I have enjoyed teaching religious education classes for the past three years. I have worked with elementary, middle, and high school students. All of these experiences have been both challenging and rewarding. Whether I’m explaining the Holy Trinity to a class of inquisitive fourth graders or encouraging high schoolers to attend weekly Mass, I am blessed to have the opportunity to reflect on and explain the role of Christ in our lives.
I love when kids ask questions about our faith because it shows that they are interested and willing to grow in their Catholic faith. While I know that learning and living the faith should really be centered at home with family, I am glad that I am in a position to affirm our beliefs and be a positive influence on my students. I hope to lead by example and be a positive role model through whom the kids can see Christ at work.
Leading by example is what makes a person an authentic witness. Recall people who have been authentic witnesses for you. What made that person so real for you? How is God inviting you to be that kind of witness for others?
Saint Paul wrote to the people in Corinth, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1) to encourage them to be role models for one another. What does it take to be “a positive role model”? What are some characteristics of such a role model? Are you a positive role model to the people you encounter, or do some of your words and actions make it harder for others to see Christ? How can you become a better role model?