SPECIAL THANKS are due to Michèle Lamont for her advice on the organization of the argument. For their comments, criticism, discussion, and information, I am indebted to Edward O. Laumann, Ira Reiss, Arthur Stinchcombe, Arlie Hochschild, Bryan Turner, Jonathan Turner, Tom Scheff, Rebecca Li, Bob Lien, Yvette Samson, Stephan Fuchs, David Gibson, Albert Bergesen, Mustapha Emirbayer, Mitch Dunier, Erika Summers-Effler, Regina Smardon, Deirdre Boden, Emanuel Schegloff, Paul Ekman, Theodore Kemper, Barry Barnes, Norbert Wiley, Gary Alan Fine, Arthur Frank, Hans Joas, James S. Coleman, Viviana Zelizer, Elijah Anderson, Geoff Ingham, James Jasper, Paul DiMaggio, Dan Chambliss, Darrin Weinberg, Susan Watkins, and Irma Elo.
Parts of chapter 3 appeared in Theodore D. Kemper, ed., Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions Albany: SUNY Press, 1990. A version of chapter 4 was published in Rationality and Society 5 (1993). A version of chapter 7 appeared in Sociological Theory 18 (2000). These are reprinted with permission of SUNY Press, University of Chicago Press, and the American Sociological Association.