I’d like to thank my husband, who is just as proud of my imagination and accomplishments as I am. Who walks our dog by himself when there is no pulling me out of whatever scene I’m currently cannon-balling into. Who did an actual happy dance when we found out this book was going to be published. If there’s a scene in this book that particularly rang true for you, reader, chances are my husband was in my heart when I wrote it.
I’d also like to thank all the readers of the romance genre. Without your voracious appetite for the written word, I wouldn’t have my dream job. What a positive, hopeful, hilarious community of people we are.
Lastly, to all of the people who have lent their brilliance and expertise to this book in order to get it where it needed to go: thank you. Tara Gelsomino, my unbelievably talented and hardworking agent, thank you for believing in this manuscript and fighting hard to get it published. Thank you, Jess Verdi, the very first person to take a chance on me in this industry! Thank you to Allison Carroll, my genius editor. I’m grateful for your vision and ideas every single day. Thank you to Chris Wolfgang and all the copyeditors at HQN who painstakingly strive for perfection. You’re my heroes! And finally, to the entire team at HQN, I’m so humbled, honored and grateful to be a part of your Harlequin family.