“Kiss me, Jerden.”
He leaned closer—so close he could feel her breath on his lips. “What did you say?”
“I said, kiss me.” Her sigh trailed off as his fingertips grazed her nipple. “I love your kisses. They make me feel… I don’t know… different somehow.”
Darkness had fallen and Jerden was back in Sara’s bed. His bed, now. He was never going back to his house again—not unless she was with him.
The plans were all made and a date had been set for the wedding. Dax would bring Onca from Rhylos, and Jack would pick up Sara’s family from Earth. Tarq and Lucy were coming from Nimbaza, and Bonnie and Lynx were bringing all the kids. The other neighbors were invited, including Salan and Nate—following the old adage to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Not that they were truly enemies—quite harmless, really—and certainly not an impediment to the marriage. Sara had told Jerden about Nate’s visit that afternoon, and although he wished he’d been there to rip Nate a new one, Jerden was very proud of the way she’d stood up for herself. Hopefully, they’d finally heard the last from him. Jerden still retained an uneasy feeling about the woman he’d seen in the square, but Sara was probably right. The odds against her being Audrey’s killer were astronomical.
The touch of Sara’s hand drew his attention back to the present. He had no business thinking about Audrey or her murderer or anyone else at the moment. Not when Sara was there with him, her scent luring him to her, her soft skin begging for his caress. Her kisses made him feel different too. He’d never felt quite like this with any other woman. If nothing else, that should’ve told him she was the one.
Not that he’d ever doubted it. As his lips touched hers and the kiss deepened, her lips parted with a welcome so warm it sent the heat of her passion rushing to his groin. He was astonished at how easily she’d become accustomed to his body. Even now, her hands drifted down to the cock that had been craving her touch the whole day through. A purr escaped him as her fingertips traced the rim of the head—teasing, stroking—until her hand was slick with his syrupy fluid.
“Do you have any idea what that does to me?” he asked.
“I think so. You make more noise when I do that—but perhaps you’d like something different.”
“Doesn’t matter what you do, Sara. As long as you’re the one doing it.”
He could hear her smile in her reply. “But you adore being sucked. You said so.”
“Yes, I did. And I do. But that’s up to you.”
“I’ll try it, then.”
Without another word, she slid down beside him, leaving a path of kisses from his chest to his groin. “As I recall, you taste pretty good.”
“So do you.”
“Ah, but not right now. It’s my turn.”
In the next instant, she opened her mouth and took him in, displaying no hesitation whatsoever and certainly no aversion. He could see her in the darkness, her luminous skin calling to him, her eyes heavy-lidded with desire, and the curve of her lips on the crown of his cock. I’m lying flat on my back and Sara is sucking my dick. It didn’t get any better than that.
Well, perhaps it could, but at the moment, it was perfect. Her tongue delved between the fleshy points of the coronal ridge, sending fresh spurts of orgasmic fluid into her mouth. She savored him slowly, and though her body occasionally contracted in climax, she didn’t let it stop her for an instant.
Shifting from his cock to his balls, she sucked them as easily as his cock. “I do believe you adore sucking me as much as I adore being sucked,” he said.
When she let go of his nuts, he wished he’d kept his mouth shut. “I absolutely love it. Actually, I haven’t done anything yet that I didn’t enjoy. Incredible, isn’t it?”
Jerden snickered. “Yeah, well, remember who you’re with, sweetheart.”
She slapped him on the thigh. “Don’t get cocky, now.”
“Hey, if it’ll make you smack my butt, I’ll make a point of being cocky—though I’d much rather you bit me.”
She rose up and sat back on her heels, eyeing him with suspicion. “You told me to slap the shit out of you if you ever hurt me. D’you mean to say you actually like it?”
Catching his lower lip in his fangs, he nodded. “Kinda kinky, huh?”
“Just a bit.” She gave her lips a tantalizing lick. “Roll over.”
He did as she asked, but he made sure his dick was still in reach. Spreading his legs wide, he aimed it toward the foot of the bed, hoping she’d take the bait.
His balls clenched as she climbed over him to settle between his legs, resting her arms on the back of his thighs. Jerden bit back a chuckle that turned into a groan as she nibbled his buns. She backed off for a second, and he held his breath waiting for her to strike.
“Ohh… yeah.”
She’d chosen the perfect spot, the lowest part of the muscle, just above where his legs met his butt. The pain shot through him like a lightning bolt and his cock pulsed, forcing even more syrup onto the sheets. He’d never been able to understand why it had that effect; he only knew that it did.
A stinging slap sent another flood of heat to his groin. His cock already felt like it was going to explode, but knowing he could keep pumping out snard all night made him urge her on. Growling, he shook his ass at her.
When she hit him again, it occurred to him that there was an assortment of long, slender dressage whips out in the tack room. There might even be one in the house…
Quivering with excitement, he rose up on his elbows and shot a scorching glance over his shoulder. “If your hand hurts, you could always use something else.”
She gulped, her voice a hoarse whisper. “You mean a whip?”
He nodded slowly. “I’ll even run out to the barn and get one for you.”
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, but what was most astonishing was that she appeared to have an orgasm—triggered by what he’d said, rather than by any of his orgasmic body fluids.
“I—I’ve got one in the closet. It’s the one I use in competition—show equipment never goes near the barn. It’s the only way to keep it clean.”
“I promise not to get it dirty,” he said with a wink.
She pointed at the closet. “Top shelf. In a box with the other show stuff.”
Jerden got up on his hands and knees and turned around. Purring, he crawled toward her, pausing to plant a heated kiss on her lips before climbing off the bed. His dick was dripping like a faucet, the fluid running down his thigh as he quickly found the right box and opened it. The long, tasseled whip was inside, along with assorted cuff links, tie pins, and white leather gloves.
The whip itself was exciting enough, but his breath went out with a hiss when he discovered the spurs.
As she’d always worn spurs while riding, he’d never given them a second thought. But now, the idea of fucking her while she spurred him on almost made him lose it right there in front of the closet. Their long neck and rounded tip would apply more pressure than anything, but he liked that too.
He held up the spurs. “These are incredibly sexy.”
“You astonish me,” she said drily. “I’ve been riding horses all my life, never dreaming that whips and spurs could be so hot.”
Actually, it was more the thought of Sara using them on him than anything inherently sexy about the items themselves. He tossed her the whip. “You’re what makes them so exciting.”
Sara caught the whip on the fly and watched as Jerden came toward her with a smirk that was far sexier than whips or spurs could ever be.
The spurs dangled from his finger. “Lie back and I’ll put these on you real quick.”
If he’d asked her to put them on him, she might’ve balked, but since it was she who would be wearing them, Sara did as he asked. Picking up her foot, he placed the loop of the strap in her instep and buckled the spur around her ankle. Once he had her properly outfitted, he stood back, surveying his handiwork. The fire in his eyes cast a glow over the rest of his tightly coiled body, highlighting his drooling cock, which twitched like a cat’s lashing tail. Sara had a sneaking suspicion that the “wildcat” was about to pounce.
She waved the whip. “Ah, ah, ah,” she warned. “No rough stuff—at least, not yet.” With a wink, she crooked a finger at him.
He was on her in seconds—purring, growling, snarling—his cock penetrating her with unerring accuracy. It wasn’t until her second orgasm that she remembered she was supposed to be using the whip and spurs. So far, she hadn’t needed to, because, within moments, his back arched and his semen blasted into her.
“Now,” he groaned. “Do it now.”
Sara could barely raise her legs, but somehow summoned up the strength to bounce both spurs off his ass.
The results were instantaneous. With a feral growl, his pupils dilated until they were completely round and so bright it was a wonder they didn’t set fire to everything touched by his gaze. His hair swung forward as he bucked into her like a wild bull, the long tendrils sweeping over her skin in thrilling waves, leaving behind a trail of heightened sensitivity.
The peaceful laetralance that should have followed his ejaculation never materialized. Instead, Sara’s vision blurred as though a veil had been draped over her eyes, becoming crystalline as the veil shattered into a million glittering fragments. Incredible pulses of intense pleasure accompanied every plunge, each one surpassed by the next as though the effects were cumulative.
Unable to take much more, Sara raised the whip, thinking if she smacked him with it, he’d stop. Why she thought that, she didn’t know, but she tried it anyway.
Wrong move, Sara.
Jerden hissed like an angry cat and climaxed again, his snard setting off a chain reaction that culminated in a cataclysmic internal explosion that seemed to lift her right off the bed.
Okay, so it was the right move after all…
Granted, Sara’s experience with orgasms wasn’t extensive, but this went so far beyond orgasmic as to be something else entirely. She wondered if there was a Zetithian word for it—something along the lines of nirvana, only better…
Her mind drifted through space, afloat on a surging wave of joy. Jerden still moved inside her, but it felt different now—peaceful and serene rather than ecstatic. It seemed odd that he didn’t stop, not when the whole of her being was wrapped around him so snugly. Surely he’d had enough…
Then she realized that her being wasn’t the only thing wrapped around him. Her legs had crossed over his back, catching the neck of one spur in the strap of the other, allowing her heel—and also the spur—to bump him in the butt with each thrust of his hips. She straightened her knee, releasing the spur, and her legs slithered to the bed.
Jerden collapsed on her with a heavy sigh. “Oh, Sara, that was so amazing.”
“It was accidental,” she said with a chuckle. “My spurs got locked together.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he murmured. “Still good.” He rolled off her, sprawling across the sheets. “You should always wear spurs to bed.”
“No way I could take that every night,” she declared. “I’m surprised I can still think.”
Sara heard him yawn. “You might have trouble getting me out of bed in the morning too.” He yawned again. “I feel like I could sleep for a month.”
“Don’t worry. I can get you out of bed. Remember, I’ve got a whip—or, barring that, an omelet for breakfast.”
“With bacon and cheese?” He sounded slightly more alert.
He combed an errant strand of hair from his face. “Better make it a big one. Probably best not to use the whip, though. You know what it does to me.”
“I certainly do.” She shifted slightly, noting a drag of her heel on the sheets. “Think you could take off my spurs?”
“Yeah. Give me a minute.”
But in much less than a minute, he was fast asleep. Sara sat up, unbuckled the spurs, and tossed them on the floor. Pulling the blanket up over Jerden, she snuggled in beside him. Within moments, she’d followed his lead, falling into a deep, satisfying slumber.
A week later, Sara leaned over the paddock fence, watching Danuban as he grazed. The setting sun added golden highlights to the stallion’s coat, but even Jerden could see that he’d lost weight.
“He looks much better,” she said after a few moments of careful scrutiny. “But I doubt he’ll ever be capable of performing the capriole again.” She frowned. “Not that he needs to, but damn, he was spectacular. I never showed you the video, did I?”
Jerden shook his head. “No, you didn’t.” With a suggestive lift of his brow, he added, “We’ve been too… busy.”
Sara nodded. “Amen to that.”
Jerden had spent several days scouring his land for juluva weed, and by the time he was sure he’d dug up all of it, it had found its way into his dreams. Even so, he considered it well worth the effort. He was taking no chances that the stallion would ever ingest any of the toxic plant again, but by the time he returned home in the evenings, he and Sara were too exhausted to do anything but have dinner with the crew and then head straight to bed.
They hadn’t fallen asleep immediately, of course. Each night with Sara held new surprises, whether Jerden had fucked a thousand different women or not. The whip and spurs event would remain forever etched in his memory, but there were others that were every bit as memorable.
Sara had gone from a woman with seemingly no desire to one who wanted him constantly—at least, that was what her scent told him. She was making up for lost time, and he was more than willing to accommodate her. Drawing in a breath, he could sense her need for him as her scent was carried to him on the wind. The astonishing thing was that he had already noted differences in her scent and was sorting and cataloging them according to what happened next. Of course, just when he thought he had her pegged, she stunned him again.
She had gone into this relationship out of necessity, but she would stay because she loved him. It was in her eyes, as well as in her unique aroma. Her lips were the only part of her holding back. She hadn’t spoken the words. Yet.
Their wedding day was drawing near, and as it approached, Jerden felt certain it was the right move. He loved Sara with all his heart and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. That was a given, but he also looked forward to seeing his old friends. He hadn’t seen Onca in months. How he would laugh. “The hottest hunk in the galaxy has finally been caught,” he would say.
Onca had vowed that he would never fall into that trap himself. He was happy being the sole Zetithian in the Palace, though after Audrey’s death, he’d limited himself only to those species whose scent aroused him naturally. That was where they’d gone wrong, he said. They’d catered to too many whims, fucked too many women they should never have fucked. Strange that a rascal like Onca would have such scruples.
Still, he was probably correct—yet another strike against them in the book of right and wrong. Had they ignored Audrey’s suggestion, she might still be alive.
Don’t start that again.
Jerden knew he should heed that warning, lest he risk returning to the depths of depression—a place he never cared to visit again. He would much rather focus on the future—the new places he and Sara could go together. They would travel to the moon and stars, whether they ever left this place again or not.
“It’s very sweet of you to pull up all those weeds,” she said. “I’m sure Danuban would thank you if he could.” She looked up at him and smiled as though she understood his concern. “You miss riding him, don’t you?”
A few short weeks ago, that would’ve been the problem. True, he liked to ride the stallion, but he’d ridden some of Sara’s other horses in the interim, and though the bond between them wasn’t nearly as strong, the lines of communication were quite clear. Odd that he should instinctively know how to get a horse to do exactly what he wanted them to when he’d never even seen a horse before Danuban arrived at his home. Sara’s skill as a trainer had come about through hard work and dedication, and she admitted to being rather envious. Jerden couldn’t blame her for that. His own ability was more akin to falling off a log.
“Yes, but that isn’t what I was thinking about.” And neither was she—that is, if her body wasn’t lying to him. Somehow he doubted that it could lie to him. Perhaps at one time it might have, but no longer.
She probably didn’t even think she looked enticing at the moment. There was a smudge on her cheek where a horse had kissed her, and her short curls were wind-tossed and unruly. She wore no jewelry, no adornment—only a plain white shirt and buff breeches with her tall black boots. Still, she could have been decked out in emeralds that matched her eyes and a gown worthy of a fairy princess and he couldn’t have wanted her more.
Letting his gaze roam over her face, he drank in a vision he never wanted to forget. “I was thinking about you.”
Her cheeks blushed, reminding him of her roses. Even now, after a day’s work, their scent still lingered on her skin, reminding him of how she had smelled when she’d stepped out of the shower the night before. The air had been filled with the heady aromas of Sara and rose-scented soap, rising from her damp, flushed skin. He’d wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the bed, making love to her until her eyes grew hazy, then drifting closed as she sank into slumber.
Draping an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close. “I want to make love to you in the rose garden sometime.” He smiled. Purring was automatic now. He couldn’t imagine holding her like that and not purring. “I can see you now, lying on your back in the grass, the moon shining down on your face, the roses blooming all around us, and the scent of your desire filling my head.”
She leaned against his shoulder. “Sounds lovely.”
Sara had never thought of her rose garden as anything but a place of peace and beauty—a meditative spot in which to linger when her mind was troubled. Having sex there had never occurred to her, and the underlying current of disquiet regarding Danuban’s illness now drew her to Jerden, rather than her roses. He had become her new source of solace, and if it weren’t for worrying about the stallion, she would have been at total peace with the world.
Security in the barn had never been an issue before. But now, she thought of installing a surveillance system—something she could never have afforded until Jerden came along. She’d like to have proof of her suspicions, but she suspected that the actual poisoning attempt had taken place several months previously. With the stallion running loose, free access to the addictive plant would mean his eventual death, which meant that his escape from the spaceport might also have been deliberate. A confined horse would require a more direct approach. She shuddered at the thought of the stealth required for such an act.
The person she needed was Tisana, the Mordrial/human witch who could actually understand the thoughts of animals. True, the evidence probably wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, but Sara would know her suspicions were correct—that is, if there was any direct evidence, which she was beginning to doubt. If what she suspected was true, there had to be minions involved—something Danuban wouldn’t know anything about. The prime instigator would have been nowhere near the horse, thus protecting himself from suspicion.
However, there was only one person Sara could think of who didn’t want Danuban around, for any reason. Would marrying Jerden eliminate the threat or not? She wasn’t sure. The motive was murky—there didn’t seem to be a valid reason for anything so drastic. Still, it was the best lead she had.
“What are you thinking about?” Jerden asked. “Somehow I don’t think it was sex in the rose garden.”
“No, it wasn’t. Sorry.” Looping an arm around his waist, she gave him a squeeze. “I’m still worried about Danuban. What Lowinski said about him being deliberately poisoned has me bugged.”
“You said you knew who might be responsible. I’ll take a stab at it and say it’s Nate, but I’m not sure why.”
“Me, either.” She frowned. “He was against my getting that horse from the moment I mentioned it to him. I know he wanted me to use his stallion, but I don’t understand why it should matter that much to him. Stud fees are a source of income, but not that much—after all, I only have four Andalusian mares—and a scheme like this hardly seems worth the trouble.”
There was something she wasn’t seeing here—a significant part of the puzzle that eluded her. She had every intention of letting Nate know she suspected him, short of coming right out and making an accusation. It would take careful wording, but it could be done.
“Still want to invite him to the wedding?”
Sara snorted a laugh. “Yes, if for no other reason than to prove to him that we are, indeed, married and that I’m not available anymore. I don’t know where he ever got the idea that I might be interested in him in the first place.” She paused, giving her head a rueful shake. “Maybe he’s just cocky enough to think that any woman would want him.”
Jerden chuckled. “But you aren’t just ‘any woman,’ are you?”
“No, not when it took the hottest hunk in the galaxy to make me see the light.” She gazed up at him. He was so solid, so strong, so kind, so handsome. Was this the right time?
She swallowed hard, thinking this was perhaps the most difficult task she’d ever faced. And yet, as her eyes met his, the words came easily. “And to make me fall in love with him.”
His smile displayed nothing but genuine pleasure and affection—nothing cocky about it at all. “I was beginning to think you’d never say that.” A kiss followed, unsurpassed in its sweetness.
Tears stung her eyes, filling her lids before coursing down her cheeks. “I love you, Jerden. I never thought I’d say it, but I do.” She ought to have known from the first moment she laid eyes on him. She hadn’t, of course. Something that stunningly beautiful could never belong to her—not unless it walked on four legs. Danuban was similar in that respect—the epitome of his breed, one that took your breath whether you fancied horses or not. She’d stopped looking at men that way years ago.
And yet, here she was with Jerden—in love and about to be married. The impossibility of it rocked her soul. Touching his face, she threaded her fingers in his hair, proving to herself once again that he was real. How many times would she have to do that before she believed it?
The full moon was already peeking above the eastern horizon, and, as it traded places with the sun, the shadows deepened and the light from his eyes grew brighter. Even in darkness, Jerden was beautiful. Not merely handsome or attractive, but beautiful—with a beauty that went far beyond his appearance, reaching to the depths of his soul. Her hand slid through his hair to cup his neck, pulling him down again. This time, she kissed him. I love you, her mind whispered. So very, very much…
His lips slanted over hers, setting her heart racing as heat rushed to her core. She couldn’t get enough of him. Never, ever. Her arms couldn’t hold him tightly enough; her lips couldn’t kiss him deeply enough. She could never show him how she felt.
Jerden took the lead, gathering her in his arms and turning toward the house. She never broke the kiss, still savoring his flavor. The heat of his body surrounded her and kept her warm, kept her safe, and drove her mad with desire… He did all of those things simply by being who he was. Her one and only love.
His purr vibrated her chest. She could imagine nothing more stimulating or more soothing. Nothing. His skin was hot beneath her touch, rivaling the fire he ignited deep down inside her. She lost track of where they were until the fragrance told her. She smiled against his lips.
The rose garden.
He was wasting no time making his fantasy a reality. How many more did he have tucked away in his brain? Fantasies weren’t something Sara had ever indulged in. She would have to leave it to him to be creative.
The ground was still warm from the sun as he laid her down upon the grassy verge. A shadow crossed in front of the moon as Cria took up sentinel duty. One of the dogs—the little Yorkie, perhaps—scampered over to investigate but didn’t stay long after Cria hissed at him.
Jerden took his time, slowly pulling off Sara’s boots, unbuckling her belt, and letting his hands glide up beneath her shirt and then down to push off her breeches. The night air was still warm, but his hands were even hotter on her bare skin. Undressing him was much easier. He seldom wore his new clothes, preferring the loincloth. She didn’t mind. It suited him, and all she had to do was unfasten his belt, and it fell right off. The perfect apparel for a man like Jerden.
He crawled up over her and kissed her again, each kiss increasing the tension, driving her closer to the point of seizing him. Reaching out, he grasped the nearest blossom, pulling the petals off in his hand. He held them above her, letting them fall on her skin like raindrops.
She inhaled the fragrance. “The Don Juan. Good choice.”
Smiling, he picked a flower from the only other bush within reach—the McCartney. A deep, vivid pink in daylight, by night it appeared silvery, but there was no mistaking the intoxicating scent.
“I think this is my favorite.” He held it to his nose. “It smells like love.”
Sara had heard that particular variety described as seductive. She’d planted both it and the Don Juan near her bedroom window, never realizing the significance. Now she understood.
Jerden showered her with more petals, then plucked another blossom by the stem, dropping it on the ground next to her ear. She turned, sniffing the heady aroma. “It does smell like love.” Like him. Not the same scent, perhaps, but it evoked the same feeling.
“So do you.” His lips brushed her neck, and then moved lower, scattering kisses among the petals as he went. Nudging her knees apart, he licked her clitoris, sending shock waves resonating throughout her body. “You taste like love, too.” With a low growl, he went back down on her, devouring her with his lips and tongue, not stopping until she rewarded his efforts with a climactic cry.
In the throes of her orgasm, she suddenly knew what she wanted. A fantasy of her very own… “Come here and let me suck you.”
Like a panther stalking its prey, he came closer, pressing the head of his dripping penis against her lips. She opened her mouth and he slid inside, fucking her mouth gently, thoroughly. It was good—nothing that triggered orgasms of that magnitude could be considered bad—but it wasn’t quite what she wanted.
She pushed him aside. “Turn around.”
He knelt over her, his knees positioned above her shoulders, straddling her head. His nuts dangled just above her eyes, and she arched her neck to capture them, sucking one into her mouth. “Mmm…”
Jerden was purring like crazy and groaning with each swipe of her tongue. She was in no position to bite his ass, or even smack it, but she could grab it. Digging in with her fingertips, she squeezed him hard as she switched to the other testicle. Holding on with one hand, she used the other on his cock. Grasping it firmly, she slid her hand from head to root, spreading his slick sauce down the shaft. She loved making him come—and since he could continue indefinitely, she could make him ejaculate as often as she liked. Pumping her fist up and down his dick, she kept on until his cock erupted, spraying a line of snard that ran from her breasts all the way down to her pussy, landing on her exposed clit.
The explosive climax that followed was muffled by having his scrotum against her mouth, but even so, it drew her body into a writhing ball of ecstasy, forcing her to release him. Jerden’s cry was unhindered, sounding like a lion’s roar as it echoed across the fields.
His cock never lost its erection, and once she recovered, she pulled it toward her lips, sucking it into her mouth while his balls brushed her face. His snard still bathed her slit, and she pressed her thighs together, savoring the orgasmic creaminess. Placing her hands on his hips, she encouraged him to move up and down, fucking her mouth until he came again. His cum tasted like candy as he obligingly gave her more of it to savor and swallow.
Her body was already on fire when the snard effect hit her, sending more heat pulsing outward from her core. She could barely move, but she could talk.
“Fuck me, Jerden. Hard.”
She didn’t have to ask him twice. The gentle, romantic lovemaking he’d begun could wait. He was hers to command, and if she wanted a good, hard fuck, he would not deny her. Time had no meaning when they were together anyway. He could give her anything she asked for and still be able to indulge in any whim of his own, whether it be showering her with rose petals or fucking her senseless.
The moon rose higher in the sky, casting a glow on her face as he placed her feet up on his shoulders. Sliding into her slick passage, he groaned as he swept her inner walls with his cock, leaving no surface untouched. Her soft moans drove him onward, making his cock pulse and forcing out more of his own lubricating fluids. If she wanted it hard, she would need the extra juice.
The sharp scent of her lust filled his head along with the pleasing fragrance of her love, enhanced by the smell of the earth, the grass, and the bruised petals of her roses. He slammed into her hard and deep, delighting in the sounds she made and the expressions on her face. Her eyes had drifted shut, but she was missing so much.
“Open your eyes, Sara.”
The wind picked up, tossing the roses about as clouds scudded across the moon, momentarily dimming the light. Once they’d passed, he glanced down to see his semen glistening between her breasts. Letting go of her legs, he fell forward onto his hands and licked it off. With a loud purr, he kissed her, his cum-slick tongue delving deeply into her mouth. As he backed off to watch, another orgasm burst into flower behind her eyes.
“My God, that’s beautiful,” he whispered.
Her fingers toyed with his long curls as she traced a line from the point of his ear to the center of his chest. Her gentle touch sent waves of anticipation spiraling toward his groin. He wasn’t done yet. Not by a long shot.
Rocking into her slow and deep, he reveled in the way her body hugged his cock, squeezing it, milking out every drop of cream. When he came again, he waited only long enough to see her eyes react before pulling out and rolling her over. Lifting her hips with both hands, he dove into her from behind. The moonlight shone down on her back, illuminating her tumbled curls and her firm, shapely bottom, his brown hands in stark contrast to the white glow of her skin. Separating her cheeks, he ran a fingertip down the cleft of her buttocks.
Her shuddering gasp told him all he needed to know.
“Hold on.” His withdrawal made her groan in protest until he pressed the blunt head against her anus, bringing himself to climax with a few quick strokes of his hand. As his snard spewed into her, he felt her body contract and then relax completely. Moving carefully, he teased the tight ring of muscle until it, too, relaxed and allowed him entry.
“Fuck me, Sara.”
In seconds, she was up on her hands and knees, her head thrown back, creating a hollow dip along her spine. With a guttural snarl, she backed into him until he was balls deep in her ass.
He didn’t have to see her face to know how good it felt to her; her eager backward thrusts were proof enough. “I can’t believe it,” she gasped. “I never—” The rest of her words were cut off by an orgasm that squeezed him so hard he saw stars where there weren’t any and wrenched a yell from her that made him grin.
As she banged into him again, Jerden shifted his knees apart and settled his weight for maximum stability, fully intending to hold that position until she wore herself out. She was the limiting factor here, not him. The view of her gorgeous, moonlit bottom coupled with her scent would keep him hard until morning or until she passed out, whichever came first.
Her moans became increasingly higher in pitch until she was practically screaming with each thrust. Still, he waited, forcing his eyes to remain open, knowing what was about to happen.
With one final push, she let out a cry that would’ve curdled his blood if he hadn’t known the reason for it. In the next instant, she lay sprawled in the grass, sobbing helplessly. In another instant, he was beside her, cradling her in his arms while she wept.
“You could have warned me,” she wailed.
“Ah, but that would’ve spoiled the surprise.” He chuckled wickedly. “Good?”
“You have no idea,” she whispered. “None.”
“I probably don’t.”
But he did. Not from firsthand experience, perhaps, but he’d seen it with many of his clients. Still, he liked to think that her pleasure was greater than theirs had been. Perhaps it was. The only thing he knew for certain was that his own enjoyment was quadrupled. He’d never had anything more at stake than a woman’s enthusiastic response to his technique—the testament that she’d gotten her money’s worth. Love made a huge difference in the way he felt. He could only hope it did the same for Sara.