IN THE TWILIGHT, THE bust appeared to be that of some cocked-hat Revolutionary War hero of not the very first rank, that is, not G. Washington but perhaps one of those excellent Europeans noted in fact and apocrypha for throwing their weight on our side, Lafayette, say, or von Steuben. Fun Shtoyben was the right way to say it, which Reinhart knew and was certain that Marsala didn’t, being his dumb but lovable buddy who was now gurgling at what was left of the bottle and would shortly hurl it away, maybe hurting someone, for a few Germans sat around in the park; he must warn him. But too late, there went the crash and narrowly missing a Kraut who merely smiled nervously and moved off, some difference from a movie Nazi who, monocled and enraged, would have spat in your face, and they were already taking a leak on Lafayette or whoever—no, “Friedrich der Grosse,” the pedestal said, for Reinhart had a lighter that could be worked with one hand.

And it was a gross thing to do, he decided in one of those drifts of remorse that blow across a drunk—because he was just educated enough to recall vaguely old Frederick out at Sans Souci with Voltaire, writing in French, representing the best, or the worst, of one tradition or the other—a part of the punkhood from which he had just this day legally departed, and which he was, in fact, at this very moment celebrating.

Fastening the fly, all one hundred buttons, no zippers in the Army because you might get caught in one as the enemy crept close, he said, just as sad as he had before been exuberant: “What a way to pass your twenty-first birthday!”

“Well,” answered Marsala, twenty-four, looking forty, and always fit whatever his condition, spitting, not taking out his cigarette, and miffed, “we could of made you a party from the messhall: them cooks are all my friends. What are you, griping?”

As they turned to leave the park, a German nipped up and snatched the butt. There stood a woman by a tree. “Honey,” Marsala shouted, “schlafen mit me, ohhh won’t you schlafen mit me!” A kind of music the making of which was his satisfaction, for having crooned it he moved on indifferently.

On the street they encountered a Russian soldier, far from home, needless to say unkempt and weary, destination unknown most of all to himself. In the friendly light of his hound’s eye they accepted, and Reinhart returned, a salute; he went on in a hopeless, probably Slavic, manner. A two-car streetcar braked to a glide and they swung aboard, paying no fare because they were Occupation; and a good thing they hadn’t to, for in a moment the son of a bitch stopped and everybody detrained and walked around a bomb crater to another car waiting on the other side, Marsala all the while looking truculently hither and yon: he was amiable only to his friends.

The ride on the new car Reinhart forgot even as it was in progress, for he had now reached that secondary state of inebriation in which the mind is one vast sweep of summer sky and there is no limit to the altitude a kite may go, the condition in which one can repair intricate mechanisms at other times mysterious, solve equations, craft epigrams, make otherwise invulnerable women, and bluff formidable men, when people say, “Why, Reinhart!” and rivals wax bitter. Here he was in Berlin—the very name opened magic casements on the foam of seas perilous not two months since: Hitler was rumored to be still at large, the C.O. had been briefly interned by the Russians, and Art Flanders, the “crack foreign correspondent whose headquarters were in the saddle” and column in 529 dailies from Maine to the Alamo, had already called at the outfit for human-interest sketches.

Indeed, the sheer grandeur of his geographical position had overwhelmed Reinhart until this very day, for he was an irrepressible dreamer. Marsala had been out screwing and playing the black market for a week, with already a dose of crabs and a wad of Occupation marks to show for it, and at the same time bitching incessantly that they might be stuck there forever—and nonpartisan in his disinterest in any place but Home. No, he wouldn’t have liked to be stuck in Calabria any better, besieged by his indigent relatives and wallowing in the dirt and backwardness for which no one could tell him of all people, his father having come from there, that Italy was not famous. “I got your Roman ruins and your art right here,” he would sometimes say, grabbing his clothes in the area of the scrotum—the same place, in fact, that the Romans had had them—“You take that crap and give me the United States of America.”

Now, on the car, Marsala was once again the sound of unadorned naturalism, his hard voice, the one for enemies, piercing Reinhart’s shoulder, for that was all the higher he came, like a rusty blade: “You call it. I’ll kick it out of you wherever you want.”

His target was sealed with them in the crowd on the rear platform: an American soldier, between whom and Marsala stood, swaying with the general rhythm of the rocking car, a female citizen. Her visible part was a head of blonde hair, with a good washing probably as pale as Reinhart’s own, but at present long estranged from soap and comb and as stringy as an Assyrian’s beard. Notwithstanding that he had barracked with the man for two years, in whatever land, Reinhart supposed, first, a mistake, and, second, that Marsala was wronged, but these suppositions could not dwell long even in a flushed mind, for he saw the face of the other soldier charged with righteous outrage. A big man, maybe six even, with his weight from front to back, rather than in width, if one could tell from a limited view of his shoulders and fat, seedy head. He struck you right off as a lousy guy, a type who had been drafted from the driver’s seat of a big-city bus, where he cursed sotto voce at proffered dollar bills and depressed the door-lever on latecomers; a journeyman in the Shit-heels’ Guild whose meanness was, after years, instinctive—but all this was irrelevant beside the fact that in a quarrel involving a woman Marsala invariably stood on the bad side. He had surely with one of his sexual instruments, voice, hands, or groin, sought an unsubtle connection—for him a crowded streetcar was as good as an alley and being caught out only a minor inconvenience soon adjusted in his favor: he had a friend, while the other man was alone.

Thus was Reinhart’s euphoria wrenched away; what Marsala expected of him was by the known pattern of his friend’s code so obvious as to go unstated. When the car stopped at the next bomb crater and the German passengers, all slumped and carrying bundles, duly filed around its margins to still another vehicle, the three soldiers and one girl drew apart and, out of a sudden sense of national delicacy, waited until the new car started away and the old reversed trolleys and started back. Then Marsala snarled, “Let’s get him,” pitching in before the other man, now manifestly regretting where amour propre had led him as he saw Reinhart’s large figure on the hostile side, had got ready: he was in the act of removing his blouse, newly pressed, perhaps by the girl, and bearing the triangle of the Second Armored Division which had fought all the way from Africa—while Reinhart and Marsala were goofing off in Camp Grant, Illinois, Devonshire, and some tent city in long-liberated Normandy.

As a medic, and rear-area at that, Reinhart had no moral guts to oppose a combat man, even for cause, even when alcohol had anaesthetized his rational-young-man’s disinclination to violence—and as for two setting upon one, its morality threw him into a state of shock. He stood in his tracks, feeling undue exposure, lighting a smoke, and out of a complex shame not looking at the girl, and saw Marsala imprison the opponent’s arms with the half-removed jacket and call: “Okay, Carlo, in the nuts!” Saw him, not able to resist his advantage until help arrived, give the man one with the knee.

His reaction to Reinhart’s coming and pulling him loose was pure astonishment, hopefully as yet unalloyed with bitterness—he must have supposed it the prelude to a more cunning mayhem—and he had just time to begin “What the fu—” before the freed adversary got a hammerlock on his throat and booted Reinhart from the field.

They fought on the site of a ruin. As Reinhart lay on the crushed-masonry ground, beneath a roof-to-basement cross section of fourteen flats, their cavities spilling tubs and bedsteads, he could not even have said where. On to two weeks in the city, and this was his first trip off base. His old buddy, for his birthday, had taken him to a black-market contact with Russian hootch to sell, his old buddy who in the grunting ranges overhead was at this moment being slaughtered. So he raised himself, hot and vital and clear, seized the traitorous and ugly bastard from the Armored by the back of the shirt-neck, turned him, and delivered two hundred three and a half pounds to the gut, to the eye and into the mouth. The man’s meat broke wetly under his fists and yet retreated at one point to bulge at another, like some hateful sack of liquid, and it was for a time a joyful rage to work for a simultaneous and general recession. But where it took him was too terrible—all at once he gave it up. The enemy, in a vast cobweb of blood, still stood. Odd, he appeared old, perhaps forty; his cap had gone, showing an area of baldness pitifully made conspicuous by a strand of hair deviated to hide it. He was standing—but it was suddenly obvious that he was very dead.

Reinhart had broken both hands at the wrist. His lungs were gone, as well; his stomach was acid and his wit beclouded once more. It was so frightening that a corpse should remain upright. He watched Marsala come round and head-butt it in the midsection. It revived, and it fell, simply a beaten man, with an awful, beaten groan.

“Jesus,” said Marsala. “Not a car in sight. We might have to walk all the way back just because of this prick of misery. You did good, Carlo,” he went on, rubbing his sore neck, which made a rasping noise, for he had an emery-paper beard. Kept rubbing, but he was in some awe.

Reinhart had not been in a fight since early grammar school and therefore had never known how it felt to kill a man and what, when done, was the peculiar scandal. He looked to the girl, who was some distance removed in the capacity of spectator, and who in return looked at him with stupid wonderment, and commanded her to approach. Which she did with a senseless caution, as if to ask: is my turn next?

“Why don’t you attend to him?”—approximately; his German was at best uncertain and now surely further corrupted by the intermittent buzzer in his skull.

“Well, yes, if you wish,” she replied, still showing wonder, and speaking from a face in which the ages were so mixed that one knew not whether oldness or youth was the essence. She knelt in worn clothing more suited to that attitude than the standing and examined the felled opponent, who even at her touch was coming painfully around. Who when he arrived came up slowly and resentfully from the supine, crying: “Keep your whore off me!” With more effort he was arisen and deliberately, crazily, gone across the ruin and onto the sidewalk, where it could be found and where not, the street, where, alone, he could be seen for a great time, despite the darkness now settled.

“Hadn’t you better follow him?” Reinhart asked incredulously. “If the car does come he may be hit.”

“Must I?” She was nearer him now and, it struck him repugnantly, believed herself a transferred spoil of war.

“No, of course not, not if you haven’t any decency.” The last word in English; he didn’t know it in German, and she didn’t know it this way or, in truth, hadn’t any, for she smiled.

Nothing smelled ranker than disloyalty. He had wanted so much to approve of the first German girl he met—for this was she, not counting the women seen from train and truck on the journey to Berlin or the cleaning and secretarial help—if for nothing else, as an act of anti-piety against the established faith. The very faith of which, curiously enough, he found himself at least a part-time worshiper, one of those half-agnostics who go to church without believing or stay home and believe; whatever, he had waited two weeks before going on pass, since this was the best manner in which to avoid Germans and still ache, with trepidation and even a kind of love, to see them.

“If I must go—wiederschau’n!” She extended her hand in the genuine enthusiasm displayed by all Europeans, not just the French, upon arrivals and departures, as if for all their hatreds they love one another, or do for a moment at making and breaking contact, and at this first touch in ten minutes not motivated by hostility, Reinhart suddenly felt drunken again and feared that he might weep—for the sore opponent vanished alone in the night, for his friend who did not understand fighting fair, for the girl now under his compulsion, and for the material things in waste all about them, all the poor, weak, assaulted and assaulting people and things, and of course for himself, isolated by a power he didn’t want.

But certainly he did not cry. Instead he gave her his dizzy eyes and said:

“It’s a terrible thing to desert a friend.”


He repeated it, as near as he could come, in German, and she replied:

“There was nothing else you could do. He would have killed the small man.”

She was granting him absolution! But his anger did at any rate conquer the sadness. He barked his ill will towards a woman who leaves a beaten man, and in a moment found his only ease in the thought that with luck his speech had been too bad for her full comprehension. For she had answered:

“I was not with the soldier! Believe me, in all my life I have never before seen him!”

So much for that. And Marsala, who had had his rest, was prepared to reassume the command so lately transferred; he might defer to Reinhart, from now on, in matters of personal combat, but surely never in affaires d’amour.

“C’mon, why mess with this one? A pig,” he said without malice, perhaps kindly, if you wished to look at it that way, for there was no point in stirring up the girl’s hopes, but anyhow with the candor of the unembellished man, which was just what Reinhart prized highest in Marsala and why he associated with him rather than with the refugees from college. The cruelty was an inseparable element of the greater value, a unique honesty and a kind of honor: Marsala never assumed an ethical superiority to anyone else. But he was generous in granting one, for now no sooner were his comments out than he showed with a bored jerk of the head that the girl’s pigness was suddenly understood as Reinhart’s precise interest.

“If the girl didn’t belong to him,” asked Reinhart, “what in hell was the beef?”

“How should I know?” Marsala’s swarthy head revolved in unworried failure to understand the provocations constantly offered; the world was full of enemies, that was all. You watched, you took care of them, they took care of you—you did not look for a reason and you didn’t actually feel any lasting grudge. “There’s all kinds of bastards around.” He scratched his boot-toe in the rubble. “If you really want to know, he called me a guinea.”

Reinhart, missing the sly grin of mock piety and having learned Marsala’s elaborate code regarding these nicknames—Marsala himself habitually used them and especially those applying to his own kind, but denied the latter to non-guineas except people like Reinhart who held an honorary card—merely said “Oh” and turned to the Kraut girl.

At close view he decided she was young and that her longitudinal lines of cheek and veteran eyes were from lifelong residence in a sanguinary country, but the darkness forbade one’s being sure. She had merely come to watch a fight?

“One has to admit that it was interesting.” She had moved very close to him, perhaps because of the dark, and there was enough light to see that just a chance remained to make her attractive, at least to get by. Reinhart would have liked to seize and scrub and comb and color and dress her—to straighten her out; the world was filled with people who out of simple inertia wouldn’t make a move to fulfill their own promise.

“But,” she went on, “you are a noncommissioned officer. Please, may I ask you: how does one get a job with the Americans?”

“There are places for such things,” he disappointedly replied. He hadn’t known what, yet had hoped for something other than the humdrum, perhaps an unexpected birthday gift. His parents’ package had not arrived, very likely never would, the occasion being one on which their undependability was notable. Besides, the girl became more attractive as she talked; her voice was pitched low and had a melancholy music and her whole manner was submission to the male principle. “You want me to get you a job, is that right?” She was within a hair of contact with his belt buckle, and he had come under a compulsion at once to fuse into her body and not move his, which could be done by easing forward the belly usually, as a matter of vanity, held back.

“For Christ Almighty sake,” said Marsala, in the testiness of one whose judgment has gone unheeded, “the soldier has gone horny.” He was right by being wrong; he assumed their conversation to be a bargaining.

They were now touching, the girl standing firm and, madly, as if unconscious of anything strange, pursuing her first interest: “It’s all so confusing. I am ready to do any kind of work—as cleaning woman if need be. ... Do you have a bottmann?”

It was much too rare for his simple vocabulary. He had not learned it in two years of college where he ostensibly majored in the language but in fact moped lonely around bars and crowded, smoky places with small string combos, with no real stomach for liquor and no real courage with women, drinking much, nevertheless, and fumbling at some tail. On the margin of a flat flunk he had enlisted in the Army. At any rate, he could deliver correctly not a single long sentence in German and could translate nothing beyond very short strings of words with exact English equivalents.

You are a bad man was maybe what she meant; if so it was a weak remonstrance, as when you are small and exchange exposures with the neighbor girl, who coyly says “You are a bad boy,” all the while pulling up her dress. He had slipped his arm into her worn coat, where a missing button made it easy, and around her narrow waist, and she came full into him, saying still, so madly!: “Is a female bottmann allowed?”

Suddenly and so nuttily did its sense at last arrive that he released her and retreated a step. Lives of a Bengal Lancer, Four Feathers, “but when it comes to slaughter you will do your work on water, an’ you’ll lick the bloomin’ boots of ’im that’s got it.” When you were in the field against Mohammed Khan, Oxford-educated Pathan who returned to his mountain fastness to lead the tribes against the Crown, you had a batman; when, that is, you were a British officer serving Victoria, to whom you drank health and broke the glass, or for all he knew even at present, you had an orderly.

“Well, I’m going, I’m on my way,” Marsala groaned reproachfully, and hypocritically, for he scraped away only a short distance and sat down on a wasted wall, lighted a cigarette with a great flare and coughed.

Her look had no defenses: “I know just a few English words.”

“That one is very rare,” replied Reinhart with all his gentle forces. He added: “I am just an Unteroffizier, a corporal, a nobody, a silly fellow—”

She returned his smile in the exact degree of wryness with which it had been given her, aiding him, in tune with him, so that when the exchange was completed he had been purged of self-pity and satisfaction with the vision of himself as uncorrupted by efficacy; and furthermore was not made sore by its loss. He was forgiven all the way down the line, and most of all for thinking it was forgiveness—she was far beyond that, standing there before him on the mound of trash, without vanity, making no judgments, facing facts.

“Also,” he said. “You will have your job. You have my word.”

His oath was no doubt meaningless in German; one certainty of alien languages was that each had its own way, untranslatable, for the moral expressions. But its effect was not needed by her, who it could be seen in the clearness of her eye admitted no doubt towards him.

Marsala was back, seizing Reinhart’s elbow and, this time with unbelievable modesty, whispering in his ear: “You’re not thinking of slipping her the tool? I mean, it’s all right with me, I just wanted to get things straight, no sense for me to stand here, just gimme the sign—”

“Old buddy,” said Reinhart, “friends may come and friends may go and some may peter out, I know, but I’ll be yours through thick or thin.”

“Yeah, I know,” came Marsala’s hoarse whisper, which was louder than his normal voice, “ ‘peter out or peter in.’ Well, what will it be? It’s boring to stay here. I mean, for me.” “Boring” was a word he had learned from Reinhart, using it with weak authority and only as a favor to his teacher. It took quite enough effort, however, to have its power.

“You must come to see me at my organization,” Reinhart told the girl. “Now can you remember this? It is the 1209th—but the number doesn’t matter. We are a military hospital and are in a school building in Zehlendorf, at the corner of Wilskistrasse and Hartmannsweiler Weg. Across the street in a wooden building is headquarters. You come in the door and turn left. You go all the way to the end of the hall, to the last room, and there I am.”

The language became easier to use as he spoke, and he found himself on better terms with talking than he had been in years; in German even directions were a kind of success, precise and scientific. Still in temper with him, the girl, now three feet away and in deep shadow, said: “You have a good accent!”

“Now you will remember?”

“Oh yes! But please, what is your name?”

He had turned to leave with Marsala, like a monarch—in all the world there are no good departures—and now, kingly, gave: “Carlo.”

She was stepping towards him in an eager courtesy. “As in Monaco—I shall remember.”

Marsala grinned like a possum at the traditional repast; honor was being done his old rule: give them only your first name, which cannot be traced. His lack of civilization had suddenly become repulsive.

“No—Reinhart, Carlo Reinhart. Es ist ein deutscher Name.”


He shook hands with her and in American fashion held it too long, so that hers wilted and sought to escape.

They were still a party of three at the streetcar stop. But before one came, if ever it did, a jeep throttled up out of the blackness, bearing MPs on their eternal quest for miscreants. Like all American police, they stayed at their remove of faint hostility even after Reinhart and Marsala identified themselves and proved blameless; indeed, even after the constables took them aboard for a ride to their billeting area, which since it lay off the beat was a considerable favor, it seemed needful for the sake of an institutional pride that all pretend it was a kind of arrest and sit silent on the way. The four men, that is, for the girl had not been considered, had not, properly speaking, been seen, the non-fraternization policy being neither quite repealed nor, beyond the flagrant, enforced.

She might stay there for hours—this was a thought of Reinhart’s, which he answered with the familiar indictment: so many millions of non-Germans would lie dead forever. Yet it had been so appropriate to pity her; he aggressively presented that claim to himself. “Certainly” was her answer to the characterization of his name. From birth he had been a good, sturdy German type, lived in a solid German house, on a diet of G. potato salad (with vinegar), G. cole slaw (with bacon grease), G. coffeecake (with butter-lakes), run on a regimen of G. virtue (bill-paying, bedding and rising early, melancholia), and whenever he left it was met by approving people who said: “Ah! He’s going to be (or is) a big G. like his grandfather.”

The term, however, had a double meaning, which was honored even by near-illiterates; its other use was as synonym for a kind of foulness. And now there was a third, for here he was in the ancient homeland, and he was something different.

“Home” was a compound in Zehlendorf from which the 1209th General Hospital had evicted the German residents, a block of three long apartment buildings arranged in an open rectangle around a private park. The latter, in some former time almost a university campus with green and wanton walks for rambling, had been converted at the order of the 1209th’s commanding officer into a junkyard for the disposal of property the Germans left behind. The colonel was neither opposed to comfort for his men nor a partisan of pain and deprivation for the owners who after all would one day return; he was nothing, no Savonarola, no crypto-fascist symbol of the military mind, not even, because he was a medic, quite a soldier, nor, because he was commanding officer, quite a doctor—but owing to this he wished grievously to be something, if only a converter of matter from one form to another. Thus he periodically had put to the torch, had resolved into carbon and the immaterial gases, the giant cairn of objects which Reinhart and Marsala now skirted on their way to the south building: couches and loveseats, dining tables, bedsteads, chaises longues, sideboards, three pianos, fourteen wind-up victrolas and two thousand records; eight thousand books; rugs, pictures, tablecloths, postcard collections, skis, jewelry boxes, letters, diaries, journals, manuscripts, apologias, Nazi party cards, memoranda, paper, paper, paper; and one little souvenir plaque from the Western Hemisphere: an electric-pencil sketch of a pickaninny sitting in a Chic Sale, inscribed “Best wishes from Savannah, Ga.” Another pile held the noncombustibles, mainly cooking utensils and fifty more or less complete china services from the royal house of an imaginary principality.

Five men had been busted in rank when caught salvaging items from the auto-da-fé. On the other hand, the colonel did not lack in a rude sense of justice: if you could make away with an overstuffed chair or an alarm clock without being seen, it was yours and beyond all future confiscation.

The tenants of Building A, first floor right, had furnished a very decent little flat, the cynosure, as Reinhart might say, of all eyes in their section. Particularly those of Buck Sergeant Tom Riley, their next-door neighbor and late technician third grade, who had made so free in their absence as not only to enter their home but also to sink his big ass into the mohair couch and fall asleep. When awakened by the crudest means they could summon on such short notice, he arose complaining, “You must of got your nose up the colonel to get to keep this furniture. Our living room looks like a Mexican cat house.” He lumped fatly to the hall door. “And why only two guys here instead of three?” His swollen nose tensed with authentic peevishness, and small wonder, for he had been reduced one grade for unsuccessful pilferage from the trashpile; but more than that, he was by instinct a petulant man, with the face of an old baby.

“Don’t be bitter,” said Reinhart, who had followed him out. “It’s my birthday.”

“Oh.” As might have been expected, he missed the ironic import of the non sequitur; he would be resentful, thank you, on his own time and ground; instead, he grasped Reinhart’s hand in embarrassed but genuine feeling, as you could tell by his nose, which went soft, saying: “You don’t mean to bird-turd me? Many happy returns of the day.” And already at his own door, he turned: “Ain’t it sad? Here we are, getting older by the minute.” Without change of expression or girding himself for the effort, he suddenly screamed, in a voice like a jazz cornet, an obscene epithet which, though it went up the concrete stairwell like a skyrocket, made no public stir, being heard all over the 1209th so frequently that it had lost its force as description: if you ever found that fellow to whom it was originally applied, you should have to think up a new one.

Because nothing succeeded like the envy of others, Reinhart returned to the living room in a, now sober, swagger. Off the top floor of the building lay an attic stuffed with furniture—the colonel lighted the bonfire only after his space ran out—and Marsala and Reinhart had picked the lock on its door and secretly helped themselves while everybody else was away at work. As to tenants, the orders demanded three per flat; given free choice, the buddies shrewdly compacted with Doyle, who three days later left on detached service.

So they had a proper home now, Marsala, a slum boy, confessing it was the nicest he ever had and the most spacious. Parlor, kitchen, and bath were luxuries militarily undreamed of. You could, see, get some rations from a cook, have a little lunch in the kitchen, then take your broad to the couch, knock off a piece, and then wash up in the bath. Marsala had indeed gone through the series three times in recent days, failing only in the last because he could not make a swift transition from pleasure to hygiene. Hence the jar of blue ointment in the bathroom medicine chest, yet another evidence the place was truly home.

The green tiles of the corner stove were still warm from a small fire they had built just after chow; July nights were cool this far north. A fall of maroon drapery concealed the big window above the couch, which in the daytime showed their private balcony and, beyond, a green promenade between their block and the next, an allée in the old, European sense, banned to cars and wastecans—and to the colonel, for natives retained ownership of the adjacent buildings. The enormous sideboard on the east wall had almost ruptured them to carry, and had little utility when in place, but great authority. Central was a round table of oak and six attendant chairs. No tablecloth. Other deficiencies were: nothing matched; no pictures on the wall; no knickknacks placed around; no doilies to protect the arms of the couch; no magazine rack with The Woman’s Home Companion and last week’s This Week and the publication General Motors sends gratis to Chevrolet-drivers. But it was Reinhart’s own home and he believed it was nice.

He seated himself at the table to brood on the folly of early-evening drinking, his close-cropped blond head propped on a red fist still tremulous from the fight, pale-blue eyes charged with red, one trouserleg loose from the knotted condom round the boot-top. Marsala, who didn’t know it was not nearly time to go to bed, had ignorantly gone and tomorrow would awake extra soon and, it went without saying, loud.

Reinhart all his life had detested birthdays; they were like Sundays in the middle of the week, outlawing the ordinary by a promise of the special, never fulfilled. Until this moment, for he could never think while in motion, the twenty-first had been another of the same. But, ruminating, he saw now that it had, indeed, a touch of the exotic. He had drawn blood and spilled some of his own. He rose and went again to the hall mirror in which he had inspected himself on the route back from Riley’s leaving. No, no hallucination: a nice scratch-cum-bruise on the left cheekbone, made easier to see if you tweezered your fingers about it. Riley, still sleepy, no doubt had laid it to shaving.

In addition to Marsala’s salve, the bathroom cabinet held Reinhart’s collection of medicines. Once every two months he had a slight complaint, each time in a different organ, never serious—whichever doctor was on duty in the 1209th dispensary would smile, prescribe, and likely as not give in to the urge to punch the tight belly and caution him jokingly not to worry, the undertaker would be a stranger to him for years.

The large merthiolate badge had dried and was almost ready to flake before he finished his final self-examination in the bathroom mirror, in the course of which his spirits curved downwards again. The pompous, pink-and-blond-faced creep who stared back at him had been endured enough for one day. He got out his rubbing alcohol, cotton, and applicator sticks, and wiped away the crimson fraud, threw the evidence out the window, went to the bedroom, kicked his clothes in the corner, fell on the bed next to Marsala’s, and was immediately in sleep.