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Abacha, Sani

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Adams, Charles Francis

Adams, Henry

Adams, John

Adams, Samuel


Age of Exploration


AkpoBari, Celestine

Albert, Archduke of Austria

Alcock, Norman

Alexander I, Czar of Russia

Alito, Samuel

Allende, Salvador

Al Qaeda

Alsno Decree

American capitalism: comparison with other capitalisms; comparison with Soviet communism; flaws in; Tocqueville’s view

American Revolution


Amsterdam, as European financial center


Anderson, Jack

Anglo-American capitalism, see American capitalism

Annan, Kofi

Anouilh, Jean

antitrust laws

Aquinas, Thomas

Archbold, John


Arner, Douglas

Articles of Confederation, U.S.

artificial persons

Ashley Cooper, Sir Anthony


Astor, John Jacob

Atlantic (ARCO)

Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Austro-Hungarian Empire

Aztec empire

Bakan, Joe

Baltic, trade on

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

Bank of America

Bank of England

Bank of Massachusetts

Bank of the United States

banks and banking: and derivatives; early; need for coordinating policies; overall role in financial crisis; size comparison with countries

Barbarossa, Frederick

Barclays Bank

Bardi family

Baring brothers

Barnet, Richard

Barshefsky, Charlene

Bear Sterns

Becket, Gilbert

Becket, Thomas

Beggren, Bo


Bell, Alexander Graham

Benn, Tony

Benz, Karl

Bhutan, and happiness

Bill of Rights, English

Bill of Rights, U.S.

bin Laden, Osama

bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Khalifa

Birger, King of Sweden

Bismarck, Otto von

Black, Edwin

Black, Hugo

“Black Hawk Down” incident



Blair, Dennis C.

Blair, Tony

Blake, William

Blanc, Louis

Blankfein, Lloyd



Bonaparte, Napoleon

Boniface VIII, Pope

borders, impact of globalization

Born, Berkeley

Boston Fruit Company

Boston Tea Party

Boxer Rebellion


Brandeis, Louis

Branting, Hjalmar

Brazil: capitalism in; and Dutch West India Company; as one of BRICs

Breda, siege of

Bremer, L. Paul

Bremmer, Ian

Bretton Woods Agreement

BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China)

Britain: comparative stability in period after 1848; defense spending; as maturing society today; privatization in; sepoy rebellion in India; shrinking the role of government; standing army; street clashes over financial crisis; see also Ireland

British East India Company (BEIC): in aftermath of Treaty of Westphalia; background; comparison with Dutch East India Company; comparison with rise of American corporatism; flag; impact of Enlightenment; and Indian Great Rebellion; Locke’s role; military forces; Parliament cancels charter; as predecessor of today’s multinational companies; Regulating Act; role in triggering American Revolution; scope of operation; and Singapore; turning point in existence; viewed by Adam Smith

Bubble Act of 1720

Buckingham, Anthony

Buckley v. Valeo

Buffett, Warren

Bugeaud, Marshal Thomas


Burgoyne, Sir John

Burns, Arthur

Bush, George W.

Cable, Vince

California gold rush

Calixtus II

Callebaut, Charles


Cameron, David

Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)

capitalism: alternative models; beginnings; in China; comparison with communism; in Eurozone; in Germany; in India; see also American capitalism

Carnegie, Andrew


Carolus Magnus, see Charlemagne

Carville, James

Caterpillar tractor

Catholic Church: as first global “private” enterprise; impact of Reformation; role in Thirty Years’ War; and Treaty of Westphalia

Catholic League

Cato (pseudonym), see Gordon, Thomas; Trenchard, John

cell phones

Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. (CIA)


Charles I, King of England

Charles II, King of England

Charles II, last Habsburg king

Charles the Bold

Charles the Great, see Charlemagne

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Charles Vasa, King of Sweden

Charles VII, King of France

Charles XII, King of Sweden

Charter of Liberties

Chartist movement

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Cheney, Dick

Chernow, Ron


Chigi, Fabio

Chile, ITT in

China: capitalism in; defense spending; and financial crisis of 2008–2009; first appearance of representative currency; foreign exchange market; in history; on Human Development Index; need for capital; as one of BRICs; as past economic leader; public-private tug-of-war in; Three Gorges Dam project

Christian, King of Denmark

Christina, Queen of Sweden

church and state, power struggle between: in aftermath of fall of Rome; Charlemagne and popes; comparison with public-private power struggle; as defining power struggle of Middle Ages; dependence of Holy Roman Emperors on popes who crowned them; Henry II and Thomas Becket; Philip IV of France and Pope Boniface VIII; during reign of Gustav Vasa of Sweden

Churchill, Winston


citizens, defined

Citizens United v. FEC

city-states: Italian; Singapore as

Civil War, U.S.

Clark, Al

Clean Air Act, U.S.

Cleveland, Grover

climate change, supercitizen influence on debate

Cline, Ray

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary

Clinton Global Initiative

Clive, Robert

Cobden, Richard

Coercive Acts of 1774

cold war, end of

Cologne, role in Hanseatic League

Colonna family

Columbus, Christopher

Commerce Department, U.S.

Commodity and Futures Trading Commission, U.S.

commodity-based currencies

Commodity Futures Modernization Act

Common Market, see European Union

Common Sense (Paine)

communism: comparison with capitalism; failure of; Marx’s views

Communist Manifesto (Marx)

Concordat of Worms

Congress of Vienna

Connally, John



Constitution, U.S.: Fourteenth Amendment; corporate assertion of Bill of Rights applicability; no mention of corporations

Continental Congress

Continental Oil

Convention of Skanninge

copper mining, see Stora Kopparberg

copper standard

Corn Laws

corporate social responsibility

corporations: assertion of Bill of Rights; Brandeis’s view of their power; changes in and around 1848; erosion of public support; evolution of idea; and expansion of regulatory state; FDR’s view of their power; and free speech; impact of Enlightenment; Jefferson’s concerns; Marshall’s definition; new U.S. federal and state charters after American Revolution; not mentioned in U.S. Constitution; oldest on record still in existence; public-private rebalancing needed; relocating for tax purposes; significance of Dartmouth decision; size comparisons with countries; as supercitizens; view of Wealth of Nations

corruption: challenge of weak states combined with large corporations; and Citizen’s United case

Cortelyou, George

Corzine, Jon

Council on Foreign Relations


countries: buildup of military capabilities and expenses; major, defined; public-private rebalancing needed; size comparison with supercitizens; supercitizen efforts to emulate; “world’s best” lists; see also nation-states

Credit Suisse

Cromwell, Oliver


currency: foreign exchange; history

Dalarna region, Sweden, story of Falun copper mines

Daley, William

Dante Alighieri

Dark Ages

Dartmouth College, see Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Das Kapital (Marx)

Dávila, Miguel

Davis, Jefferson

Declaration of Independence, U.S.: legal core; role of Richard Henry Lee; sources of Jefferson’s views

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbons)

default swaps

defense spending


de Geer, Louis

Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

d’Enghien, Duc

Deng Xiaoping



derivative instruments

Desiderius, Lombard king

Deutsche Bank

Dewey Ballantine

Dickens, Charles

Digby, William

Divine Comedy (Dante)

dollar, U.S.

Dow Chemical

Dowd, Douglas

Drake, Sir Francis

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dutch East India Company

Dutch Republic

Dutch West India Company

East India Company, see British East India Company; Dutch East India Company

Eastman Kodak; see also Kodak-Fuji case

Ecclesia of Athens

economic crisis of 2008–2009, see financial crisis of 2008–2009

Edict of Restitution

Edward IV, King of England


Eighty Years’ War

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eliot, T.S.

Elkins, Co. William

England, see Britain

English Bill of Rights

English Civil War



Enso, see Stora Enso

entrepreneurial states: background; defined; Israel; other possible state inclusions; Singapore; United Arab Emirates

Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.

Erik Knuttson, King of Sweden

Eriksson, Magnus

Erik Vasa, King of Sweden

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke)

euro; see also European Union


Europe: countries on “world’s best” lists; criticism of American economic model; maturing societies in; see also European Union

European Union: capitalism in Eurozone; financial crisis; Germany in; need for fiscal as well as monetary union; Sweden joins; tension in balancing individual versus collective power


Eurozone, see European Union

Executive Outcomes


Fabricius, Phillip

failed states: characteristics; comparison with semi-states; defined; Foreign Policy statistics

Falun, Sweden: comparison to Hell; copper mining in; mines today; mine working conditions; Stora’s corporate structure; see also Stora Kopparberg

fascism, defined

“Fat Mats”

Federal Election Commission, U.S.: Citizens United v. FEC; McConnell v. FEC

Federal Reserve, U.S.

Federal Trade Commission, U.S. (FTC)

Feldstein, Martin

Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor

Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor

Ferdinand of Aragon

Ferdinand of Styria

Ferguson, Niall

Ferris, Wayne

feudal system: capitalism as alternative; emergence of; final end; in India; relationship to mills and milling; robot as vestige

fiat currencies

financial crisis of 2008–2009: and capitalism-communism dichotomy; damage to global image of American capitalism; key players in; lead-up to; role of large financial firms in; U.S. backlash and debate; U.S. Congressional promises of financial reform; Wall Street bailouts; Wall Street testimony before U.S. Senate committee

First Coalition against France

First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti

Fisher, George


Food and Drug Administration, U.S.

Ford, Henry

Ford Foundation

Ford Motor Co.

foreign exchange

Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution

France: defense spending; as maturing society today; and Napoleonic Wars; revolutions; standing army; supports colonies in American Revolution; and Treaty of Vienna; and Treaty of Westphalia

Franklin, Benjamin


Frederick I, King of Sweden

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor

Frederick V, King of Bohemia

free trade

French and Indian War

French Revolution

Friedman, Milton

Friedman, Steve

Friedman, Thomas L.

Fuck, Wilhelm

Fugger family

Fuji, see Kodak-Fuji case



Gage, Gen. Thomas

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Gandhian engineering

Gates Foundation

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)


GDP, see gross domestic product (GDP)

Geithner, Timothy

Gelasius, Pope

Geneen, Harold

General Electric

General Motors

geopolitical mapping

Georg, Johann

German, Clifford

Germany: capitalism in; church-state tension in; on Human Development Index; as maturing society today

Gibbons, Edward

Gilded Age


Glass-Steagall Act

globalization: backlash against; defined; impact of technological innovation; impact on power of state; and Jefferson; in twenty-first century; underestimation of dislocations associated with

Glorious Revolution

gold, hoarding

Gold Crisis of 1893–95

Goldman Sachs

gold rush, California

gold standard

Gordon, Thomas

Gould, Jay

Government of India Act of 1858

government regulations

Graham, Carol

Grant, Ulysses S.

Great Britain, see Britain

Great Copper Mountain, see Stora Kopparberg

Great Northern Railroad trust

Great Northern War


Greenberg, Maurice “Hank”


Greenspan, Alan

Gregory the Great, Pope

Gregory VII, Pope

Grimmundr (Viking warrior)

Gross, Leo

gross domestic product (GDP): comparison with corporate economic data; comparison with gross national product (GNP); country statistics; defined; elements of; impact of globalization; problems with overrelying on

Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of

Guizot, François


Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden

Gustav Vasa, King of Sweden

Gyllenborg, Count Carl

Hadrian I, Pope


Hamilton, Alexander

Hamlet (Shakespeare)

Hanseatic League

Harberger, Arnold

Harper, T. N.

Hayek, Friedrich A.

Head & Amory v. Providence Insurance Co.

Hein, Piet

Heller, Joseph

Henry I, King of England

Henry II, King of England

Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor

Henry IV, King of England

Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor

Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor

Henry VIII, King of England

Hinds, Manuel

Hirst, F. W.

History of the Standard Oil Company (Tarbell)

Hitler, Adolf

Hobbes, Thomas

Hoffmann, E.T.A.

Holy Roman Emperor: Charlemagne as; dependence of emperors on popes who crowned them

Hoover, Herbert

Horn, Count Arvid

Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Friedman)

House of Folkung

housing, U.S.

Hradcany Castle, Prague

HSBC financial services company

Hudson’s Bay Company

Hu Jintao

Human Development Index

Hume, David

Hundred Years’ War


IBM and the Holocaust (Black)


I. G. Farben

Immelt, Jeffrey

Inca empire


India: capitalism in; First Carnatic War; Government of India Act of 1858; Great Rebellion; in history; as one of BRICs; as past economic leader; relationship to British East India Company

Indonesia, relationship to Dutch East India Company

Industrial Revolution


Ingvar the Far-Travelled (Viking leader)

Innocent X, Pope

Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, see Wealth of Nations (Smith)

insider trading

international, as term

International Court of Justice

International Criminal Court

International Labor Organization

international law

international organizations

International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT)

International Trade Organization


“invisible hand”; in Smith’s Wealth of Nations


Ireland: under British rule; and potato blight

Irene, Byzantine empress

Isabella of Castile

Israel: as entrepreneurial state; on Human Development Index

Israelsson, Mats

ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Company)

James II, King of England

Japan: Meiji restoration; oldest businesses in; state-sponsored national army

Jefferson, Thomas: concern over power of corporations; drafts Declaration of Independence; education; favors limitations on ruling authorities; and globalization; and Hamilton; more Whig than Tory; and “pursuit of happiness”; and slavery; views guiding his draft of Declaration of Independence

Joceline of Brakelond

John, King of England

John Company; see also British East India Company

John II, King of England “the Good”

John of Brabant, Duke

joint-stock companies

JPMorgan Chase

Jungle, The (Sinclair)

Kalmar Union

Kampfner, John

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss

Kantor, Mickey

Kare (Swedish goat)

Karl Gustav, King of Sweden

Karl Sverkersson, King of Sweden

Kashkari, Neel

Keith, Minor C.

Keynes, John Maynard

Kirkegaard, Jacob

Kishore Mahubani

Kissinger, Henry

Kissinger Associates

Klesl, Bishop

Kociemiewski, David

Kodak-Fuji case


Korea; see also North Korea; South Korea

Kossuth, Lajos

Kreuger, Ivan

Kristian II, King of Denmark

Kristinesson, Nicolai

Kuznets, Simon

Kyoto Protocol

labor unions: in Germany; U.S.

La Compagnie des Habitants, in aftermath of Treaty of Westphalia

Lamartine, Alphonse de

Latin America: ITT in; United Fruit Company in; U.S. corporations in


League of Nations

Lee, Richard Henry

Lee Kwan Yew

Lehman Brothers

Leo III, Pope

Leonhardt, David

Letelier, Orlando

Letters Concerning Toleration (Locke)

Leviathan (Hobbes)

Levin, Carl

Levitt, Arthur

Lewis, George Cornwall



limited liability

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindkvist, Thomas

Linne, Carl von

Liverpool, Lord

Livingston, Robert

Ljungberg, Erik Johan

Lloyd, Henry Demarest


Lochner v. New York

Locke, John; and slave trade

Lockheed Martin

London Virginia Company

Louis K. Liggett Co. et al. v. Lee

Louis Philippe, King of France

Louis XII, King of France

Louis XIV, King of France

Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio

Luther, Martin


Lutzen, Battle of

Luxembourg, and corporate relocations

Lybecker, Hans Filip

Machiavelli, Niccolò

Madison, James

Madoff, Bernard

Magellan, Ferdinand

Magna Carta

Magnus IV, King of Sweden

Magnus Ladislaus, King of Sweden

Magnus Ladulas, King of Sweden

Mahubani, Kishore

manifest destiny

Margarita, Queen of Sweden

Maria Theresa, last of Habsburgs

Marie-Amélie (wife of King Louis Philippe)

Marie Antoinette

market capitalization

Marshall, James

Marshall, John: background; Bank of the United States v. Deveaux; Head & Amory v. Providence Insurance Co.; McCulloch v. Maryland; The Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Martel, Charles

Martinitz, Jaroslav Borita von

Marx, Karl

Mary of Burgundy

Mason, George

Mathews, Jessica

Matilda, Countess of Tuscany

Maurice of Nassau

Maximilian of Habsburg

McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

McConnell v. FEC

McCracken, Paul

McCulloch v. Maryland

McKinley, William

Medici Bank

Meiggs, Henry

Meiji restoration, Japan



Mercer’s Quality of Living Survey

merchant class, rise of

Metternich, Prince Klemens Venzel von


Micklethwait, John

Mill, John Stuart


Mir Jafar

monetary union, European

money, history

Monroe, James


More, Sir Thomas

Morgan, John Pierpont

Morgan Stanley

Morgenthau, Hans

Morse, Samuel

mortgage-backed securities

Muller, Ronald E.

multinational corporations: as of 1848; as alienation target; current numbers; first enterprises; impact of globalization; nonaligned nature; Singer Company as early example; world’s first

Mun, Thomas

Muscovy Company

Napoleonic wars

National Economic Council, U.S.

national security, as public-private power issue

nation-states: characteristics; as defined by Treaty of Westphalia; four basic components; impact of globalization; modern, emergence; need for more effective international cooperation; see also countries

nautical technologies

Nawab of Carnatic

Netanyahu, Benjamin

Netherlands: and corporate relocations; as maturing society today; supports colonies in American Revolution

Neutrality Act

Newcombe, Alan

New Deal

Newton, Isaac

New York Central Railroad

Nicea, Council of


Niles, Nathaniel

Nixon, Richard

Nogaret, Guillaume de

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

Norris, Frank

North, Lord

North Korea

Norway: on Human Development Index

Nuder, Par

Nye, Joe

Obama, Barack

Occupational Safety and Health Act

“Occupy Wall Street” protests

Octopus, The (Norris)

Offenbach, Jacques

Ogier, Charles

Olof Skotkonung, King of Sweden

Olsdotter, Margareta

On Liberty (Mill)

Opel (automobile)

Opello, Walter

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Osbourne, George

Oscar I, King of Sweden

Osnabruck, Westphalia, see Westphalia, Treaty of

Ottoman Turks



Oxenstierna, Axel

Paine, Thomas

Palme, August

Palmerston, Lord

Palmstruch, Johan

Pandey, Mangal

Panetta, Leon

Paris, Treaty of

Pascal, Blaise

Paulson, Hank

peace conferences, Westphalia as model for

Peel, Robert

Pepin III


Peruzzi family

Peter, Bishop of Vasteras


philanthropies, size comparison with countries

Philip II, King of Spain

Philip III, King of Spain

Philip IV, King of France

Philosophical Letters (Voltaire)

Pickard, Ann

Pinochet, General Augusto


Plassey, Battle of, see Clive, Robert


Poitiers, Battle of


political action committees

Polk, James K.

poll taxes

Ponzi schemes

Portugal, in European Union

Portuguese East India Company

potato blight

power, see public-private power struggle


Prince, Erik

Prince, The (Machiavelli)

private power, see public-private power struggle


Proprietors of the Charles River Bridge v. the Proprietors of the Warren Bridge


“Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” (Weber)


Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph


public-private partnerships

public-private power struggle: and The Communist Manifesto; defining relative rights and roles; efforts to quantify; impact of expanded government regulation; and international institutions; lines blurred; as national security issue; rebalancing needed; rise of American corporatism; as tug-of-war

Qaddafi, Muammar

Quality of Life Index

“race to the bottom”

railroads: and J.P. Morgan; Norris’s novel; transcontinental expansion

Raleigh, Sir Walter

Rand, Ayn

Rapport, Mike

Reagan, Ronald


Reformation: birthplace; and church-state relationship; fight against spread of Protestantism; as first nationalist backlash against globalization; historical significance; impact on capitalism…; impact on Catholic Church; seen by Gustav Vasa as opportunity to create national state

Regulating Act, Britain

regulations, government


Report on a National Bank (Hamilton)

Report on Manufactures (Hamilton)

“representative” currencies

Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America

Ricardo, David

robber barons

Rockefeller, John D.

rogue states

Roosevelt, Franklin

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosow, Stephen

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel

Rothschild, Nathan

Rothschild, Salomon

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Royal Bank of Scotland

Royal Dutch Shell: in Nigeria; size comparison with countries

Royal Exchange, London

Rubin, Robert

Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor

Rumsfeld, Donald

Russell, Lord

Russia: defense spending; Gazprom; as one of BRICs; state-sponsored national army; Viking connection

Russo-Japanese War

Sachs, Jeffrey D.

Safire, William

Saint-Simon, Count Henri

Samson, Abbot

sanctions, U.N.

Sanders, Robin

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad

Sarkozy, Nicolas

Save the Children (NGO)

Saxons and Saxony

Schwartz, Peter

Scott, Franklin

Scott, H. Lee, Jr.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), U.S.

semi-states: comparison with failed states; comparison with major countries; defined; need for adaptation; and rogueism


September 11 attacks

Seven Years’ War

sewing machines

Shah, Bahadur

Shanmugarantnam, Tharman

Sherman, Roger

Sherman Antitrust Act

Shultz, George

Siegfried of Westerburg


Sierra Leone

Silk Road

Sinclair, Upton

Singapore: as entrepreneurial state; on Human Development Index; statistics

Singer, Isaac

Sino-Japanese war


Slaughter, Anne-Marie

Slavata, Vilem

slavery, U.S., extending to new territories

slave trade, and John Locke

Smith, Adam: and Cobden; discomfort with power of big corporations; Greenspan pays tribute; and Hamilton; and “invisible hand”; and Locke; view of competition; view of Thomas Mun; views in Wealth of Nations; and Voltaire

Social Action Nigeria

social contract: among states; and Carnegie; citizens as signatories to; and corporate social responsibility; and globalization; need for companies to recognize; need for governments to recognize; and semi-states; significance of 1848

Social Democratic Party (Sweden)


social safety net


Some Consideration of the Consequences of Lowering of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money (Locke)

Somers, Sir John

Soros, George

South Africa

South Korea

South Sea Bubble

South Sea Company

Soviet Union: communism in; invasion of Afghanistan; see also Russia

Spain: under Philip II; standing army; supports colonies in American Revolution; tercio system; trade rivalry with Dutch Republic

Spanish Netherlands

Sperber, Jonathan

Sperling, Gene

Spinola, Ambrosio

Spruyt, Hendrik

Standard Oil Company; Tarbell’s muckraking history of

Stanger, Allison

Stanislaw, Joseph

State Department, U.S.

states, see countries; nation-states

steam engine


Steil, Benn

Stein, Herb

Steinbruck, Peter

Stephanopolos, George

Stephen, King of England

Stephen II, Pope

Stevens, John Paul

Stiglitz, Joseph

Stockman, David

stock market crash of 1929

Stora Enso: in Brazil; defined; economic statistics; oldest example still in operation of incorporation idea; result of Stora merger with Enso; as supercitizen

Stora Kopparberg: becomes iron producer; business innovation; buys Swedish Match; defined; documentation of early corporate claims; downturn; early corporate shareholder structure; exports; as forestry leader; frees itself from control by Swedish government; and globalization; merger of Stora and Enso forms Stora Enso; oldest example still in operation of incorporation idea; role in history; royal charter; and Sweden’s Age of Freedom; transformation

Stora Rytterne

Strasser, Valentine

Strong, Benjamin


Sullivan, James

Summers, Lawrence


supercitizens: characteristics; comparison with countries; corporations as; decoupling of interests from ordinary people; defined; efforts to emulate countries; GDP-to-sales comparison; influence on climate change debate

Supreme Court, U.S.: Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce; Buckley v. Valeo; Citizens United v. FEC; corporate push back against federal power; and corporate speech issue; and evolving theory of corporations; First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti; Louis K. Liggett Co. et al. v. Lee; McConnell v. FEC; Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad; The Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward; see also Marshall, John

Sutter, John

Sverker the Elder, King of Sweden

Sverker the Younger, King of Sweden

Sweden: Age of Freedom; capitalism in; church-state struggle in; comparison with Exxon; currency history; fights Great Northern War over trade routes; first European paper money; goes on copper standard; golden age; history as social welfare model; on Human Development Index; as incubator for Eurosocialism; joins European Union; launch of Social Democratic Party; as maturing society today; munitions production; new constitution; passes limited liability laws; provincial gatherings; relationship with Russia; response to financial crisis; story of Falun copper mines; supercitizens in; “thing” concept; and Treaty of Westphalia; see also Stora Kopparberg

Sweden: The Nation’s History (Scott)

Swedish Match


Synod of Elvira

Taft-Hartley Act

Taibbi, Matt

Takamatsu Corporation

Tales of Hoffmann (Offenbach)


Tarbell, Ida

TARP Program

Tea Act

Tea Party movement

tech bubble


Tennessee Coal and Iron Company

Tessin, Count Carl Gustaf

Tharman Shanmugarantnam

Thatcher, Margaret

Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury

third estate, defined

Thirty Years’ War: defined; impact on Catholic Church; mercenaries in; mining military unit; peace negotiations; private enterprise as beneficiary; rise of nation-states; Swedish role; as turning point in church-state struggle

Thomas, Ransom

Thomas, William

Thorgnyr the lawspeaker

Three Gorges Dam project

Thurn und Valsassina, Heinrich Matthias Graf von

Tillman Act

Tilly, Charles

Tilly, Count of

“to big to fail”

Tocqueville, Alexis de

Townshend Acts


trade routes

Transparency International

Trenchard, John

Trent, Council of

Tribe, Lawrence

Trichet, Jean-Claude

Tropical Trading and Transport Company

Trotsky, Leon

Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward



Twain, Mark


Two Treatises of Government (Locke)

UBS financial services company

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCM)

Union of Utrecht

United Arab Emirates, as entrepreneurial state

United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, see British East India Company

United Fruit Company

United Kingdom, see Britain

United Nations Security Council

United States: aftermath of Civil War; American Revolution; corporations chartered in aftermath of American Revolution; defense spending; efforts to shrink the role of government; and government regulation; on Human Development Index; national identity crisis; Neutrality Act; Occupy Wall Street protests; revolving door between corporations and government; rise of American corporatism; tension in balancing public and private power; Tocqueville’s view; wars in Iraq and Afganistan; Westward expansion; on “world’s best countries” lists

U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Bill of Rights

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Steel

Utopia (More)


Valdemar Birgersson, King of Sweden

Vasa, Charles, King of Sweden

Vasa, Erik, King of Sweden

Vasa, Gustav, King of Sweden

Vattel, Emerich de

Vernon, Raymond

Vienna, Treaty of

Viking Age

Virginia Constitution

Virginia Declaration of Rights


Volcker, Paul


Von Clausewitz, Karl

Waite, Morrison “Mott”

Wallenstein, Albrecht von

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Walpole, Sir Robert

War of Austrian Succession

War of Jenkin’s Ear

War of Spanish Succession

Washington, George

water mills

Watt, James

weak states, see semi-states

Wealth of Nations (Smith)

Weber, Max

Webster, Daniel

Wellesley, Sir Arthur

Wellington, Duke of, see Wellesley, Sir Arthur

West, Mae

Westphalia, Treaty of: role of nation-state as defined by; significance

Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines

Wheelock, Eleazor

Whelan, Theresa

Whitaker, Nathaniel

White, Edward Douglass

Whitridge, Arnold


William and Mary, English monarchs

Wilson, Charles “Engine Charlie”

Wilson, Woodrow


Wolf, Alan

Woodruff, George B.

Woodward, William

Wooldridge, Adrian

World Bank


World Economic Forum

World Health Organization

World Is Flat, The (Friedman)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

World Vision

world wars, national armies in

World Wide Web

Worringen, Battle of

WTO (World Trade Organization)

Xe Enterprises

Yergin, Daniel

Yew, Lee Kwan, see Lee Kwan Yew

Zachary, Pope

Zieber, George B.

Zuccotti Park, New York City