
We would like to thank our parents, Martie and Bob, who always told us we’d get along one day, even when we weren’t so sure. Thank you for your love and support.

To Bo Burlingham, who was so generous with his time and connections.

Thank you to all the leaders featured in this book along with their team members, assistants, and coworkers who patiently answered questions and freely gave their time and insight.

Thanks to Alex Merrill, publisher at Apollo and good friend. Your kind and persistent enthusiasm for this project turned it from a conversation over a beer into a manuscript. And, thanks to Julia Abramoff and Adam Rosen for all their support, constructive criticism, and sound advice along the way.

Janet Specific

I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to everyone who encouraged me throughout this project. You know who you are! 

I also want to thank my husband, Emmon, for his enthusiastic support, advice, and eternal optimism. Special shout-outs to my children, Cameron and Miranda, and to Sara Tipton for her constructive suggestions. 

Last but certainly not least, I would also like to thank my brother, Dan, who helped me fulfill a lifelong dream of writing a book.

Dan Specific

Thank you, Naomi, who has encouraged me to pursue my interests and passions. Your input has been invaluable even when I don’t want to admit it. I am so lucky to spend days and nights with you. Thanks Madeline, Nina, and Benjamin . . . you inspire me every day.

The truth is that this book NEVER would had been written without the patience, dedication, and intelligence of my sister, Janet. You were the best cowriter I could have asked for and made this “work” easy.