2 large or 3 medium aubergines
(eggplants/brinjals), washed
and dried
1 large tomato
2 Tbsp cooking oil
5–6 large cloves garlic, peeled
and coarsely chopped
3 medium eggs
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Bake aubergines in a preheated oven at 200°C (400°F) for about
30 minutes or until flesh is fully softened, turning over halfway.
Remove and allow to cool.
Meanwhile, blanch tomato in hot water for about 30 seconds or until
skin separates. Peel tomato, then finely dice and set aside.
Peel cooled aubergines and roughly chop softened flesh. Set aside.
Heat 2 Tbsp oil in a large pan and fry garlic over medium-low heat
until fragrant.
Add tomato and aubergines. Fry them together until their juices have
evaporated and mixture is quite dry.
Push mixture to one side of pan and crack eggs where pan is
empty. Cook eggs, stirring, until they are scrambled, then mix all
ingredients together.
Season to taste with salt and pepper before dishing out to serve.
Some cooks top this dish with an egg, fried sunny-side up.
Place cleaned aubergines whole
into the oven, preheated at 200°C
(400°F), and bake for 30 minutes,
turning over halfway, until flesh
inside is softened.
To make tomato easier to peel,
blanch it in hot water for about
30 seconds. Some cooks transfer
the tomato from hot to cold water
to further separate the skin.
After adding tomato and
aubergines, continue to sauté over
medium-low heat until their juices
have evaporated.