
Page numbers followed by the letter f refer to illustrations.


Abal Medina, Fernando, 12

Abbas III, Shah, 155

Abdallah Abderemane, Ahmed, 1, 203, 239

Abdul-Aziz, Ottoman sultan, 1–2, 147, 242

Abdul-Hamid II, Ottoman sultan, 2, 147

Abdullah Ibn Hussein, 2, 240

Abu Hassan, 195, 240

Abulkadir Abdi Mohammed, 201–2

Aburto Martinez, Mario, 42–3

Academy Award, 130–1

Acosta, Carlos, 109

Act of Abjuration, 232

Acte, Claudia, 3

Adams, Steve, 207

Adoni, Dror, 179

Aetius, Flavius, 2, 223, 241

Afganistan, 54, 138, 210, 239

Africa, 132, 164–5, 201–2, 213, 223–4. See also specific individuals, nations

African National Congress (ANC), 89–90

AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations), 89

Agee, Philip, 231–2

Agelof, Sylvia, 216

Agence France-Presse, 236

Agis II, king of Sparta, 4

Agrarian Party (Bulgaria), 205

Agrippina the Younger, 2–3, 23, 39, 241

Aguilar Treveno, Daniel, 190–1

Aguirre Salinas, Osmin, 3, 239

Ahmed Hassan, Abdel Hamid, 162

Akali Dal, 131

Al Fatah. See FATAH.

Albany, Alexander, duke of, 104

Albany, Robert Stuart, duke of, 103

Alcibiades, 4, 240

Alexander, king of Macedonia, 171–3

Alexander I, czar of Russia, 169

Alexander I, king of Yugoslavia, 4–5, 240, 242

Alexander II, czar of Russia, ix, 5–7, 6f, 173, 241

Alexander III, czar of Russia, 7

Alexander VI, Pope (Borgia family),8, 21–2

Alexander the Great, 31, 46, 171

Alexander Obrenovic, king of Serbia, 7, 241

Alexander Severus, emperor of Rome, 7–8, 57, 142, 241

Alexandra, czarina of Russia, 160, 181–3

Alexis (Romanov), 146, 160, 181, 183

Alfonso of Aragon, 8–9, 239, 240

Alfonso XII, king of Spain, 31

Alfonso XIII, king of Spain, 9–10, 29, 31, 203, 241

Algeria, 22–3, 47, 48–9, 86, 121, 123, 239

Ali Agca, Mehmet, 104–6

Alim, Abdullah Abdul, 80

Allectus, 32

Allen, Oscar O.K., 130

Allende Gossens, Salvador, 10, 126, 199, 239

Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft, 183

Alp Arslan, Seljuq sultan of Persia, 10–1, 241, 242

All the King’s Men, 130–1

Alva, duke of, 150, 232

Alvarez, Raúl, 237

Amadeus of Savoy , 175

American Assassins, 115–6, 189

American Institute for Free Labor Development, 89

American Nazi Party, 186

Amin, Hafizullah, 210

Amin Dada, Idi, 132–3

Amir, Hagai, 179

Amir, Yigil, 179-80

An Chung-gun, 99

Ananda Mahidol, king of Siam, 11, 241

Anastasia, Albert, 201

Anastasia, Grand Duchess (Romanova), 160

Andrea, Giovanni, 144

anarchists, 58, 133, 135–6, 222

in France, 32–3

in Russia, 5–7, 207–8

in Spain, 9–10, 29, 31, 203

in United States, 36, 66-8

Anckarström, Jacob Johan, 85

Anderson, Jack, 10, 160

Andrade, Roberto, 75

Andreotti, Guilio, 151

Angilliolo (Italian anarchist), 31

Anjou, duke of, 232

Anna Karenina, 201

anti-Semitism, 28, 40, 55, 173, 183, 205. See also Nazis

Antonescu, Marshall Ion, 29, 55

Antonia (of Rome), 79

Antonius (of Rome), 228

Antonov, Sergei I., 105

Antony, Marc, 27, 38, 79, 176

Aoun, Michel, 150

apartheid, 20–1, 89-90, 224

Aper, Arrius, 162

Apologia, 144

Appian, 26

Apte, Narayan Dattatraya, 73

Aquaviva, Claudio, 93, 232

Aquinas, St. Thomas, x

Aquino, Benigno (Ninoy), Jr., 11, 241

Aquino, Corazon, 11

Arab League’s Joint Defense Council, 211

Arabs, 2

See also specific individuals, nations, organizations

Arafat, Yasir, 161–2, 178–80, 195, 211

Aragon, 8–9, 239

Aramburo, Pedro Eugenio, 11–2, 239

Arango, Doroteo. See Villa, Pancho

Arbenz Guzman, Jocobo, 34

Argentina, 11–2, 195, 213–4, 237, 239

Aristotle, x, 172–3, 180–1

Arkan (Zeljko Raznatovic), 12–3, 241, 242

Armagnac, 106

Armas Perez, Ramón, 20

Armenia, 195–7, 210, 239

Armenian Revolutionary Federation, 197

arms trade, 25, 167, 185

Arrocha Gaell, Catalino, 185

Arses, king of Persia, 13, 16, 46, 241

Arsinoë III, queen of Egypt, 14, 239

Artaxerxes III, king of Persia, 13, 14, 16, 46, 241

Arumainayagam, Raja, 74

Ascaso, Francisco, 203

Ashraf, 138

Asiaticus, 228

assassination, ix–xi


Cuba, 34–5

England, 58–9, 103, 224–5

Egypt, 152–3. See also Great Britain.

France, 48, 131, 132, 149–50, 156

Georgia (Soviet), 202

Germany, 95–8

Great Britain, 66, 211–2

Iran, 87–8

Iraq, 149–50

Italy, 144–5

Morroco, 90

Soviet Union, 124–6, 203–4,

Spain, 9–10

U.S., 66-8, 77–8, 229–30

U.S. presidents, 39–40, 63–4, 100–1, 160–1, 184–5, 187–90, 218–20

Vatican, 104-7

Venezuela, 20

establishment and anti-, ix–x

ideal candidates for, x, 4

role in history

destablizing, 126, 197, 201–2

social unrest, 224–5

spark, ix, 120, 148

or not, 7, 28, 151, 194

unintended change, 60, 90

Assassination in America, ix

Assassinations—the murders that changed history, ix

Ashu, Mustafa, 2

Athens, 4, 59, 122. See also Greece

Athulathmudali, Lalith, 14, 174–5, 242

Atkin, Ronald, 235

Atrakchi, Albert, 15, 239

Atrash, Linda, 107

Attila the Hun, 2

Atzerodt, George A., 128f, 129

Audisio, Walter, 154

Augustus, emperor of Rome, 79, 212, 228

Aurelian, emperor of Rome, 15, 241

Austria, 52, 58, 64–6, 148, 239

Austria-Hungary, 212–3

Aveiro, duke of, 107

Aventine Secession, 142

Awami League, 237

Aylwin, Patricio, 126

Ayyash, Yahya “The Engineer,” 15, 240

Azerbaijan, 197


Baader, Andreas, 23, 93, 198–9

Baader-Meinhof gang, 23, 161, 198–9

Baal, 57

Babington, Anthony, 59

“Back to Africa” movement, 138

Babnone, Stefano de, 144–5

Baffo (wife of Murad III), 203

Bagoas, 13, 14, 16, 46, 241

Bahram VI Chubin, king of Persia, 16, 98, 118, 241, 242

Bailly, Jean-Sylvain, 139

Bakunin, Mikhail, 5

Balbinus, 143

Ball, John, 220-1

Ballard, John, 59

Balsiger, David, 129

Bandaranaike, Solomon West Ridgway Dias, 17, 239

Bangladesh, 153, 237, 239

Banzer Suarez, Hugo, 213–4, 237

Barak, Ehud, 180

Barbie, Klaus, 236

Barco, Virgilio, 70–1

Bardas, 146–7, 239

Barnett, Ross, 60

Barnhill, John, 17, 240

Baroncelli, Bernardo, 144–5

Barrazas, Jesus Salas, 163, 227

Barrientos, Rene, 177, 239

Barthou, Louis, 5

Basil the Macedonian, 146–7

Basques, 33–4, 122

Bassianus, Marius Avitus, 57

Bastien-Thiry, Jean-Marie, 49

Bay of Pigs, 217

Bean, John William, 225

“Beat the Bombers,” 66, 136

Beaton, David, 17–8, 241

Beaton, James, 17

Beaumont, Christophe de (archbishop of Paris), 131

Beck, Ludwig, 98

Becket, Thomas, 18–9, 18f, 240

Beckham, J. C. W., 82

Beckwith, Byron de la, 60

Bedloe, William, 81

Beer Hall Putsch, 95, 110, 187

Begin, Menachem, 20, 194

Belgium, 132, 161, 239

Belin, David W., 114

Belkhair, Larbi, 22-3

Bellingham, John, 53–4, 169–70, 170f

Ben Barka, Mehdi, 19, 90, 240, 241

Ben Bella, Ahmed, 121

Bender, Tony, 214

Beneš, Eduard, 95

Benitez, Humberto, 190

Bennett, William J., 71

Berkman, Alexander, 36, 66–8, 67f

Berlinguer, Enrico, 124

Berman, Abbadabba, 201

Bernadotte, Count Folke, 19–20, 241, 242

Bernstein, Leonard, 160

Berry, Sir Anthony, 211–2

Bessus (of Persia), 46

Betancourt, Rómulo, 20, 242

Bethune, David, 17–8

Bhakra Beas Management Board, 121

Bhindranwale, Sant Jarnail Singh, 72, 223

Biayenda, Emile Cardinal, 158, 239

Biko, Steven B., 20–1, 241

Billings, Richard N., 113–4

Bindoe (of Persia), 16, 118

Birdzell, Donald, 218

black civil rights movement (U.S.), 60–1, 118–20, 138

Black Hand (Serbia), 64–6

Black Muslims, 138–9

Black Panthers (U.S.), 230

Black Peoples’ Convention, 21

Black September (Arab), 161–2, 195, 211

Blaine, James, 76f, 76–7

Blakey, G. Robert, 113-4

Bloody Sunday, 74

Blyumkin, Jacob, 148–9

Boga-Zaire, 132

Bogrof, Dmitri, 206–7

Bohemia, 230, 239

Boise Cascade, 206

Bolivia, 83, 177, 213–4, 236–7, 239

Bolsheviks, 124–5, 133, 148, 173

and Romanovs, 7, 58, 146, 159–60, 201

under Stalin, 120-1, 215-7

Bonanno crime family, 214

book-burning, 183

Booth, Edwin, 127

Booth, John Wilkes, 127–9

Borah, William E., 207

Borgia, Cesare, x, 8-9, 9f, 21–2

Borgia, Juan, 21–2, 240

Borgia, Lucretia, 8–9

Borgia, Pedro Luis, 21

Boring, Floyd, 218

Boris III, king of Bulgaria, 22, 205, 239, 240

Borock, Herb, 10

Borrero, President Antonio (Ecuador), 75

Bosnia, 4, 12, 64–6

Bostam (of Persia), 16, 118

Botha, Pik, 89

Bothwell, earl of, 186

Boudiaf, Mohammed, 22–3, 86, 239

Boumaraf, Lembsarak, 22–3

Boumedienne, Houari, 121

Bourassa, Robert, 123

Bourbons, 84, 91–3, 175. See also specific individuals

Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, 86

Boyd, James William, 129

Brabourne, Lady, Lord, and Dowager Lady, 152

Brady, James S., 184

Braghetti, Laura, 151

Brandt, Willy, 205

Brazil, 107, 149

Bredow, Kurt von, 187, 197–8, 240

Bremer, Arthur Herman, 115, 184, 229–30

Bresci, Gaetano, 135, 222

Bringas, Joseph, 159

Brissot, Jeanne Pierre, 139

Britannicus, 2–3, 23, 39, 241

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 141

Briton, Richard, 19

Brothers of the Cross (Romania), 40, 205

Brown, Robert, 193

Brownell, Herbert Jr., 47

Brutus, Marcus, 26–7, 144, 174

Buback, Siegfried, 23, 240

Buckingham, George Villiers, first duke of, 23–4, 240

Buckley, William, 24–5, 240, 242

Buddhists, 17, 152, 158, 175

Buendorf, Larry M., 63

Bukharin, Nikolay, 120–1, 215–6

Bulgaria, 22, 105–6, 141–2, 205, 239

Bull, Gerald, 25, 239

Burgos Cathedral Murder, 84–5

Bundy, Theodore, 185

Burke, Thomas H., 36

Burrus, 3

Burundi, 132

Bush, George, 149

Butler, Edward, 66, 136

Butler, Norman, 139

Byck, Samuel, 64, 160–1

Byers, Russell, 119–20

Byzantine Empire, 10, 44, 118, 125, 146–7, 158–9

Byzantium, 239


Cabrinovic, Nedeljko, 64–6

Caceres, Ramon, 94, 239

Caesar, Augustus, ix, 27–8, 38, 176

Caesar, Julius, ix, 26–8, 27f, 38, 173–4, 176, 241

Caesarion, 176

Caligula, emperor of Rome, 28, 38–9, 47, 79, 212, 217, 241

Calinescu, Armand, 28–9, 241

Calles, Plutarco Elias, 163

Calvinists, x, 131, 232

Calvo Sotelo, José, 29, 241

Camacho, Manuel, 43

Campos, Albizu, 218–9

Canada, 25, 123, 180, 229, 239

Canalejas y Méndez, José, 29, 241

Canby, Edward R. S., 29–31, 242

Canovas del Castillo, Antonio, 31, 241

Capone, Al, 188

Captain Jack, 29–31

Caracalla, emperor of Rome, 31, 57, 79–80, 241

Carausius, usurper emperor of Britain, 31–2, 240

Carbone, Alberto, 12

Carbonneau, Marc, 123

Cardenas, Francisco, 137

Caridad, 217

Carinus, co-emperor of Rome, 162

Carnegie, Andrew, 66

Carnot, Lazare, 33

Carnot, Marie François Sadi, 32–3, 32f, 240

Carr, Robert, 165-6

Carranza, Venustiano, 33, 163, 226–7, 235–6, 241

Carrero Blanco, Luis, 33–4, 241

Carter, Jimmy, 115, 132–3, 184, 219–20

Carus, emperor of Rome, 162

Casca (of Rome), 27, 27f

Caserio, Santo, 32-3, 32f

Casey, William, 11, 24, 105, 184-5, 231

Cassini, Dennis, 229

Cassius, Dio, 171

Cassius, Gaius, 26–7, 174

Castillo Armas, Carlos, 34, 240

Castillo, Canovas del, 29

Castro, Fidel, 20, 34–5f, 82–3, 112–3, 132, 214, 217, 239

Catesby, Robert, 103

Catherine the Great, czarina of Russia, 169, 171

Catherine de’Medici, queen of France, 40, 83, 90-1, 180–1

Catholics, Roman, x, 58–9

Congo, 158

England, 18–9, 58–9, 80–1, 103, 211

France, x, 40–1, 83–4, 90–3, 131, 180–1, 230

Germany, 230

Ireland, 53, 156–7, 233

Mexico, 164

Netherlands, 150, 232–3

Poland, 174

Portugual, 106–7

Scotland, 58–9

Spain, 9–10, 84, 232

Cavendish, Lord Frederick Charles, 35–6, 36f, 240

Cecil, William, 59

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA, U.S.), 11, 111–3, 184–5, 214, 231–2

Africa, 132, 133

Cuba, 34-5,

Latin America, 10, 149, 199, 217–8

Middle East, 2, 24–5,

Vatican, 105

Cermak, Anton J., 115, 187–9, 242

Cesar, Thane Eugne, 116

Ceylon, 17, 239

Cha Chi Chol, 168

Chad, 213, 239

Chaerea, Cassius, 28

Chaka, king of the Zulus, 37, 241

Chamberlain, Neville, 95

Chamorro, Pedro Joaquín, 37–8, 204, 241

Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de, 38

Chapa, Pablo, 190

Chapin, Charles, 77–8

Chappelle, Bournier, de la 47

Charles I, king of England, 24

Charles I, Hapsburg emperor, 213

Charles II, king of England, 80

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 144

Charles V, king of France, 141

Charles VI, king of France, 106

Charles VII, king of France, 106, 204–5

Charles IX, king of France, 40, 83, 90, 181

Charles the Bad of Navarre, 141

Charles of Lorraine, Cardinal, 180

Charles, prince of Wales, 180

Charlotte (wife of William the Silent), 232

Charpentier, Jacques, 181

Cheka (Soviet Union), 146, 148

Chernomyrdin, Victor S., 180

Chernozamsky, Vlada, 5

Chicago, 187–8

Childers, Robert Erskine, 164

Chile, 10, 126, 132, 199, 213–4, 239

China, 129, 148, 208–9, 239

Chirac, Jacques, 60, 180

Chmielewski, Waldemar, 174

Chosroe II, king of Persia, 16, 98, 118, 241

Chotek, Sophie, 64–6, 65f, 120

Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai), 129

Chrétien, Jean, 180

Christian Democratic Party (Italy), 150–1

Church, Frank, 35

Churchill, Winston, 47

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

CIA under Reagan, Bush & Casey, The, 34, 231

Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 214

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 38, 241

Cimon (of Athens), 59

civil rights movement (U.S.), 60, 118–20, 138

Clarke, James W., 63, 115–6, 189

Claudius, emperor of Rome, 2–3, 23, 28, 38–9, 241

Claudius II, 72

Clement VII, 144

Clement XIII, Pope, 107

Clement XIV, Pope, 107

Clément, Jacques, 91, 91f

Cleopatra, 176

Cline, Dr. Ray S., 34, 231

Clinton, Bill, 39–40, 179, 242

Clinton, Hillary, 179

Codreanu, Corneliu Z., 28, 40, 205–6, 241

Coeur, Jacques, 204–5

Coffelt, Leslie, 218–20

Cohen, Mickey, 117–8

Cohen, Yehoshua, 20

Coligny, Gaspard de, 40–1, 83, 90, 240

Collazo, Oscar, 218–20, 219f

Collazo, Rosa, 219–20

Collins, George, 230

Collins, Michael, 41–2, 41f, 164, 233, 240

Colombia, 69–71, 239

Colosio, Donaldo, 42–3, 191, 241

Colson, Charles, 230

Comber, Tillius, 27

Committee of Ballistic Acoustics (U.S.), 113

Committee of Surveillance (France), 140

Commodus, emperor of Rome, 43–4, 170–1, 241

communists, 68, 105, 111, 158

Bulgaria, 141

China, 129

Cuba, 217, 231

Germany, 133

Greece, 122,

Guatemala, 34, 145–6

Italy, 123–4, 150–1, 154

Mexico, 216–7

Philippines, 211

Poland, 174

Russia, Soviet Union, 120–1, 149, 159, 215–7, 231

South Africa, 89

See also specific individuals, nations, organizations, Bolsheviks, KGB, leftists, Marxists

Comoro Islands, 1, 203, 239

Condes, Cpt. (of Spain), 29

Congo, 88, 132, 158, 239

Congolese Labor Party, 158

Connally, John B., 111–2, 114

Conquest, Robert, 120–1

conspiracy theories, ix, x, 112–8, 129, 168, 179, 188–9

Constantine VI, Byzantine emperor, 44, 239

Constantine VII, Byzantine emperor, 159

Constantinescu, Radu, 55

Constantius I, 32

Contract on America, 114, 188–9

Cooke, Judith, 61

Corbett, Boston, 128

Corday, Charlotte, 139–40

Cornego, Manuel, 75

Cornelia (wife of Pompey), 174

Corsica, 60, 239

Corsica Nazione, 60

Cossette-Trudel, Jacques and Louise, 123

Costa-Gavras, Constantin, 122, 149

Costello, Frank, 130

Costello, Seamus, 44–5, 240

Counterspy, 231

Covert Action Information Bulletin, 231

Crassus, 26, 38, 173–4

Crescentius, 165

criminal insanity, 170. See also insanity plea, ruling

Crittenden, Thomas T., 101–3

Croatia, 4, 12, 142

Cross, James R., 123, 239

Council of Constance, x

“Crystal Night,” 183

Cruz, Zaszrias de la, 218

Cuba, 20, 34–5, 82–3, 112–3, 123, 132, 217, 231, 239

Curda, Karel, 94

Curthose, Robert, 232

Custodio, Gen. Luther, 11

Czechoslovakia, 94–5, 132, 217

Czolgosz, Leon, 135–6, 136f


Dachau, 94, 95

Daily Mirror, 212

Dalla Chiesa, Alberto, 123–4, 240

Damiens, Robert François, 131

Daoud, Abu, 161–2

Darius III, king of Persia, 16, 46, 239, 241

Darlan, Jean, 46–7, 239, 240

Darnley, Henry, Lord, 186, 241

Darrow, Clarence, 207

Dashnak (Armenia), 197

Dass, Arjun, 47, 240

Daud Khan, Mohammad, 210, 239

David, Jacques Louis, 140f

Davis, Angela, 230

Davis, Jefferson C., 30

Davis, John H., 114, 117

Dearborn, Henry, 217–8

Delahanty, Timothy K., 184

de la Maza family, 217–8

de la Maza, Octavio “Tavio,” 48, 217

Demirchian, Karen, 195–7

Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD, Mexico), 190

Denard, Bob, 1, 203

DeNiro, Robert, 184

Derby-Lewis, Clive and Gaye, 89

Despenser, Hugh le, 56

Deutsche Bank, 93

De Valera, Eamon, 41–2

Devlin-McAliskey, Bernadette, 45

Dewey, Thomas E., 199-201, 200f, 242

Dhawan, Rajendra Kumar, 73

Díaz, Felix, 137

Díaz, Porfirio, 33, 136–7, 163, 226, 235

Dickens, Charles, 225

Diderot, Denis 131

Didius Julianus, Marcus, emperor of Rome, 49–50, 171, 241

Diedrich, Bernard, 47, 218

Diem, Ngo Dinh, 132, 157–8, 242

Dietrich, Sepp, 187

Dimitrievich, Dragutin “Apis,” 64–6

DINA ( Chilean intelligence agency), 126

Dingane (of the Zulus), 37

Dinh, Ton That, 158

Dini, Lamberto, 180

Diocletian (Diocletianus, Gaius Aurelius Valerius), 32, 162

Disraeli, Benjamin, ix

Djohar, Mohammed, 1

Djukanovic, Milo, 13

Dmitry, The False, 50–1, 51f, 241

Dobson, Christopher, 149, 150, 195, 198

Doe, Samuel Kanyon, 51–2, 213, 240

Doherty, Hugh, 66, 136

Dollfuss, Englebert, 52, 239

Dominican Republic, 20, 47–8, 93–4, 132, 217–8, 239

Domitian, emperor of Rome, 52–3, 241

Domna, Julia, 31, 80

Douglas, James, earl of Morton, 186

Douglas, Margaret, 53

Douglas, William, eighth earl of, 53, 104, 241

Downs, Joseph, 218

Doyle, William, 53, 240

Drachevsky, Leonid V., 196

drug trade, 69–71, 190–1

Drummond, Edward, 53–4, 170, 240

Druse (Lebanon), 150

Drusus Caesar, 54, 212, 241

Drusus, Marcus Livius, 54, 241

DS (state security, Bulgaria), 105–6

Duarte, José Napoleón, 88

Dubs, Adolph, 54, 239, 242

Duca, Ion G., 40, 54–5, 241

Duggan, Harry, 66, 136

Dulles, Allen, 132

Dunn, Reginald, 233

Duran, Martin, 39–40

Durant, Will, 4, 26–7, 44, 53, 57, 104, 155, 173, 176, 181, 228

Durruti, Buenaventura, 203

Dutch Red Help, 209

Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 148


East India Company, 24

Eastern Europe, 89, 106, 142, 174, 210

Ebert, Friedrich, 133

Ecuador, 75, 239

Edgar, Robert, 113

Edict of Nantes, 92

Edward II, king of England, 56–7, 240

Edward III, king of England, 56–7

Edward IV, king of England, 57

Edward V, king of England, 57, 240

Egypt, 14–6, 138, 152–3, 162, 176, 179–80, 194, 239

Eid, Guy, 161–2, 239, 242

Eisenhower, Dwight, 20, 34

Eitingon, Leonid, 217

Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP, People’s Republican Army of Argentina), 195

Elagabalus, emperor of Rome, 7, 57–8, 241

Elijah Muhammad, 138-9

Elizabeth, empress of Austria, 58, 239, 242

Elizabeth, Grand Duchess (Russia), 58, 201, 241

Elizabeth and William the Silent (Netherlands), 150

Elizabeth I, queen of England, x, 58–9, 186, 240

Elizabeth II, queen of England, 151, 157

ELN (Bolivian National Liberation Army), 177

El Salvador, 3, 88–9, 187, 239

Elser, Johann Georg, 95

England, 122, 140–1, 165–6, 220–1, 224–5, 232

Revolution, 159

and Ireland, 35–6, 136

parliament, 103, 136

and Scotland, x, 17–8, 56–9, 186,

See also Great Britain

Ensslin, Gudrun, 23, 198

Ephialtes (of Athens), 59, 240

Ergang, Robert, 65

Erignac, Claude, 60, 239

Erzberger, Matthias, 60, 240

Escobar, Pablo Emilio, 69–71

Espartero (of Spain), 175

Essawy, Mahmoud, 138

Essex, Lady, 165–6

ETA (Basque Homeland and Liberation), 122

Ethiopia, 152, 239

Ettinger, Elzbieta, 133

Eudocia (mistress of Michael III), 146

Eudocia (daughter of Valentian III and Eudoxia), 224

Eudoxia (wife of Valentian III), 223–4

Evening World, 77

Evers, Medgar W., 60–1, 242

European Union, 180

Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA, Basque Homeland and Liberation), 33

Extraditables, 69

extradition, 69–71, 106, 123, 190–2, 236

Ewart-Biggs, Christopher, 61, 209, 240

Ewe people, 165

Eyadema, 165


Face of a Victim, 125

Fairley, Gordon Hamilton, 66, 136

Faisal II, king of Iraq, 62–3, 240

Faisal ibn al Saud, king of Saudi Arabia, 62, 241

Faisal Ibn Musad Abdel Azziz, Prince, 62

FAR (Rebel Armed Forces, Guatemala), 145–6, 205

Farabundo Martí Popular Liberation Front (El Salvador), 3

Farrakhan, Louis, 139

fascists, 40, 55, 142

international, 214

Italy, 153–4, 214

Romania, 205–6

See also Mussolini, Benito;

Nazis; rightists

Fatah, 162–2, 195, 211

Fawkes, Guy, 103, 211

Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (U.S.), 64

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, U.S.), 63-4, 184, 229

and black civil rights, 60

and Kennedy, John E, 112–5

and King, Martin Luther, Jr., 119–20

and Latin America, 48, 149

Felton, John, 24

Ferdinand I, king of Bulgaria, 22, 205

Ferdinand I, king of Naples, 145

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 230

Ferme group, 60

Fernandez, Armando, 126

Fiat of Argentina, 195

Fierro, Rodolfo, 226

Fieschi, Giuseppe Maria, 132

Figueres, José, 20

Final Disclosure, 114

FitzGerald, Garret, 61

Fitzurse, Reginald, 19

Flegenheimer, Arthur, 199–201, 200f

Florence, 143–5

Florian, emperor of Rome, 63, 175, 241

Florianus, Marcus Annius, 63

Ford brothers (Bob and Charles), 101–2, 102f

Ford, Franklin L., 63, 156

Ford, Gerald, 63–4, 160, 242

Foreman, Percy, 119

Forshufvud, Sten, 156

Fouché, Joseph, 156

Fox, William, 64, 240

France, x, 5, 78, 106, 156, 204–5, 240

and Algeria, 48–9, 86–7, 121

and other African colonies, 165, 213

and Chamoros, 1, 203

Huguenots, 40, 83–4, 90–3, 180–1

monarchs, 131

and Morocco, 19

officials abroad, 60

Revolution, 131, 139–40, 141, 156, 159

statesmen, 32–3, 180

World War I era, 104,

World War II era, 46–7

France Libertés, 149

Francis I, king of France, 180

Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, ix, 64–6, 65f, 120, 148, 239

Francis, John, 225

Francis Joseph, Emperor, 65–6

Franco, Francisco, 33, 122

Franjieh, Suleiman, 78

Fraser, Hugh, 66, 136, 240

Fratianno, Jimmy “The Weasel,” 114

Frederika, queen of Greece, 122

Free Society, 135–6

French separatists (Canada), 123

Frick, Henry, 36, 66–8, 242

Friend of the People, The, 139

Froissart, Sir John, 221

Frolinat (Chadian National Liberation Front), 213

Fromm, Friedrich, 97–8

Fromme, Lynette “Squeaky,” 63–4

Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ), 123

Fuentes Mohr, Alberto, 68, 205, 240

Fulmer, Cathy, 117

Fyodor I, Czar, 50


Gabeik, Josef, 94

Gaiseric (Vandal), 223–4

Galán, Luis Carlos, 69–71

Galante, Carmine, 214–5

Galba, Servius Sulpicius, emperor of Rome, 71–2, 227–8, 241

Galindez, Dr. Jesus de, 20, 47–8, 217, 239, 242

Gallagher, James, 77

Gallardo, Jorge and Samuel, 214

Gallienus, emperor of Rome, 72, 241

Gallinari, Prospero, 151

Galman, Rolando, 11

Galstian, Vram, 197

Gamasakhurdia, Zviad, 202

Gambino, Carlo, 115

Gandhi, Indira, x, 47, 72–3, 121, 223, 240

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma), 73, 119, 131, 240

Gandhi, Rajiv, 47, 73–4, 131, 240

Gapon, Father Georgii, 74, 241

García Moreno, Gabriel, 75, 239

Garic, Dragan, 13

Garfield, James A., 75–7, 76f, 242

Garvey, Marcus, 138

Gaulle, Charles de, 19, 47, 48–9, 240

Gaveston, Piers, 56

Gavric, Dusan, 13

Gaynor, William Jay, 77–8, 78f, 242

Gaza, 240

Gelli, Licio, 104

Gemayel, Amin, 78

Gemayel, Bashir, 78, 150, 240

Genovese, Vito, 214–5

George I, king of Greece, 78–9, 79f, 240

Georges, Alfonse, 5

Georgia (former Soviet), 202, 240

Gerard, Balthasar, 232–3

Germanicus Caesar, 79, 241

Germany, 180, 230, 240

officials abroad, 146, 148, 205

Nazi, 153, 236

domestic, 94–8, 110, 183, 186–7, 197–8, 208

international, 19, 55, 138, 220

businesspeople, 93, 198–9

West, 23, 93, 161, 198–9, 205

World War I and aftermath, 60, 66, 133–4, 148, 210, 213

Geta, Publius Septinius, coemperor of Rome, 31, 79-80, 241

Ghashmi, Ahmed Hussein al-, 80, 241

Ghorbanifar, Manucher, 185

Giancana, Sam, 34–5, 115

Gibbon, Edward, 49

Giraud, Henri, 47

Girondists, 139–40

Gladstone, William, 35

glasnost, 121

Glaucia (of Rome), 54

Gloeden, Elisabeth Charlotte, 97f

Glubb Pasha, John, 2

Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berri, 80–1, 240

Godse, Nathuram, 73

Godunov, Boris, 50

Goebbels, Joseph, 94–5, 98, 183, 208

Goebel, William, 81–2, 81f, 242

Goering, Hermann, 97, 187, 208

Goldman, Emma, 36, 66–8, 136

Gomez González, Santiago, 89

Gomez Murillo, Guillermo, 70

Gomez Martinez, Juan, 71

González, Felipe, 180

González, Gen. (of Mexico), 235–6

Gooding, Gov., 207

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 121

Gordian and Gordian II, coemperors of Rome, 142

Gordian III, emperor of Rome, 82, 143, 240, 241

Gordon, Roger, 230

Gordon, Waxey, 199

Gourlay, Jennie, 127

Gourvenec, Camille, 213

Gow, Ian, 82, 240

GPU (secret police, Soviet Union), 216, 220

Grabez, Trifko, 64-6

Grant, Ulysses S., ix, 127

Great Britain, 122, 169, 240

church, 17–9

and colonial rule, 73, 138

intelligence service, 141–2

international activity, 2, 78–9, 147, 162, 198

and Ireland, 164

19th-century, 35–6

IRA, 66, 136, 151–2, 209, 233

and others, 45, 82, 156–7, 211

and Middle East, 2

monarchs, 9, 180, 185–6, 224–5, 232

other officials, 53, 209

Parliament, 82, 136, 152, 156–7, 211, 233

prime ministers, 53, 169–70, 179-80, 211, 233

World War II, 19, 22, 95

See also England, Scotland

Great Expectations of John Connally, The, 114

Great Ordinance of 1357, 141

Greece, 4, 59, 78–9, 122, 171–3, 231–2, 240

Greek Orthodox Church, 44. See also iconoclasm, Orthodoxy

Greeley, Horace, 75

Green Berets, 149

Gregory V, Pope, 165, 240

Gregory XIII, Pope, 59, 83

Greiff, Monica de, 70

Grier, Rosey, 116

Griffith, Arthur, 41–2

Grinevitsky, Ignaty, 6

Groener, Wilhelm, 133

Grynszpan, Herschel, 183

GSG9 (antiterrorist force), 198

Guajardo, Jesus M., 236

Guardia Nacional (Nicaragua), 195, 204

Guatemala, 34, 68, 145–6, 205, 240

Guembang, Kalthouma, 213

Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 34, 82–3, 236–7, 239

Guiana, 156

Guijon Klein, Dr. Patricio, 10

Guinness Book of Records, 66, 136

Guise, Henry, duke of, 40, 83-4, 84f, 90-1, 240

Guiteau, Charles J., 75–7, 76f

Guiterrez de Castro, S. Guitterez, 84–5, 241

Guizado, Ramon, 185

Gulag Archipelago, The, 203

“Gunpowder Plot,” 103

Guseva (of Russia), 182

Gustav III, king of Sweden, 85, 242

Gustav IV Adolf, king of Sweden, 85

Gutiérrez, Jaime Abdul, 187

Guy Fawkes Day, 103

Guyana, 192–3


Hachani, Abdelkader, 86, 239

Hached, Farhat, 86–7, 242

Hadad, Wadi, 198

Haig, Alexander, 87, 239, 242

Hajari, Cadi Abdullah al-, 87, 240, 241

Hajjarian, Saeed, 87–8, 240

Hamas, 15

Hamidi, Abdullah Mohammed al-, 88, 241

Hamidi, Ibrahim al-, 87, 88, 241

Hamilton, James, 17

Hamilton, Patrick, 17

Hamilton, William, 225

Hammami, Abdullah Ali al-, 87, 241

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 88, 242

Hammer, Michael, 88–9, 239, 242

Hani, Chris, 89–90, 241

Hanszoom, Hans, 232

Hapgood, David, 156

Hapsburgs, 213, 230

Harmse, Retha, 89

Harper’s Weekly, 67

Harris, Don, 193

Harris, Ira, 127

Harte, Sheldon, 216

Hasina Wazed, Sheif, 237

Hassan II, king of Morocco, 19, 90, 241

Hauer, Jean-Jacques, 140

Hawley, James, 207

Hayer, Talmadge, 139

Haywood, William D, “Big Bill,” 206–7, 206f

Hearst, Patricia, 118

Hearst, William Randolph, 77

Hedges, Ronald, 191

Heliogabulus, emperor of Rome, 7, 57–8, 241

Helms, Richard, 10, 199

Henry I, king of England, 232

Henry II, king of England, 18–9

Henry II, king of France, 40, 180

Henry III, king of France, x, 40, 83–4, 90–1, 91f, 240

Henry IV (Henry of Navarre), king of France, x, 40, 90–3, 92f, 240

Henry VIII, king of England, 17–8, 58

Heraclius,2, 118, 223–4

Herodianus, 49

Herold, David, 128–9, 129f

Herrara, Rodolfo, 33

Herrhausen, Alfred, 93, 240

Herter, Christian, 20

Heureaux, Ulises, 93–4, 239

Heydrich, Reinhard Tristan, 94–5, 220, 240

High Altitude Research Project (HARP), 25

Himmler, Heinrich, 19, 94–6, 187, 220

Hinckley, John W., 115, 184–5

Hindenburg, Oskar von, 197

Hindenburg, Paul von, 133

Histories, 228

History of Russia, A, 120–1

Hitler, Adolf, 95–8, 96f, 97f, 121, 134, 224, 240

and Austria, 52

and Bulgaria, 22

and France, 47

and Germany, 94–5, 110, 183, 186–7, 197–8, 208

and Romania, 29, 40, 205,

Hoffa, Jimmy, 112, 113

Holy Roman Empire, 143–4, 165, 230

Homestead Steel Strike, 36, 66–9

Hooker Jim, 30

Hoover, J. Edgar, 60, 119

Hoppe, William, 205

Hormizd IV, king of Persia, 16, 98, 118, 241

Horsley, Albert E., 206–7

House, Edward M., 64

House Select Committee on Assassinations (U.S.), 112–4, 119

Howard, Frances, 165, 165–6

Howe, Sir Geoffrey, 211

Huerta, Victoriano, 33, 137, 163, 226, 235

Huerta, Adolfo de la, 226

Hughes, Howard, 34–5

Huguenots, x, 24, 40, 83, 90–2, 180–1

Hukbalahap (Huks, Philippines), 211

L’Humanité, 104

Humbert I. See Umberto I, king of Italy, 135, 222, 240

Humboldt, Ciro, 214

Hundred Years’ War, 141

Hungary, 212, 240

Hunt, E. Howard, 230

Hunt, H. L., 112

Husein, 138, 155

Hussein I, king of Jordan, 2, 62, 179, 211

Hussein Avni Pasha, 1–2, 147, 242

Hussein, Magdi, 180

Hussein, Saddam, 149


I-Shaab, 180

Ibarruri, Dolores, 29

icons, 44, 125, 146

Idaho, 206–7

Ilic, Danilo, 65–6

Iliodor, 181

In God’s Name, 104

India, x, 72–4, 126–7, 152, 169, 240

and Sikhs, 47, 72, 121, 131, 223

“Indian problem,” x

Industrial Workers of the World, 206–7

insanity plea, ruling, 53-4, 63, 140, 170, 184–5, 189, 224–5

“mentally unfit” 100, 224–5

Inside the Company: CIA Diary, 231

Institute for Policy Studies, 126

International “Che” Guevara Brigade, 236

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 202

Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI, Mexico), 42–3, 190–2

International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 10

Inukai Tsuyoshi, 99, 240

Invincibles (Ireland), 36

Iran, 25, 87–8, 150, 167, 180, 185, 194, 240

Iraq, 25, 62–3, 149–50, 240

Ireland, 240

Northern Ireland, 17, 53, 64, 82, 105, 211, 233

Irish Free State, 41–2, 164

Civil War, 41–2

competing forces, 44–5, 151–2, 156–7, 209

19th-century, 35–6

Republic of, 61, 64, 152

See also INLA, IRA,

Irene, Byzantine empress, 44

Irgun, 20

Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), 44–5, 152, 157

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 41–2, 44–5, 66, 151–2, 233

and British Parliament, 136

other British officials, 53, 61, 64

links, 105

Officials, 17, 45, 157

Provos, 45, 82, 152, 157, 209, 211

U.S. support, 211–2

Irish Republican Socialist Party, 157

Iron Guard (Romania), 28–9, 40, 55, 205–6

Isaak, Abe, 135

Isabella, queen of England, 56–7

Isabella II, queen of Spain, 84, 175

Ishmail, Abdel Fattah, 80

Islambouly, Khaled el, 194

Islamic Jihad, 15, 24, 152, 178, 180

Islamic Liberation Organization (ILO), 110–1

Islaminc fundamentalism, 152. See also Muslim extremists

Islamic Revolution, 87

Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), 23, 86

Israel, 178–80, 194, 240

and Arabs, 15, 19–20, 109–10, 150, 161

and Egypt, 152, 162, 194

mercenaries, 71

Mossad (secret intelligence

service), 25, 195

and Palestinians, 15, 24, 117–8, 162, 178–80, 195, 211

Shin Bet (intelligence agency), 179, 185

Italy, 105, 150–1, 180, 222, 240

Renaissance, x, 8–9, 21–2, 143–5

Mafia, 214-5

World War II era, 142, 153–4,

Ito Hirobumi, Prince (Japan), 99, 240


Jacson, Frank, 216

Jackson, Andrew, ix, 100–1, 101f, 242

Jacobins, 139, 156

James, Duke of York, 80

James I, king of England, 23–4, 103, 165–6, 186, 211, 240

James I, king of Scotland, 103–4, 241

James II, king of England, 80–1

James II, king of Scotland, 53, 104

James III, king of Scotland, 104, 241

James V, king of England, 17

James, Frank, 101–3

James, Jesse, 101–3, 102f, 242

Jansenists, 131

Japan, 99, 138, 148, 164–5, 168–9, 240

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 174

Jaureguy, Jean, 232

Jaurès, Jean Léon, 104, 240

Jenkins, Romilly, 125, 147

Jesuits, x, 92–3, 106–7, 132, 233

Jews, 60, 109, 133, 178, 183 See also specific individuals, Israel

Jewish Defense League (JDL), 109

Jinnah, Mohammed Ali , 127

Joan of Arc, 204

John I Tzimisces, Byzantine emperor, 159

John XVI, Pope, 165

John the Fearless, second duke of Burgundy, 106, 240

John Paul I, Pope, 104, 240

John Paul II, Pope, 104–6, 240

Johnson, Andrew, ix, 127, 129

Johnson, Lyndon, 217

Johnson, Prince, 51–2

Johnson, Rafer, 116

Johnson, Thomas 15X, 139

Jones, Rev. James (Jim), 192–3

Jonestown, 192–3

Jordan, 2, 62, 161–2, 178-9, 211, 240

Jorns, Paul, 133–4

Joseph I, king of Portugal, 106–7, 241

Jospin, Lionel, 60

Juan Carlos, king of Spain, 33–4, 122

Julia (Pompey’s wife, Caesar’s daughter), 173

Julien, Harold, 88

Jumblat, Kamal, 107–8, 150, 240

“junk food” defense, 148


Kahane, Rabbi Meir, x, 109–10, 240, 242

Kahr, Gustav von, 110, 187, 240

Kaliayev (of Russia), 201

Kamenev, Lev, 120–1, 125, 215–6

Kamuruzzamn, A. H. N., 153

Kaplan, Dora and Fanya, 124–5

Karamessines, Thomas, 199

Karami, Rashid, 150, 240

Karmal, Babrak, 210

Karume, Sheik Abeid Amani, 110, 242

Kasavubu, Pres. (of Congo), 132

Katanga, 132

Katkov, Arkady, 110–1, 240, 241

Katsaris, Maria, 193

Katsura Taro, 99

Kauffmann, John, 119–20

Kavadh (Quobad) II, king of Persia, 118

Keenan, Brian Paschal, 66

Kennedy, Caroline, 66, 240, 242

Kennedy, Edward M., 68

Kennedy, John F., 34, 60, 113f, 114f, 218, 242

assassination of, 64, 111–6, 160, 232

investigation of conspiracy,

ix, x,43, 129, 138, 188,

Kennedy, Robert F., ix, 60, 112, 115, 116–8, 116f, 161, 242

Kenya, 143, 240

Kenyatta, 143

Kerensky government, 146, 159–60

Kerr, Robert, 165–6

Key, Francis Scott, 100

KGB (Soviet Union), 105, 111–2, 142, 184, 203

Khan, Daud, 210

Khan, Syed Azbar, 127

Khartoum, 211

Khatami, Mohammed, 87

Khosrow II, king of Persia, 16, 98, 118, 241

Khrushchev, Nikita, 121


Afganistan, 54

Argentina, 11–2, 195

Canada, 123

Dominican Republic, 217

Germany, 198–9

Guatemala, 205

Italy, 142, 150–1

Latin America, 149

Mexico, 216

Middle East, 24, 110

Poland, 174

Spain, 29

U.S., 217

Kido Takayoshi, 99

Kikadidi, Barthélemy, 158

Kikuyus, 143

Killing of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich, The, 95

Kim II Sung, 169

Kim Jae Kyu, 168

Kim Kae Won, 168

King, Coretta Scott, 119, 138

King, Jr., Martin Luther, ix, 112, 115, 118–20, 242

Kinsella, Michael and Sean, 64

Kintpuash, 29–30

Kirov, Sergei M., 120–1, 241

Kissinger, Henry, 199

Klamaths, 29–30

Klein, Yair, 70–1

Klerk, F. W. de, 89

Knatchbull, Nicholas and Timothy, 152

Knox, John, x, 18, 58

Kojong, king of Korea, 148

Koran, 62

Korea, 99, 148, 164, 168-9, 240, 241

Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), 168

Korean Youth League, 168

Kostov, Vladimir, 142

Kothual, Yussuf, 11

Kotov, Gen., 217

Kouchner, Bernard, 149

Kravchinsky, Sergei, 5

Krim, Belkacem, 121, 239, 240

Kronstadt Mutiny, 68

Krstic, Vujadin, 13

Kruger, James T., 21

Kubis, Jan, 94

Kumar, Maj. Gen. B. N., 121, 240

Kunstler, William M., 109

Kurds, 149, 167

Kyoseivanov, Georgi, 22


Lactot, Jacques and Suzanne, 123

Laetus, 170–1

Lafayette, marquis de, 139

Lago, Gen. Victor, 34, 122, 241

La Guardia, Fiorello, 130

Lambrakis, Gregory, 122, 240

Lancester, Thomas, 56

Land and Liberty, 5

land reform, 3, 5–7, 88–9, 137, 187, 220–1, 236

Landau, Abe, 201

Lansky, Meyer, 200

Lanusse, Gen., 195

Laporte, Pierre, 123, 239

Last Mafioso, The, 114

La Torre, Pio, 123–4, 240

Lattimer Mines massacre, 135

Lawrence, Richard, ix, 100–1, 101f

Layton, Larry, 192–3

Lebanon, 78, 107–8, 110–1, 150, 195, 240

Leber, Julius, 96

Lee, Robert E., 127–8

leftists, 88, 104

Bolivia, 213–4

Chile, 199

Comoro Islands, 203

Congo, 158

El Salvador, 3, 187

France, 132, 156

Germany, 198–9

Greece, 122

Guatemala, 34, 68, 145–6, 205

Ireland, 17

Italy, 124, 142, 214

Kurds in Sweden, 167

Latin America, 217

Mexico, 42–3, 137, 190

Nicaragua, 37-8, 204

Soviet Union, 133–4, 148, 215–6

Spain, 29

U.S., 63, 186, 217

See also communists, Marxists, socialists

Legion of the Archangel Michael (Romania), 40, 205–6

Leishman, John, 67–8

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 68, 121, 124–5, 124f, 159–60, 215–6, 241

Lenin Peace Prize, 107–8

Leninists, 195

Leo V, Byzantine emperor, 125, 239

Leo X, Pope, 125–6, 240

León Toral, José de, 164

Leontyevich, Leonty, 169

Lepke, Louis, 199

Lermolo, Elisabeth, 125

Letelier, Orlando, 126, 239, 242

letter bombs, 211

Letter from Mecca, 138

Lewis, Jerry, 149

Liaquat, Ali Khan, 126–7, 241

Liberation Army (Mexico), 235–6

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 74, 175

Liberia, 51–2, 213, 240

Libya, 180, 185

Lidice, Czechoslovakia, 94–5

Liebknecht, Karl, 133–4, 240

Likud, 180

Lincoln, Abraham, ix, 63, 75, 127–9, 242

Lincoln Conspiracy, The, 129

Lincoln, Mary, 127

Lin Piao (Biao), 129, 239

Lindsay, Alexander, 53

Lippert, Michael, 187

Liston, Robert, x

Little, Dick, 101–2

Liu Shao-ch’i (Shaoqi), 129

Lloyd George, David, 233

Lohamei Herut Israel, 20

Long, Huey, 130-1, 130f, 242

Longowal, Harchand Singh, 47, 131, 240

Lopez Henriques, Josue, 20

Lopez, Rigoberto, 204

Lortie, Bernard, 123

Losada, Rodrigo, 71

Louis, duke of Orleans, 106, 240

Louis XI, king of France, 205

Louis XIII, king of France, 230

Louis XV, king of France, 131, 240

Louis (Guise), cardinal of Lorraine, 84, 90–1, 240

Louis Philippe, king of France, 132, 240

Louisiana, 130–1

Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 81

Lozano, Antonio, 191

Luccheni, Luigi, 58

Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 199–201, 214

Ludendorff, Gen. Erich, 110

Lufthansa hijacking, 211

Lumumba, Patrice, 132, 239

Luos, 143

Luther, Martin, 126

Luwum, Janani, 132–3, 242

Luxemburg, Rosa, 133–4, 240

Lyle, John H., 188

Lynch, John, 17

Lyons, Richard, 221


McCarthy, Eugene, 116

McCarthy, Timothy J., 184

McClellan Committee, 117

McDermott, George, 64

MacDonald, Callum, 95

Macedonia, 146–7, 171–3, 240

McFarlane, Robert C. (Bud), 24

McGettiaan, Sean, 64

McGirl, Francis, 152

McGovern, George, 230

Machiavelli, Niccolò, x, 8, 9f, 21

McKane, John Y., 77

McKinley, James, ix

McKinley, William, 135–6, 136f, 189, 242

McLean, Roderick, 225

McMahon, Thomas, 152

McMillan, Billy, 45

McNaughton, Daniel, 53, 170

McNaughton Rule, 53–4, 170. See also insanity plea, ruling

McParland, James, 207

McPhillips, James, 64

Macrinus, 31, 57

Macro (prefect of Praetorian guard), 28, 212

McWhirter, Norris, 136

McWhirter, Ross, 66, 136, 240

Madero, Francisco Indalécio, 33, 136–7, 137f, 163, 226, 235, 241

Madero, Gustavo, 137

madman defense, 100–1 See also insanity plea, “junk food” defense

Maesa, Julia, 57

Maffei, Antonio, 144–5

Mafia, 34–5, 112–5, 117, 123–4, 130, 188–9, 214–5

Mafia Kingfish, 114, 117

Maguid, Carlos, 12

Maguires, Mollie, 207

Maher Pasha, Ahmed, 138, 162, 239

Maheu, Robert, 34–5

Mahmoud, Sabri, 149

Mahmud, Mir, 138, 241

Maihofer, Werner, 198

Maillart, Jean, 141

Majano, Adolfo, 187

Major, John, 179–80

Maken, Lalit, 47, 240

Malagrida, Father Gabriel, 107

Malan, Daniel, 224

Malcolm X, 138–9, 242

Malhouk, Sheik Abdullah el, 161

Malloum, Felix, 213

Mandela, Nelson, 89

Mandela, Winnie, 89

Mandic, Milovan, 13

Manson, Charles, 63

Mansoor Ali, 153

Manzur Ahmed, Gen., 237

Mao Zedong (Tse-tung), 129

Maoists, 211

Marat, Jean-Paul, 139–40, 140f, 240

Marcel, Etienne, 140–1, 240

Marcello, Carlos, 113–5, 117

Marcos, Ferdinand, 11, 211

Maria I, queen of Portugal, 107

Marie (Romanova), 160

Marina, Juan de, x, 93, 233

Marini, Antonio, 105

Markov, Georgi, 141–2, 239, 240

Markover, Meshulam, 20

Marshburn, Joseph H., 165–6

Martello, 11, 214

Martin, Elbert E., 189

Marx, Karl, 5

Marxists, 10, 87–8, 133–4, 149, 158, 195, 199

Mary, Queen of Scots, x, 17, 58–9, 185–6

Mary Stuart. See Mary, Queen of Scots

Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 40, 83, 90, 91, 180–1

Massamba-Debat, Alphonse, 158

Massie, Robert K., 201

matar alevosamente, 84

Matic, Goran, 13

Matteotti, Giacomo, 142, 240

Maximian, emperor of Rome, 31–2

Maximinus, emperor of Rome, 8, 142–3, 241

Maximus, Petronius, 2, 143, 223–4, 241

Maxwell, Paul, 152

Mayo, Samuel H., 137, 226

Mboya, Thomas, 143, 240

Medellín cartel, 69–71

Medici, Alessandro de’, 143–4, 240

Medici, Catherine de’. See Catherine de’ Medici

Medici, Giovanni de’. See Leo X, Pope

Medici, Guiliano de’, 144

Medici, Ippolito de’, 143-4, 240

Medici, Lorenzino de’, 143-4, 240

Medici, Lorenzo de’, 144-5, 145f, 240

Mein, John Gordon, 145-6, 205, 240, 242

Meinhof, Ulrike, 93

Melbourne, Lord, 225

Melikian, Saro, 210

Mencken, H. L., 68

Mendez Montenegro, Julio Cesar, 205

Mercader, Ramon, 216–7

Meredith, James H., 60

Mesopotamia, 240

Messalina (of Rome), 23, 39

Mexico, 33, 136–7, 163-4, 226–7, 235–6, 241

1990’s, 42–3, 190–2

Revolution, 33, 136–7, 163, 226–7, 235–6

Ten Tragic Days, 137

Trotsky, 216–7

Mezentzev, Gen., 5

Mhlangana (of the Zulus), 37

Miasnikov (Cheka leader), 146

Michael, Grand Duke, 6–7, 146, 241

Michael I, Byzantine emperor, 125

Michael II, Byzantine emperor, 125

Michael III, Byzantine emperor, 146–7, 239

Michelangelo, 144

Michele, Giovanni, 8

Midhat Pasa, 1–2, 147, 242

Militsa, Grand Duchess (Russia), 181

Milk, Harvey, 147–8, 242

Milosevic, Slobodan, 13

Min, queen of Korea, 148, 240

Minh, Duong Van, 158

Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, comte de, 139

Miranda, Mike, 214

Mirbach, Count Wilhelm von, 58, 148–9, 240, 241

Mirkov, Valery, 110

Miro, Ruben, 185

Mistheus (of Rome), 82

Mitchell, John, 199

Mitrione, Daniel A., 149, 242

Mitterrand, Danielle, 149–50, 240

Mitterrand, François, 149–50

Miura, Goro, 148

Mniszek, Marina, 50–1

Moawad, René, 150, 240

Mobutu, Col. Joseph, 132

Modocs, 29–30

Moffitt, Ronni, 126

Mohammed, Ahmed, 1

Moi, Daniel arap, 143

Molotov, Viacheslav, 121

Monde, Le, 213

Montae mutatione, de, 93

Monteagle, Lord, 103

Montesecco, 144–5

Montigny, Florent de Montmorency, baron of, 150, 241

Montluc, bishop of Valence, 180–1

Moore, George C., 150, 161, 242

Moore, Sara Jane, 63–4, 160

Moro, Aldo, 124, 150–1, 240

Morocco, 19, 90, 241

Morrales, Matteo, 10

Mortimer, Roger, 56–7

Morville, Hugh de, 19

Moscone, George, 147–8, 242

Mossad (Israeli secret service), 25, 195

Most, Johann, 36

Mountbatten, Louis, earl of Burma, 151–2, 157, 240

Moyers, Charles H., 206–7, 206f

Mubarak, Hosni, 152–3, 179, 194, 239

Mudd, Dr. Samuel, 128–9

Muhammad, 62

Mujibur Rahman, Sheik, 153, 237, 239

Mulder, Connie, 202

Mun Se Kwang, 168–9

Mundo, Faustino del, 211

Munich Olympics massacre, 195, 211

Muñoz, Manuel, 190–1

Muñoz Marín, Luis, 20

Munro, Ernest A., 145–6, 205, 240, 242

Murad III (Ottoman sultan), 203

Murad V, 147

Murder & Witchcraft in England, 166

“Murder, Inc.,” 201, 217

Murder of Napoleon, The, 156

Murphy, Gerald Lester, 48

Mushtaque Ahmed, Khadakar, 153

Muslim Brotherhood, 162

Muslim extremists, 87, 110, 111, 127, 152–3

Muslims, 54, 110–1, 150, 155, 194, 203

Pakistan, 107–8, 126–7

See also specific individuals, nations, organizations, Black Muslims

Mussolini, Benito, 5, 22, 52, 142, 153–4, 153f, 214, 240


Nadir Shah, 138, 155, 241

Nagorno-Karabakh, 197

Napoleon Bonaparte, 156, 169, 240

Narváez, Ramón Maria, 175

Nasrul Islam, Syed, 153

Nasser Mohammed, Ali, 80

Nation of Islam, 138–9

National Liberation Front (FLN, Algerian Front for National Liberation), 23, 121

National Opposition Union (Nicaragua), 37–8

National Research Council, 113

National Science Foundation, 113

Nationalist Party (Puerto Rico), 218–20

Native Americans, x, 29–31

Nazi Party of America, 184

Nazis, 19, 180

and Austria, 52

and Bulgaria, 22

in Germany, 94–8, 110, 134, 183, 186–7, 197–8, 208

and Romania, 29, 40, 55

and Soviet Union, 220

and Spain, 122

See also specific individuals, Germany; Hitler, Adolf

Neave, Airey, 45, 152, 156–7, 240

Nedim, Mahmud, 147

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 127

Nero, emperor of Rome, 2–3, 23, 39, 53, 71, 79

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 180

Netherlands, 150, 209, 232–3, 241

Newberry, Teddy, 188

Newsweek, 231

New York City, 77–8

New York Historical Society, 190

New York Times, 12, 105, 111, 43, 197, 199

New York Tribune, 75

Ngo Dinh Diem, 157f, 157-8, 242

Ngo Dinh Nhu and Madame Nhu, 157-8, 242

Ngouabi, Marien, 158, 239

Nicaragua, 37-8, 195, 204, 241

Nicephorus I, 125

Nicephorus II Phocas, Byzantine emperor, 158–9, 239

Nicholas II, czar of Russia, 7, 58, 146, 159–60, 201, 241

reign, 74, 181–3, 207–8

Niemoller, Rev. Martin, 198

“Night of the Long Knives,” 94, 110, 186–7, 197–8, 208

Nikolai Nikolayevich, Grand Duke, 181

Nikolayev, Leonid, 120

Nimeiry, Mohammed Gaafar el-, 161

Nitti, Frank, 188

Nixon, Richard, 10, 115, 160–1, 199, 229–30, 242

Njoroge, Nahashon Isaac Njenga, 143

NKVD (secret police, Soviet Union), 120–1

Nobel Peace Prize, 88, 119, 178, 194

Nobel Prize in literature, 203

Noel, Cleo A. Jr., 161–2, 242

Nokrashy Pasha, Mahmoud Fahmy, 162, 239


Norfolk, duke of, 59

Normandy, 232

North, Oliver, 24

Nosair, Sayyid, A., x, 109–10

Numerian, co-emperor of Rome, 162, 241

Nuremberg Trials, 156

Nyerere, Julius K., 110


Oates, Titus, 80–1

Oboth-Ofumbi, A.C.K., 132

Obregón, Alvaro, 33, 43, 163–4, 226–7, 235–6, 241

Obrenovic, Alexander. See Alexander Obrenovic

Ochoa, Fabio, 70

O’Connell, Martin, 66, 136

O’Connor, Rory, 164

Octavia, 3

Octavian. See Caesar, Augustus

“Officials.” See Irish Republican Army

O’Higgins, Kevin, 164, 240

O’Kelly, Edward, 102

Okubo Toshimichi, 99, 164, 240

O’Laughlin, Michael, 129

Olga (Romanova), 160

Oliver Twist, 225

Olympias, 172–3

Olympio, Sylvanus, 164–5, 242

Ongania, Juan Carlos, 12

Opango, Joachim Yombi, 158

Optila, 223

Orchard, Harry, 206–7

Organisation de l” Armée Secrete (OAS, France), 48–9

Organization of African Unity, 152

Organization of Afro-American Unity, 138

organized crime, 34–5, 60, 130, 199–201, 202. See also Mafia

Orlov, Aleksey and Grigory Grigoryevich, 171

Ortega Saavedra, Daniel, 38

Orthodoxy, 44, 146

Oryema, Erenaya, 132

O’Sullivan, Joseph, 233

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 64, 111–6, 112f, 117, 160

Oswald, Marina, 111, 115

Otho, Marcus, 71–2, 227–8, 241

Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, 165, 240

Ottoman Turks, 196, 203, 210. See also Turkey

Oufkir, Mohammad, 19, 90

Ovando Candia, Alfredo, 83, 177, 237

Overbury, Sir Thomas, 165–6, 240

Oxford, Edward, 225


Pabst, Cpt. Waldemar, 133

Paine, Lewis, 128f, 129

Pakistan, 72–3, 126–7, 241

Palaez Gonzalez, Pablo, 70

Palau, 185, 241

Palen, Count Peter von, 169

Palermo, Sicily, 123–4

Palestine, 2, 15, 19, 117–8, 161–2, 178–80, 198, 241

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 15, 24, 161–2, 178, 211

Palme, Lisbeth and Olof, 167–8, 242

Panama, 185, 241

papacy, 124, 143–4. See also specific individuals, Vatican

Papal States, 8–9

Papen, Franz von, 197

Papinian, 80

Paraguay, 199, 204, 241

Pardinas, Manuel, 29

Park Chung Hee, 168, 241

Park Chung Hee, Madame, 168–9, 241

Parker, John F., 127, 129

Parks, Patricia, 193

Parma, duke of, 232

Pasionaria, La, 29

Pate, Robert, 225

Patler, John C., 186

Paul, king of Greece, 122

Paul I, czar of Russia, 169, 171, 241

Pausanias, 172–3

Pavelic, Ante, 5

Pavlovich, Dimitry, Grand Duke, 182

Payne, Ronald, 149, 150, 195, 198

Paz, Octavio, 43

Pazzi, Francesco, 144–5

Pazzi, Jacobo and Renato, 145

Pearlman, Mark David, 88–9, 239, 242

peasants, 3, 42, 141, 220–1, 235–6, 237

Peel, Sir Robert, 53–4, 170, 240

Pekala, Leszek, 174

People’s Temple, 192–3

Pepys, Samuel, 81

Perceval, Spencer, 53–4, 169–70, 170f, 240

Perdikkas, 172, 241

Pereda Asbun, Juan, 214

Peredo, “Inti,” 177

Peres, Shimon, 178–80

Pericles (of Athens), 4, 59

Perón, Juan, 12

Perot, H. Ross, 24

Perovskaya, Sophia, 5–6

Pershing, John “Black Jack,” 226

Persia, 155, 172, 241

and Afganistan, 138

kings assassinated, 13, 14, 16, 46, 98, 118,

sultans assassinated, 10–1,

Pertinax, emperor of Rome, 49, 170–1

Petacci, Clara, 153f, 154

Peter I, king of Yugoslavia, 7

Peter III, czar of Russia, 171, 241

Peter the Great, czar of Russia, 7, 171

Petherick, Maurice, 80–1

Petkov, Petko, 205

Petrucci, Alfonso of Siena, 125–6

Pettersson, Carl Gustav Christer, 167–8

Pettibone, George A., 206–7, 206f

Peurifoy, John, 34

Philip the Arabian, 82

Philip II, king of Macedonia, 13, 14, 46, 171–3, 172f, 240

Philip II, king of Spain, 150, 232–3

Philippines, 11, 211, 241

Phocas, Leo, 159

Piatakov (of Soviet Union), 215

Pietruszka, Adam, 174

Pinkerton Detective Agency, 206–7

Pinkerton, William A., 207

Pinochet, Augusto, 10, 126

Piotrowski, Grzegorz, 174

Pipinelis, Psnyotis, 122

Piso (of Rome), 79

Pitulic, Dejan, 13

Pius V, Pope, 150

Pizarro, Carlos, 71

Pizarro, Eduardo, 71

Placidia, Galla, 223

Planetta, Otto, 52

Plehve, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich, 74, 173, 241

Plot to Kill the President, The, 113–4

Plutarch, 26–7, 38

Poland, 174, 180, 183, 241

Politics, 173

Polyeuctus, 159

Pombal, marquis of, 106–7

Pompey the Great, 26, 38, 173–4, 239, 241

Pompidou, Georges, 19

Ponto, Jurgen, 198-9, 240

popes, 103, 165. See also specific individuals, Vatican

Popieluszko, Father Jerzy, 174, 241

“Popish Plot,” 80–1

Poppaea (of Rome), 3

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 198

Portugal, 106–7, 241

Pothinus (of Rome), 174

Powers, Caleb, 82

Praetorian emperors, 170–1, 175-6

Praetorian Guard, 7, 54, 228

choosing emperors, 38, 170–1,

committing assassination, 49, 57, 71, 162, 170–1, 176

Prefect, 28, 44, 79, 162, 170–1, 212

Prance, Miles, 81

Pratt, David, 224

Premadasa, Ranasinghe, 14, 174–5, 242

Prensa, La, 37

Price, Charles H., II, 212

Prim, Juan, 175, 241

Prince, The, x, 8, 21

Princip, Gavrilo, 64–6

Prins, Marthinus J., 21

Probus, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome, 63, 175–6, 241

Propaganda Due (Italy), 104

Protestant Reformation, 126

Protestants, 230

France, 40–1, 83–1, 90–3, 180

Germany, 198, 230

Great Britain, 9–10, 17–9, 58–9, 80–4, 169–70, 233

Ireland, 53, 156–7

Netherlands, 232–3

Scotland, 17–8

See also Calvinists, Huguenots

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 5

Provos (Provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army), 152, 209. See also IRA

Prussia, 171, 198

Ptolemy IV Philopator, 14

Ptolemy V Epiphanes, 14

Ptolemy XII, 174

Ptolemy XIV, king of Egypt, 176, 239

Ptolemy XV, king of Egypt, 176

Puerto Rico, 175, 218-20

Pulitzer Prize, 130–1

Punjab, 47, 72, 121, 126–7, 131, 223

Puritans, x


Qaddafi, Muammar al-, 185

Qadissiya, al-, 149

Qassim, Gen., 62–3

Quintanilla, Roberto, 177, 239, 240

Quintero, Valdemar Franklin, 69


Rabin, Leah, 180

Rabin, Yitzak, 178–80, 240

Radek (of Soviet Union), 215

Radich, Stefan, 5

Radio Free Europe, 141

Ragunathan, Kandiah, 175

Rama VIII, king of Siam, 11, 241

Ramsey, Norman E, 113

Ramus, Petrus, 180–1, 240

Rand Daily Mail, 21

Raspe, Jan-Karl, 23, 198

Rasputin, Grigory Yefimovich, 181–3, 182f, 241

Rasputin, Maria Grigorievna, 183

Rasputin: The Man behind the Myth, 183

Rath, Ernst vom, 183, 240

Rathbone, Henry, 127

Rathenau, Walther, 60, 183, 240

Ravaillac, François, 92–3, 92f

Ray, James Earl, 115, 119–20

Rayo, Faustinio, 75

Raznatovic, Zeljko “Arkan,” 12–3

Reagan, Ronald, 11, 24, 115, 184–5, 242

Real Situation in Russia, The, 216

Red Army, 129, 210, 215, 220

Red Army Faction (West German), 87, 93

Red Brigades (Italy), 105, 124, 150–1

Red Hand (Tunisia), 86–7

Rege et regis institutione, de, 93

Remeliik, Haruo I., 185, 241

Remón, Alejandro, 185

Remón, José Antonio, 185, 241

Repubblica, La, 150

Republican Guards (Iraq), 149

Reque Teran, Luis, 237

Reston, James Jr., 114

Reyes, Bernardo, 137

revisionism, 121

Riaro, Cardinal Raffaele, 126

Riasanovsky, Nicholas V., 120–1

Ribicoff, Abraham, 160

Richelieu, Cardinal, 230

Richard, prince of England, 57

Richard II, king of England, 221

Richard III, king of England, 57

Ridley, Jasper, 224–5

Ridolfi, Roberto di, 58

rightists, 104

Bolivia, 213–4, 237

Chile, 10, 199

El Salvador, 3, 88–9, 187

France, 132

Germany, 60, 183

Greece, 122

Guatemala, 68, 145–6

Israel, 178–80

Latin America, 217

Mexico, 42–3, 137

Middle East, 110

Romania, 40, 205–6

Russia, 182

South Africa, 89, 224

Soviet Union, 215–6

Sweden, 167

United States, 112, 217, 230

See also specific countries, individuals, organizations, fascists, Nazis

Rivera, Diego, 216

Riza Kuli, 155

Rizzio, David, 185–6, 241

Robert the Bruce (of Scotland), 56

Robert III, king of Scotland, 103

Robinson, Gregory, 193

Rockwell, George Lincoln, 186, 242

Rodriguez, Aniceto, 199

Rodriguez, Fernando, 191–2

Rodriguez Gacha, Jose Gonzalo, 69–71

Roehm, Ernst, 110, 186–7, 197-8, 208, 240

Romania, 28–9, 40, 54–5, 205–6, 241

Romanovs, 159–60, 181–3, 201. See also Nicholas II

Romanus II, 159

Romanus IV, 10–1

Rome, ix, 2–3, 23, 38–9, 43–4, 49–50, 52–3, 71–2, 79–80, 212, 227–8, 241

Empire in decline (post 211), 7–8, 15, 31–2, 57, 53, 72, 82, 142–3, 162, 170–1, 175–6, 223–4

Republican, ix, 26–8, 54, 173–4

Romero, Archbishop Oscar, 187, 239

Rommel, Gen. Erwin, 96–8

Romulus and Remus, 224

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 47, 115, 130, 187–9, 190, 195, 242

Roosevelt, Theodore, 136, 189–90, 242

Rose, Paul, 123

Roselli, Johnny, 34–5

Rosenkrantz, Lulu, 201

Rubaya Ali, Salem, 80

Rubio, Abraham, 190

Ruby, Jack, 111, 113, 115, 117

Ruiz, José, 43

Ruiz, Mario, 190–1

Ruiz Massieu, José Francisco, 190–2, 241

Runge, Otto, 133–4

Russia, 241

czars, 169, 171

czarist, ix–x, 50–1, 74, 181–3, 201, 207–8

and former Soviet States, 196

and Greece, 78

post-Soviet, 203–4

Revolution, 5–7, 58, 124–5, 146, 159–60

statesmen, 173, 180

and Sweden, 85

and Turkey, 1

World War I era, 66,

World War II era, 122

See also specific individuals, Bolsheviks, Soviet Union

Russian Orthodox Church, 171

Ruthven, Baron William, 186

Rwanda, 132

Ryan, Leo J., 192–3, 242


Saadist Party (Egypt), 162

Sabino, Anghenio, 185

Sacasa, Juan Bautista, 195, 204

Sadat, Anwar, 15, 152, 194, 239

Sadi-Carnot, Marie François. See Carnot, Marie François Sadi.

Saigo Takamori, 164

Salameh, Ali Hassan, 195, 240

Saleh, Abdullah, 211

Salinas, Carlos, 42–3, 190–1

Salinas, Raul, 43, 190–2

Salk, Jonas, 160

Sallustro, Oberdan, 195, 239

Salvadoran Communal Union, 89

Salviati, Francesco, 144–5

samurai, 164

San Francisco, 147–8

San Francisco Chronicle, 192

San Francisco Examineer, 193

Sanchez, Tranquilino, 43

Sandino, César Augusto, 195, 196f, 241

Sandinistas, 37, 195, 204

Santofimio, Alberto, 71

Sarajevo, 64–6

Sarkisian, Vazgen, 195–7, 239

Satsuma Rebellion, 164

Sattar, Abdus, 237

Saturninus, Lucius Antonius, 52, 54

Saudi Arabia, 62, 80, 87, 88, 161, 241

Savasta, Antonio, 151

Savinkov, Boris V., 173

Sazonov, E. S., 173

Scheim, David E., 114, 188–9

Schellenberg, Walter, 94–5, 197–8, 208, 220

Schinas (of Greece), 79

Schleicher, Kurt von, 187, 197–8, 240

Schleyer, Hanns-Martin, 198–9, 240

Schmidt, Helmut, 198

Schneider, René, 10, 132, 199, 239

Schrank, John Nepomuk, 189–90

Schultz, Dutch, 199–201, 200f, 242

Scoronconcolo (assassin), 144

Scotland, x, 17–8, 53, 56, 58, 103–4, 165–6, 185-6, 232, 241

“second gunman,” 188-9. See also conspiracy theories

Secret Army Organization (SAO, U.S.), 230

Secret Service (U.S.), 63–4, 136 160, 184-5, 218-20

Sedov, Lev, 216

Seguin, Pierre, 123

Sejanus, 54, 79, 212

Self-Help (Great Britain), 136

Selim II, Ottoman sultan, 203

Sellier, Charles E., 129

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, (U.S.), 35, 132, 199

Seneca, 3, 23

Serbia, 7, 12–3, 64–6, 241

Sergei, Grand Duke, 58, 201, 241

Sernayabat, Abdul Rab, 153

Serrano, Sandy, 116–7

Service de Documentation Exterieure et de Contre-Espionage (SDECE, France), 19

Servilia (mother of Brutus, lover of Julius Caesar), 26

Seven Years’ War, 131

Severus, Septimius, 31, 49, 79–80

Seward, William, 128–9

Shabazz, Attallah, Betty and Qubilah, 139

Shaka. See Chaka, king of the Zulus, 37, 241

Shamir, Yitzhak, 20

Shapiro, Gurrah, 199

Sharrief, Raymond, 138

Shattock, Jeanne, 211–2

Shaw, George Bernard, ix, 216

Sheffield Forgemasters, 25

Shenon, Philip, 111

Shermarke, Abdi Rashid Ali, 201–2, 241

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 202, 240

Shi’a Muslims, 155

Shin Bet (Israeli counter-intelligence), 179

Shirer, William L., 95, 198, 208

Shkaki, Fathi, 178, 180

Shuysky, Prince Vasily, 50–1

Siam, 11, 241

Sikhs, 47, 72, 121, 131, 223

Silius, Caius, 39

SIM (Dominican Republic), 217

Simard, Francis, 123

Sinatra, Frank, 149

Singh, Beant, 72–3

Singh, Buta, 73

Singh, Gian, 131

Singh, Kehar, 73

Singh, Malvinder, 131

Singh, Satwant, 72–3

Sinn Férn (Ireland), 41, 157, 164

Sipple, Oliver, 64

Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 216

Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara, 115–8, 161

Sivarasan, 74

Sixtus IV, Pope, 145

60 Minutes, 139

Sforza, Giovanni, 8

Slovo, Joe, 89

SMERSH (Soviet Union), 142. See also KGB

Smit, Jeanne-Cora and Robert, 202–3, 241

Smith, Mortimer, 78

Soaemias, Julia, 57

Sobh-e Emrouz, 87

Social Democratic Party (Germany), 133–4

Social Revolutionary Party (Russia), 124–5, 148, 173, 201


Chile, 199

Comoros, 203

France, 104

Germany, 133–4, 186–7, 197, 208

Italy, 142, 150, 214

Lebanon, 107–8

Russia, 5–7

Zanzibar, 110

See also communists, leftists

Society of Jesus, 233

Socrates, 4

Soilih, Ali, 203, 239

Sokolli, Mohammed, 203, 242

Soldevilla y Romero, Cardinal, 203, 242

Solidarity (Poland), 174

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 203–4, 241

Somolia, 198, 201–2, 241

Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, 37–8, 204, 241

Somoza Debayle, Luis, 204

Somoza Garcia, Anastasio, 195, 204

Sonnenberg, Guenther, 23

Sorel, Agnes, 204–5, 240

South Africa, 1, 20–1, 25, 73, 89–90, 202–3, 224, 241

Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 21

South Vietnam, 132, 157–8

Soviet Union, 68, 111–2, 120–1, 124–5, 203–4, 215–7, 231

and Afganistan, 54, 210

and Africa, 132, 143

and China, 129

collapse, 197, 202

and Germany, 19, 197, 220

KGB, 105-6, 203

and Middle East, 80, 107–8, 110

NKVD, 120

and U.N., 88

World War II era, 19, 22

Space Research Corporation (SRC), 25

Spain, x, 47, 84–5, 175, 180, 203, 241-2

and Basques, 33–4, 122

terrorism, 9–10, 29, 31

Spangler, Edward, 129

Spanish Blue Division, 122

Spanish Inquisition, 232–3

“Spartacus” revolt, 133

Spirin, Oleg, 110

Sponneck, Count, 79

Spreti, Count Karl von, 68, 146, 205, 240

Sri Lanka, 14, 74, 174–5, 242

Stalin, 216

Stalin, Joseph, 120–1, 124–5, 149, 174, 202, 215–7, 220

Stalin and the Kirov Murder, 120-1

Stalinists, 174, 216

Stalinist School of Falsification, The, 216

Stalin’s Crimes, 216

Stallard Foundation, 89

Stamboliski, Aleksandur, 22, 205, 239

Standish, Myles, x

Stanton, Edwin, 129

Staps, Friedrich, 156

State of Siege, 149

Stauffenberg, Klaus Schenk von, 96–8

Steenson, Gerard, 45

Stelescu, Michael, 40, 205–6, 241

Stephania (of Holy Roman Empire), 165

Sterling, Claire, 105–6

Stern, Avraham, 20

Stern Gang, 20

Steunenberg, Frank, 206–7, 242

Stokes, Louis, 112–3

Stoll, Willy Peter, 199

Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadyevich, 207–8, 241

Stone, Irving, 207

Story of Civilization III, The, 228

Strasser, Gregor, 187, 197, 208, 240

Straub, Karel, 209

Strijdom (of S. Africa), 224

Stuelpnagel, Gen. Karl Heinrich, 96f

Suarez, Pino, 137

Sudan, 153, 161, 162, 242

Suetonius, 3, 26–7, 38–9, 212

Sui Kung Ti, emperor of China, 209

Sui Wen Ti, emperor of China, 208–9, 239

Sui Yang Ti, emperor of China, 209, 239

Suleiman the Magnificent, 203

Sulpicianus, 49

Sunni Muslims, 110–1, 150, 155

Surratt, John H., 129

Surratt, Mary E., 63, 128f, 129

Sutherland, John, 119–20

Svirsky, Dr. Nikolai, 110

Sweden, 19, 85, 167–8, 242

Swift, Jonathan, x

Switzerland, 242

Sykes, Sir Richard, 157, 209, 240, 241

Sylvester II, Pope, 165, 240

Syria, 110, 150


Tacitus, 3, 15, 63, 212, 228

Tahmasp, 138, 155

Tajuddin Ahmed, 153

Takfir Wal-Hajira (Repentance of the Holy Flight), 194

Talat Pasha, Mehmed, 210, 240, 242

Tamil Tigers, 14, 74, 175

Tammany Hall, 77

Tang dynasty (of China), 208–9

Tanzania, 110, 242

Taraki, Nur Mohammad, 210, 239

Taruc, Pedro, 211, 241

Tass (news agency, Soviet Union), 105, 220

Tate, Sharon, 63

Tatiana (Romanova), 160

Tavora, House of, 107

Taxi Driver, 184

Taylor, Charles, 51–2

Taylor, Eric, 211–2

Taylor, William S., 81

Teamsters, 112

Tebbit, Norman, 211–2

Tejado, José Edgardo, 185

Tejerina, Raul, 214

Tell, Wasfi, 222, 239

Ter-Petrosian, Levon, 197

Terror Network, The, 105

terrorism, 136

France, 32–3, 236

Guatemala, 205

India, 121

international, 105, 236

Ireland, 66, 156–7, 212

Italy, 124, 142, 150–1

Middle East, 15, 24, 211

Quebec, 123

Russia, 148, 207–8

Spain, 9–10, 29, 31, 122

West Germany, 23, 198–9

See also kidnapping

Terrorism, x

Terrorists, The, 149, 150, 195, 198

Tetzel, Johann, 126

Tewid, Leslie, 185

Thailand, 11

Thatcher, Margaret, 82, 156–7, 211–2, 240

Theoctistus, 146, 239

Theodora, Byzantine empress (c. 842), 146

Theodora, Byzantine empress (c. 1056), 147

Theodorakis, Mikis, 122

Theodosia, Byzantine empress, 125

Theophano, 159

Theophilus, 146

Theresienstadt, 95

Thero, Talduwa Somarans, 17

Third Secret of Fatima, 106

Thirty Tyrants, 72

Thirty Years’ War, 230

Thraustila, 223

Tiberius, emperor of Rome, 28, 38, 54, 79, 212, 241

Tierra y libertad, 236

Time of the Assassins, The, 105

Time of Troubles, 50–1

Timur, 138, 155

Tippit, J.D., 111–2

Tirel, Walter, 232

Tisza, Count Stephen, 212–3, 240

Tmetuchel, Melwart, 185

Tmetuchel, Roman, 185

Togliatti, Palmiro, 154

Togo, 164–5, 242

Toha Gonzalez, José, 10

Tokugawa family (Japan), 164

Tolbert, Frank, 213

Tolbert, William R. Jr., 51, 213, 240

Tombalbaye, Ngarta, 213, 239

Torres, Juan José, 213–4, 239

Torresola, Griselio, 218–9

torture, 149

of alleged assassins, 93, 107, 131, 233

Townley, Michael V., 126

Tracy, William, 19

Trafficante, Santo, 34–5, 113, 115

Transjordan, 2

Transvaaler, 224

Treaty of Versailles, 60

Trepov, Gen., 5

Tresca, Carlo, 214–5, 215f, 240, 242

Trotsky, Leon, 112, 120–1, 125, 149, 159–60, 215–7, 216f, 241

Trotskyists, 195

Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party, 111

Trudeau, Pierre, 123

Trujillo Molina, Rafael Leonidas, 20, 47–8, 93, 132, 217–8, 239

Truman, Harry S, 88, 218–20, 242

Tsafendas, Dimitrio, 224

Tshombe, Moise, 88, 132

Tubman, William, 213

Tuchman, Barbara W., 22, 126

Tukhachevsky, Marshal Mikhail, 220, 241

Tunisia, 86–7, 242

Tupamaros (MLN, Uruguay), 149

Turbi, Hassan al-, 153

Turkestan, 242

Turkey, 1–2, 105–6, 147, 155, 197, 216, 242

Turkus, Burton, 201

Tyler, Wat, 220–1, 240

tyrannicide, x, 233

Tzimisces, John, 159


Uganda, 132-3, 242

Ulam, Adam B., 159–60

Ulasewicz, Anthony, 230

Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF, Ireland), 64

Umari, Fakhri-al-, 211

Umberto I, king of Italy, 135

Unanian, Karel and Nairi, 197

United Fruit Company, 34

United Nations, 12, 132, 185

Africa, 165

Ireland, 17

Middle East, 2, 19–20

officials, 68, 88, 132

Security Council, 19

in Palau, 185

United States, ix-x, 101–3, 203, 242

and Afganistan, 54

and Africa, 132, 158

arms, 25

arms sales to Iran, 185

arms to Latin America, 217–8

black community, 138–9

civil rights movement, 60-1, 118–20, 138

Colombia drug trafficking, 69–71

and Cuba, 20, 217–8

and Dominican Republic, 20, 93–4, 217–8

Drug Enforcement

Administration (DEA), 24

foreign officials in U.S., 126

gay community, 148

and Guatemala, 34, 145–6

Justice Department, 113, 117, 120, 126, 232

and Ireland, 211–2

and Italy, 214–5

and Korea, 168

labor violence, 36, 66–9, 135, 206–7

and Latin America, 20, 82–3, 149, 185

Mafia, 199, 214

and Mexico, 137, 163, 190–2, 226–7

and Middle East, 2, 19, 80, 88, 109, 149

National Security Council, 218

and Native Americans, 29–31

Nazi Party, 186

and Nicaragua, 195, 204

officials abroad, 54, 87, 145–6, 205, 231–2

oil companies, 163

presidents assassinated, ix, 75–7, 111–6, 127–9, 135–6

attempts, 39–40, 63–4, 100–1, 160–1, 184–5, 187–9, 218–20

public figures, 116–120, 128–9, 130–1, 192–3, 229–30

racism, 138

and South Vietnam, 157–8

State Department, 21, 51, 111, 149, 217–8

personnel, 137, 161

trade embargo, 25

and United Nations, 88

War Department, 127–9

See also Central Intelligence

Agency, Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Secret Service, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities

Uruguay, 149

Ustinov, Peter, 72

usurpers, x, 31–2, 63, 175


Vaidya, Arun, 121, 223, 240

Vaillant, August, 32

Vais, Mir, 138

Valades, Diego, 43

Valencia Garcia, Carlos Ernesto, 69

Valentinian III, emperor of Rome, 2, 223–4, 241

Valerian, 72

Valerio, Col., 154

Valladares, Raul, 190

Valle Acevedo, José Dimas, 89

Valle-Montoneros Command, Juan José, 12

Vandals, 223–4

Vasquez Sanchez, Romero, 34

Vasquez Velasquez, Orlando, 71

Vatican, x, 8–9, 22, 104–7, 126, 203.

See also specific popes, individuals

Veerakumar, Kulkaweerasingham, 175

Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA,105, 184–5

Velez, Ignacio, 12

Venezuela, 20, 242

Ver, Fabian, 11

Versailles Treaty, 183

Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch, 224, 241

Vespasianus, Titus Flavius, 228

Vest, George, 103

Viaux, Roberto, 199

Victor Emmanuel II, king of Italy, 222

Victoria, queen of England, 224–5, 225f, 240

Victoria, queen of Spain, 9–10, 242

Viera, José Rodolfo, 88–9, 239

Vietnam, 242

Vietrov, Marie, 173

Villa, Pancho, 33, 163, 226–7, 227f, 235, 241

Villain, Raoul, 104

Virgin Mary, 106

Vishinsky, Andrei, 220

Vitellius, Aulus, emperor of Rome, 71–2, 227–8, 241

Vogel, Kurt, 133

Vorster, John, 202–3


Wakeman, John and Roberta, 211–2

Walker, Maj. Gen. Edwin, 115

Wallace, George Corley, 115, 229–30, 242

Wallace, Mike, 139

Wallenstein, Albrecht Eusebius Wenzel von, 230, 231f, 239, 240

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 59

Walter, earl of Atholl, 104

Walters, Barbara, 230

Walus, Janusz, 89

Walworth, William, 221

war criminals, 12, 180, 236

War of the Three Henrys, 83, 90

Warren Commission, x, 111–4

Warren, Robert Penn, 130–1

Washington Post, 184, 232

Watergate, 230

Webber, John D., 145–6, 205, 240, 242

Weider, Ben, 156

Wei dynasty (of China), 208

Weiss, Carl, 130

Welch, Richard S., 231–2, 240, 242

Welczeck, Count Johannes von, 183

Wells, H. G., 43, 54

Western Federation of Miners, 206

White, Dan, 147–8

“Wife, A,” 165–6

Wijetunge, Dingiri Banda, 175

Wilhelm, kaiser of Germany, 58

William the Conqueror, 232

William of Orange, 232–3

William Rufus, king of England, 232, 240

William the Silent, 59, 232–3, 241

Will of the People, 5–7

Wilson, Harold, 17

Wilson, Sir Henry and Lady, 233, 240

Wilson, Henry Lane, 137

Wilson, Woodrow, 64, 226

Wishart, George, 18

Woodward, Bob, 105, 184–5, 232

Workman, Charles “the Bug,” 201

World Trade Center bombing, 110

World War I, ix, 120, 148, 233

Bulgaria, 205

France, 104

Germany, 60, 95, 133–4, 197, 213

Hungary, 213

Russia, 182–3

Turkey, 210

World War II, 19, 122, 138

Africa, 164-5, 224

Czechoslovakia, 95

Germany, 94-8, 122, 138, 156, 187, 220

Great Britain, 19, 73, 151, 156

Italy, 142, 153-4

Japan, 99, 138

Soviet Union, 19, 122, 220

United States, 187, 214


Yagoda, Genrikh, 120

Yallop, David A., 104

Yang Chien, 208–9, 239

Yeh Chun, 129

Yemen, 80, 87, 88, 241

Yi monarchy (Korea), 148

Young, Andrew, 132–3

Young Turks, 147, 210

Yountsey, 81

Yugoslavia, 4–5, 242

Yurosky, Jakob, 160

Yusupov, Prince Felix, 182–3

Yusupov, Princess Irene Alexandravna, 182–3


Z, 122

Zahra, Ali Kannas, 88, 241

Zaire, 132

Zangara, Guiseppe, 115, 187–9, 188f

Zanzibar, 110, 242

Zapata, Emiliano, 33, 137, 163, 226–7, 235–6, 236f, 241

Zaporozhets, Ivan, 120

Zapruder, Abraham, 111

Zasulich, Vera, 5

Zedillo, Ernesto, 43, 190–2

Zeitler, Yehoshua, 20

Zenawi, Meles, 152

Zenteno Anaya, Joaquin, 214, 236–7, 239, 240

Zhelyabov, Andrei, 5–6

Ziaur Rahman, 153, 237, 239

his widow, Khaleda, 237

Zinoviev, Grigory, 120–1, 125, 215–6

Zoticus, 57

Zulus, 37