60 Minutes,
AAA, See American Anthropological
Association AAAS, See American Association for the
Advancement of Science Abecedarian Project, Abilities of man, the: Their nature and measurement,
ABO blood group,
Abstractness, levels of,
Adapted mind, the (Cosmides, Tooby, and
Adopted children, and heritability of IQ,
Adopted children, IQs correlations of,
AEPs, See Average evoked potentials
AERA, See American Educational Research Association
Affirmative Action,
African (race or population cluster),
African Americans, degree of European ancestry of, “
Aggression in Fantasy and Overt Behavior,”
Jensens doctoral dissertation at
Columbia University,
Alomar, Roberto,
Alomar, Sandy, Jr.,
Alsop, Joseph,
Alsop, Joseph,
American Anthropological Association,
Statement on Race,
Jensens criticisms of,
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
American Educational Research Association,
American Psychological Association,
1957 Bingham Award Lecture by Sir Cyril Burt,
report on The Bell Curve and raceIQ question,
Tests and Measurements Division of,
American Psychologist,
American Sociological Association,
American Youth Symphony, Jensens audition for,
Amerind and Eskimo (race or population cluster),
Analysis of variance,
Analytical Intelligence, . See also
Sternberg, Robert J., Triarchic theory of intelligence
APA, See American Psychological Association
APA, See American Psychological Association Aphasia,
Arctic Asian (race or population cluster),
Arithmetic reasoning,
Armed Services Vocation Aptitude Battery
(ASVAB), ASVAB, See Armed Services Vocation Aptitude Battery
Average deviation from the mean,
Average evoked potentials, and g
Bach family,
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Bardeen, John,
Barkow, Jerome,
Barrymore family,
Bean, Robert Bennett,
Beethoven, Ludwig van,
Behavior Genetics Association, . See also “Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence and Aptitude Tests”
Behavior Genetics,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
“Behavioral differences between
ChineseAmerican and
EuropeanAmerican newborns”
(Freedman and Freedman),
Behavioral Genetics (Plomin, et al.),
Behavioral genetics,
Bell curve, the (Herrnstein and Murray)
American Psychological Association report on,
Bell Curve Wars,
Berkeley (CA) School District, and Jensenism,
Bernoulli family,
BGA, See Behavior Genetics Association
Bhavagad Gita, Jensens admiration of,
Bias in Mental Testing (Jensen),
“Big Five” personality factors,
Biological environment and IQ,
Biological environment, and g, Biology of the race problem, the (W. C. George),
“Black English” versus standard English theory of Black-White difference in average IQ,
Jensens criticisms of,
Black power movement,
Black-White difference in average IQ,
genetic factor in,
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, . See also
Gardner, Howard, Multiple intelligences
Bolyai family,
Bonds, Barry,
Bouchard, Thomas,
Brain damage, and multiple intelligences,
Brain drains and brain gains,
Brain glucose metabolism, and g,
Brain size,
Brain waves, See Average evoked potentials
Brand, Christopher,
Brattain, William,
British journal of psychology, the,
Broca, Paul,
Brody, Nathan,
Burt affair, the (Joynson),
Burt Affair,
Burt, Sir Cyril,
allegations against, See Burt Affair
Bingham Lecture, “The Inheritance of Mental Ability,”
Jensens defense of, Bush, George H. W,
Capone, Al,
Carnegie Foundation,
Carroll, John B.,
“Case of Cyril Burt, the” (Jensen),
Caucasoid (race or population cluster),
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., criticisms of race concept and research on genetic distance and population clusters,
Cavalli-Sforza, F.,
China, population control program of,
Chinese, average IQ as evidence against discrimination theory of race differences in IQ,
Cicourel, Aaron,
“Citizens groups” in Southern states, Jensens reaction to requests from supporting segregation,
Civil Rights movement,
Classical music, Jensens early interest in,
Coleman report on school achievement,
Columbia University,
Compensatory education, failure of, ix,. See also Abecedarian Project, Milwaukee Project
Concept formation,
Consensus, meaning of in science,
Cooley, Charles,
Core culture theory of BlackWhite difference in average IQ,
Correlated vectors, method of,
“Correlation between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance” (Fisher),
Correlation coefficient,
Corsini encyclopedia of intelligence, The,
Cosmides, Leda,
Craighead, W. E.,
Cranial capacity, average race differences in,
Cranial capacity, correlation with IQ,
Cranial measurements, effects of climate in selecting for,
Creating Minds (Gardner),
Creative Intelligence, . See also
Sternberg, Robert J., Triarchic theory of intelligence
“Criminal intelligence,”
Cronbach, Lee,
Cuba, as center for biotechnology,
Cultural bias in mental tests,
Culturally disadvantaged,
Culture-only hypotheses of race differences in IQ,
Jensens criticisms of,
Cyril Burt: fraud or framed?(Mackintosh),
Cyril Burt: psychologist (Hearnshaw),
Darwin, Charles,
“Debunking Scientific Fossils and Straw Persons” (Jensen),
Declaration of Independence,
Deductive reasoning,
Default Hypothesis of BlackWhite difference in average IQ,
Dempster, Everett,
Depth psychology,
Detterman, Douglas K.,
Deutsch, Martin, criticisms of Jensen,
Jensens response to,
Devi, Shakuntala,
Deviations from the mean,
Discovery of India, The (J. Nehru),
Discrimination theory of race differences in IQ,
Jensens criticisms of,
Division See Test and Measurement of the
American Psychological Association
Dizygotic twins,
DNA markers and race differences,
Donahue, Phil,
Douglas, Stephen,
Duffy blood group,
Dumas, Alexandre,
Dynamic psychology,
Dysgenics, arguments against evidence of,
e See environmentality
East Asians, average brain size and intelligence of,
East Indians, average IQ of as evidence against discrimination theory of race differences in IQ,
Eastern Psychological Association,
Edinburgh University,
Edson, Lee,
Educational Testing Service (ETS),
Spearman Symposium,
Ehrlichman, John,
Einstein, Albert,
Emperor’s new clothes: Biological theories of race at the millennium (Graves), x,
Encyclopedia of intelligence, the (Sternberg),
Encyclopedia of psychology, the
Environmentality (e),
Equal Opportunity,
Erikson, Erik,
ErlenmeyerKimling, Nikki,
ETS, See Educational Testing Service
European Americans, degree of African ancestry of,
Evolutionary psychology,
Evolutionary theory, and race differences,
Existential intelligence, . See also Gardner,Howard, Multiple intelligences
Eysenck, Hans J.,
influence of Jensen and Jensenism,
and Burt affair,
Factor analysis,
example of in sizing garments,
use outside of psychometrics,
Factor structure of mental tests in Blacks and Whites,
Family environment and IQ,
Fischer, Bobby,
Fisher, Sir Ronald A.,
Five factor model of personality, the (Wiggins),
Fletcher, R.,
Flynn effect,
Ford Foundation,
“Foundation for fascism: The new eugenics movement in the United States”
Frames of mind (Gardner),
Frasers Magazine,
Free speech movement,
Freedman, Daniel, studies of race differences in infant behavior,
Freedman, N. C. Freud, Sigmund,
g (general mental ability),
and brainwave patterns,
and educational reform,
and family environment,
and Flynn effect,
and glucose metabolism in the brain,
and heterosis,
and inbreeding depression,
and Jensens Default Hypothesis of BlackWhite differences in,
and social complexity,
and wealth of nations, as predictor of learning,
as predictor of welfare dependence,
average BlackWhite differences in,
average evoked potential correlates of,
biological evidence for,
biological reality of,
brain glucose metabolic rate (GMR) correlates of,
compared with physical g (gravitation),
correlation with biological variables,
correlation with brain glucose metabolism,
correlation with brain size,
correlation with brain waves,
correlation with heritability estimates,
correlation with inbreeding depression,
effects of biological environment on,
evidence for from correlation matrices,
Goulds criticism of, heritability of,
not an interval scale,
physiological correlates of,
race differences in,
statistical evidence for,
Sternberg’s argument against,
threshold aspect of,
g factor, the: the science of mental ability, (Arthur R. Jensen), difficulty in publishing,
g factor, the (Brand),
g factor in the design of education” (Jensen),
g loadings, and average BlackWhite differences, . See also Spearman’s hypothesis
Galton Library,
Galton, Sir Francis, and mental chronometry,
and terms “nature”
and “nurture,”
biography of,
characteristics of genius, coins term “eugenics,” develops twin method,
Gandhi, Mohandas,
Gardner, Howard, x,
Garner, W. R.,
Garrett, Henry E.,
Gehrig, Lou,
General mental ability, See g
Genetic additivity,
Genetic bottlenecks,
Genetic counseling,
Genetic distance,
Genetic dominance,
Genetic drift,
Genetic engineering,
Genetic polymorphisms,
Genetics and education (Arthur R. Jensen),
Genotypebyenvironment covariation,
Gentlemen’s quarterly,
Geography of human genes, the (CavalliSforza,Menozzi, and Piazza),
George, W. C,
Getting Here: The Story of Human Evolution (Howells),
Gillham, N. W.,
GMR, See brain glucose metabolic rate
Gottfredson, Linda, Gould, Stephen Jay, criticisms of Jensen and
Jensenism, x,
Graves, Joseph L.,
Great human diasporas, the: the history of diversity and evolution (CavalliSforza and CavalliSforza),
Great Society programs,
Griffey, Ken, Jr.,
Grigorenko, Elena,
Group Factors,
Guggenheim Foundation,
h See heritability
Habit reversal,
Halpern, Diane,
Harlow, Harry,
Harvard educational review, the (HER), and
Head Start program,
Hearnshaw, Leslie,
Height, heritability of,
HER, See Harvard Educational Review Heritability (h),
in Black population,
of g,
Herrnstein, Richard J.,
Hersen, M.,
Heterosis, and g factor,
Hirsch, Jerry,
criticisms of Jensen and Pioneer Fund,
Historical experience theory of BlackWhite in average IQ,
Jensens criticisms of,
Hoffman, Dustin,
Horowitz, Vladimir,
“How much can we boost IQ and school
achievement,” (Jensen), ix, .
See also Jensen, Arthur R., and Harvard educational review
Deutsch’s criticisms of,
Howells, William W.,
Human cognitive abilities: A survey of factoranalytic
studies (Carroll),
Human Genome Project,
Humphreys, Lloyd,
Hunt, Earl,
Hunt, Morton,
Huntington’s chorea,
Hybrid vigor, See Heterosis
Identical twins, See Monozygotic twins
Inbreeding depression,
Inductive reasoning,
Infant behavior, race differences in,
“Inheritance of mental ability, the” (APA 1957 Bingham Award Lecture by Sir Cyril Burt),
Institute for Advance Study in the Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford, Jensens fellowship at,
Institute of Human Learning (University of California at Berkeley),
Institute of Personality Assessment and Research,
Institute of Psychiatry at University of London,
Intelligence, . See g, IQ
difficulty in defining,
genetic basis of, See also g, Heritability
Intelligence, “
Intelligence and lifelong learning” (Sternberg), “
Intelligence, behavior genetics, and the Pioneer Fund” (Weyher),
Intelligence, heredity, and environment (Sternberg and Grigorenko),
Intelligence, instruction, and assessment (Sternberg and Williams),
Intelligence: A new look (Eysenck),
Interaction effects,
Interaction of factors theory of race differences in IQ,
Jensens criticisms of,
Interpersonal intelligence, . See also
Gardner, Howard, Multiple intelligences
IQ, . See also g, Intelligence
average BlackWhite difference in,
average difference between siblings ,
failure of attempts to raise,
heritability of,
specific genes for,
IQ controversy, the: the media and public policy
(Snyderman and Rothman),
IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence (Sternberg),
Item-to-item correlations of mental tests for Blacks and Whites,
James, William,
Japan/Northeast Asian (race or population cluster),
Japanese, average IQ of as evidence against dis
crimination theory of race differences in IQ,
Jarvik, Lissy,
Jefferson, Thomas,
Jensen, Arthur R.
account of Jensenism,
account of origin, reaction to, and controversy over Jensenism,
admiration for and influence by M. Gandhi,
admiration for Bhagavad Gita,
admiration for particular interviewers,
analysis of Roychoudhury and Nei data on racial classifications,
and CavalliSforza studies of population clusters
and double standard regarding Jensenism,
and politics,
and Shockley and Pioneer Fund,
arguments against Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence and g,
arguments against theory of multiple intelligences and for g,
as second clarinetist with San Diego Symphony,
audition for American Youth Symphony,
Bias in Mental Testing (Jensen),
Bias in Mental Testing,
bibliography of,
brief biography of,
characterization by Cronbach as being filled with “missionary zeal,”
childhood hobbies of,
criticism of arguments against evidence of dysgenics,
criticisms of Cultureonly theories of BlackWhite IQ differences,
criticisms of Milwaukee Project,
current opinion on failure of compensatory education,
current opinion on genetic factor in
BlackWhite difference in average IQ,
current opinion on heritability of g factor,
current opinion on limitations of IQ tests,
“Debunking scientific fossils and straw persons,",
default hypothesis of race differences in IQ,
defense of Burt,
defense of Pioneer Fund,
difficulty in publishing The g factor: The science of mental ability,
family background of,
Gandhian philosophy of and opposition to
racial segregation and discrimination,
initial belief in Great Society programs,
interest in and impressions of “people who have ‘made’ it,”
invited to give Spearman lecture at Educational Testing Service Spearman Symposium,
meeting and correspondence with Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
member of Behavior Genetics Association,
on media treatment of Jensenism,
opinion of critics and supporters,
opinions on Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity,
opposition to racial segregation,
participation in University of California at
Berkeley symposium on Jensen and Jensenism,
postdoctorate at London University,
question of Jensen’s role in promoting Jensenism controversy,
recipient of government grants to programs to help culturally disadvantaged students,
refusal of requests from “Citizen’s groups” in Southern states to support segregation,
rejects any comparison of Jensenism with Nazi theories of master race,
rejects claim that HER article gave Nixon administration justification to slash Great Society programs,
rejects claim that Jensenism is “fringe science,”
rejects claims of deeper, hidden motive behind Jensenism,
rejects Hirsch’s criticisms of Hirsch and Mehler,
response to Goulds The mismeasure of man,
Straight talk about mental tests,
studies genetics with Dempster,
talks before PTA meetings in favor of Head Start programs,
The g Factor: The science of mental ability (Jensen),
views on dysgenics,
views on educational reform,
views on equality,
views on eugenics,
views on genetic engineering,
views on genetic screening and engineering,
views on immigration,
views on population growth and control,
views on relation between public policy and science,
views on welfare,
vote by absentee ballot for Lyndon Johnson in election,
work on mental chronometry,
Jensen, Barbara (Mrs. Arthur R.),
and “fringe science,”
and public policy,
and Snyderman and Rothman survey of the Behavior Genetics Association and Tests and Measurement Division of the American Psychological Association,
controversy surrounding,
current status of,
enters dictionaries,
evidence of support for among experts,
Jensens claim of double standard,
Nixon’s interest in,
origin of term, “
Jensenism: The bankruptcy of ‘science’ without scholarship” (Hirsch),
Jews, average IQ of as evidence against discrimination theory of race differences in IQ,
Johnson, Lyndon, Great Society programs,
Journal of Educational Psychology, The
Joynson, R. B.,
Kamin, Leon,
Katz, Irwin,
Kinship correlations in IQ,
Klineberg, Otto,
Lane, Charles,
Language denotative,
Learning set formation,
Learning, transfer of,
Lederberg, Joshua,
Letter series test,
Libby, William J.,
Life, ix
Life of Sir Francis Galton, A (Gillham),
Limits of family influence, The: Genes, experience, and
behavior (Rowe),
Lincoln, Abraham,
Lindzey, G.,
Linguistic intelligence, . See also Gardner,
Howard, Multiple intelligences
Linkage tree diagrams,
Loehlin, J.,
Logical reasoning,
Logical-mathematical intelligence (Howard Gardner), . See also Gardner,
Howard, Multiple Intelligences
London School of psychology,
Lynn, Richard,
Mackintosh, N. J.,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), studies of average race differences in brain size and IQ,
“Mainstream science on intelligence,”
(Gottfredson), statement by scientists
in Wall Street Journal,
Signatories of, Malaria,
McClearn, Gerald, Mead, Margaret, Mean, ,
Measurement error,
Media, and Jensenism,
Mehler, Barry,
Criticisms of Jensens Harvard Educational Review article,
Criticisms of Pioneer Fund,
Mellon Foundation,
Memories of my life (Galton),
Memory, long-term,
Memory, shortterm,
Mendel, Gregor,
Mendelian algebra,
Mendelian genetics,
Mendelian inheritance,
Mendelian traits,
Menozzi, P.
Mental chronometry,
Mental modules,
“Mentality bunker, the” (Sedgwick),
Micro environment effects,
Miele, Frank,
Miller, Adam,
Miller, D. J.,
Milwaukee Project,
Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, and race differences in IQ,
Minnesota Twin Project,
Mismeasure of man, The (Gould), criticisms of
Jensenism, x,
Mithen, Stephen,
Modular theory of the mind,
Mongoloid (race or population cluster),
Monozygotic twins, and heritability of IQ,
Morton, Newton,
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick,
Mozart, Amadeus and Leopold,
Multiple intelligences, theory of, x,. See also Gardner, Howard Jensens arguments against and for g,
Murray, Charles, Musical intelligence, . See also Gardner,
Howard, Multiple intelligences
National Academy of Science report: Ability testing: uses,
consequences, and controversies (Wigdor and Garner),
National Educational Association, denunciation of Jensens Bias in Mental Testing,
Native American (race or population cluster),
Natural selection, Naturalistic Intelligence (Howard Gardner),
. See also Gardner, Howard,
Multiple Intelligences
Nature, Nurture, and Psychology (McClearn and
NEA, See National Educational Association
Negroid (race or population cluster),
Nehru, Jawaharlal,
Nei, Masatoshi, Neisser, Ulric,
et al., “Intelligence: knowns and unknowns,”
Nemeroff, C. B.,
New Guinean/Australian (race or population cluster),
New Review of Books,
New York Review of Books,
New York Times Magazine, ix,
Newsweek, ix,
Newton, Isaac,
Nixon administration, and Jensenism,
Nixon’s piano: Presidents and racial politics from
Washington to Clinton (O’Reilly),
Nixon, Richard,
Non-Europoid Caucasoid (race or population cluster),
Northeast Asian (race or population cluster),
Nutrition theory of BlackWhite difference in average IQ,
Jensens agreement with,
O’Reilly, K.,
Out-of-Africa theory of human evolution,
Oxford Review of Education, The
Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia (race or population cluster),
Paderewski, Ignacy (Jan),
Path analysis, and heritability estimates,
Patterns of Prejudice,
Patterson, John,
Pearson, Karl,
Per-pupil expenditures, and school achievement,
Personality and Individual Differences,
Phenyketonuria (PKU),
Piazza, A.,
Picasso, Pablo,
Pioneer Fund,
Criticisms of,
Jensen’s defense of,
“Pioneer Fund, the behavioral sciences, and the media’s false stories” (Weyher),
Plomin, Robert,
Polygenic traits,
Population clusters, as substitute term for race,
Population growth and control of,
Practical Intelligence, . See also
Sternberg, Robert J., Triarchic theory of intelligence
Predictive validity of mental tests for Blacks and Whites,
Prehistory of the mind: the cognitive origins of art, religion, and science (Mithen),
Principal Components Analysis (PCA), racial classifications,
Principles of psychology (James),
Problem solving,
“Professors of hate” (Miller),
Psychological Abstracts,
Psychological Reports, Psychometrics,
PTA, See Parents and Teachers Association
Public policy, Jensen’s view of relation with science,
Quantitative genetics,
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL),
Question of Intelligence, A (Seligman),
American Anthropological Association statement on,
as cultural construction,
“fuzzy set” definition of,
population genetic definition of,
taxonomic definition of,
Race differences
and evolutionary theory,
cultureonly Hypotheses of ,
in anatomical traits,
in average brain size,
in average cranial capacity,
in biochemical characteristics,
in DNA markers,
in infant behavior,
in physical traits,
in physiological traits,
Race differences in intelligence (Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler),
Race differences in intelligence,
and average brain size,
and Socioeconomic Status (SES),
compared to average sibling difference,
cultureonly theories of, Jensens Default Hypothesis of,
Jensens studies of,
taboo against considering role of genetic factors in,
time needed to evolve,
Race in North America: Origin and evolution of a worldview (Smedley),
Race Relations Abstracts,
Race, evolution, and behavior: A life history perspective (Rushton),
“Race, IQ, and heredity” (Lane),
Racial medicine,
Rain Man, Range,
Rank order of item difficulties of mental tests for Blacks and Whites,
Rao, C. R.,
Rather, Dan,
Ravens Matrices test,
Reductionism, in psychology, Reliability, of mental tests for Blacks and Whites,
Research fraud in the biomedical sciences (Miller and Hersen),
Ripken, Cal, Jr.,
Rockefeller Foundation,
Roosevelt, Theodore, and BlackWhite differences,
Rothman, Stanley (The IQ controversy),
Rowe, David C. (The Limits of family influence’),
Roychoudhury, A. K.,
Rushton, J. P. Race, evolution, and behavior: A life history perspective,
San Diego Symphony, Jensens performance with,
San Diego Zoo, Jensens trading snakes with,
Sarich, V M., on races as fuzzy sets,
SAT, see Scholastic Aptitude Test
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT),
School achievement, and perpupil expenditures,
School achievement, and pupil/teacher ratios ,
School achievement, and teacher qualifications,
School achievement, failure of attempts to raise,
School facilities, and race differences in IQ,
School facilities, as cause of race differences in IQ,
Jensens criticisms of,
Science and politics of IQ, The (Kamin),
Science and public policy,
Science Citation Index,
Science, ideology, and the media (Fletcher),
Science of human diversity: A history of the Pioneer Fund(Lynn’),
Seashore Measures of Musical Talents,
Sedgwick, John,
Self-fulfilling prophecy theory of race differences in IQ,
Seligman, Daniel,
Sensory sensitivity,
SES, See Socioeconomic factors
“Sexual intelligence,”
Shakespeare, William, and terms “nature” and “nurture,”
Shermer, Michael, xi
Shockley, William,
and Jensen and Pioneer Fund,
Voluntary Sterilization Bonus Plan of,
Shuey, Audrey,
Sickle anemia,
Singapore, and eugenics,
Skeptic, xi,
Skinner, B. F.,
Slavery, legacy of and IQ,
Smedley, Audrey R.,
Smith, Adam, on ability and wealth of nations,
Snyderman, Mark (The IQ controversy),
Society for the Psychological Study of Social
Issues, The (SPSSI), criticism of
Socioeconomic status, and race differences in IQ,
Southeast Asian (race or population cluster),
Spatial intelligence, . See also Gardner,
Howard, Multiple Intelligences Spearman effect,
“Spearman’s g and the problem of educational equality” (Jensen), Spearman’s hypothesis, of Black-White differences and g factor,
Spearman, Charles
Spiritual intelligence, . See also Gardner,
Howard, Multiple intelligences
SPSSI, The See Society for the Psychological
Study of Social Issues
Spuhler, J.,
Standard deviation,
Stern, Curt,
Sternberg, Robert J,
arguments against g factor and for Triarchic Theory,
Triarchic theory of intelligence,
What is intelligence?,
Stimulus discrimination,
Stimulus generalization,
Stinchcombe, Arthur,
Stokowski, Leopold,
Straight talk about mental tests (Jensen),
“Survey of expert opinion on intelligence and aptitude tests” (Snyderman and Rothman),
“Swiss Army Knife Model of the Mind,” as analogy to Mental Modules,
Symonds, Percival,
“Tainted sources of The Bell Curve” (Lane),
Tay-Sachs disease,
Teacher qualifications, and school achievement,
Tempest (William Shakespeare), and terms “nature” and “nurture,”
Test and Measurement of the American Psychological Association,
Testing of Negro intelligence, The,
Tests and Measurement Division 5 of the American Psychological Association), . See also “Survey of expert opinion on intelligence and aptitude tests”
Texas Adoption Project,
Thematic Apperception Test,
Thorndike, E. L.
Threestrata model of abilities,
“To unfrock the charlatans” (Hirsch),
Tooby, John,
Toscanini, Arturo,
Toward freedom (J. Nehru),
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, Jensen’s arguments against and for g factor,
Twin studies as evidence for heritability of IQ,
Twins, and heritability of IQ,
Twins, conjoined,
Twins, Galton’s use of,
Twins, identical,
U. S. News & World Report, ix,
UNESCO Declaration of Rights,
United States Armed Forces,
United States Commission of Civil Rights,
United States Constitution,
United States Office of Education, grants to Jensen,
Unrelated children reared together, IQ correlation between,
Verbal-educational skills and knowledge,
Vietnam War,
Visual perception,
Völkischer Beobachter (Nazi Party newspaper), on
race and race differences,
Voluntary Sterilization Bonus Plan (Shockley),
Walker, Helen ,
Wall Street Journal, quotation of Moynihan and origin of term, Jensenism,
Wall Street Journal, The, statement by scientists on Mainstream Science on Intelligence,”
Wallace, George,
Wallace, Mike,
Wealth of nations, The (Smith),
Welfare, and g,
Welfare, Jensens views on,
Weyher, Harry F., defense of Pioneer Fund,
What is intelligence? (Sternberg and Detterman),
White backlash,
Wigdor, A. K.,
Wiggins, J. S.,
Williams, W M.,
Witness to power (Ehrlichman),
Woodworth, Robert,
Zubin, Joseph,