Elsewhere, things tend


Viewed in this way,

… her voice

at any distance cannot be

heavier than her eyes. Listen, among the missing

is what interrupts, stops her short

far from here in ways that break to splinter.

Until the sense that put her here is forced

to look

before remembering the towel that wiped sweat

and wet face and dust from each mirror:

she cleans her glasses with that. So in the end

is this defeat?

She thinks in it we are

as washed-out road, as burnt-down, ash.

Dismiss the air and after her gesture, there,

the thrown off—


This then is—

It remains as dusk with the hour, feeling looted

in the body

though every shadow is accounted for.

Who to tell,          I am nothing and without you,

when good comes, every hand in greeting. There is

no reasoning with need.

I coach myself, speak to my open mouth,

but whatever abandons, whatever leaves me sick,

a rock in each hand, on the shoulder of some road,

its nights unmediated, its dogs expected,

knows its nakedness unseduced:

(cruelty that stays, cut loose

—its voice keeps on,

meaning empty, the mood reproachful, faint. Don’t think.

Don’t argue. Surfaced again: This

plummeting, pulled back, sudden no

which cannot be given up as though one never hears back,

as though all the seats are taken. This

—drawn out of bounds

without advantage and knowing, my God, what is probable is

this coming to the end, not desperate for, not enraged.

At first, embarrassed, lumbering beneath the formal poses,

the well-cuffed, the combed hairs, the could-not-be-faulted

statement of ease, though utterly

and depleted, closing the door behind, for in

this, the distance—wanting and the body losing, all the time

losing, beforehand, inside.


Similar also,

each gesture offering a hand to the atmosphere, like a wave,

until it’s realized the one I’m waving to can’t see me anymore.

Or is it my back turned? Me who leaves?

If I remind myself all of us weep, wake, whisper

in the same dark, and the sudden footfall or the longer silence

separates us beyond each locked door, I am returned

only to my own. And am reluctant to complain as if

exaggerated is the high water, as if it didn’t swallow thousands,

these fossils, this bone, as if between us are not many

extremes: the taste of blood in our mouths though the blows

are seldom physical. What I wish to communicate is that

it can be too late: this life offering sorrow as voice, leaving

nothing to shadow. I want to say, a life can take a life away.