All page number refer to the print edition of this title.
Page numbers in italics indicate figures.
aboriginal people, 29, 35
acrylamide, 106–7
aggression, 55–57, 146, 154, 213, 243
aging, 142, 188, 198
agricultural/agrarian societies, 58, 105–9
alien abductions, 214, 215–17, 219, 220, 240
altered states of consciousness, 162, 205, 227, 240–41
Alzheimer’s disease, 74, 113–14, 152, 246
ambidexterity, 18, 19, 21–22, 26, 32, 197
amnesia, 203–4
angiosperms, 6, 255, 256
anosognosia, 193–94, 195–96
aquatic ape theory, 43–44, 48–49
Australopithecus afarensis, 44–45
autism, 16, 112, 199–200, 234, 246
autistic savants, 8, 12–13, 14, 15, 16,
28, 234, 235
ayahuasca, 88, 213, 214
balance, 31–32
baldness, 142–45
Bandler, Richard, 186, 189, 190–91
Batmanghelidj, F., 74
beta-carbolines, 85, 87–88, 95, 153
bicameral mind, 157–60
beta-carbolines, 85, 87–88, 95, 153
described, 84–87
flavonoids, 87, 89, 90, 107, 130–33, 153
as neurotransmitter precursors, 88–89
bipedalism, 42–47
birth process, 2–3, 35
Blake, William, 160
body awareness, developing, 11
body image boundary disturbance, 174–75
body size, brain and, 36–37, 57
diet of, 53, 62, 64, 71
digestive system, 70
fertility of, 54
genetic closeness to humans, 47, 75, 242–43
lack of fossils, 38
large brains of, 52
consciousness and, 8, 155–57
development of, 41–42
lateralization, 9–10, 18, 19, 104,
177–78, 241–42
long-term decline of, 34–35
new understanding about, 7–8
pineal gland’s link with, 98
shrinkage, 57–58, 105
size increase, 51–52, 85, 91–93, 94,
95–96, 115
synaptic pruning, 244–45
See also hemispheres of the brain
brain-to-body size, 36–37, 57
breast-feeding, 113, 142, 245
breast milk, 113, 229, 245
Broca, Paul, 9–10
Cafell, Colin, 198
Cannabis, 211
carbohydrates, 66, 68–69
carnivores, 66, 70
Castaneda, Carlos, 173–74
catastrophic events, 53–54
Cayce, Edgar, 24
cerebral dominance, 10, 19–20, 153–
54, 161, 163–64, 196, 250–51
chemicals. See biochemicals
baldness in, 143
diet of, 53, 61, 70
digestive system, 71
fertility of, 54, 142
fiber consumption, 65, 66
genetic closeness to humans, 47, 52, 75, 242–43
lack of fossils, 38
life span of, 58
Cohen, Michael, 150, 151
Collins, David, 30, 33
confabulation, 192–96
altered states of, 162, 205, 227,
brain and, 8, 155–57
overview, 207–9
restoring, 249–54
testosterone’s effect on, 148–50, 198
time consciousness, 173–74, 217, 228
two spheres of, 177, 184, 199
See also sense of self (“I”)
contraceptives, 150
cooked food, 105–9
Crompton, Robin, 46
dehydration, 74
depression, 111, 147, 222–23
antisocial conduct linked to, 146–47
carbohydrates, 66, 68–69
cooked food, 105–9
fruit-and-vegetable diet, 107, 109
grains, 58, 69, 74, 105
junk food, 109–15, 147
libido and, 137–38
modern-day, 247
plant-based, 63–64, 72, 91–93, 94
of primates, 37–38, 62, 70, 247
protein, fatty acids, and water, 71–74
raw food, 30, 33, 60, 106, 108, 130–31
See also fruit diet; meat
digestive system (second brain), 7, 71,
121–25, 229
DMT (dimethyltryptamine), 88, 213–
21, 240, 252
DNA code, 83–84, 86
DNA molecule, 76–84
DNA transcription, 39, 82–83, 84, 86
dreams, 169–70, 187–88, 199
Drummond, Sean, 33
Edwards, Betty, 13, 20
electromagnetic fields, weak, 238–42
Elkin, A. P., 35
emotions, 165–66, 198
epilepsy, 14, 15, 164–65, 176, 180, 182
estrogen, 112, 114, 129, 132, 153
evolution, human
lineages, 47–48
overview, 38–40
plant kingdom and, 255–56
unique features of, 75–76, 80
evolution of forest hominids, 91–93,
94, 129–30
fall of mankind, 3–4, 138–42, 156–57
fatigue, 21–22, 175
fats, polyunsaturated, 71–72
fatty acids, 71–73, 247–48
fear, 175, 196–99
excess testosterone in, 148
hairiness, 142–45
menopause, 35, 127, 142, 144
orgasms, 127–28, 133–37, 141
reproductive cycle of, 127, 130–33,
fertility, human, 126–28, 134, 150, 245
fetus, 81–83
fiber, 63–64, 65–66
figs, 37, 62, 68
flavonoids, 87, 89, 90, 107, 130–33, 153
forest hominids
big brains of, 51–52
bipedalism of, 42–47
evolution of, 91–93, 94, 129–30
fruit diet of, 37–38, 39–40, 41, 123–24
hairlessness and vitamin D, 47–51
leaving the forest, 53–55, 96–97,
115–16, 138–42
reproductive system, 128–29
fossils, 37, 38
fruit-and-vegetable diet, 107, 109
fruit diet
benefits of, 107, 153–54
biochemical influence of, 84–85
bioflavonoids in, 131–32
brain size and, 51–52
brain-to-body ratio and, 36–37
of forest hominids, 37–38, 39–40,
41, 123–24
juvenile period extended with,
as natural for humans, 66–67, 70–71
as neurotransmitter precursors,
overview, 115–16
pineal gland and, 85, 86
reduction of, 54, 98–105
See also biochemicals
geomagnetic fields, 241
Gershon, Michael, 89, 121, 124, 125
Gilgamesh, 23
Gnostics, 223–24
golden age, 2–3
grains, 58, 69, 74, 105
Grinder, John, 186, 189, 190–91
Groves, Colin, 52
hair, 47–51, 142–45
ambidexterity, 18, 19, 21–22, 26, 32, 197
fatigue’s effect on, 21–22
multiple personalities and, 179–80
overview, 17–20
speech function and, 10
harmala alkaloids, 88
head size, 42
healing, 201–2
hearing, 21–22, 111
Heinberg, Richard, 3
hemispheres of the brain
fall of mankind and, 156–57
functions of, 207–8
hemispherectomy, 164–71
imbalance and decline of, 101–5
language and speech, 14–16, 162–63
problems with, 250–51
split/isolated, 182–84, 188
steroids and, 102–3
switching between, 175–76
written word and, 163–64
See also left hemisphere; right
Herrigel, Eugen, 229
higher functioning, 199–207
Hindu tradition, four epochs of, 2–3
Hoffer, Abram, 111
hominids. See forest hominids;
Savannah hominids
Homo erectus, 39, 61
Homo habilis, 39, 61
Homo sapiens, 39, 48, 56, 57, 62–63,
95, 128
Homo sapiens sapiens, 57, 96–97
hormones/hormone system
effect on the brain, 103
fetus affected by, 81–83
neural system modified by, 80–81
rebalancing, 153–54
See also estrogen; steroids;
human evolution
lineages, 47–48
overview, 38–40
plant kingdom and, 255–56
unique features of, 75–76, 80
Hunzas, 60
hypnosis, 22, 27, 174, 184–88
immune system, 69, 117, 119–21, 122
indole-acetic acid, 88
inherited and evolutionary traits,
83–85, 90–91
insight, 168–71
intuition, 202–4
Jaynes, Julian, 157–58, 164, 175
juggling, 26
junk food, 73–74, 109–15, 147
juvenile period, 40–42, 83, 84–85, 113
Kenton, Leslie and Susannah, 108, 130–31
ketamine, 222
King, Billie Jean, 226
Koestler, Arthur, 56
Krueger, James, 23
Lancaster, Brian, 27
brain hemispheres and, 14–16,
cultural views regarding, 11
developing, 14
functions of, 9–10
See also speech
lateralization, 9–10, 18, 19, 104, 177–
78, 241–42
laughter, 245
Leakey, Richard, 61
learning difficulties, 19–20
left-handers, 18–20
left hemisphere
characteristics of, 7–8
confabulation, 192–96
degeneration, 6, 109, 178–79
dominance of, 5, 13–17, 102
dysfunctional, 190–91
fatigue’s effect on, 21–22
as fear-based, 109, 149
fear of right hemisphere, 197, 198
functions of, 9–10
language and, 15–16
lying/making up stories, 181–84,
191–92, 193
mode of processing, 19
reducing the influence of, 14, 20, 24,
26–27, 186–87, 233–38
removal of, 167–68
right-hemisphere removal and, 165–67
sleep deprivation and, 24–25
speech and, 167–68, 237
Libet, Benjamin, 231
libido, 137–38
life span/longevity, 6, 58, 59–60
lighting, artificial, 112–13
Loestler, Arthur, 56
LSD, 11–12, 156, 211, 212, 214, 218
baldness in, 137–38
diet and libido, 142–45
mammalian genome, 255–56
Manchester sleep trial, 30–33,
MAO (monoamine oxidase), 80, 85,
87–88, 89, 90
Matsurra, Yasutaro, 229
McGilchrist, Iain, 5
McKenna, Dennis J., xi–xiii
McTaggart, Lynn, 201
MDMA, 221–22
meat, 56, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69–70, 71
benefits of, 120–21, 196, 245
effect on pineal and brain activity, 220–21
quieting the left brain, 20
states accessed in, 175
Meggyesy, David, 230–31
artificial lighting and, 112–13
autism and, 246
benefits of, 151–52, 252–53
in breast milk, 113, 229
functions of, 93, 95
meditation and, 196
pineal gland producing, 81, 95, 101
reduced levels of, 101, 144
role in reproductive cycle, 139–40, 150–51
safety of, 150–51
second brain and, 122–23
sexual benefits of, 151–52
steroid activity suppressed by, 83
See also pineal gland
memory, 26–27, 163, 186–87, 241–42
menopause, 35, 127, 142, 144
“Millennium Man” (Orrorin tugenensis), 45–46
Milton, Katherine, 63, 64–65
Mitchell, Edgar, 207
Morgan, Elaine, 43–44
multiple personality disorders (MPD),
22, 121, 176–81, 199
Murphy, Michael, 224–32
Neal, Patsy, 230
Neanderthals, 47–48, 53, 57
neocortex, 6, 34, 121, 256
neural or synaptic pruning, 244–45
neural system, 67–68, 80–81, 83, 93
neuroendocrine system, 40–41, 113
neurolinguistic programming, 186
neurotransmitters, 80, 87–89, 123
oracles, Greek, 159–60
orgasms, 127–28, 133–37, 141
Orrorin tugenensis (“Millennium Man”), 45–46
oxytocin, 122, 134–35, 222
Pausanius, 159
peak experiences
described, 20, 169
in sports, 224–32
transcendence, 204–6
See also spiritual experiences
Pederson, David, 182, 184–85, 186
Pelton, Ross, 67
Penfield, Wilder, 187
Persinger, Michael, 239–40, 241–42
photographic memory, 13, 14
photoreading, 28
pineal gland
DMT produced by, 219–20
fruit diet and, 85, 86
increase in output, 93, 95–96
melatonin produced by, 81, 95, 101
multiple personalities and, 180–81
reproductive cycle and, 150–51
spiritual experiences and, 220–21
survival diet’s effect on, 97–98, 101
pinoline, 88, 95
plant-based diet, 63–64, 72, 91–93, 94
Plato, 25
pleasure, 242
poetry, 160–63
Price, Weston, 110–11
brain-to-body ratio, 36–37
diet of, 37–38, 62, 70, 247
first, 90–91
humans as, 247
neural capacity in, 85
See also bonobos; chimpanzees;
forest hominids
prophets, 159, 160, 161
prostate gland, 151–52
Prozac, 88, 123, 147, 222
psychopaths, 146–47
breast-feeding and, 245
early onset, 93, 112–13, 150
testosterone levels during, 148, 178
Raikov, V. L., 27
Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 193–94, 195
Ramapithecus, 39, 61
Ram Dass (Richard Alpert), 212
raw food diet, 30, 33, 60, 106, 108, 130–31
reading skills, 27–28
reality, perceiving, 5, 196
remote viewing, 200–201
reproductive cycle
fall of mankind and, 138–42
fertility, 126–28, 134, 150, 245
flavonoids and, 130–33
of forest hominids, 128–29
males, diet, and libido, 137–38
melatonin’s role in, 139–40, 150–51
ovulation and orgasm, 133–37
steroids, 129–30, 141–42
See also females
rhyming ability, 25–26
right-handed people, 17–18
right hemisphere
accessing, 20, 26, 208
assuming left brain functions, 163
characteristics of, 7–8
freed from left brain, 2–3, 12, 14
functions of, 9, 10, 11–13
held in low esteem, 10–11
hidden potential of, 26–28
insights of, 168–71
language and, 14–16
left-hemisphere removal and, 167–68
perception of reality, 5, 195
removal/damage of, 165–67, 171
rhyming ability of, 25–26
sleep needs, 24
speech and, 15–16, 162–63, 237
suppression by left brain, 17
See also hemispheres of the brain
Salti, Robert, 112–13
Savannah hominids, 39, 44, 48, 51,
96–100, 143
savants, autistic, 8, 12–13, 14, 15, 16,
28, 234, 235
schizophrenia, 171–76, 199
second brain (digestive system), 7, 71,
121–25, 229
sense of self (“I”)
attenuation of, 27
brain and, 34, 155–56
distorted, 154
dominant and dormant, 4–5
as “experiential beingness,” 208
fearful, 196–97
left versus right-hemisphere, 175
liberation of, 155
loss of, 173
moving beyond, 226–27
restoring, 249–54
See also consciousness
Serafetinides, E. A., 11–12
serotonin, 89, 121, 146, 147, 214
bliss through, 210–13
melatonin’s benefits for, 151
religion and, 223–24
See also puberty; reproductive cycle
Sharpe, Richard, 87
Sheehan, George, 225
Sheldrake, Rupert, 30
singing, 10, 161–62
sleep, 22–23, 24, 151
sleep deprivation
handedness and, 21
Manchester trial, 30–33, 236–37
second brain and, 125
spiritual experiences and, 23–25
Snyder, Allan, 14, 200, 234
spatial orientation, 166, 168
handedness and, 10
high regard for, 11
impediments, 18
left hemisphere and, 167–68, 237
loss of, 161
right hemisphere and, 15–16, 162–
63, 237
See also language
Sperry, Roger, 18–19, 177, 182–83, 185
Spino, Mike, 226–27
spiritual experiences
accessing, 206–7, 212
brain chemistry changes, 223
pineal gland and, 220–21
sleep deprivation and, 23–25
spiritual traditions and, 249
See also peak experiences
split-brain, 182–84, 188
sports, peak experiences in, 224–32
staring, 30
steroid inhibition
DNA transcription and, 84
forest hominids and, 91–93, 94,
loss of, 98–99, 100, 101
melatonin and, 80, 83
aggression and, 55
brain hemispheres and, 102–3
diet and, 55–56
effect on the body, 117–25
imbalance in, 152–53
increase in, 55–56, 101
overview, 76–79
regulating DNA transcription, 81
reproductive cycle and, 129–30, 141–42
thymus gland and, 119–20
See also estrogen; testosterone
Strassman, Rick, 215–18, 221
stress, 120–21, 144, 220
Sturge-Weber syndrome, 15–16
Suares, Carlos, 223
sweating, 50–51
Szára, Stephen, 214
Targ, Elizabeth, 201
T-cells (T-lymphocytes), 118, 119
teeth, 61–62, 70, 110–11
telepathy, 29–30
aggression linked to, 55, 213
altered levels of, 34–35, 153
boys’ development and, 147–48
in brain development and social
skills, 16–17, 243–44
effect on consciousness, 148–50, 198
excess of, 146, 148–50
hair issues and, 144–45
inhibitors, 87, 153
learning disabilities and, 19–20
violence linked to, 146
thymus gland, 20, 69, 86, 117–21, 153,
time consciousness, 173–74, 217, 228
Tomatis, Alfred, 21–23
transcendent experience, 204–6. See
also peak experiences
transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS), 200, 233–38, 252
Treffert, Darold, 234–35
tryptophan, 88–89, 213
uterus, 93, 112
violence, 111, 146–47, 250
vision, 26, 186
vitamin C, 66–68
vitamin D, 48–51, 68
voices, hearing, 158–59, 172–73
Wada test, 161
Walker, John, 224–25
White, Rhea, 224–25, 231–32
Wigan, Arthur, 177–78
Wilson, Robert Anton, 211
Wiltshire, Stephen, 12–13, 14, 175
word communication, 189–92
written word, 163–64
Wurtman, Richard, 89