

As if I craved error, as if love were ahistorical,

I came to live in a country not at first my own

and here came to love a man not stopped by reticence.

And because it seemed right

love of this man would look like freedom,

the lone expanse of his back

would be found land, I turned,

as a brown field turns, suddenly grown green,

for this was the marriage waited for: the man

desiring as I, movement toward mindful and yet.

It was June, brilliant. The sun higher than God.


In this bed, a man on his back, his eyes graying blue.

It is hurricane season. Sparrows flying in, out the wind.

His lips receiving. He is a shore. The Atlantic rushing.

Clouds opening in the late June storm. This,

as before, in the embrace that takes all my heart.

Imagine his unshaven face, his untrimmed nails, as all

the hurt this world could give.


Gnaw. Zigzag. The end of the alphabet buckling floors.

How to come up?

The blue-crown motmot cannot negotiate narrow branches,

but then her wings give way, betray struggle,

intention broken off in puffy cumulus.

I wished him inside again.

Touched him. Feathery

was the refusal,

drawing together what thirsts. His whole self holding me in,

we slept on the edge of overrunning

with parakeets nesting

in porch lights and dying hibiscus covering the ground.

(a dry season choked in dust, etched cracks in dirt roads,

children down from the hills in the sweat of night

to steal water.

Plastic containers in those hands,

over the gate to my house. I lie here, my head

on the prime minister’s belly, listening: urgency

swallowed by worried stillness

enveloped again by movement, before, finally,

the outside tap turns tentatively on—


Lower the lids and the mind swims out into

what is not madness, and still the body

feels small

against such flooding hurled through the dull and certain dawn.

You, you are defeat composed.

The atmosphere crippled brings you to your knees. You are

again where we find ourselves                    dragged.

Your hand, that vagary in shadow.

So soon you were distanced from error. Nakedness

boiled down to gray days: hair in the drain, dead skin

dunning shower water. The morning cannot

be picked through, not be sorted out. Clearly, you know,

so say, This earth untouched is ruptured enough to grieve.