Cover 1
Praise for When You Need to Move a Mountain 2
Half Title Page 3
Books by Linda Evans Shepherd 4
Title Page 5
Copyright Page 6
Dedication 7
Epigraph 9
Introduction 13
Addicted 16
Angry 18
Annoyed 20
Anxious 22
Betrayed 24
Bitter 26
Blessed 28
Bold 30
Broken 32
Burdened 34
Compassionate 36
Confident 38
Confused 40
Content 42
Cynical 44
Depressed 46
Devoted 48
Disappointed 50
Discouraged 52
Disillusioned 54
Distressed 56
Doubtful 58
Empty 60
Exhausted 62
Faith 64
Fear 66
Foolish 68
Free 70
Give Up 72
God’s Presence 74
Grace 76
Grief 78
Guilt 80
Harassed 82
Hate 84
Hope 86
Hurt 88
Impatience 90
Jealous 92
Joy 94
Lonely 96
Loss 98
Love 100
Lust 102
Offended 104
Oppressed 106
Overwhelmed 108
Pain 110
Peace 112
Perplexed 114
Powerless 116
Prayerful 118
Regret 120
Remorse 122
Sad 124
Self-Conscious 126
Selfish 128
Shamed 130
Shocked 132
Stressed 134
Strife 136
Strong 138
Suffering 140
Suicidal 142
Tempted 144
Troubled 146
Trusting 148
Unworthy 150
Victorious 152
Wayward 154
Weak 156
Worried 158
Worshipful 160
Conclusion 163
Acknowledgments 165
About the Author 167
Back Ads 169
Back Cover 174