“This fascinating book reads like a fast-paced detective story of scientific discovery and adventure set in contemporary Africa, populated by a rich cast, both animal and human, detailing the joys and frustrations of a remarkable young scientist who has gained new insight into the elephants’ way of life. In places very funny, although the hard facts and tragedy of life in Africa are not ignored. By the end she takes her rightful place among the leading biographers of the African elephant.”
—Iain Douglas-Hamilton, author of Among the Elephants, co-author of Battle for the Elephants, and founder of Save the Elephants
“A tightly-woven story of human warmth, strange cultures, fabulous wildlife, and scientific discovery. Only the best science and nature writing draws you into a whole different world, and this remarkable book does it right from page one—with grace, humility, and all the exotic splendor of Africa.”
—Carl Safina, author of Song for the Blue Ocean and Voyage of the Turtle
“A wonderful book about working with wonderful animals. Dr. O’Connell has opened up for us the world of elephant communication. It is one of the many interesting aspects of these giants that we have just learned also (like some of our great ape relatives) have a sense of self. If you like elephants, you’ll love The Elephant’s Secret Sense.”
—Paul R. Ehrlich, Ph.D., president, Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, and author of One with Nineveh