Chapter Twenty


Hannah entered quietly and found Brandy filling a drink at the soda fountain. She seemed calm and casual, and Hannah was at once envious. Hannah took a deep breath, sank her hands in her pockets, and approached.


Brandy looked over and smiled. “Hey, you. Long time no see.” She stepped into Hannah and kissed her on the cheek. Hannah smelled her musky perfume and her heart flipped.

“Do you want to get a drink? I didn’t know if you guys were having beer or not. I assumed you were, so I got myself a soda.”

Hannah looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows. No sign of Mickey.

“I’ll just sit with you for now.”

Hannah gestured for Brandy to lead the way, and she chose a table near the large flat-screen hanging in the corner.

“This good?”


Brandy waited for Hannah to sit and she slid in across from her.

“Hope you don’t mind, but I want to see your face.” She sipped her Diet Coke with mauve lips. She winked.

“It’s fine,” Hannah said. She rubbed her palms on her jeans. “I—I’m a bit nervous,” she confessed, unable to think of anything else to say. “I haven’t done this in about sixteen years.”

“Really?” But then her eyes clouded. “You’ve been in a relationship haven’t you?”


“Can I ask how long it’s been since you broke up?”

“We’ve been separated for about three months now.”

Brandy played with her straw. “That’s not too bad I guess.” She looked at her. “I just don’t want to get hurt, you know. I’ve been there, done that with the whole rebound thing. It’s not for me.”

Hannah looked down at her hands. “I don’t plan on hurting anyone. But I can’t honestly tell you that I’m okay inside. I’ve got a lot going on as far as healing myself, and I don’t think that will end anytime soon.”

Brandy took another short sip of her drink. “At least you’re being honest.”

“Yes. Which is why you might want to remain friends. Because honestly, I can’t promise you anything. I don’t know where I’m headed as far as love goes. Does that make sense?”

“Sure. It sounds like we all do after a breakup. But most of us don’t voice it. We just jump back into another relationship hoping it will solve everything.”

“Yeah, that’s not me. I’m old-fashioned, I guess you’d say. I hope you don’t think I’ve wasted your time.”

“Oh no, definitely not. I kind of like you, Hannah. You’re honest and adorable. I’d love to get to know you.”

Hannah smiled and then nearly jumped out of her skin as a firm hand clamped down on her shoulder.

“Hannah, you beat me here. What’s up with you suddenly arriving early to things?” Mickey rounded the table and sat next to Brandy. “M’lady.” She gently took her hand and then stood as her own date arrived. “There she is. Ms. Faith. My very lovely date.” She stepped over to kiss her softly on the mouth.

It was intimate and something Hannah wasn’t ready to see, so she looked away. Brandy, however, was watching intently and grinning. When she looked at Hannah she winked slowly and reached across to pat her hand.

Hannah registered the heat from her touch, but she didn’t draw her hand back. She left it there, and Brandy gave her a squeeze and retrieved her hand, letting Hannah off the hook. Hannah was grateful she did so because she felt like she was about to burst into flames, she was blushing so badly.

Mickey took one look at her and mouthed something to her. Hannah didn’t understand, and Mickey waved her off and took care of the introductions. Faith was friendly and all giggles and petite muscles. Hannah pegged her for a catcher and found out she was right. Brandy greeted everyone with polite smiles and handshakes. She made a crack about already having drunk all the beer. Mickey laughed, asked everyone what kind of pizza they wanted, and then motioned for Hannah to follow her so they could order.

When they were out of earshot, Mickey started in. “So? How’s it going? You were so red back there I thought I’d have to put you out with a fire extinguisher.”

Hannah felt her face. It was still hot.

“It’s going…well. I was honest with her about my situation and we agreed to just get to know each other.”

“Wait, what situation?”

“My relationship situation. You know, my breakup and what the future may or may not hold?”

Mickey slapped her head and turned her ball cap backward. “No, no, no, say you didn’t.”

“I did.”

“Hannah, what the hell? You trying to scare her off? Don’t ever talk about your ex unless you’re sure you know you’re over her.”

“I need her to know the truth, Mick. I’m not going to play games with her just because I’m still healing.”

Mickey shook her head and then ordered a large pepperoni and two salads for their dates. Then she ordered two pitchers of Miller Lite.

“You want wings?” she asked.

Hannah shook her head and dug out her wallet. She and Mick split the bill, took their order number, and returned to their seats.

Their dates were happily conversing.

Brandy spoke up. “So it seems that we are all on first dates here.”

“That would be right,” Mickey said. “I met Faith on the softball field. Her team clobbered us, but I really didn’t seem to mind. My eyes and thoughts were always on her.”

Faith nudged her and they kissed again. Mickey wasted no time in putting on the moves. She’d always done so. But it made Hannah feel uncomfortable, like she was supposed to do something with Brandy. It made for an awkward silence.

Brandy leaned across the table. “Don’t worry. I don’t kiss on the first date.”

Hannah laughed.

“You were worried,” Brandy said.

“Maybe a little.”

“More than a little. I thought you were going to pass out.”

“Hannah tends to be a little anxious about some things,” Mickey said. “So, be gentle.”

The three of them laughed, and Hannah buried her hands in her hair. So far so good. She’d been thoroughly embarrassed within the first half hour. Good times.

“Come on, Hannah. I’m just messing with you. I promise nothing more will be said at your expense. Now, how about a beer? The game’s gonna start.”

Hannah took her full cup and sipped lightly. It felt like heaven against her parched throat. The flavor wasn’t bad either. She smiled at Brandy who was watching her closely.

“So are you a D-backs fan?”


Brandy politely declined the beer Mickey tried to offer her. Meanwhile Faith downed half her cup and clapped as the game began. A few other patrons looked their way but then returned to the game and their pizza. Hannah was surprised it wasn’t more crowded. But then again the D-backs were down in the series and it was a Tuesday night. Most folks were home with their families. Her stomach tightened at the thought, and she forced a smile and pushed it away. She sipped her beer which was her first in a while. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t use it to escape anymore, and she planned on keeping that promise. So she finished her cup and then rose to buy herself a soda cup. Mickey watched her curiously from across the restaurant.

Hannah hoped she wouldn’t bring it up, but Mickey didn’t know the meaning of manners or keeping things private. So Hannah steeled herself as she sat down with her Dr Pepper.

“You’re not going to help us drink the beer?” Mickey asked.

Hannah fought cringing. “Not tonight. I’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

Mickey raised an eyebrow. “You’re really serious about this no drinking kick aren’t you?”

Hannah wanted to kick her under the table, but she was afraid Brandy would notice.

“For the time being, yes.” Hannah met Brandy’s gaze and found unasked questions. Hannah changed the subject.

“So, you said you aren’t into sports very much. What do you do for fun?”

“I’m not so much into mainstream sports, no. But I do lots of other things.”

“Such as?” Mickey asked.

“I rock climb almost every weekend. I have a large group of friends who climb, and we travel to all kinds of places.”

“Wow,” Faith said. “Sounds like fun.”

“Oh, it is. It’s such a rush when you conquer that rock. You should try it sometime.” She looked at Hannah. “What about you, Hannah? You think you would ever give it a shot?”

Hannah squirmed a little. “I don’t know. I’m not very good with heights.”

“I promise I’ll take good care of you,” Brandy said. “We could start slow. I’m a great teacher.”

Hannah wasn’t sure how to respond. She wanted to be polite and adventurous, but she was uncomfortable with even the mere thought of climbing something.

“We’ll see,” she said.

“That means good luck getting my ass to do it,” Mickey said.

Hannah gave her a look, and Mickey held up her hands. “I’m just telling her the truth.”

But Brandy didn’t seem to be fazed. “I don’t know. Something tells me I might be able to persuade her.”

“Good luck,” Mickey said.

“Well, I want to do it,” Faith said.

Brandy lit up. “Wonderful. Maybe we should all make a date of it sometime.”

“Yeah,” Faith said, looking to Mickey. “You’ll do it, won’t you, Mick?”

“Hey, I’m game for just about anything.” They kissed quickly and grinned at each other.

Hannah still wanted to kick her. Instead she tried to focus on the game, but not much was happening. Brandy watched as well, but she seemed bored, leaning on her hand.

Hannah didn’t like how the evening was panning out. Thanks to Mick she came off as a chickenshit who wasn’t willing to try things, and Brandy seemed to be bored with the game. Hannah knew she should do something; after all, she was all about change and bettering herself. So she did the only thing she could think of.

“I’ll do it,” she said, causing everyone to look at her. “I’ll go rock climbing.”

Brandy lit up and Faith clapped and cheered. Mickey grinned at her in a devilish way, and a waiter brought their food. Hannah felt fluttering in her chest at what she’d just agreed to, but no one seemed to notice her nerves. So she spent the evening eating and talking and making plans with Brandy.

She considered everything that had been bothering her lately. Sasha, Charlie, and now Casey and his pregnant girlfriend. She let them go and concentrated on rock climbing. It was nice to have something else to worry about for a change.