“What did you think you were doing, Mum? You hijacked my vlog and now everyone knows that me and Danny have split up!”
Mum knows she’s stepped over the line and gets all shouty.
“BUT, it means that you don’t have to announce it to everyone and—read the comments—everyone thinks you and me are amazing!”
I put my head in my hands. “It’s MY vlog, Mum. You even said you weren’t going to read the comments and you have. It wasn’t YOUR news to announce. This vlog has been about ME being ME and Dave being Dave. That’s what I’ve been fighting for! You were tired. You had a Chardonnay, and then you got brave, and—”
Just as I’m getting in my stride, Aunty Teresa calls.
“Ignore it,” Mum yells. “This is important!”
I remember where I was. “Yeah. You basically shouldn’t have done it.”
Teresa calls again. We ignore it again.
“Millie, it’s not all about you. I hate all this fake stuff on these places. It helps no one. In fact—”
Teresa calls again.
“Teresa, WHAT?!” Mum yells into the phone.
I hear Teresa say something quite quietly.
“What?” Mum says.
I can tell it’s something serious, so I go to ask. Mum does the scary-face-flappy-arm thing that tells you to shut up.
She finally finishes the call. She goes to pick up her car keys.
“Okay, Millie, sweetheart. Teresa thinks Granddad has had a stroke.”
“A stroke? Doesn’t your brain bleed or something?” I ask.
“Yes. It can,” Mum says very calmly. “Teresa noticed his speech was slurred and his right side was weak. She worked out that he hadn’t been to anywhere tropical recently and probably didn’t have an exotic disease. Teresa decided that he was probably having a stroke.”
“Is he going to be okay?” I whisper.
“Honestly, I don’t know. Let’s go to the hospital,” Mum says. She puts her arm around me and we get into the car. An argument about a vlog seems pretty stupid right now.