
The rest of the Canada trip goes by in a blur. We shop on the last day, we say good-bye to Cindy, and we fly home. This is a really ungrateful thing to say, but it all feels a bit flat. Lydia Portancia says that Tourism Toronto is really happy and that it’s “just the beginning” for me, but on our first day back at home, there’s one tiny problem. I don’t feel like vlogging. Ever again.

Not even Dave leaping into my arms or Loz saying that she’s missed me so much that she’s had “physical leg pains” makes me feel any more like doing it. I don’t feel like telling the world that Danny and I are no more—so I don’t. I know I will get trolled by people telling me that I was “batting way out of my league” or that I’m a “spoiled brat.” Honestly, I wish someone would just vlog it for me.

I do the sensible thing. I go to bed. My phone is downstairs, and I don’t even care. It can stay there tonight. I have my cat, and that’s all I need.