All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
Abbreviations: JD = John Dee, EK = Edward Kelly, AC = Aleister Crowley, JP = Jack Parsons
“007,” 88, 88n
as JD’s signature, 36
A∴A∴, 346, 408, 413
Abbey of Thelema, 362
Abomination of Desolation, 380, 384
Abramelin Operation, 346
Abyss, 380, 389, 393, 395, 398
Achad, Frater, 112n
Act against Conjurations, 116
Adam, xiii, xv, 258
invents Hebrew language, 176–77
Adam Kadmon, 70
adder, parable of the, 256
Advancement of Learning, 326
Aerojet, 423, 425–27
Aethyrs, 176, 183–84, 205, 243, 244,
Crowley’s Aethyr work, 353–55,
governors of, 244–45
and other traditions, 455
and reascending Tree of Life, 449
Agape Lodge, 418, 426
Agrippa, Cornelius, 50, 62, 102, 105,
Ain Soph, 68
aion (term), 358
Aiwass, 348, 392
Alchemist, The (Jonson), 320
alchemy, 3, 71, 91, 110, 116, 119, 120,
121, 274, 296–98, 310
Alexander, conflict with EK,
al-Kindī, 73–74
American empire, 142
American right, occult elements in,
“Analysis by a Master of the Temple,”
Andreae, Johannes V., 321, 325, 330
angelic conversations of Aleister
Crowley, 348, 353–56, 370–407.
See also Vision and the Voice, The
angelic conversations of Jack Parsons,
angelic conversations of John Dee. See
also angelic language; angelic magic
as arguably fraudulent, 155–57
as arguably real, 160–63
beginning date, 185
best evaluation of, 163–64
with B. Hickman (1590 on), 301, 308
as cryptography, 159–60
in Europe, 1583 on, 231–99
goals of, 168
introduced, 1
in JD’s final years, 315–16
and Kelly’s drug use, 158–59
and Kelly’s mental illness, 158
Protestant context of, 168
reception of calls begins, 239–42
as religion more than magic, 168
scholarly opinions of, 156–57
temple furniture and, 172–76
truth or falsity of (explanatory
theories), 155–64
working methods of JD and EK,
angelic language, 176–77, 205,
240–41, 256–57, 345
angelic alphabet, 205
Crowley on, 160–62
transmission of, 205–8
angelic magic, 3. See also angelic
angelic reformation, 456–58
as far from easy, 455–56
goals of, 166–70
as method for activating
enlightenment, 448–49
simplicity of, 165–66
underground tradition, 338–40
angelic revelations, at root of the
monotheist religions, 7
angelic system of JD and EK. See also
angelic conversations of John Dee
as core of Western esoteric
tradition, 30–31
in Steganographia, 91–92
classifications of, 16–18, 177–182
contact experiences with, 6–7
and disdain for magic, 70
heptarchic, 201–5, 209
method for checking good v. evil,
number of, 182
philosophy of, 169–70, 224, 226
as players in history, 143
Anger, Kenneth, 446n
animals, in Great Chain of Being, 18
Anima Mundi, 65
Annael (archangel), 185–86
Antichrist, 223, 281, 352
Aleister Crowley as, 22, 352,
361–62, 367–68, 374, 399, 407
Jack Parsons as, 439–40
prophecies related to, 234
Pseudo-Methodius on, 262n
purpose served by, 366–67
anti-occult sentiment, 300–301, 303
Aphlafben (angel), 231
Apocalypse, 20–28, 42, 260–61.
See also end of the world
initiation of, 356
inner, 447–56
in our time, 460–62
outer Apocalypse, 456–58
and Western culture, 447–48
Apocalypse (Pseudo-Methodius), 138
Apocalypticism, 42
Aquino, Michael, 446n
Arch-Conjuror of England, The
(Parry), 35
archemastery, 76, 122, 172
Arthur, King, 137
Ascham, Roger, 304
Ashmole, Elias, 332–36, 335
astrology, 54, 72, 87–88
atheism, 397
Augustine, St., 105, 163, 186n
Ave (angel), 251–52, 256, 257, 394
Ayton, Rev. W. A., 340–41
Babalon, 350, 355, 376, 384–85, 395,
396, 401, 403, 403–6, 404
mystery of revealed, 388
Babalon’s daughter, 394, 399
Bacon, Francis, 326–28, 327, 334
Bacon, Roger, 56–57
banners (twelve), 252–53
Bannon, Stephen, 458–60
barn, parable of, 246-247, 246
Barrett, Francis, 336–37, 340
Báthory, Stephen, 216, 218–19, 228,
274, 278–79
Battle of White Mountain, 329
Beast 666, 374, 384. See also Crowley,
Aleister: as Beast 666
Belarion, 440
Ben-Gurion, David, 28–29
Bennett, Allan, 344, 346
Berkeley, Bishop, 451
Be-With-Us, 399
bhakti yoga, 99
Bible, various texts used here, 30
Binah, 354–355, 395, 456
birds, two, 200–201
Biroco, Joel, 93
black mirror, 171
Blackstone, William E., 358
Bohemia, Rosicrucian culture in,
Bonner, Edmund, 55, 117, 120
book burning and recovery incident,
Book of Abramelin, 167
Book of Soyga, 186–87, 193
“Book of the Antichrist, The,” 438
Book of the Law, The, 346, 348–53,
353–54, 413
Bornless Ritual, 348
Boyle, Robert, 331
Bradbury, Ray, 422
Brahe, Tycho, 126, 149, 263
Brexit, 458
British Empire, 142–45
atrocities of, 144–45
phrase coined by JD, 127, 140
British Library, JD’s diaries in, 334
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 143
Buddhism, three schools of, 35
Bush, George, Sr., views on Israel, 27
Bush, George W., views on Israel, 27
Butts, Mary, 362–63
Byrom, Margaret, 311–12
Cabala. See Qabalah
Cain and Abel, 403
calls, forty-nine, 239–42, 245, 256, 345
Cameron, Marjorie, 433–34, 436–37,
Campbell, Colin D., 156, 156
Carmara, King, 201
Casaubon, Méric, 36, 156, 332–33
Case, Paul Foster, 163
Catholic Church, 9, 19, 281
angel’s view of, 232
JD asked to reconcile with, 275
Catholics, suppression of, 303
Cecil, William, 88, 89, 140–41, 150
and John Prestall, 120
Chaos (god), 399–400, 402, 405
Charnock, Thomas, 119
Cheke, John, 45
Chemical Wedding, The, 324
Choronzon, 389–91, 402. See also
Aeon of, 460–62
Christ, 373, 401, 462. See also Second
Christian Cabala, 61–62, 66–67
Christianity. See also Catholic
apocalyptic, 25–30
evangelical, 28
Christian of Anhalt, 325
Christian Zionism, 22–25, 29
Church, angelic view of, 276
Church of England, and Catholic
Church, 14
chymical wedding, 383
Clulee, Nicholas, publications on JD,
cold war for a New World, 125–26
Columbus, Christopher, 138
comet (1577), 149
Constable, Katheryn, 118, 135
Contact (Sagan), 5
contact experiences, 5–7
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 19, 46–47,
Coronzom, 369, 370–71, 402, 460–62
his nature, 389–91
Corpus hermeticum, 60
counterinitiation, 365–66
countertradition, 366
Creation, new account of, 393–94
Crowley, Aleister, 341n
Aethyr work of, 347, 370–407
on angelic language, 160–62
anti-Semitism, 411
as Beast 666, 22, 352, 361–62,
367–68, 374, 399, 407
Book of the Law, The, 346, 348–50,
353–54, 413
breaks with Neuburg, 408–9
Chokmah initiation, 295n
dealing with Agape Lodge, 426–27
effect on culture, 362n
evil nature and doings of, 362–65,
364, 368–69
expelled from Aethyr by Thoth, 396
and Golden Dawn teachings,
on good and evil, 361
grade of Magus assumed, 361
guardian angel of, 392
and “horrible doctrine,” 248n
hostility to Hitler, 411
initiation into Magister Templi, 386
inversion of Christian symbolism,
life and magical involvement,
and Masonic degrees, 101–3
meeting God face-to-face, 379–80
new vision of universe, 408
as No Man, 387
and OTO, 349
overall narrative of his angelic
visions, 356
paradoxical statements, 360–61
Plymouth Brethren upbringing, 357
on purposes of ritual, 79
and Revelation, 359
Satanism of, 358
scrying instrument of, 353
self-identified as Antichrist, 22
sexual magic, 414–16
shifts focus to OTO, 413–15
state of consciousness realized by, 452
and thirty Aethyrs, 184
training in raja yoga, 346
value of his work, 369–70
view of Christianity, 357
views on magic, 79
Vision and the Voice, The, 353–54,
359–61, 366, 369–70
why study him?, 368–70
Crowned and Conquering Child,
406–7. See also Ra-Hoor-Khuit
Crowned Virgin (Doré), 375
Crucifixion, 382
cryptography, 93–94
crystal gazing. See scrying
culture, postmodern, 313
cup of Whore of Babylon, 281
curse on creation, 257–58
Curtz, Dr., 268–73
“Dalcho’s Register,” 336–37
Daniel, 179
Darby, John N., 21–22, 139, 352, 357
darkness, necessity to face, 370
Darrell, John, 312–13
Daughter of Fortitude, 292–95
and “Thunder” speech, 294
Daughters of Light, 195, 197, 224
d’Austria, Don Julius Caesar, 263
Deacon, Richard, biography of JD, 36
Dee, Arthur (JD’s son), 288, 314, 332
Dee, Jane (JD’s mother), 44
Dee, Jane (JD’s wife), 135, 155, 276, 314
wife-swapping, 288–92
Dee, John. See also angelic
conversations of John Dee
and activating enlightenment, 448
adopts Catholicism, 50
applies for mastership of St. Cross,
asks Uriel for funds, 214
assessments of his work, 2–3, 35–39
as alchemist, 70, 110, 119, 121, 274,
as astrologer, 54
astrology studies, 50
as author of code of Western
Civilization, 35
beginning his original works, 72
begins focus on occult, 151
biographies of, 35–39
birth, 44
book burning and recovery
incident, 282–84
bouts of grief (1597), 314
burial site, 317–18
burns records of work with
Hickman, 311
calendar suggestions, 37, 150–51, 238
at Cambridge, 49
career summarized, 2
casting Elizabeth’s horoscope, 85, 87
and catoptrics, 75
chronic indigence, 49, 89–91, 141
as citizen of the world, 106
Compedious Rehearsal (1593),
306–8, 307
conflict with Jesuits, 283
cosmological views of, 74–76
death, 316
Decree of Exile from Bohemia, 284
diaries of, 8–9, 35, 332–34
difficulty in comprehending his
work, 39–40
early life, 44–46
early royal offers, 52–53
education, 45–51
effect on history, 1–2, 8–9, 38, 359,
457–58, 460
and Empire of Angels, 34
in Europe (1583 on), 231–99
exorcism of Ann Frank, 301–2
faded from history, 320
family (wife and children), 151
as fellow of Trinity College, 47
first key to Great Work, 72
first operative magic of, 151–52
first publication by, 59
flying scarab trick, 47
Freemasonry link, 334–38
General and Rare Memorials,
and Gerardus Mercator, 48–49
given “true” system of magic, 34
goes to Prague, 1584, 259
as grand conspirator, 38
Hermetic interests of, 47
his vision as Hieroglyphic Monad,
humiliated by society, 313–14
I Ching studied by, 51
as icon gone wrong, 301
ill fortune in final years, 314–15
inability to play the game, 304
inaccurate assessments of, 2–3
influence of, 1–2, 8–9, 38
intellectual eminence of, 2
law studies, 50
leaves for Poland (1583), 230
leaves Krakow for Prague (1584),
library of, 55, 58–59, 88
“Limits of the British Empire,”
Loagaeth revelation, 226–27
magical defense of Elizabeth,
as magus, 36–38
marriage to Jane Fromoundes, 135
marriage to Katheryn Constable,
118, 135
master at St. Cross Hospital, 303
“Mathematicall Praeface,” 121–24
as mathematician, 51, 121–24
meets Rudolf II, 265–66
as mens adeptus, 69
minimal compensation received,
89–91, 141
Monas hieroglyphica, 107–14
motto of, 50
move to Germany (1589), 298
and narratives of England’s growth
and Christianity, 8–9
as navigational consultant, 53
operative magic interest, 47
ordination as priest, 54
paradoxical compass invented, 53
parting ways with EK, 295, 298
petition to build national library,
as planner of British Empire,
125–28, 142
plaque at final resting place, 318
portrait, 4, 299
position at Manchester Collegiate
Church (1596), 309–10, 313
Propaedeumata aphoristica, 74–76
prophetic role of, 168
proposal for Royal Navy, 131–33
and Prospero, 316
publication of his works, 332–33
Qabalah studied by, 104
quest for Real Cabala, 66–67, 104
Raymond Llull studied by, 57–58
and rays of influence, 72–75
as rector of St. Swithin, 89
relationship to Elizabeth I, 82,
religious sympathies of, 84, 106–7
as representative of Renaissance,
reputation, 47, 54–55, 115–18, 151,
229, 271–72, 306
response on Continent, 320
return to England (Dec. 1589), 299
Revelation as script of his work, 30
Roger Bacon studied by, 56–57
and Rosicrucianism, 321, 323–24,
as secret agent, 36–37, 219–20
similarities to JP, 416–17, 428–29
and Steganographia, 91–94
suffers poor health and poverty
(1592), 303–4
summary of his character, 210
support for Elizabeth as world
emperor, 138–40
with talisman, compass, square, 246
talks on Euclid, 50–51
time with Edmund Bonner, 55–59
Tower of London imprisonment, 55
turns to operative magic, 136
at University of Louvain, 47–50
why not given credit for Royal
Society?, 331–32
wife-swapping, 288–92, 297
will to power of, 170
works on geometry and math, 80
world at time of his birth, 9–19, 44
writings about, 35–39
Dee, Katheryn (JD’s wife), 118, 135
Dee, Madimi (JD’s daughter), birth
of, 300
Dee, Margaret, 314
Dee, Michael, 275, 309, 314
Dee, Roland (JD’s father), 44–45,
49, 54
Dee, Rowland (JD’s son), 258
Dee, Theodore, death of, 314
de Lannoy, Cornelius, 119
della Mirandola, Giovanni Pico, 61,
63, 95, 105
dependent arising, 69
de Quincey, Thomas, 337
De septem secundeis, 138–40
devil, 240, 247, 401. See also
Choronzon; Satanism
Dick, Philip K., xi, 5–6
Digges, Thomas, 47, 148–49
discouerie of witchcraft, The, 300
dispensationalism, 21–22, 25, 139,
Doctor Faustus (Marlowe), 300–301
Doctor Illuminatus, 57–58
“Do what thou wilt,” 363n, 454
Dragon, 231
Catholic Church seen as, 12
in Eden and at end of time, xiii–xiv
Drake, Sir Francis, 125, 127, 134
Drake’s Bay, 125, 134
Dudley, Robert, 135–36
Dugin, Aleksandr, 460
Durant, Will and Ariel, 14, 120
Dürer, Albrecht, 12, 13, 33, 225, 269,
Ecclesia Anglicana, 14
Edward VI, reforms of, 53
egg, 112–13, 114
Elizabethan worldview, 15–19
Elizabeth I, Queen, 83, 234n, 301
ascension to throne, 82
asks JD to divine future, 54–55
court of summarized, 304
extraordinary capabilities, 115–16
her transformation of England, 9
interest in alchemy, 91, 116,
magic as context of her world,
political strategy of, 126
and Spanish Armada, 302–5
threats to her life, 86
views on religion, 82–84
Emerald Tablet of Hermes, 60–61
Empire of Angels, 34
and Second Coming, 462
end of the world, 19–30, 241–42,
260–61. See also Apocalypse
prophecies related to, 231, 246–47,
England, 125–28
at Dee’s time, 9–15
angelic magic as method for
activating, 448–49
roadmap of, 448–56
Enoch, 257
Enoch (book of), 52, 206
Enochian. See angelic language
Enochian Chess, 345
Enochian magic, 3. See also angelic
conversations; angelic magic
Ensigns of Creation, 173, 197–98,
Equinox, The, 346
Ernst, Thomas, 93
Eros, 398
Esdras, 233
esoteric Protestantism, 30–35
esoteric religions, 365
Eucharist, 268
Euclid’s Elements of Geometry,
121–24, 123
evangelicals, 25–30
Eve, xiii, xv
evil, 236n, 361, 404
Fall, the, 240–41
Faustus archetype, 301
Fell-Smith, Charlotte, biography of
John Dee, 36
Ferguson, Niall, 143
fetching the earth, 213–15
Ficino, Marsilio, 18, 61, 62
fiery trigon, 149
first horseman of Apocalypse, 350–53
Five Books of Mystery. See
Mysteriorum libri quinque
Fool, 312n
Forman, Edward, 419
Four Horsemen (Dürer), 351
Fourth Turning, The, 459
Frank, Ann, 301–2
Frankenstein, 301
Freedom Is a Two-Edged Sword, 441
Freemasonry, 34, 101–2, 103, 329
as backbone of Western civilization,
JD influence on, 334–38
and Rosicrucianism, 336–38
Scottish Rite Freemasonry, 336–37
French, Peter, biography of JD, 36–37
Frobisher, Martin, 128–30
Fromoundes, Jane (JD’s second wife),
135, 276, 288–92, 314
Fromoundes, Nicholas, 300
Fuller, J. F. C., 408–12
Gabriel (archangel), 143, 170, 179–81,
242–44, 256–57
on disease, 273
the Fall and angelic language,
GALCIT-53, 423
Galvah (angel), 226–27, 340
Garden of Eden, xi, xiii
Gardner, Gerald, 446n
Gazavaa, 264, 267–68
gebofal, 167, 176, 275, 448
gematria, 98
General and Rare Memorials, 132
Genii Immortalis, 272
Gilbert, Humphrey, 121, 134–35
gnosis, 365
as Architect, 121–22
communication with, 170–72
Crowley confrontation with,
God’s love for Creation, 453–54
in Great Chain of Being, 16
in Hermeticism, 64–65
names of, 193–95
nature of, 397
seeing God face-to-face, 450–51
sorrow of, 279
as source of understanding, 8
Goddess movement, 446
Golden Dawn, 184, 337, 341–45
founding of, 342–43
two Trees in, 343
versus A∴A∴, 408
views of JD’s work, 40
Golden Hind, 134
golden talisman, 250, 251
Governors (of Aethyrs), 176
Graham, Billy, 25, 352
Great Chain of Being, 15–19, 17, 62
Great Instauration, 328
Great Seal, 192
Gregorian calendar, 149–50
Gregory XIII, Pope, 149–50
Grey, Lady Jane, 53–54
Guénon, René, 313n
on true way to gnosis, 365–68
Gush Emunim, 29
Gustavus Adolphus, King, 329
Ha’am, Ahad, 28
Hacket, William, 303
Hadit, 349, 350, 383
Hagee, John, 22–23
Hagonel, 203, 205
Hájek, Dr. T., 259
Harkness, Deborah E., 38–39, 70,
165, 340
Hartley, 311–12
Hatcher, John, 45
hatha yoga, 99
Hebrew language, 176–77, 240–41,
Hecate, Initiation of, 372–73
Heilbron, J. L., 37, 156
heliocentric model, 148–49
Henry VIII, 9–10, 14
Hermes, 339
Hermeticism, 60–71
assumptions of, 66
defined, 60–61
as foundation of science, 36
Heru-Ra-Ha, 406
Herzl, Theodor, 28
Hess, Moses, 28
Hickman, Bartholomew, 136, 151–52,
301, 309, 310–11
Hieroglyphic Monad, 73, 108–9,
expanded Monad, 111
Hildegard of Bingen, 64
hinayana, 35
Hirsig, Leah, 362–63, 415
Hockley, Frederick, 340
Holocaust, 29
Hooke, Robert, on the spirit diaries,
horrible doctrine, 248–249, 404
horseman, and wife-swapping
incident, 292
Horus, 348, 398, 406–7
Aeon of, 350, 352, 356, 360, 370,
372, 431, 454
House of the Juggler, 401
Hubbard, L. Ron, 428–29, 433,
humanism, 8, 45–47, 62–63, 84
humanity, AC’s new image of,
humans, in Great Chain of Being,
ignorance, 169
Il (angel), 211
Ilemese (angel), 231
Illumination, 166–67, 295
initiation, Sanctification and
Illumination as, 166–67
Instruments of Conciliation, 197
Invisible College, 320, 322, 323, 329,
331, 334
American support of, 22
and Christian Zionism, 29
creation of Jewish homeland in,
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel (Doré),
James I, King, 314, 315, 320
Jekyll, Sir Joseph, 338–40
Jesuits, 277, 323
Jesus. See Christ
Jesus is Coming, 358
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 420
Jewish Zionism, 22–25, 28–29
Jews, persecution of, in Spain, 62n
jnana yoga, 99
John of Patmos, 20–21
Jones, Charles Stansfeld, 416
Jones, Mr., 333
Jones versus The Looking Glass, 409
Jubanladace (angel), 182, 227
“Judaizing,” 24–25
Jung, Carl, 370
Kabbalah. See Qabalah
Kalki, 233n
Kaph, 381
Kelly, Edward, 152, 153, 395–96.
See also angelic conversations of
John Dee
ability to produce gold, 296–97
accused of forgery, 224
AC on, 160–62
as arguably fraudulent, 155–57
attacks Alexander, 264–65
charged with sorcery, 277
conversion moment, 247–49
death, 311
in Europe (1583 on), 231–99
historical evaluation of, 298
intellect of, 161–62
killing imperial officer, 302
life before meeting JD, 153–54
meets JD, 153
parallels with L. Ron Hubbard,
parting ways with JD, 295, 298
potential drug use of, 158–59
potential mental illness of, 158
“The Stone of the Philosophers,”
told to marry, 199
visions of fire and brimstone, 21
wife-swapping, 288–92, 297
Kelly, Rose, 346–47
kerubs, 373–74, 376–77
Keynes, John Maynard, 64
kings, heptarchic, 201–2
Kook, Abraham, 29
kundalini, 431–32
Laevanael (angel), 274–75
LaHaye, Tim, 352
lamens, 175, 203–4, 204
“Lancashire Seven,” 311–12
language. See also angelic language
operating via subtle rays, 77
quest for pre-Fall, 104
Larkin, Clarence, 352
Łaski, Olbracht, 157, 170, 215, 217,
228–29, 230–38, 247, 249–50,
258–59, 278–79
described, 216–20
Elizabeth I and, 218–19
genealogy, 223
prophecies related to, 220–21,
223–24, 227
Last Judgment, 268
Late Great Planet Earth, The, 26–27
Laurie, Greg, 22–23
LaVey, Anton, 168, 446n
Laycock, Donald, 162
Left Behind novels, 358–59
Levi, Eliphas, 341
Lilith, 402
Lindsey, Hal, 26–27, 352
Llull, Raymond, 57–58, 57
Loagaeth, 206–8, 207, 236, 395
perfected version, 226–27
Lok, Michael, 128, 130
love, and the Qabalah, 98–99
Lovecraft, H. P., 301
Loveday, Raoul, 362
“Love your neighbor as yourself,” 452
Luhrmann, Tanya, 6
Lundrumguffa, 188–89
Luria, Rabbi Isaac, 70
Luther, Martin, 9–11, 16, 21, 34,
63–64, 140, 325
LVX, 111–12
Ma’at, Aeon of, 376
Machiavelli, Nicolo, 19
Mackenzie, Kenneth, 340–42
Madimi (angel), 222–23, 228, 237,
260–61, 288–91, 340
magic. See also operative magic
defined, 191n
Hermetic, 20
later Western views of, 79
psychologizing it away, 79–80
versus workings of God, 242–44
Magick Without Tears (Crowley), 79
magus, John Dee as, 36
Magus, The (Barrett), 336–37
mahayana, 35
Maier, Michael, 325
Malaspina, Germanico, 282
Mammon (demon), 190–91
Manchester, 309
man of pure gold, 200
Manvantara, 367–68
Mapsama (angel), 244–45
Mary, Queen of Scots, 118, 120
death, 234n
Mary I, 54–55, 82
Masonry. See Freemasonry
“Mathematicall Praeface” (Dee),
121–22, 123
mathematics, significance of, 121–24
Mather, Cotton and Increase, 24–25
Mathers, MacGregor, 341–42, 345
Maximillian II, 119
McMurtry, Grady, 426–27, 445
medical theory, from angels, 238, 273
mens adeptus (enlightened adepts), 63,
69, 448
Mercator, Gerardus, 48–49
Mercator projection, 49
Meta Incognita, 128–30, 129
Michael (archangel), 143, 151,
177–80, 187, 189–93,
197–201, 203, 205, 215,
230, 249
mind, all is, 451
monads, in Crowley’s work, 361
Monas hieroglyphica, 107–14, 119
Mortlake, 44, 88, 151
found damaged in 1589, 299
in present day, 317–18
ransacking of, 233, 236
sold in 1608, 316
Mother Zuana, 52
Muhammad, 6, 181
Murphyn, Vincent, 120, 136, 141
attacks on JD, 117–18
Muscovy Company, 128
Mussolini, 362
Mysteriorum libri quinque (Five Books
of Mystery), 185–215. See also
A True and Faithful Relation
completion of, 209–15
liber primus, 185–91, 190, 197
liber secundus, 192–97
liber tertius, 197–201
liber quartus, 201–5
liber quintus, 205–8
Nalvage (angel), 235–36, 239–42,
Nash, John, 5–6
Neopaganism, 446
Neoplatonism. See Renaissance
Neuburg, Victor, 347, 353–54,
389–91, 408–9
Aethyr work with AC, 370–407
New Aeon, AC’s proclamation of,
new age, 367–68
New Atlantis (Bacon), 329–30
New Jerusalem, The (Doré), 463
Newton, Isaac, 22, 64, 332
Nichols, Francis, 310–11
Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), 1–11
Nordau, Max, 28
Northrup, Betty, 425, 428–29,
Northwest Passage, 130, 134–35, 148
Nostradamus, 85
Novella, Dr. Steven, quantum woo, 80
Novum Organum (Bacon), 326
Nuit, 349, 350
occult. See also angelic magic;
operative magic
as central to Western civilization, 3
justification of whole field of, 191n
rejected by science and religion, 7
Of Famous and Rich Discoveries
(Dee), 133–34
Old and New Testaments, as loop,
On the Structure of the Human Body,
Opening of the Fifth and Sixth Seals
(Dürer), 225
operation of the fourteen days, 183
operative magic, 32, 47, 86n
as context for Elizabethan world,
defined, 61–62
falling out of favor, 64, 80
optics, 72–75
Order of the Inspiritui, 78
Orthodox Judaism, and Zionism, 29
Osiris, Aeon of, 356, 371–72
OTO (Ordo Tempi Orientis), 341,
349, 361–62, 413–15, 416, 445
ouroboros, 453
Pagels, Elaine, on Revelations, 21
paradoxical compass, 53, 133
Parsons, Helen, 419, 422, 425,
426–27, 428
Parsons, Jack, 27, 417, 424
“Analysis by a Master of the
Temple,” 438
as Antichrist, 352–53, 439–40
“The Book of the Antichrist,” 438
and centrality of Babalon, 430–31
death, 443–44
disillusionment with OTO, 423
effect on history, 458
explores sexually permissive
Thelema, 425
finds Thelema, 422
influence on culture, 441
life, work, magical activities,
and L. Ron Hubbard, 428–29, 433,
marriage to Helen Northrup, 419
parallels with JD, 416–17, 428–29
past lives of, 438–39
rocketry work, 419–22, 423–25
testimony as explosives expert, 421
William Breeze’s critique of, 423
work with angelic system, 429–44
Paul, St., 20–21
Pembroke, Earl of, 120
Pence, Mike, 27, 459–60
Perry, Katy, 441
Philadelphia Experiment, 427n
philosopher’s stone, 69, 274
planets, 113
Plymouth Brethren, 357, 359
Pontois, John, 315–16, 332
Postel, Guillaume, 51–52, 104–5
Practical Angel Magic, 338–40
predestination, 12
Prestall, John, 85–86, 119–21,
attacks on JD, 116–18
pre/trans fallacy, 67–69
pride, 169
printing press, 10, 24, 63
prisca theologia, 61, 63, 69
Propaedeumata aphoristica (Dee), on
astrological influences, 74–76
Protestantism. See also esoteric
apocalyptic vein of, 21–22
beliefs of, 19
horrors brought by, 12–14
yearning for punishing Jehovah, 21
Pseudo-Dionysius, 16–19
Pucci, Francesco, 279–86
Puritans, 120
core of, 210–11
described, 95–105
as drawing together all magic, 101
four Qabalistic worlds, 354n
in Judaism, 4
as key to scriptures, 101
as map of human mind, 98
as method for inducing
non-separate consciousness,
received from God, 100
shows connections of all things,
simplicity of, 98–99
spellings of, 41
ten spheres of, 95–98, 97
twenty-two paths, 96–98
versus Hermeticism, 95
Ra-Hoor-Khuit, 349, 350–52
as Antichrist, 352
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 62, 142, 305
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 5–6
Rankine, David, 338
Raphael (archangel), 177–79, 181,
191, 207, 215, 315
Rapture, 21–22, 24, 357
rays of influence, 72–75
reading John Dee (books about him),
Reagan, Ronald, 26–27, 423–24
Real Cabala. See Qabalah
Red Dragon, 179–80
Reeds, Jim, 93
Reformation, 9–14, 126
reformation, angelic, 456–58
Regardie, Israel, 344–45, 449
Reich, Wilhelm, 430
religions, exoteric and esoteric, 32
Renaissance, view of knowledge, 8
Renaissance Neoplatonism, 60–71
Reuchlin, Johann, 105
Reuss, Theodor, 361, 414
Revelation (Book of), 6, 403
diagram of, 23
and end of the world, 19–30
as script of Dee’s work, 30
roadmap of enlightenment process,
Rose, Father Seraphim, 366n
Rosenkreutz, Christian, 323, 345
Rosicrucianism, 34, 321–26, 328–31
and Freemasonry, 336–38
and French and American
revolutions, 330
JD as inspiration of, 336
and Jesuits, 323
manifestos in English, 331
Round Table of Nalvage, 175
Royal Navy, proposal by JD, 131–33
Royal Society, 331, 338
Rožmberk, V., 285–86, 298
ruach, 99
Rudd, Thomas, 333
Rudolf II, 261–66, 270–74, 297,
Russell, Charles Taze, 418
Salamian, 190–91
Salisbury, Lord, 145
Salomon’s House, 329
samadhi, 450
Sanctification, 166–67, 188, 295
Sandford, James, 140
Satan, 169, 240, 247, 401. See also
Satanism, 369, 446
Saul, Barnabas, 155, 185, 188–89, 191
Scarlet Woman, 361–62, 415–16,
School of Night, 305–6
science, modern versus protoscience,
Scofield Reference Bible, 25
Scot, Reginald, 300
scriptures, wrong readings of,
scrying, 77, 154–55
defined, 170–71
scrying ball, 72–73, 171–72
scrying sessions. See angelic
Second Coming, 11–12, 143, 149,
236, 262, 357, 368, 462
Second Sight, 337
Second Vatican Council, 26
Secret Chiefs, 342, 349
self, illusion of, 451
Semiel, 192
sephiroth, 95–96, 355
Servetus, Michael, 12
Seven-Headed Beast (Dürer), 33
sexual magic, 414–16
Shakespeare, 18, 306, 316
Shiva Nataraj, 381
Sigillum Dei Aemeth, 173, 187, 190,
193–97, 194, 196, 211
reception of, 192–97
sin, 15–16, 169–70, 270–71
Sixtus V, Pope, 284–85
Skinner, Stephen, 338
Sledge, James Justin, 163–64
Sloane, Hans, 334, 340
Smith, Wilfred T., 416, 426
Sons of Light, 195
sorcery, versus high magic, 87
Spain, conflict with England,
125–28, 304–5
Spanish Armada, 304–5
Spinola, Octavius, 267–68
spirit actions. See angelic
spirit diaries, 8–9. See also angelic
possession of, after JD’s passing,
spiritual realm, taboos against
exploring, 3–5
Sprengel, Anna, 342
SRIA, 340–41
Starkie, Nicholas, 311–12
Steganographia (Trithemius), 91–94
St. Germain, Comte de, 342
St. John’s College, 45–46
St. Michael Fighting the Dragon, 13
sublunary world, 15–16, 19
Suicide Squad, 420, 420
Summum Bonum (Fludd), 324
Sunday, Billy, 25, 26
sunyata, 68
supernova (1572), 125–26, 149
Sworn Book, 192–93
Szönyi, György, 84
table, forty-nine-fold (AC),
Table, Great, 253–56, 255
Table, Holy Sevenfold, 378
Table, twelvefold, 385–86
Table of Practice, Holy, 173, 187–88,
188, 197, 205
Tabula Bonorum, 173–74, 201, 205
Talbot, Edward. See Kelly, Edward
tarot, 395
temple furniture, 172–76, 212–14
use of, 182–84
Teresa of Àvila, St., 64, 242n
Terminal Monotheism, 262
Tetragrammaton, 73, 370–71
Thelema, 148n, 182, 232n, 357,
influence of, 358
theosis, 167
Three Books of Occult Philosophy, 91
“Thunder” speech, 294–95
Tillyard, on medieval worldview, 19
time, 453
tolerance, 329
Treatise on Angel Magic, 333
Tree of Life, xi, xiii, 97, 98, 100–103,
177, 343, 354–55, 449
Trithemius, 91–92, 92, 138–40
True and Faithful Relation, A
(Casaubon), 36, 221–22, 222,
liber sexti, 222–29
Trump, Donald, 27, 458–59
UFO sightings, 436
universe, shape of, 370
Uriel (archangel), 171, 181, 186–89,
191–93, 198–200, 210–15, 352
on end times, 233–35, 266–68,
on sin, 270–72
urges completion of Loagaeth,
Urn, vision of, 395
Urso of Calabria, 77
vajrayana, 35, 69
VALIS, xi, 5
Vesalius, Andreas, 46
Virgin of Eternity, 391
Vision and the Voice, The (Crowley),
353–56, 359–61, 366, 369–70
voices (heard by psychotic people), as
culturally determined, 6
Waddell, Leila, 415
Walsingham, Francis, 85, 91, 229,
War on Terror, 27
Watchtowers, 205, 250–52, 274, 405
Golden Dawn understanding of,
new ordering of, 289–90
Webb, Thomas, 308–9
Westcott, William Wynn, 341–42
Western esoteric tradition
as central to Western civilization,
core of, 19, 210–11
and enlightenment experience,
and esoteric Protestantism, 30–35
as research and development wing
of Western civilization, 31
sporadic organization of, 31–32
Wharton, Goodwin, 340
Wheel of Fortune, 381
white horse (of Apocalypse), 350–53
Whitgift, John, 300–301, 303,
308–9, 312–13
Whitlock, Edward, 297
Whore of Babylon. See also Babalon
as Daughter of Fortitude, 292–95
Wicca, 446
wife-swapping, 288–92
Wilber, Ken,
pre/trans fallacy, 67–69
Witchcraft Act of 1604, 314
Wolfe, Jane, 418, 422, 443
Woman Clothed with the Sun (Dürer),
Woodall, John, 333
World’s Great Restauration, The, 24
Yates, Dame Francis, 30, 36, 321, 333
Yates thesis, 36–39, 330
Yeats, W. B., 370
yoga, 167
Zebaoth, 287
Zevi, Sabbatai, 24
Zionism. See Christian Zionism;
Jewish Zionism