About the Reviewer

Basil Miller is the cofounder of Devlight. An Ivano-Frankivsk based leading Android developer, Basil has over 4 years' experience of being a developer, which has endowed him with the opportunity to hold his current position.

His educational background includes a bachelor's degree in computer science, which he enhanced by attending Java SE courses for 1 year. Besides the status of cofounder, organizer, and speaker of GDG Ivano-Frankivsk, Basil is a part of the core team of Devlight. This technical background has enabled him to develop and train some personal skills, such as team organizing, self-employment, and communication.

Since 2014, Android developers all over the world have been watching his progress and using his free products developed in the role of open source Android UI widgets provider. His products are focused on project architecture, adhering to guidelines, code glance, long-lasting integration, and much more. Another significant achievement are his third-party libraries, which have reached the top of the popular trend charts and stayed there for a long time.

During his time working as a part of Devlight, a lot of products for business solutions were projected and organized by Basil. Projects that he usually works on relate to fintech, currency exchange, delivery services, social networks, and payment system SDKs. His personal duties on the afore mentioned projects are UI implementation, structure creation, team leading, and technical support. Therefore, he has gained the following key skills and competencies: a master's degree in UI realization (canvas, animations, and layout framework), mentoring new developers, and strong knowledge of custom views.

Being a cofounder of Devlight, Basil is able and willing to collaborate on work on the new business projects and start-ups. Also, it is easy to contact Basil in order to involve him into projects as a mobile development consultant.

Basil has garnered recognition among coworkers, partners, and developers abroad. So, the business of Devlight and its achievements are associated with the name Basil Miller.