Dark Song

The heart, altering, alters all.

Sometimes, it happens and who

Knows why—the world

Suddenly turns ugly

And decides to crush you.

Don’t waste time trying

To understand, just fight

For your life, do all you can

To survive.

That’s what

Jacob did on the riverbank

When he was ambushed

By that cruel angel.

All night

He fought against a silent,

Giant malice that was

Determined to destroy him.

Yes, he came through it alive—

I’m with you on that:

By all means, let’s celebrate

What a doughty human can do

Against impossible odds.

But who says the actual

Battle was the worst of it?

There’s also aftermath.

I wish Jacob good luck

Trying to figure out

Why God would

Send such a creature to do

Such a job.

Maybe he got

A blessing; maybe not,

But I’m personally certain

Of this much:

As that

Bleak dawn came on

And he sat in the mud,


Rubbing his torn shoulder

And bruised legs,

Jacob’s heart was filling

With a bitter


Blended of tears,

Rage, fear and shame.

For me, the only question is:

After that, what cup?

What cup could he drink from?