Pizza Tortilla
Serving Size:
It can serve two people and total time for preparation is about 10 minutes.
Nutritional Value:
A total of 313 calories, 7 g fat, 23 mg of cholesterol, 31 g of carbohydrates, 12 g of protein, 1 g of fibre, 504 mg of sodium and 223 mg of potassium.
How to prepare:
Heat a cast iron skillet or frying pan on medium high to high hotness. Place a flour tortilla in the core of the skillet. At the point when the tortillas starts to puff up or structure air pockets, flip it and turn the hotness down to medium low. Puncture the air rises with a blade tip or the tines of a fork to flatten them a bit.
Sprinkle the highest point of the tortilla with a dainty layer of ground mozzarella cheese. When the cheese is about half-way liquefied, spoon on a slight layer of tomato sauce, utilizing the once again of the spoon to spread over the cheddar. Sprinkle the highest point of the tomato sauce with somewhat more cheese.
When the edges of the tortilla are sautéing, demonstrating that the base of the tortilla is getting pleasant and tan, expel the skillet from the hotness. Spread the highest point of the container with a spread for a moment or something like that, so the cheddar on top can liquefy with the remaining hotness from the dish.
Sprinkle with new cut basil. Put on a plate and cut with a pizza cutting wheel or sharp blade. Serve quickly.