

Letters and other manuscript material are included in References to Sources, pp. 341-52 below. They have been drawn from the following collections in England, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States:

BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON. J. F. Blumenbach to J. Banks, 8 Jan. 1794, 20 Dec. 1798, 30 Jan. 1799; Charlotte Burney to Frances Burney, 10 Apr. 1780; Frances Burney to S. Crisp, 1 Dec. 1774, 14, c. 24 Apr. 1775, 5 Apr. 1776; R. D. Cumberland to G. Cumberland, 10 Oct. 1774, c. 6 Nov. 1775; G. Cumberland to R. D. Cumberland, 18 Oct. 1774; J. Elliott, ‘Memoirs’; D. C. Solander to Lord Hardwicke, 5 Aug. 1774; R. Stevens to Banks and Solander, 26 Sept. 1774.

BRITISH MUSEUM(NATURAL HISTORY), LONDON. Banks, ‘Journal of a Voyage Made in the Augusta Yatch’, typescript copy of original at Mapperton House, Dorset. Dawson Turner Copies as follows: J. Lind to Banks, 2 Mar. 1775; Lind to N. Maskelyne, 30 Jan. 1775; A. Mello to Banks, 16 July 1776; Lord Monboddo to Banks, 9 July, 29 Aug. 1782, 30 Jan. 1783; C. Phipps to Banks, 17 Sept. 1774; W. Robertson to Banks, 18 Feb. 1773; Lord Sandwich to Banks, 29 Dec. 1774.

COUNTY ARCHIVES. Kent Archives Office, Maidstone: Notebook of the Revd. J. E. Gambier, 11 Aug. 1774. County Record Office, Stafford: Sir Harry Trelawny to the Revd. Mr. Broughton, 14 Jan. 1776. Suffolk Record Office, Bury St. Edmunds: the Revd. Sir John Cullum to the Revd. Michael Tyson, 2 Jan., 13 Dec. 1775; Tyson to Cullum, 27 Dec. 1774, 4 Jan. 1775.

ROYAL SOCIETY, LONDON. Banks to C. Blagden, 12 Aug., c. Sept. 1774.

DIXSON LIBRARY, LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. Banks, ‘Journal … of a tour in Holland 1773; C. Burney to Lind, 12 Aug. 1775; Sandwich to Banks, 14 Aug. 1774; Solander to Banks, 10 Nov. 1774; Solander to Lind, 27 July 1774; W. Watson to E. W. Montagu, 19 Sept. 1775.

MITCHELL LIBRARY, LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. Banks to Sarah S. Banks, 21 July 1774; J. Burney, ‘Journal of … the Discovery’, photocopy of original in Public Record Office; Phipps to Banks, c. 6 Aug. 1774, photocopy of original in Webster Collection; Sandwich to Banks, 10 Oct. 1780; Solander to Banks, 28 June 1775.

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA, CANBERRA. Banks papers, including ‘Account of Presents Sent out with Omai’, ‘Account of the Bills for Oediddee’, ‘Expenses on account of Omai’, 1774, 1775, 1776, ‘Things intended for Omai’; Banks, ‘On the Manners of the Women of Otaheite’; Sarah S. Banks, ‘Memorandums’; J. Hawkesworth to C. Burney, 6 Oct. 1771; J. Burney, Private Journal, recently published as With Captain James Cook in the Antarctic and Pacific: the Private Journal of James Burney, ed. Beverley Hooper (Canberra, 1975); page references below are to the manuscript version.

ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY, WELLINGTON. Banks to Sandwich, 29 July 1774, photocopy of original at Mapperton House, Dorset; W. Bayly, ‘Journal … in His Majesty’s Ship Adventure’, ‘Journal of Cook’s Third voyage’, Supplementary Journal of Third Voyage; Susan Burney (Phillips) to C. Burney, c. Feb. 1784, photocopy of original at Mapperton House, Dorset; Solander to Lind, 19 Aug. 1774; S. Wallis, ‘Log book of H.M.S. “Dolphin” … 1766-68’.

PIERPONT MORGAN LIBRARY, NEW YORK. Frances Burney to Susan Burney, c. 15 July 1774.


This select bibliography is primarily intended as a key to References to Sources, pp. 341-52 below. The titles of newspapers and periodicals are not included, nor those of publications referred to only in passing.

ANDERSON, B. Surveyor of the Sea: The Life and Voyages of Captain George Vancouver, Seattle, 1960.

ANGELO, H. Reminiscences of Henry Angelo, 2 vols., London, 1828-30.

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BLUMENBACH, J. F. The Anthropological Treatises of Johan Friedrich Blumenbach, ed. T. Bendyshe, London, 1865.

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BOSWELL, J. Boswell’s Life of Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill, rev. L. F. Powell, 6 vols., Oxford, 1934-50.

BOUGAINVILLE, L.-A. DE. Voyage autour du Monde, 2nd ed., 2 vols., Paris, 1772.

BOUGAINVILLE, L.-A. DE. A Voyage round the World, trans. J. R. Forster, London, 1772.

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