Note: Most Egyptian names have multiple transliterations and a variety of transcriptions into the Roman alphabet. Only a single version for each entry is given here.
AKHU—the part of a person that becomes a shining dot in the sky after they die
BABI—baboon-headed god
DJERTY—ancient city, on the same site as the modern city of Tod
DUNAWY—winged god, often known by the Greek name Anti
HATHOR—goddess of the moon, dancing, and music
HATTIANS—ancient people of Anatolia (in Turkey)
HEKA—ram-headed god
HEM-NETJER TEPEY—high priest
HORUS—falcon-headed god
INEB HEDJ (“WHITE WALLS”)—city at the Nile delta, later known by the Greek name Memphis; the administrative capital of united Upper and Lower Egypt. It was to the south of where Cairo now stands, on the west bank.
INR-TI—ancient city, now known as the archeological site Naga el-Gherira.
KA—the part of a person that stays with the physical self after they die
KANESH—ancient name of the central eastern Anatolian town now known as Kültepe
MINOS—ancient name of the Aegean island now known as Crete
MUN-DIGAK—ancient city of what is now Afghanistan
NEKHBET—vulture-headed goddess who guards children and mothers
NEKHEB—ancient city, on the same site as the modern city of el-Kab
NEKHEN—ancient city, on the same site as the modern city of Kom el-Ahmar
NIT—goddess of war, often known by the Greek rendering Neith
NUBT—ancient city, on the same site as the modern city of Naqada
RA—sun god
SEKER—god in charge of metalworking
SEKHMET—lion-headed goddess of battle
SET—god of storms and chaos
SOBEK—crocodile-headed god
TA-SENET—ancient city, on the same site as the modern city of Esna
TEHUTI—ibis-headed god, often known by the Greek rendering Thoth
WA’eb—helper of the priest
WASET—ancient city, often known by the Greek name Thebes, and today the site of the modern city Luxor
WETJESET-HOR—ancient city, on the same site as the modern city of Edfu
YEBU—southernmost city of Egypt, on the same site as the modern city of Aswan