2 large or 3 medium aubergines
2 large cloves garlic, peeled
and grated
500 ml (16 fl oz / 2 cups) plain
or Greek yoghurt
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Bake aubergines in a preheated oven at 200°C (400°F) for about
30 minutes or until flesh is fully softened, turning over halfway.
Remove and allow to cool.
Peel cooled aubergines and roughly chop softened flesh, then put into
a mixing bowl.
Add garlic and yoghurt and mix well, then season to taste with salt
and pepper.
If not serving immediately, cover and refrigerate until needed. In fact,
preparing this dip 2–3 hours before it is served allows the flavours to
develop and mature.
An alternative to oven-baking
the aubergines (as pictured) is
to grill (broil) them over hot
charcoal until similarly
softened. This gives them a
lovely smoky flavour.
Peel cooked aubergines when
they have cooled. Their skins
should come off easily.
Roughly chop the softened flesh
of the cooked aubergines and
place in a bowl before mixing in
other ingredients.