Index can be referenced as a list of searchable words or terms
Agnew, Spiro
Ailes, Roger
Ali, Muhammad
Alter, Charlotte (daughter)
Alter, Emily (wife). See Lazar, Emily
Alter, Harry (grandfather)
Alter, James “Jim” (father)
Alter, Jamie (sister). see Lynton, Jamie Alter
Alter, Jennifer (sister). see Warden, Jennifer Alter
Alter, Joanne (née Hammerman) (mother)
Alter, Molly (daughter)
Alter, Tommy (son)
Arledge, Roone
Arpaio, Joe
Axelrod, David
Baker, Al
Bambino, Andrea
Bannon, Steve
Barr, William
Barry, Dan
Barry, Maryanne Trump
Bernstein, Carl
Biden, Beau
Biden, Hunter
Biden, Jill
Biden, Joe
bin Laden, Osama
Birnbach, Lisa
Blackman, Julie
Blair, Tony
Blanche, Todd
Blitt, Barry
Bloomberg, Mike
Blumenthal, Sidney
Boebert, Lauren
Bolsinaro, Jair
Bolt, Robert
Bolton, John
Boulos, Michael
Bove, Emil
Brady, Mathew
Bragg, Alvin (Manhattan DA)
Brenner, Marie
Breslin, Jimmy
Breyer, Stephen
Brinkley, Alan
Brinkley, David
Brokaw, Tom
Brourman, Isabelle
Brzezinski, Mika
Buchanan, James
Buchanan, Pat
Burgum, Doug
Burr, Aaron
Bush, Barbara
Bush, Billy
Bush, George H. W
Bush, George W
Cannon, Aileen
Capone, Al
Carell, Steve
Caro, Robert
Carroll, E. Jean
Carson, Ben
Carter, Amy
Carter, Jeff
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Rosalynn
Carville, James
Castellano, Paul
Castro, Fidel
Chavez, Cesar
Chelsea Bomber
Cheney, Dick
Cheney, Liz
Chiusano, Louisa Catherine (granddaughter)
Chiusano, Mark
Chiusano, Rosie (granddaughter)
Chutkan, Tanya
Citron, Jeffrey “Jeff”
Clark, Jeffrey
Clay, Cassius
Cleveland, Grover
Clifford, Stephanie. see Daniels, Stormy
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Clooney, George
Cohen, Michael
Cohn, Roy
Colangelo, Matthew
Collins, Kaitlan
Comey, James
Commager, Henry Steele
Conroy, Chris
Conway, George
Conway, Kellyanne
Cooper, Anderson
Costello, Frank
Costello, Robert
Couric, Katie
Cronkite, Walter
Cruz, Ted
Cuban, Mark
Cuomo, Andrew
Dahmer, Jeffrey
Daley, Richard J
Daly, Michael
Daniels, Jeff
Daniels, Stormy
Darrow, Clarence
Daus, Douglas
Davidson, Keith
Davis, Geena
Davis, Jefferson
Del Rey, Lana
DeNiro, Robert
Dershowitz, Alan
Dickinson, Angie
Dickerson, John
Diller, Barry
Dole, Bob
Donahue, Phil
Donald, David Herbert
Donalds, Byron
D’Souza, Dinesh
Dunn, Harry
Dunne, Dominick
Edwards, John
Eisen, Norm
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Emanuel, Ari
Emanuel, Rahm
Emhoff, Doug
Epshteyn, Boris
Epstein, Jeffrey
Ervin, Sam
Evans, Alana
Fahrenthold, David
Fairey, Shepard
Fallows, Jim
Fanone, Michael
Farley, Chris
Fineman, Howard
Fisher, Janon
Flynn, Michael
Ford, Betty
Ford, Gerald
Franklin, Sally
Freidman, Evgeny “Gene”
French, David
Friedman, Tom
Frost, David
Fruman, Igor
Fuentes, Nick
Fulbright, William
Gaetz, Matt
Galante, Carmine
Garfield, James A
Garland, Merrick
Garner, John Nance
Gingrich, Newt
Giuliani, Andrew
Giuliani, Rudy
Goebbels, Joseph
Goetz, Bernhard “The Subway Gunman”
Goldberg, Michelle
Goldman, Daniel
Goldwater, Barry
Gooding, Cuba, Jr
Goodman, John
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Gore, Tipper
Gorka, Sebastian
Gotti, John
Graff, Rhona
Graham, Lindsey
Grant, Ulysses S
Grasso, George
Gravano, Sammy “The Bull”
Graves, Peter
Guiteau, Charles J
Habba, Alina
Haberman, Maggie
Hamill, Pete
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammerman, Joanne (mother). see Alter, Joanne
Hanover, Donna
Harding, Warren
Harris, Kamala
Harrison, Benjamin
Hart, Gary
Hayes, Chris
Hayes, Rutherford B
Hefner, Hugh
Helmsley, Leona
Hemmings, Sally
Hicks, Hope
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffa, Jimmy
Hoffinger, Susan
Hoffman, Julius
Hogan, Hulk
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hoover, Herbert
Horst, Mrs
Howard, Dylan
Humphrey, Hubert
Huntley, Chet
Ingraham, Laura
Isikoff, Mike
Ito, Lance
James, LeBron
James, Letitia
Jameson, Jenna
Jansing, Chris
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffries, Hakeem
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Katie “Jane Doe”
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Mike
Johnson, Tina
Jones, Paula
Jordan, Michael
Julius Caesar (character)
Juror #1, foreperson (former waiter)
Juror #2, dismissed (cancer nurse)
Juror #2, replacement (banker)
Juror #4 (IT consultant)
Juror #6
Juror #11
Juror B430
Karl, Jonathan
Karp, Jonathan
Kasowitz, Marc
Kelly, John
Kempton, Murray
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, John F
Kennedy, Ted
Kerik, Bernard
Kerrey, Bob
Kerry, John
Kim Jong Un
King, Martin Luther, Jr
Kinnock, Neil
Kinsley, Michael
Kinzinger, Adam
Klasfeld, Adam
Klein, Ezra
Kurtz, Howard
Kushner, Jared
Lack, Andy
Lansbury, Angela
Lazar, Emily
Lemon, Don
Lessard, Suzannah
Lewinsky, Monica
Lhota, Joe
Libby, Scooter
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles, and family
Lippmann, Walter
Liston, Sonny
Litman, Harry
Livingston, Bob
Lohan, Lindsay
Long, Huey
Love, Reggie
Luca Brasi (character)
Lugosi, Bela
Luke Skywalker (character)
Lynton, Jamie Alter (sister)
Maddow, Rachel
Maduro, Nicolas
Maher, Bill
Mak, Tim
Manafort, Paul
Mandela, Nelson
Mangano, Venero “Benny Eggs”
Mao Zedong
Marc Anthony (character)
May, Ernest
McCain, Bridget
McCain, Cindy
McCain, John
McCarthy, Eugene “Gene”
McCarthy, Joseph “Joe”
McCarthy, Kevin
McCaskill, Claire
McClellan, George B
McConnell, Mitch
McConney, Jeffrey
McDougal, Karen
McGreevey, Jim
McNamara, Robert S
Melber, Ari
Menendez, Bob
Merchan, Juan M
Merchan, Loren
Merkel, Angela
Mikva, Abner
Milam, J. W
Miller, Jason
Milley, Mark
Mitchell, Andrea
Moelis, Cindy
More, Sir Thomas
Morris, Dick
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mueller, Robert
Murphy, Mike
Muskie, Edmund
Mussolini, Benito
Necheles, Susan
Neustadt, Richard
Newhouse, S.I
Nixon, Richard
Nuzzi, Olivia
Obama, Barack
Obama, Michelle
O’Donnell, Lawrence
O’Hara, Barratt
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
Orban, Viktor
Orwell, George
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Palin, Sarah
Partington, R.J
Pauley, William H
Paxton, Ken
Pecker, David
Pelosi, Nancy
Pelosi, Paul
Pence, Mike
Perry, Danya
Peters, Charles “Charlie”
Petrillo, Guy
Piscopo, Joe
Pope, Generoso “Gene,” Jr
Powell, Colin
Priebus, Reince
Prometheus (character)
Putin, Vladimir
Raby, Al
Raffensperger, Brad
Ramaswamy, Vivek
Raskin, Jamie
Reagan, Ronald
Reid, Joy
Reinhardt, Forest
Remnick, David
Revelle, Roger
Rice, Donna
Rich, Marc
Richards, Ann
Rivkin, Bill
Rivkin, Bob
Rivkin, Charlie
Rivkin, Enid
Roberts, John
Robinson, Jackie
Rodriguez, Gina
Roethlisberger, Ben
Romano, Ray
Romney, Mitt
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosenberg, Ethel
Rosenberg, Jane
Rosenberg, Julius
Ross, Brian
Royko, Mike
Rubin, Lisa
Rubio, Marco
Rumsfeld, Donald
Runyeon, Frank
Runyon, Damon
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Richard
Rutherfurd, Lucy Mercer
Ryan, Paul
Sajudin, Dino “Dino the Doorman”
Salerno, Anthony “Fat Tony”
Scarborough, Joe
Schiff, Adam
Schiller, Keith
Schlesinger, Arthur
Schumer, Chuck
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schwarzman, Steve
Scott, Rick
Seale, Bobby
Segretti, Donald
Shakespeare, William
Sharon, Ariel
Shawn, Eric
Sheen, Charlie
Sheeran, Frank
Shirer, William L
Siewert, Jake
Simpson, O. J
Sitko, Daniel
Smigel, Robert
Smith, Al
Smith, Bradley
Smith, Jack
Snyder, Ruth
Sotomayor, Sonia
Stalin, Joseph
Steinbrenner, George
Steinglass, Joshua “Josh”
Stephanopoulos, George
Stephens, Bret
Stern, Howard
Stern, Leonard
Stevenson, Adlai
Stimson, Henry
Stone, Roger
Sullivan, Andrew
Sy Feltz (character)
Talabani, Jalal
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas
Tapper, Jake
Tarasoff, Deborah
Tequila, Tila
Thatcher, Denis
Thomas, Clarence
Thomas, Lowell
Thompson, Bennie
Till, Emmet
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todd, Chuck
Tom Hagen (character)
Toobin, Jeff
Travis Bickle (character)
Trudeau, Garry
Truman, Harry
Trump, Barron
Trump, Donald
Trump, Donald, Jr. “Don Jr”
Trump, Eric
Trump, Fred, III
Trump, Fred, Sr
Trump, Ivana
Trump, Ivanka
Trump, Lara
Trump, Melania
Trump, Tiffany
Tsongas, Paul
Turley, Jonathan
Valenti, Jack
Van Buren, Martin
Vance, Cyrus, Jr. “Cy”
Vance, J. D
Van Damme, Jean-Claude
Vito Corleone (character)
Vought, Russell
Wallace, George
Walters, Barbara
Warden, Jennifer Alter (sister)
Warden, Rob
Washington, George
Watters, Jesse
Weiner, Anthony
Weinstein, Harvey
Weisberg, Jacob
Weisselberg, Allen
West, Kanye
Westmoreland, William
White, Theodore H
Whitmer, Gretchen
Wiles, Susan “Susie”
William Roper (character)
Willis, Fani
Wilson, Woodrow
Wolfe, Tom
Woods, Tiger
Woodward, Bob
Wynn, Steve
Xi Jinping
Zelenetz, Andy
Zelizer, Julian
Zervos, Summer
Zito, Chuck
Zucker, Jeff
“About My Ego” (5/13/24)
Access Hollywood Tape (5/3/24)
“All Rise” (4/25/24)
Always the Race Card
Assassination Attempt
Aunt Bee (5/6/24)
Baby Louisa!!! (5/3/24)
Bait and Switch (2/5/24)
Baron von ShitzInPantz (5/2/24)
Bela Lugosi for the Defense (4/26/24)
Big-Ego New Yorker (5/20/24)
Black Swan Summer
Broadcasting from the Bathroom
Bronx Cheer (5/24/24)
Charlie Peters
Chicago ‘68
“Clear the Courtroom!” (5/20/24)
Close Shave (5/30/24)
Closing Arguments (5/28/24)
Cohen Details the Deal (5/13/24)
Cohen Lands Some Blows (5/13/24)
Cohen on Cross: The Climax (5/16/24)
Contemptible (4/23/24)
“Cool, Calm, Collected” (4/15/24)
Dad on My Boots (4/15/24)
Dapper Davidson (4/29/24)
David Pecker, Trash Collector (4/23/24)
The Defense Closes (5/28/24)
Defining Deviancy Down (4/29/24)
“The Devil” (4/19/24)
The Dictator
Dino the Doorman (4/23/24)
Dirty Looks (5/2/24)
Dirty Rock (3/30/24)
Dumping Melania (5/13/24)
E. Jean Carroll (1/26/24)
Eavesdropping on Biden
Extortionists (5/2/24)
Eyeball to Eyeball
Fani Willis (2/14/24)
For the Record
$42,000 an Hour (5/20/24)
A Fourteen-Year-Old Prank Caller (5/17/24)
Gag Order (3/27/24)
Grant’s Speeding Ticket (1/15/24)
Having It Both Ways (5/20/24)
“His Eyes Were Coals of Hatred” (4/10/24)
Hitler and Trump
Hobson’s Choice
Hoffinger Destroys Costello (5/21/24)
Honest Abe
“I Am Not a Bank” (4/25/24)
I Have To (2/16/24)
“I Made a Decision Not to Lie Any More” (5/13/24)
“In Order to Protect Mr. Trump” (5/13/24)
Inside the Beast
Jail to the Chief? (5/6/24)
“Jeff, You’re Fired” (5/6/24)
Jesse Watters, Public Menace (4/18/24)
Jim and George Defend Democracy
Judge Merchan (3/25/24)
Juror #2 (4/19/24)
Jury Instructions (5/29/24)
Jury Selection (4/16/24)
“Kindness of His Heart” (5/3/24)
Line Sitters (5/28/24)
Locker Room Talk (5/13/24)
Losers and Suckers
Lucky Bastard (3/26/24)
Lying to Judge Pauley (5/17/24)
Matt Gaetz’s Widow’s Peak (5/17/24)
Mona Lisa Jurors (5/20/24)
My Golden Ticket (3/11/24)
New Year’s Resolutions (1/1/24)
Nixon Had My Number
The Nixon Pardon
No Sugarcoating
Obama and Grant Park
O.J. and Trump (4/11/24)
One Last Hope (5/29/24)
Opening Statements (4/22/24)
Orange Jumpsuit (5/21/24)
Paperwork (4/29/24)
Pez-Dispenser Presidents
Pinching Pennies (5/7/24)
Playboy Playmate of the Year (4/25/24)
Project 2025
The Prosecution Closes (5/28/24)
Red Finch Rigs a Digital Poll (5/20/24)
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold (5/20/24)
Robert DeNiro, Prophet (5/28/24)
Roger Ailes
Rotten Peas in the Pod (5/2/24)
Roy Cohn
Runt of the Litter (2/5/24)
Secretly Taping Trump (5/13/24)
Self-Immolation (4/19/24)
Show Me the Money! (4/29/24)
“Sir, Would You Please Have a Seat” (4/19/24)
Sleepy Don (4/15/24)
Smashing the Gyroscope
Steinglass’s Hit Man (4/16/24)
Stormy Flushes Trump on Cross (5/9/24)
Stormy on the Stand? (5/7/24)
Supreme Indifference (2/28/24)
The Taxi King of New York (5/20/24)
Tears of Truth (5/3/24)
The Jackie Robinson of Chicago Gender Politics
“They Always Get It Right”
Thinking in Time
Toadies (5/13/24)
The Trump Coup Trial
Trial Aftermath
Trump Is Last (2/29/24)
Trump’s Pre-Trial Losses (3/18/24)
Trump’s Scalp (4/26/24)
Trump’s Shopworn Hair Salon
Turning Presidents Into Kings
Uncle Fun
Untelevised (2/6/24)
Verdict (5/30/24)
Veterans Day
Was Cohen’s iPhone Tampered With? (5/3/24)
Watermarked (5/3/24)
We Do Our Part
“What Did I Misread?” (5/7/24)
What I Miss
Where’s Weisselberg? (5/13/24)
Wicked Pictures (5/7/24)
“You Can’t Unring That Bell” (5/9/24)
“Your Honor, the People Rest” (5/20/24)