AACo | Australian Agricultural Company |
ABA | Australian Beef Association |
ABARES | Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences |
ABC | Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
ACC | Australian Country Choice |
ACCC | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission |
ACDA | Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture |
ACIAR | Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research |
ACMF | Australian Chicken Meat Federation |
ADF | Australian Dairy Farmers |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADI | Acceptable Daily Intake |
AFGC | Australian Food and Grocery Council |
AFSA | Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance |
ALFA | Australian Lot Feeders’ Association |
AMH | Australian Meat Holdings |
APVMA | Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority |
AQIS | Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service |
ARMCANZ | Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand |
AUSFTA | Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement |
AWB | Australian Wheat Board |
BAS | Business Activity Statement |
BHP | Broken Hill Proprietary Company |
BRD | Bovine Respiratory Disease |
BSE | Bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
Bt | Bacillus thuringiensis |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
COFCO | China Oil and Food Corporation |
CPC | Consolidated Pastoral Company |
CSA | Community-supported agriculture |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
CSR | Colonial Sugar Refining Company |
DDT | dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
EFN | Environmental Farmers Network |
EU | European Union |
EYCI | Eastern Young Cattle Indicator |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
FDA | (US) Food and Drug Administration |
FMD | Foot and Mouth Disease |
FSANZ | Food Standards Australia New Zealand |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GM | Genetically modified |
GMO | Genetically Modified Organism |
GRDC | Grains Research and Development Corporation |
GTR | Gene Technology Regulator |
HGH | Human Growth Hormone |
HGP | Hormonal Growth Promotant |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
IFAD | (UN) International Fund for Agricultural Development |
IGA | Independent Grocers of Australia |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
JBS | José Batista Sobrinho |
JETACAR | The Joint Expert Technical Advisory Committee on Antibiotic Resistance |
KFC | Kentucky Fried Chicken |
MDB | Murray–Darling Basin |
MLA | Meat & Livestock Australia |
MRL | Maximum Residue Limits |
NAPCO | North Australian Pastoral Company |
NFF | National Farmers’ Federation |
NRS | National Residue Survey |
NTN | National Toxics Network |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PCBs | Polychlorinated biphenyls |
PEM | polioencephalomalacia |
pH | potential hydrogen |
Plc | Public Limited Company |
PMSEIC | Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council |
POPs | Persistent Organic Pollutants |
pST | porcine somatotropin |
R&D | Research and development |
RIRDC | Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation |
RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
SE | Salmonella enteritidis |
SPC | Shepparton Preserving Company |
UHT | Ultra-high Temperature Treatment |
UK | United Kingdom |
UN | United Nations |
US | United States |
WTO | World Trade Organization |