Kanye West’s Internet Bodyguard Asks Hastur to Put Away the Phone

Damn, this thing just

loves to find something that means something

so it can swallow it in swirling jaws and erase it all.

He was just walking down a Twitter feed late one night

looking ironically for a hamburger

and he met the mess rushing upward on the sidewalk,

swearing across the cold while some other VIP walks away

chuckling. He takes out his phone to catch Ye

in the entire internet. He spins a slick caption

underneath to snare a couple likes as they crawl upwards.

Hastur shouts Worldstar! out of sight, a gleeful

judgment-sound, lucky no one will hear

until it fades into the midnight. The whole block

puts a part in their mouths, laughs their little laughs

with their mouths full, oh he so crazy!

When I see it, I remember nearly passing out

with my own desire to disappear. I remember

the sidewalk of my own timeline rising up to meet my nose

and strangers kneeling to ask me if I was dizzy,

bringing tepid water, wiping my bloody forehead.

I wonder if Ye brought any friends with him to the club.

I wonder why no one’s taken Ye to bed. I wonder

why no one’s taken Hastur’s phone. I wonder why the street

is always so full when Worldstar and always so empty when world-weary.

The video stops trending eventually. Maybe we’ll

think about it so we can redirect our

judgment, feel better right after feeling bad.

But the video never comes down.