Chapter Thirty-three


Sasha was curled up on the couch watching The Break-Up when her phone rang. Bonnie was out on a date, the house was hers, and she was intent on enjoying a movie. But the current one was depressing her to no end. She eyed her phone, placed it face down, and then picked it up again. Could Heidi really be calling her this late on a Friday night?

She decided to answer, almost as if making sure the call were real and not her imagination.


“What are you doing this fine evening?” Heidi asked with her smooth, deep voice.

Sasha couldn’t help but grin. “I’m watching a very depressing movie while pretending I like this plain air popped popcorn.”

“Ah. So nothing too exciting then?”

“Hardly. What are you up to?”

“I, my dear, was just getting ready to open a bottle of wine. Care to join me?”

“I don’t know. It’s really late.”

“Don’t tell me you’ll turn into a pumpkin.”

“No,” she laughed. “Not quite.”

“Then come. Bring your jammies. We’ll get tipsy and build a pillow fort. Make it a night.”

“A pillow fort? Gosh, how could I say no to that?”

“You can’t. I’ll text you my address. Don’t forget your jammies. I would like it too much if you had to wear one of my T-shirts.”

Heidi ended the call and Sasha rose to pack a bag. She’d already soaked in the tub and dressed in her pajamas. Now all she needed to do was to throw a quick overnight bag together. As she did so, she thought over the request. Sure it seemed a little odd and a little forward to invite her to spend the night. But they’d really hit it off as friends, and the thought of spending the evening with her excited her. Anything was better than her current situation. And Bonnie had been bugging her to get out more. Was she excited to be asked out for a wine-soaked slumber party of sorts? Or was she excited at the thought of spending a wine-soaked evening alone with Heidi? In the dark. Amidst soft pillows and blankets.

“Both,” she said as she zipped up her bag. “And there’s nothing wrong with that.” She hurried downstairs, wrote Bonnie a note, and slipped into her sandals. She left the front light on and locked the door behind her. A text came from Heidi as she slid into her Jeep. It gave the address and the directions and a final note.

Can’t wait for you to come.

She laughed a little wondering what all it implied if anything. Regardless, her blood grew hot beneath her skin and she turned on the AC to keep herself cool. Heidi was one hell of a good-looking woman. Not to mention successful, witty, and funny. The fact that she was a lesbian had been icing on the cake. And now she was interested in Sasha? Could her luck get any better?

She grinned again and ran her fingers through her hair. Then she reached in her purse for her lip gloss and sprayed on a light perfume. Whether this was considered a date or not, she was going to put her best foot forward. Just as she always did.

She drove in silence, too anxious for the radio and too keyed up to think about anything else but her destination. Heidi lived on the outskirts of Scottsdale, and Sasha found the night quiet and dark with yellow lights illuminating beautiful front doors and large stucco homes with flagstone accents and perfectly manicured front lawns. She turned off her AC and eased down her window. The air was bordering on refreshing but still warm enough for her to feel sweat form on her upper chest. She knew it was mostly nerves, and she willed herself to breathe and relax. But she came to a stop in front of the house with the correct number before she could do so.

“Okay, this is it. You’re here.” She pulled carefully into the front drive and parked behind the garage door. She rolled up her window and grabbed her bag and exited the car. She mumbled to herself the entire walk to the front porch.

And just as she rang the doorbell, she realized she was in her damn pajamas of all things. What had she been thinking? She could’ve at least put on a pair of nice jeans and a shirt. Made a little more effort. She palmed her forehead and the door unbolted and opened.

“Well, don’t you look adorable?” Heidi said, standing there in a maroon satin robe and bare feet. “What are those? Cowboys?” she asked, referring to her pajamas


“Of course.” She smirked and opened the door farther. “Come on in, darlin’.”

Sasha stepped inside and fought the blush that was rushing madly to her face. Heidi continued to check her out as she closed the door behind her.

“I literally just finished unpacking an hour ago. And I’m so happy I could dance a jig.”

“I can imagine.” Sasha followed her farther inside. “Your place is…wow.”

“Thanks, I had a lot of work done. New paint, new floors, new window treatments. And the kitchen was completely gutted and redone. I like to flip houses as a hobby so it was a little hard to say no to this place. I just had to do it. Now, I’m glad I did.”

“It looks fantastic.” She stood in awe, taking it all in. It made her think once again about getting her own place and decorating it herself. But no matter how many times she thought about it, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. It seemed so scary, so final. But then again, what was she afraid of? Wasn’t final what she needed?

“Wine?” Heidi called from the kitchen. She’d taken Sasha’s bag and purse and placed them in the large living room. Now she was holding up a glass of white wine.

“Thank you.” Sasha took the glass, planning on only sipping it. She enjoyed wine too much to say no.

Heidi carried her own glass and the bottle and sat on one end of the couch. Sasha followed and sat on the other end. She sank comfortably into the lovely cushions.

“Goose down?”


“Very nice.”

“I like to be comfortable.”

Sasha smiled and sipped her wine. It was divine.

“Like it?”

“Oh, yes.” But more than that, she was liking her view. Heidi had crossed her legs, showing off her beautifully sculpted calves and moist looking skin. And the way she held her glass…so careful and seductive, circling the rim with a single fingertip.

Heidi seemed to be aware, and she placed her glass on the end table and leaned toward her with her arm strewn along the back of the couch.

“So how have you been?”

“You see me nearly every day. I’m fine.”

“I see you at work. I want to know how you really are. No bullshit.”

Sasha shrugged. “Okay, I guess. My health is…” She hesitated. She never liked discussing her health. It still made her feel exposed and weak somehow. She really liked Heidi, and she was afraid being totally honest would scare her away. But then again, if they dated, she’d see it firsthand. This was her life now, like it or not. She couldn’t pretend like she did at work. A brave face only went so far.

“It’s up and down. I take it week by week. I never know when I’m going to just crash and feel horrible or when I’ll be fine. And I understand a lot of people can’t handle that.”

“Are you trying to scare me away?”

“I just want to be honest.”

She took a slow sip of her wine. “Thank you for that. But you needn’t worry. I think I can handle it.”

“You think that now, but…”

“How do you feel this evening?”

“I’m well. I feel good.” Really good. The wine was helping.

“I apologize for not even asking if you were okay to come over. I just got so excited at being finished with the house, I couldn’t wait to have you over.”

“No apology necessary. I was just as excited at being invited.”

They both sipped their wine. In the far distance, as if a gentle tease to her ear, Sasha heard Debussy playing. It relaxed her further and she swore the moment couldn’t get any better after a long workweek pretending she was okay and all smiles.

“I love Debussy.”


“Oh yes.”

“I heard you were more of a rocker.” She raised an eyebrow.

Sasha laughed. “God, what else have you heard? Wait, don’t answer. I don’t want to know.”

“So are you going to tell me then? Are you a rocker?”

“Well, let’s see I have Led Zeppelin for my ringtone and I’ll listen to anything by Greta Van Fleet.”

“What about Jet?”

“Love them as well.”

“I think I can paint a good picture now. How about we play something by Greta Van Fleet? You can give me a taste.” She winked and called out. “Alexa, play Greta Van Fleet.”

“Playing Greta Van Fleet,” the home speaker system answered.

“Alexa, turn it up.” Heidi looked to Sasha with a smirk. “Sing.”


“Come on, get up and sing.”

“No way,” Sasha said, laughing.

Heidi stood and held out her hand. “You feel good, right? Let’s take advantage. I’ll dance with you.”

Sasha allowed herself to be pulled into a stand. Heidi began to dance.

“Come on, woman, dance with me and sing that song.”

Sasha hesitated but then started to move. The song was “When the Curtain Falls,” and she knew every word. She moved faster and began mumbling the words.


Sasha closed her eyes. She sang louder as her body moved. Soon the song completely overtook her and she was moving like there was no one else left in the world but her. The wine fizzed her mind, and her skin heated. She felt like floating away, and she danced as if she could. The earth around her fell away, and she was free, completely free. She smiled and opened her eyes. Heidi was sitting back on the couch watching her, seemingly captivated.

But Sasha didn’t stop. She kept going. She moved closer to her. She was empowered now with music and rhythm, and they were humming in her blood. She was fearless.

The song came to an end, and Heidi commanded the speaker to stop. She never took her gaze away from Sasha’s.

“Come here,” she said.

Sasha went to her. Heidi took her hands and pulled her down on top of her. Sasha straddled her as Heidi held her face.

“I want to kiss you, Sasha.”

Sasha struggled for breath, the fearlessness still radiating from deep inside. “So kiss me then.”

Heidi pulled her in and stopped with her lips a breath away from Sasha’s. They danced that way, breathing and teasing. Then Heidi grabbed her torso and tugged her in hard as she took her mouth in a deep, fierce frenzy, one that Sasha answered with a ferocity of her own.

They both moaned in approval with twisted tongues and hungry lips. Heidi tasted of the sweet wine, and Sasha feared she’d never be able to get enough. She pulsed against her, thrusting her hips as Heidi pulled on her ass.

“I want to fuck you,” she said with strain to her voice.

Sasha sucked in a breath as Heidi attached her lips to her neck.

“So fuck me.”

Heidi leaned back and looked in her eyes. “Yeah?”


Heidi tore off Sasha’s shirt. Her eyes widened at the sight of her breasts. She inched forward and flicked her nipple with her tongue. Sasha grabbed her head and hissed, and Heidi did the same to the other nipple causing them to harden so fiercely they pierced the night. Then she groaned, forced Sasha to stand, and tore down her pajama bottoms. Sasha stepped out of them and allowed Heidi to tear down her underwear. As soon as she stepped out of those, Heidi grabbed her hips and pulled her atop her once again. She ran her hands up and down her thighs and then teased the folds of her center with her fingers, causing Sasha to jerk and groan. Heidi held her gaze and teased farther in, sliding into her wetness.

Sasha moved into her and took hold of her wrist, guiding her. She clenched her eyes and sighed as Heidi’s fingers sank deep inside and began to move.

“Fuck me, you feel so hot and tight.”

Sasha bucked her hips and dug her fingers into Heidi’s shoulders. She knelt and kissed her, capturing her talented tongue, sucking it into her mouth as she gyrated against her.

“I can’t wait to fuck you,” Sasha said.

“Right now it’s all about you.” She pumped her hand. Harder, faster. Sasha began to call out. “I want to watch you dance on top of me. Fuck my fingers with your beautiful body. Writhe into the night like a moving goddess. God damn, you are beautiful.”

Sasha reared back. “Mm, you’re fucking me so good. Oh God, help me, it’s so good.”

“Yes, Sasha, fucking take it. Take it all in. I’m going to give until you beg me to stop.”

“Don’t ever stop.”

“I won’t.”

“Ever. Oh God, it’s so good. Oh God. Oh fuck.” She laughed wickedly and stared down at her. “You have the most glorious fingers.”

“They’re all yours.”

“They’re mine.”

“Yes. Ride them, baby.”

“I am. Oh God. Ah, fuck. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’m coming. Oh God, I’m coming.” She bucked uncontrollably. “Ah Jesus, I’m coming so hard. Can you feel me coming? Coming all over your sweet, sweet fingers.”

“I feel you, Sasha. I feel you.”

“Oh yes. Oh God.” She fucked and bucked and finally screamed into the silent night, letting it all out, every last bit. She moved and spasmed and Heidi was telling her she was beautiful, but she couldn’t quite make sense of it.

And then she fell against her, barely able to breathe. Sweat coated her body and her heart beat like a wild animal’s.

Heidi held her tightly. Whispered in her ear. Sasha still couldn’t make sense of it. The world was completely muffled around her. Smeared. Blurry. Oh Jesus, she’d just been fucked so good. So good she couldn’t think or move.

“Thank you,” she managed. “I so needed that. Thank you, thank you.”

“No, thank you. That was incredible. You are really incredible.”

Sasha lifted her head from Heidi’s shoulder. “The whole thing was pretty fucking incredible. And so are you.”

They kissed. Soft. Languid, enjoying the fine wine of each other.

“Shall I get the pillows for the fort?”

“Oh yes, please. I’ve been looking forward to the pillow fort. Honestly, I think I could collapse anywhere though.”

Heidi eased out of her, kissed her, and then tapped her leg. Sasha stood carefully on wobbly legs. She slipped back into her pajamas as Heidi excused herself to go retrieve the pillows and blankets. Sasha sat and curled up on the couch. She finished her wine and looked up at the ceiling. Her chest felt clean as she breathed, like she’d just ran a mile. She smiled to herself and watched as Heidi returned, arms full.

“Need help?”

“No, no, I want you to relax. I got this.” She set the load down and disappeared again. Then she returned with another armload full. “One more,” she said, disappearing again. When she came back with the final armful, she was all grins. “There.” She got busy unfolding the blankets and maneuvering the pillows.

“What are you? Like an expert?”

Heidi laughed. “Sort of. I have nephews.”

“How sweet.”

She laughed, hands on hips. “I’m anything but sweet.” She stood before Sasha and knelt to place her hands on her thighs. Her eyes danced and her lips parted in what looked like anticipation.

Sasha swallowed hard and felt her pulse race in her neck. “Seem pretty sweet to me,” she said softly.

Heidi knelt closer. “You sure? Because looks can be deceiving.” She inched closer, paused, and then lightly tugged on her lip before pulling back.

She left Sasha breathless.

“Come,” she said, taking her by the hand. Sasha stood alongside her, feeling a bit like a child. Heidi swept her arm outward. “Welcome to your pillow fort, Madame.”

Sasha followed her to the opening of the blankets. Inside the dim fort, she could see a layout of pillows and more blankets. It looked like heaven on a cloud.

Heidi took her glass. “Crawl inside,” she whispered. “There’s magic in there.”

Sasha heated from her breath against her neck and knelt to crawl inside. She noticed the freshly laundered smell of the linens and the muffled noise around her. She made herself comfortable and relaxed against the pillows. It was warm and soft and safe. She wanted to close her eyes and drift away.

“How is it?”

She watched as Heidi’s robe dropped to the floor just outside the fort. Then she knelt once more and crawled inside wearing nothing but a maroon teddy. Her amber scent was stronger, tantalizing and mysterious. It caused Sasha’s insides to burn once again.

“I like the pajamas, but I was hoping not to see them again so soon,” Heidi said, getting settled in next to her. She lay on her side, propped up on her elbow. She crossed her ankles, and Sasha so badly wanted to stroke her long, smooth looking legs.

“I’m more concerned about you right now.”

“You are?”

“Mm, yes.”

Heidi grinned. “Wait, one last touch.” She reached behind her and switched on a weak flashlight. “To keep the monsters at bay.”

Sasha cracked up. “And here I thought you were going to be the one protecting me.”

“Oh, but I am. This is just my sword of sorts.”

“I see.”

Sasha moaned and relaxed farther into the pillows. “I haven’t felt this good in a very, very long time.”

“I’m glad.” Heidi leaned toward her and stroked her face. “You should feel good every day, Sasha. I’m so sorry for what you go through, with your health.”

Sasha tried to smile, act like it was no big deal, but her emotions got the better of her.

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

“I mean it. And I want you to know you aren’t alone. I’m here; your friends at work are there for you. We all want the best for you.”

Sasha wiped a stray tear. “You all talk about it?”

Heidi paused in her movement. “Some days it’s kind of hard not to. When you’re not feeling well. We worry.”

“Oh God.”

“No, don’t be embarrassed. You have a lot of people who care about you.” She grinned. “Dennis especially.”

Sasha grabbed a small pillow and hit her with it.

Heidi looked shocked at first, but then her eyes flashed and she took the pillow from her and hit her back. Sasha laughed and wrestled her for it but couldn’t win. She just wasn’t strong enough. Eventually, she gave up and sighed with laughter.

“Okay, okay, you win.”

Heidi stilled. She stared deeply into her and tossed the prize pillow aside. Then she crawled on top of her and straddled her.

“Please tell me I didn’t hurt you.”

“Of course not. Don’t be silly.” But Sasha was lost in the way she felt atop her. The way she looked atop her. The way her red curls were strewn about her face, the way her chest was moving with rapid breaths, the fabric of her teddy showing winks of her taut breasts.

Sasha felt her own breathing hitch at the mere sight of her.

“Kiss me,” Sasha demanded. “Hold me down and kiss me.”

Heidi straightened in response to the words and pushed back her hair. “Are you sure?”


“Because once you touch me, Sasha, I won’t be able to control myself. I think I could come all over you right now with just the slightest of movement.”

Sasha placed her hands on her bare thighs and sucked in a hiss of air at the feel of her hot skin. She bucked.

“I don’t want you to control yourself.”

Heidi took hold of her hands and placed them above her head. She held her there for a long moment, and they locked eyes.

“I’ve been wanting this for weeks,” she said.

“Me too.”

“The way you dress, the way you smell. You drive me insane.” She licked her neck, then all the way up to her jawline. Then she teased her lips.

Sasha welcomed her once again with teases of her own tongue.

They kissed as they had before. Madly, deeply. With Heidi thrusting on top of her.

“Oh God, I’m so close.”

Sasha whispered in her ear. “Lie down. On your back.”

Heidi stilled and then moved. She crawled from her and got settled, her back against a plethora of pillows.

Sasha sat up and maneuvered slowly between her legs. She lightly kissed her way up and then spread her apart, causing Heidi to gasp for breath.

Sasha teased her glistening flesh by blowing on it.

“Sasha, I’m going to come. I swear to God, I’m going to come.”

“Mm, not without me tasting you you aren’t.”

She teased her swollen clit, then licked it up and down fully. Heidi went insane, grabbing Sasha’s head, trying to hold fast to her. Sasha attached to her, feeling her trembling flesh quiver in her mouth. Heidi exploded in a tantrum of screams, gripping her head, sitting up, forcing her to remain.

Sasha groaned into her, loving every last second.

“Sasha,” she said. “Fuck, Sasha, give it to me.” She collapsed back onto the pillows and laughed all deep and throaty. Sasha positioned on top of her, sank her fingers into her tightness and began to thrust. And as Heidi cried out and clawed at her back, Sasha closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasure she heard streaming from a woman. Something she hadn’t heard in a very long time.