I stepped off the elevator holding two containers filled with coffees, trying not to look like I’d just had sex. Wade followed behind me holding two more coffees.

“Lord, thank the stars above! Starbucks!” Aunt Vi said, making a beeline toward me.

The line quickly formed behind us as everyone grabbed coffees. Mitchell and Corina ended up stepping up together. They looked at each other before Mitchell grabbed a coffee and went back to his seat. Corina forced a smile and whispered, “Thank you.”

Waylynn was the last one to step up. Lifting her brow, she took the coffee. “So, how was the Holiday Inn Express?”

My cheeks heated under her stare.


She leaned in closer. “Oh, please. You have that just-fucked look all over your face. Besides, I saw y’all racing into the hotel, you horny little bitch.”

I snarled at her. “You’re just jealous because I’m having sex and you’re not.”

Aunt Vi said, “Honestly, girls, we can all hear you. Who cares where the kids went. They brought coffee.”

I stuck my tongue out at Waylynn.

“Really grown up there, Amelia.” She leaned closer and whispered so only I could hear. “No wonder Chloe repeats everything you say.”

“Shut up!” I said.

“Make me!” Waylynn countered.

“Girls. Will you please stop fighting?” our mother asked.

I went to say something when Steed came into the waiting room and everyone jumped up. Chloe ran over to him. He bent down and captured her in his arms. Giving her a kiss, he whispered what I was guessing was the baby’s name. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and started crying.

My heart melted.

“That little girl slays me,” Waylynn said, wiping the tears from her face.

Steed cleared his throat. “We have a healthy, beautiful son.”

Cheers erupted and I felt my tears fall as I watched my brother crying.

“He’s beautiful. Perfect in every way imaginable.”

“Congratulations, son,” my father said, extending his hand.

“Thanks, Dad.”

Everyone took turns congratulating Steed and Chloe and looking at pictures on his phone.

“Wait! What is his name?” Waylynn asked.

Steed looked at Chloe and motioned for her to tell everyone.

“My new baby brother’s name is Gage!”

Everyone cheered, and I found myself crying again. My brother looked so incredibly happy.

The rest of the evening was spent taking turns meeting Gage. When it came time for me and Wade to meet the little guy, Chloe was passed out on the sofa in Paxton’s room.

I stepped into the room, inhaling deeply and grabbing Wade’s hand.

Paxton sat in bed, holding her little bundle of joy in her arms. I’d never seen her look so beautiful.

“Oh, my goodness,” I whispered, being careful not to wake up Chloe. “He is beautiful!”

A wide smile formed on Paxton’s face. I could see the tears building, but she managed to keep it together. Unlike me.

Sweeping the baby from her arms, I sat down in the chair and stared at him.

“He’s perfect.”

“I know,” Paxton replied. “He’s such a good baby, too. All these people in and out and he’s not once cried.”

“Just wait,” April, Paxton’s mom, said with a light chuckle. “He’s saving it all up for y’all.”

“Probably,” Paxton said with a grin.

We spent a few minutes visiting before I handed Gage to Steed.

“Paxton, you look exhausted,” I said. “I’m sure having the whole family here has been tiring.”

She shook her head and went to speak, but yawned instead.

“We’re going to leave, as well,” April said as she and David kissed Paxton goodbye. “Steed, you let us know if y’all need anything. We’ll come back tomorrow to see you and Gage.”

After Paxton’s parents left, it was only me and Wade. I glanced at Chloe. “How about we take Chloe home with us? We can have a good old-fashioned sleepover. Wade can make hamburgers and the whole works.”

Steed’s eyes lit up. “Amelia, if you do that, I would owe you big time.”

“Nonsense. That’s what sisters are for.”

When I turned around to say something to Paxton, she was sound asleep. I covered my mouth. “That poor thing,” I whispered.

Wade picked up Chloe and tucked her to his chest as we waved goodbye to Steed.

As we walked to the elevator I shook my head. “I know I’ve already said this once today, but when the time comes, and we have a baby, I’m not letting that dog and pony show go on for hours. Poor Paxton!”

Wade chuckled. “Yeah, I’m going to have to agree. I love your family, but wow.”

The drive back to the ranch took over an hour. There was no way Chloe was waking up, so I put her in the guest bedroom next to my room before heading down to the family room. My father and Wade were sitting on the sofa drinking what looked like whiskey.

“I don’t think Chloe will be waking up for the rest of the night,” I said. “So much for a fun sleepover.”

My father grinned. “It’s been a big day for her.”

Sinking into the oversized chair, I pulled my legs up to my chest. “So, Daddy, are you still gonna give Wade his week off?”

“You never ate lunch with us.”

“We spent hours in a waiting room together! That doesn’t count?”

He tried to hide his smile, but couldn’t. “What would you do with a whole week?”

I peeked over at Wade. “I was thinking a trip to New Orleans.”

Wade’s eyes lit up, and he sat up a little bit taller. “New Orleans? I’ve always wanted to go there.”

I turned to my father and gave him puppy dog eyes. “See, look at that, Daddy. Wade has come in and literally turned this ranch around! Have you seen the east pasture?”

My father nodded and sipped his whiskey. “I have. Wade’s been an invaluable asset to the ranch, there is no doubt about that.”

“Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.”

“John, for heaven’s sake. Let the boy have a week off. Don’t you remember what it was like to be young and in love?”

We all turned to see Aunt Vi walking in. Her face was covered in a green facemask.

“What in the world do you have on your face, Vi?” my father asked.

She made her way over to the minibar and poured a straight shot of whiskey. In one gulp, it was gone.

Glancing at us, my father said, “My older sister always could drink me under the table.”

“Damn straight, I could. It’s a beauty mask, John. Haven’t you ever seen Melanie wear one to bed?”

He stared at her like she was an alien. “No, I can honestly say in all my years of marriage, my wife has never come to bed looking like a relative of E.T.”

Wade and I chuckled. Aunt Vi gave my father the finger.

“If you get this week off, will you spend part of it slaving over that house?” Vi asked.

I chewed on my lip before slipping out of my seat and sitting next to Wade. “Actually, I was thinking we’d spend the whole time in New Orleans. Do some research for a historical book I’m writing and maybe a little shopping for the new house. I’d love to visit a plantation or two, as well.”

Aunt Vi let out a long, loud sigh. “New Orleans. One of the most romantic cities in the south. I have a friend, you can stay with her. I’ll make all the arrangements.”

I tensed up. “Well, Aunt Vi, I appreciate that, but I was kind of hoping for us to, um…” Peeking over to my father, I added, “Be alone.”

She laughed. “Oh, hell, Lou Anne won’t be there. She’s in New York. She owns a house in the Garden District.”

I jumped up and gasped. “What? Aunt Vi, don’t play around with me. Are you serious?”

Aunt Vi smiled big. “Five bedroom, five bathroom, over nine-thousand square feet. You could…be alone…all over that house.”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Daddy said, standing up. “It’s been a long day. Take the week, Wade, hell, take two if it gets my sister to stop talking.”

I jumped up, running to my father to hug him. Wade shook his hand and said, “Thank you, sir, but I’m good with the one.”

My father’s brow lifted. “Right. Good night, kids… Vi, don’t drink all my damn whiskey.”

My aunt lifted her hand and waved her long, manicured fingers after my father. “Night, little brother.”

When he left the room, she winked at us. “I know he’s going to miss me when I move out.”

I sat down on the floor in front of her. “Do you think your friend will let us stay in her house?”

She nodded. “Of course, she will. She wouldn’t have that house if it wasn’t for me. I made the woman millions of dollars years ago when I told her how to invest.”

I glanced at Wade. “Are you up for an adventure?”

The smile on his face said it all.

We were going to New Orleans.