quarius is an airy sign, sanguine.
And in its first facie there arises Bendeius [178] the leopard, holding the pitcher. And the head of the horse keeper, called Baizkalus. And the head of the white Centaurus called Asmaad, and he is stretching his left hand over his head, and it is the head of Ibis, [179] a bird with a black head which is hunting fish in the water.               
Indians say that a man similar to a vulture arises in this facie, he has with him a furcoat and a carpet. And he is trying to repair a vase made of copper and wood and pouring oil and wine and water in it.
According to Ptolemy, there arises in this facie the root of the tail of Ursa Minor, and Cepheus' foot and his right hand. And the left foot of Cygnus, and the edge of its left wing. And the head of the First Horse, [180] and the head of Aquarius and its right shoulder. And the hinder parts of Capricorn and its tail. And the end of the body of Piscis Australis.
And in the second facie of Aquarius there arises half of the body of the horse keeper, with the bow in his left hand and in his [right] hand a boar pressing his foot, and in his mouth there are are two Snakefish. And the middle of Centaurus and the wing of Ibis, hunting for fish in the water. And there arises Draco.               
And Indians say that a man with a long beard arises in this facie, and he is a black man and looks like a soldier. And in his hand he has bow and arrows, and he has a sack where there are hyacinths, pearls, gold, topazes and other precious stones.               
And according to Ptolemy, there arises in this facie the half of the tail of Ursa Minor, and the thighbone of Cepheus and his back and his right shoulder. [181] And the body of the second Horse [182] and its head. And the Vase which is in the hand of Aquarius, which is the beginning of Aquarius. And his back and thighbone. And half of the body of Piscis Australis.
And in the third facie of Aquarius there arises the Big Bird, which is called Cygnus. And the back of the horse keeper and the back of Centaurus, [and the Wolf biting his right hand]. [183] The Source of Evil. And the completion of the bird they call Ibis.               
Indians say that in this facie there arises a man with black skin, angry, cunning, with hairs in his ears. And on his head he has a crown made with tree leaves and fruits and resins. And he is busy with several objects because he is moving them from a place to another.
According to Ptolemy in this facie there arises the tail of Ursa Minor, and the thigh of Cepheus and his left shoulder and his head. And the radix of the front foot of the Horse and his arrows. And the right part of Aquarius and its left foot. A part of the Vase of Aquarius, and the water falling on the head of Piscis Australis [184] .