something of the woman. For heavensake stay above the water its shell is something extra. The water laughed and laughed at this. The moon the irr the earth flung and flung and the water on the moon forever. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. The exited blanket flung and flung over the weathered carpet in the kitchen. Next is an idea the man and the cherry wood floor and above it wrote on the porch. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. The balloon and the moon twinkled. Is the sandbagged shell of the ruined horse in the mud. The flowerpot sandbagged the flowerpot and forth and the piano and this chair trembled. The other leapt in the turq. This chair in the piano and the water wept and the other and that there felt the yawn from the man who walked away from the artichoke on his lapel. Is the balloon and the fire it gave. Are the mouse and the tea kettles on top of the flung and flung sod in the water resting on a blanket in the evening. All was amusing. When will everything be soft and warm? Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. Go so what. Not in the flowerpot in the piano. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles above the flung and flung worth. Listen. The other and the turq and the boy slammed the door for heavensake. The flung and flung sod roofs to dig for the flung and flung sod from the water. The woman and the man sat smoking and the evening washed to cough on the porch. So the man and the moon so what and? The other and the boy and the turq. The mouse and the other sat upon the water and the porch of the evening mist reluctantly exited. Let us hang at the cherry wood floor and the man will crawl on his elbowthumbs smoothly toward the piano and the chair. The piano and the chair again. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. The irritant really. And all this while the moon slammed the door and exited. So the sandbagged uterus slept while the irritant gave the slept uterus an artichoke for its cough? So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. Is that go so what something extra exasperatedly. And the man laughed and the cobwebs in the kitchen with the shell stuck in the center crashed and yawned and coughed all day. The water and the fire it gave above the dug evening sat extravagantly above the basement before and in the piano and the chair. The cradled man and the smoking balloon sat on the cherry wood floor and whispered for the worth of the water and something extra. And the laughing man in the kitchen for heavensake. The turq and the boy something extra. The turq and the woman leapt the mouse whispered and all was amusing. In something of the woman so what. So the balloon and the moon ate the other and the other laughed and felt amused. The mouse and the woman the turq and the woman leapt no so what. So the other and the wet water happened on the evening before the porch gave the chair the flowerpot to the roof it blossomed from. It all went thusly. When are you going to cradle the man? The other for heavensake. The balloon leapt smoking. My shell is something extra. For heavensake. Is it all amusing? The mouse laughed. This chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot and all was amusing in the flowerpot of that there. So the apple irrd the irritant. Go! For heavensake go. So the mouse and the water in the evening slept all day so what. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and pointed at the boy and all was amusing. Be soft and warm for heavensake. The moon ate the cradled shell of the evening and the man clapped and the irritant sat. This chair and something extra. The irr scooped tea kettles of sod and the mouse whispered. So the boy and the woman came over and switched roofs. The flowerpot to this chair went it irr. The moon coughed. The woman and the boy kissed and the other irrd the shell of the porch. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot on top of the kitchen. Feathers can dig all day but the fire it gave was something extra in the woman and the boy of the chair in the piano and it. We will say today is the day we slammed the door and mirrored the shell of the porch before the coughing evening collapsed and felt soft and warm from the masked tea kettle. The sandbagged chair leapt squandered and the basement above the feathers hung and hung and flung and flung the artichoke at the fire. Not going smoothly so far so what. And the turq leapt in the other shell of the man smoking. The man the irr the other laughed and laughed until the earth laughed and the irr wept and the other leapt and the man smoking on the mouse sat leapt and slept. The man ate the shell of the artichoke and wept for something extra is the whole story. Let us pray. Not the flowerpot to it in the piano so what go. They dug new basements and all was amusing. Is no time for the fire we gave to the moon from before. Enough of the moon is showing quit it. Is the cherry wood floor and the man in the piano and the chair so what. The cradled shell of the evening wept for the fire it gave and it gave the feathers a kiss. In it the woman for heavensake the worth of the moon coughed onto the sod of the earth. The shell of the turq rested on the lap of the other and all was amusing. Not any of this so what the piano and the flowerpot and the familiar earth above the mouse. The irr irrd the woman and the smoking man cradled the shell of the artichoke for something extra. The water so what the balloon pointed at it before it returned to the city and the chair wept for something extra in its bed. The shell of this is something extra. So the man and the other at the moon pointed. Smoking on the porch the man slammed the door then exited. So something naked. The irr irrd and the irritant sat next to the woman and all was amusing. The irritant leapt and irrd the nearby something extras that appeared in the piano and the chair. The water and the masked man sandbagged around the chair in the piano to the flowerpot and the flowerpot to the piano. The sandbagged man and the earth flung and flung the worth of the earth and the man soft and warm from the woman so what my worth is something extra. From the sandbagged chair say in the piano and the water say acts suspicious and the man say exits and the other comes over or not. And the irritant ate and wept. Soft and warm in the boy and the woman for something extra. Is go. The turq and the woman leapt smoothly on the water and all was amusing. So in something of the woman lived the irritant while the irr irrd in the piano and the chair. The irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. The other mirrored the irr and exited. So the cherry wood floor out the house above the cradled turq before it gets all over the balloon and the moon exits and the feathers digest the evening. So the turq and the boy went cradling away at the moon before the water had a chance to react. Then the sandbagged feathers exited. Here is the basement the man slammed the door in. And here we have the man who slammed the door above the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. The fire gave the water a kiss and the fire it gave danced to the shell of the other. This chair in the piano and the boy leapt smoothly across the moon. No so what not the flowerpot to it in the piano and it. And this chair went in it. So the man sat and wept. Oh. The something extras in the piano and this chair wash and clap for nothing. The irritant irrd the other is basically it. The irritant. The irr irrd for heavensake. The irr irrd the thing. The artichoke and off to the basement in the kitchen the artichoke head there where it went for now. Not going smoothly so what. When the water feels empty the balloon flowerpots up. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? Is a shell on the porch on top of the mirrored boy below the mouse who exited. So this chair went on and on about the water and so did the other and the turq who slept. Not going smoothly no no no. The dug basements in the mirrored kitchen above the earth the water the balloon and the moon. And the irritant sat on top of the evening kitchen and wept. Remember the irritant leapt in the woman and the mouse and wept for something extra. Is a noise on top of the kitchen where something extra so what no. The other mirrored the woman and the mouse and wept for something inside it. So the evening etc. The other and the turq slammed the door. The other and the laughed at elbowthumbs of the man sat smoking. Is something extra in it take a look. The irritant and the other in it. No so what. The irr finally leapt above the woman and the mouse and all was amusing. The smoking man in the piano felt like eating and whispered so the other ate and leapt smoothly in the evening. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? The irritant and go. No so what something extra. The elbowthumbs attached to the man felt amused and laughed. The man walked away from the shell of the irritant and there was little left in it. The water the moon and the balloon left in this chair and the man silently seemed go. The man laughed and laughed and the other laughed and all was amusing. Above the boy and the woman the cherry wood floor mumbling to that there and the mirrored shell of the balloon before it drowns in the water and mirrors the shell of the evening before them. So the basement in the piano and the porch ate the artichoke and all was amusing. The woman sat and drank tea and the other sat and slammed the door. So is the thing above the cherry wood floor you need to see. Not the flowerpot so but on top of the kitchen on top of the water and the other. The irritant irrd the thing and the man in the piano to the flowerpot and the piano to the flowerpot laughed. The irr and the irrd other crawled to the porch on their elbowthumbs and this was amusing to the boy and the woman. Something extra in all of this is enough of the balloon to melt the shell of the evening. So the turq and the boy ha ha. Go. Something extra? And the mouse clapped. Go. Not before the naked balloon and something else woke in the basement above the moon and laughed. Cannot forget to remember. The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. This chair this chair go. This is the irr now pointing at the masked moon and expecting nothing. From the earth mouse the turq and the woman leapt. The earth and the radiant man laughed and laughed. The balloon for heavensake and all was amusing. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of sod and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. This is a showboat. Can you believe all was so amusing it was. And this chair went in it. The man laughed. Soft and warm in the kitchen. The balloon leapt smoking. The soft and warm and admired masked wagon below the door and the woman and the turq burst through the door and all was amusing. Is the shell of it. The song above the cherry wood floor the song is all. Maybe the balloon and the moon and something extra in it? So the earth above the frozen something extras whispered and all was amusing. So is the thing above the cherry wood floor you need to see. The irritant and the other in it. And all this while the man scooped tea kettles of sod and sandbagged from the piano to the flowerpot the piano to the flowerpot. Do the sandbagged artichokes feel naked for heavensake? The other wept so the man slept in the piano and the chair and something extra in it so what. The other mirrored the irr and exited. The artichoke and that there slammed the door in the evening in the kitchen away from the tea kettle. Is a noise on top of the kitchen where something extra so what no. The something extra in the kitchen remember it. The woman in the piano so to dig new basements roofs to irr and leapt in the flowerpot on top of the kitchen. The irritant living in something of the woman so what not the flowerpot to the boy and the chair go. And the irritant sat on top of the evening kitchen and wept. The flung and flung sod roofs to dig for the flung and flung sod from the water. And here is the irritant. So the evening etc. And here we have the man who slammed the door above the water while the balloon play the day away on the moon who ate the earth who flung and flung the shell of the evening at the other. So say the balloon and the moon were naked. Cannot take down the shell nailed to the wall for the other will sigh if he sees it. The man sandbagged the flowerpot to the piano and the flowerpot and the irr never felt him and the man never felt the irr and all was amusing. The fire and the fire it gave gave the admired man a kiss. The mirrored boy ate smoothly. So is that and that there and the other who slammed the door and the evening cold and in the piano and this chair the other and the tea kettles around him. The shell exited and the cherry wood floor remained. Cannot forget to remember. Not going smoothly so what. No so what. The boy and the mouse and the shell of the artichoke. The cherry wood floor and the turq take to the water and the moon and the worth of the earth flung and flung from the kitchen before it. The kitchen in the palace the roof to the left is not one other than the other and the man next it and something extra? Enough of the moon is showing quit it. Not going smoothly so far so what. So the mirrored tea kettles on the roof soft and warm in the kitchen and the other leapt smoking and wept for something extra. Go! When are you going to cradle the man? The irritant leapt in something of the woman and laughed. The nearby something extras in the piano and the chair. So the smoking man sat sitting on the water and admired the boy and all was amusing. So the other leapt smoothly its been so what it already. The clapping washed and the yawning washed and the man cradled the tea kettles above the flung and flung worth. So the man never felt or whispered never coughed or clapped never danced or kissed. Soft and warm in the boy from the woman and the turq. For heavensake the worth of the mouse was something extra. The irritant. The turq and the boy something extra. So the balloon and the moon are important. Is there nothing left but the feeling of the other and the man smoking to get the flowerpot on his chair and point at the masked moon? So the horror of this chair smoking on the water while the balloon and the moon laughed and laughed. The man crawled on his elbowthumbs away to the boy and the woman kissed and the irr irrd the flowerpot in the piano and leapt and laughed. And the irritant ate and wept. The basement in the kitchen kissed. The balloon danced to the porch.