
I am nervous about doing this vlog. It is HUGE news. Before I press RECORD, I take Mum’s advice and take a deep breath in and out. While I’m doing this, Dave tries to put her paw over my nostril. Perhaps she is training to be a killer cat. Finally, once I’ve got her paw off my face, I’m ready to start.

Hi! Millie here! A quick one, but an amazing one! Tourism Toronto has seen me moaning about missing my boyfriend and they’ve seen Dave pretend to be a beaver AND … Hashtag Help! They have invited us to CANADA!!

When I say “us,” I mean me and my mum. Sadly, Dave can’t come because if we take her there we can’t take her back for months. She’d have to go into quarantine, which is this place where they check animals don’t have something horrid called rabies. Don’t google it. It’s awful.

Dave absolutely seems to understand this. She buries her head into my chest. This makes me feel completely emotional, but I carry on.

ANYWAY, we’re only going for a few days. We’ll be seeing …

And I realize I don’t know exactly what we will be seeing.

… all Toronto stuff like the big waterfall, AND I will get to see Danny. Here’s the weird thing: You’ll be finding out I’m going before he does because he’s currently with his uncle who thinks humanity is doomed. To cut a long story short, he doesn’t have a phone on him and this will be a TOTAL surprise. Anyway, if you’ve got any thoughts on what I should see or shouldn’t see, leave it in the comments. And I’ll see you from Canada soon!

As I press STOP, I realize that Mum has been listening at the door. She rushes in and says, “Millie. We need to talk.”

“Okay,” I say. This is a bit of a mood change.

“I don’t mind you mentioning me and Rod. I don’t mind you saying I used to have anxiety, and that I still have to manage it—I’m not ashamed of that—but under no circumstances may you EVER show anyone my passport photo.”

Though this makes me laugh, I can see Mum is deadly serious, so I promise her that I won’t—though, obviously, I really want to see it. Perhaps she had really bad hair.

When Mum leaves, I upload the video. It’s official: We are going to Canada. I hope Danny is out of the forest by the time we go. I’m not really a camping kind of person. I get scared when I can’t use a hair dryer.