This section of the book brings us to the nitty-gritty of shadow work. Here you’ll learn about the objects and ingredients used in dark magick as well as how and when to perform a curse. We’re also going to delve into the misunderstood topic of sacrifice, how it applies to witchcraft today, and ways to integrate it into your own practice.
This section includes topics that make people squeamish, explaining magickal objects and practices that are avoided in public discussion or are used specifically in dark magick. It skips over the usual witchcraft supplies, assuming you already know what most of those are and what they’re for. Instead we’ll focus on things you may be curious about but were afraid to try. Some of these objects have been used in magick since the beginning of humankind. Others, such as brimstone or tombstone moss, are common in witchcraft but have a questionable reputation, which I will try to clear up. A few of these items deserve exactly the bad reputation they have.
In the dark witch’s cabinet, there are some things that are repulsive, some things that smell yucky, some things that are frightening, and some things that society as a whole just wants to ignore. Grab your hand sanitizer and come on in.