I’m grateful to my husband, Peter, for his medical expertise, Civil War knowledge, and love of adventure. Traveling with you and learning about the history of our world is one of my favorite things to do.
I’m also grateful to our four children—Kaleb, Taylor, Hana, and Lily Thao—who put up with my deadlines and constantly help me see the world in new ways.
I’m deeply appreciative of my dear friend Marietta Couch, who shares her knowledge of the Amish with me and helps me brainstorm my stories.
I’m also grateful to Deidre Moss for her insights into music, singing, and perfect pitch.
A big bouquet of thanks to Elaine Shorb and Tina and Joe Loveless for a wonderful evening spent in Gettysburg and for the information they shared about both the Amish and the Civil War.
I’m also indebted to: the staff at the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and the National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for answering my questions; Randolph Harrison, consulting historian, for his Underground Railroad tour in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and the Lancaster County Mennonite Historical Society for information on Anabaptists before and during the Civil War. (Any mistakes in the story are mine and mine alone.)
I’m also very thankful for Chip MacGregor, my agent, and for the crew at Bethany House Publishers, including my talented editors, Jennifer Veilleux and Dave Long.
Most important, as I wrote this story, I was grateful for the Lord’s timeless teachings to care for those who are suffering, and to love with actions and truth.