¡Los libros Piñata están llenos de sorpresas!

Piñata Books
An imprint of
Arte Público Press
University of Houston
452 Cullen Performance Hall
Houston, Texas 77204-2004

Portada y diseño por Vega Design Group

[Trino’s Time Spanish]

El momento de Trino / Diane Gonzales Bertrand; traducción al español de Rosario Sanmiguel.

p.    cm.

Summary: With the help of some friends and a Tejano hero that he discovers in history class, thirteen-year-old Trino copes with his problems and his world.

ISBN-10: 1-55885-473-8 (alk. paper)

ISBN-13: 978-1-55885-473-4

1. Mexican Americans—Juvenile fiction. [1. Mexican Americans—Fiction. 2. Family problems—Fiction. 3. Schools—Fiction. 4. Poverty—Fiction. 5. Friendship—Fiction. 6. Death—Fiction. 7. Self-realization—Fiction. 8. Spanish language materials.] I. Sanmiguel, Rosario. II. Title. PZ73.B4445 2006



Trino’s Time © 2001 por Diane Gonzales Bertrand
El momento de Trino © Arte Público Press
Impreso en los Estados Unidos de América

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