- Snails are one of the oldest living creatures.
- Common garden snails have a top speed of 50 yards (46 meters) per hour, making them the slowest animals on Earth.
- Snails live in almost all habitats, including deserts, oceans, and fresh water.
- Snails are mollusks, the most populous type of invertebrate animal. Other mollusks include limpets, clams, oysters, octopuses, squids, and nautiluses.
- Snails are classified as gastropods, so named for their stomachs that run the length of their single foot (gastro means stomach and pod means foot).
- Snails usually travel irregular paths.
- For Mesoamericans, the snail was a symbol of rebirth and joy. The spiral shape of its shell was believed to represent the circle of life.
- Snails are born with natural armor. Their shells grow with them and are never shed.