Many people have helped make this book possible. Before the project ever materialized, we saw a series of events brought about by several deceased family members who we think had a hand in making this book possible. Thank you to Debra Smith, our late stepmother. Your presence during this project was an amazing help. Thank you to the late Ernest Casper, whose help through life has been felt. A lot of pieces fell into place through much more than coincidence, so thank you to all who helped from beyond.
A special thanks to Kathy Casper, Michael Smith and Barbara and Jim Visota, our gracious parents who have nurtured our interest in the paranormal. Your openness and support of our ghost hunting adventures has instilled a deep respect within us for the unseen world around us. Whether skeptics or believers, many people freely gave their time and energy to help us in our quest to deliver the most complete and historically accurate account for each site.
Thank you especially to our precious girls Nevaeh and Fallon Smith, who we couldn’t live without. You are very special to us, and you bring us so much joy and happiness. And finally, we couldn’t ask for any better friends around us. Thank you for encouraging us every step of the way.
Thank you to the people and places who helped us dig up information about the unsavory past. With your help we were able to convey an important part of our city’s history that usually goes untold.