is watery, phlegmatic, and its taste is salty.
And in the first facie there arises the last part of Ursa Minor, and the Perfect Image called Satirus, turned backwards, and he is near Muse
playing lyra and a flute. And there arises the first Girl of the three Virgin Girls,
the head of a black Beetle
and the tail of a small lizard.
Indians say that in this facie there arises a very beautiful and young man, he wears garments and ornaments. And his face and fingers are twisted. His body looks like an horse and an elephant, he has white feet, and from his body fruits and leaves of several kind of trees are springing. And his house is in a bush where sandal tree (which is a tree with a perfumed wood) grows.
According to Ptolemy, in this facie there arises Ursa Maior
face, the heads of the following and the preceding
Twins and the hand of the latter. And Canis Minor and the rest of Canis Maior, the stern of Navis and paddles.
In the second facie of the Cancer there arises the second of the Virgins, similar to a cloud.
And the preceding half of Canis, the half of donkey’s Manger
And the Northern Donkey,
half of black Beetle. And half of the Lizard.
Indians say that a beautiful girl arises in this facie, on her head a crown of red myrtle and a wooden wand in her hand. And she declares aloud her love for drinking wine, singing and praying in the houses of prayers and cult of God.
According to Ptolemy, in this facie there arises (a part of) the head of Ursa Maior. And the rear claw of Cancer. And the stern of Navis.
In the third facie there arises the third Girl of the Virgins, and she goes back and forth. The rear half of Canis, the other half of donkey’s Manger. And the Southern Donkey.
And the end of the black Beetle. And the head of the Lizard.
Indians say that a man arises in this facie, whose feet look like turtle’s feet:
their colour is similar to silk, his body is wrapped in a robe, he wears golden jewels, and he is planning to sail in order to get gold and silver and make ornaments for women.
According to Ptolemy, in this facie there arises the root of the neck of Ursa Maior, and the preceding right foot. And both the claws of Cancer. And Praesepe. And the head of Hydra. And sails of Navis and what is around its body.