I have been on this journey a long time, as an author, an editor, and a publisher. Along the years I have worked with many authors, but few have remained with me along this path as long as James Chambers.
There is a reason for that.
In 2005 I produced my first anthology, No Longer Dreams, published by Lite Circle Books. On the recommendation of the late and long-missed CJ Henderson, I included a story by an author who was new to me. That story was “Law of the Kuzzi” and the author, of course, was James Chambers.
I have never regretted that decision. In fact, of the twenty-two anthologies I have edited and/or published directly, I have invited James to contribute to eighteen of them. He has never disappointed. Regardless of the genre or theme, his writing has delivered a unique and talented voice to every project. Often, he has even garnered the coveted first or last slot in the collection, where wise editors place their two best stories.
I must say, I have yet to find the challenge that James Chambers has failed to meet, something that cannot even be said by the iconic CJ Henderson, from whom I have rejected at least one story in my career. Unheard of, I assure you.
I am honored to have curated and/or published many of the stories in this collection. Well… to be truthful—as of the publication of this volume—all of the stories in this collection. I doubt there is anything James could write that I would not at least be willing to consider.
With complete honesty, I can say that I have never worked with a more talented and versatile author. And believe me, I have worked with some of the best.
As you read this collection, I hope you find the same level of enjoyment that I always have.
Danielle Ackley-McPhail