
Some of these poems, some in earlier or different forms, have appeared in the following magazines:

American Poetry Review: “Ode to Some Lyric Poets,” “Lines Standing in for Religious Conviction,” “Dark Song,” “And So,” “Ode to Words.”

Mississippi Review: “Dark Proverbs for Dark Times” appeared originally as “Three Dark Proverb Sonnets” and was subsequently chosen by Natasha Tretheway to appear in Best American Poetry 2017 (Scribner’s).

Narrative: “Ode to Nothing,” “The Ferris Wheel at the World’s Fair,” “Dark Proverbs for Dark Times,” “I Don’t Really Care, Do You?,” “Charlottesville Elegy,” “Hector Bidding Wife and Child a Last Good-bye,” “Downtown Tour,” “Lyric Revises the World,” “Ode to These Socks.”

Plume: “Sitting at a dinner table . . . ,” “Song of What Happens,” “The Ferris Wheel at the World’s Fair.”

Smartish Pace: “For Trisha,” “Ode to the Country of Us,” “It’s time . . .”

Well Review (Ireland): “How often I’ve wished . . .” and “Song of Aftermath.”

My gratitude to the editors for their hospitality.